The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 13, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Theßee Hive. MIDSUMMER MERCHANDISE. W TEMPTINGLY PRICED { £ mis ill 16 fleie Mil non every hi l$• tH UMH yOH WOll 610 ItAKBN! Wash Dress Goods- You can’t blame us for not wanting to carry over any Wash iOooda to nest season-so buy these dainty fabrics at per yard 10c. others worth up to 20e 12 1 2c . S -11 Ends ol While Lown. We hate received another shipment of ‘‘Mil! Knds,” virtually Factory Remnants of nice She, r Victoria Lawn—remnants run into 0 yard piece*-; value in a reg ular way, 10c to 12 per yard. We price them 0 per yard 8. l-3c. The Bee Hive. PhiiS. Farmer, Proprietor. JgJLaWJSffBBHBBI ...ii LIU. 1 '. 11.. ■,■.!'■.'■TUjLJU '- U~J!—l —■ --I.—■•- CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating fee 213 QRAN a I a i. J. J. LISSNER, ’ - p-WIIOt.KBALE * .<* " Grocerres, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and ir ' Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 2HL I ; reetTßrunswick, Georgia. Off to School. Have you a boy 6r a girl you are getting ready to send to school? If so we can be of material benefit to you. If a boy, we have in our FALL SUITS Underwear, Shirts, Shoes and everything they need to wear. For the girls Neckwear, Collars, Hosiery,. Shoes. * -y, TRUNKS AND Ba£ Of All Varieties. t L EVY’S THE BRtSSWICKTIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 3 1900. The Bee Hive Bed Spreads. Honestly, we are overstocked, so we reduce tiio price! Marseilles and Honeycomb quilts, lull sizes, hemmed . •19c quality 4oc. title quality 49c. 75c quality Oyc. $1 25 quality 9c, 1.75 quality *1 50.. } quality, LTS. • -• ——igi Seldom enough you can buy gerdd Hosiery at a bargain.,. We telf&fifi Ladies Fast Black Hd&e, full regillF made, Hennsdorf dye, every pair guaranteed, pof pair . • . . ‘ , 25 Cents. The Bee Hive. |g§ 218 -Newcastle st., CaT cheap mnm CASH IN ADVANCE Advert mm pul* in ttiig column will ht oil at the uniform rauiol Qu Cvnt a Word tor each Im-nton, % No advertise* meat, howivei swai), jo..* then 50 coats, t.#ah iu^dtfaooe. FOR 9Ar/E.-*Oood eiie eafe, in ex cellent condition. Apply 6jr letter to S'A. *J. O Tittiee. FOK SALK.—One ladie’ "iJero’ 1 bf 9jcl'( good a* new, Apply to 121 A *t. .FOE KENT.—A nice, six rot m bobae, on J street. Apply to 412 B street. t . ’ ——————— **• W, Watkins >ou money on personal grop ertjf and real estate. ’ • -OJ "A* ■ 5 —.a. tt. * ' flia most usiuiy otl effective pills made are DoWiH's I.ittlo Karly Eisyp.” Thor are une qualeit for all liver aiul bovrei 1 roubles, iierar Itrlpe. *W. J Butt*. Notioe. is dfiwotW to the ‘ ad” of Mr. J. W. Tbomar. Chairman of Pur chasing Committees, of bid for fur nishirg city with wood. A’K THE OQLKTtt^lieE. Capt. Clark, Jekyl Island; Mr*. W. ft. Smith, Albany; J, C. Wade, Atlan ta; A. 11. Robinson, Macon; John G. Steinhoimer, Savannah; C. O. Rigguir, Blackshear; J. Windsbjoker, New York; C. I*. Maitette, Ml. Pleasant; J. W, Ma.lette, Leighton; Mrs. Upward Mitch ell, Chattanooga; F. C. Stone, Savan nah; T. 1). Simmons, New York: R. O. Kingsley, Bostob; C. li. Andrews,Nash ville; A. R. Davaut, Memphis; J, J, Grace, Savannah , ,f. R, Thornton, At lauta. [YES, WE HAVE THEM ! ' what? Another shipment of those nice, large Yellow Yams, i <eorgia Syrup in bottles and cans. \ The Famous Juicy Dove Hams. I uo. As cwvkuy | RING PHONE 158, \ WILL BRGifE 111. Bryan Clsl ffieet'mg at , City Hull. ■The Club Will be Organized and All the Officers Elected. Giyon county democrats are anked to assemble at 7 o'olook tonight, at the city bail. . It. is desired to organizi a Bryan and Stevenson club, and to join the Saturn*! -Association of Democratic ' - ..*v i- 7. Cinbs.'-how in existenoe ail over ibis oountry. • Chairman Jones, of the National Committee, and {?halrm*o~ W. R. MaarsC of the National Association of Dltbooratia clubs, have issued strong appeals to the Democrats to organise I - LTeAgfr.-'T • J ■ ’.*NKS ’% : in ia|#jry county in tbj KaitedStatias, ffßAbty should u.,t be lack fgjfe'-’i ... tonight at 8 o’clock, fc#toe assemble tt. 7 p. . come out tonight, andJa t:hr gwink a 1 on g ;Jy- ‘ ' ,v ' ,- - .' , . fCMttßtti Daily by Cayt. Otts Johanneses i-• *4*J*r' ; A" * tTij, ; r BruMAiokg Sept. 12, 1900. . J r. v:- 4^fAllsW> Sell AIiC KWDonald, Brown, Santa 3ch Tcnyllty dick, I’hliadelphis. ‘ ", - j So,h SVm R iJofwhsi. tU&ardsoo, Perth Amboy. • aph Charlc* AYaKton, .Hinckley, Sch RtcbajftJ Hartley,' Falker, Port ]. ‘FV .. sch Viola M^f^dstcn. Ssh Stephen tj Land. IMjjjjjfe^flfeK *pa‘ is Ijfe <P^L.J * — s^ ALIPE A N fl T. * Mr. W. A, Mabchegikgf 1%,* writing of bia at * miracutbu* j escape eays: “Expdiure after measles itidjtoed serious lung tranble, which ended in Consumption, 'I bad frequent hemorrhages, and coughed nigbt and day. All my doc tors said 1 must soon die. Then I be gan to use Dr. for Consumption, which cured me I would not be even if it cost 15.00 a bottle. Hun dreds have used it on my recommenda tion, and all say it never rails to cure Throat, (Jbeat and Lang troubles.” Regular sue 50cts. and $l.OO. Trial bottles free, at all drug stores. Just received ready to wear felt bats Mira Kate Slater. .....Disinfect Your Homes..... Choloro - Naptboleum, A Safegua- and to Disease. We Sell in Anv Quantity. W J BUTTS, The Druggist, “On the Corner.” We Owe Money and must have money to ; meet our bills, therefore it behooves us to push collections with a ven geance, which we propose to do on the first. No more CREDIT. 10 per cent off foi cash. BROWN DRUG CO. s Meep Cool . These HoTStuper Nights ' ‘ Tr-’f'"fci^k * M Our ivindotv suggests how. Iyia filled with a beautiful line of Pyjamas Hid' Night Shirts from 50c to $1.50. See Them. THE PALMERSHOE CO r fP rn DR - MOFFETT S A Allays irritation, Aids Digestion. I eethinA shhb piS- J JL (Teething Powdersl.JlJL. TEfiTHINA Reli?vesthe Bowg r~ r .ar , _ Troubits of Chitdrcn o' Costs only 25 cents at Druggists, any aoe. 28rrtato©. J. MOFFETT, M.D..ST. LOUIS, f.' We know it—Thousands But do you know Itfe&Jxra of wxr is the peer of all whis- Becawe It has a very fine aroma and flav* ’ Cincinnati, Ohio. F. V. Douglas, ‘2UB.Bay[street, General Agent.