The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 14, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 25. Rf Bill If till Statement of tMmmr's Stiortaae Real OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS Counoil Instructed the Mayor to Donate $l5O to the Galves ton Sufferers. KEtiVLAH MKITISU. Brunswick, Ga., Sept. 13, 1900. Frefeant—Hon. Dean 1). Atklnsoa, Mayor, and Aldermen Mason, Krausa Dart, Bioudworth, Thomas and Brieso nlck. Absent—Alderman Abrams. Minutes of previous regular meeting were read and confirmed. communication His Honor, the Mayor, read the fol lowing: To tho Honorable Mayor and Coun ... • • cU of the City of Brunswick,i G<h: Gentlemen:—Go August 20:b, 1 sup- youf honorable 'r. .Jy a rtate ment uponinformaUon received from City Clerk l, C. ~Bode'^ a to th._jg6Ct that there was an apparent shortage in ■ the account, of 0. H_ Haryey, cy WBeved f, om duty, pending a more thorough investigation, The re.ult of this investigation made by an expert, accountant, Mr. Bray, rejtreiseollnjj the l aitsd States Fidelity & Casually I any, in which Mr. Harvey iadfihued, shows that there is a shortage, practi-. caJlyofihe same amount' reported by Mr. Bodet, towit: Notes “not'' cred ited $19,250 00 ! Executions not cred A * ited 3,173 39 Sundry bills *-not credited „ U 7 38 Voucher credited twice 245 6(1-822,766 37 Lei 6 errors In disbursements 1,107 Ot^ *2i;59 37 Looking to the protection of the city’s interest, I have demanded ((pay ment of the bond company, and have also Institut-d proceedings against Mr. Ilarvey to impound Lis property and subject It to the payment of the city's claim. I am having prepared a full and com ple'e statement of city’s financial con dition which will be submitted to honorable body as soon as Respectfnlly submitted, Mayor. Ordered filed I’EIITIO.SS. | No 100- From H; M. Turner, asking lo be re lieved from paying license for 1900: Taxes arul revenues. No. 101— trom T. Newman and others, asking that they be allowed to nay but one li cense on their bars operated under one roof, etc. Taxes and rcyeuuts. No 102— From W. S. Greene, receiver B, L. &W: Cos., stating that Mr. Verdery and bis neighbors requested the dis continuance of a gas lamp in their neighborhood. Lamp ordered discon tinued. No. 103- Frorn Henry U. Curtis, asking that one of the surviying memoers of the firm of Curtis, Carreras A Cos., be al lowed to do business under license is sued to said Arm. Granted KrOHTB. The followi.DK ware read and adopted: Bruoswiok, Ga., Sept. 13, 1900, To the Honorable Mayor and Coun cil:—Gentlemen: —Your landing committee on taxes and revenue, to whiob was referred the petitions of H,‘ S. McCrary, agent, andT. B. Gopd bread, their subject being the refund of money alleged to have been paid to the city through mistaks, beg to make the following report upon the same : Like petitions have been presented for favorable consideration by Brob-‘ ston, Fendig & Cos„ and J, A. Mont gomery, which same haye been refused and upon advice 1 of (JHy Attorney that the city is not liable fit the premises, we recommend that the petitions be declined, End payment re quested refused. .i a_4s - ■ -i.> wmfsaM Respectfully aubmit-tefljgjl^* ...... • ..D, SY MU Taxes and Revenues.' Brunswick, Ga„Sept: 13,1900. F To the Honorable Mayor antj.Cjmij - t-’-Toar standing oommittke on taxes and revenues, to whiob was referred the petition of E, J. Berrie, for permission to operat#lt grocery and butcher business without * 'V. ,-y_ payment of license tsi, upon tbd ground of his being an'e*>Coofederate soldier, and as such exempt, W&'Bntf that the pf MSpetition are true; and we recommend that same be granted. Papers attached. Respectfully submitted. D. W, Kiuuss, Cbm’n, J. M. Bloouwobth, U, Daht, Committee on Taxes and Revem^flP Brunswick, To the HonorabEfflTCyor and Coun cil;— special com mittee of B. Ilirscb, and others, Mo which wss referredjto us the foot of Gloucester street, bagto make the following report upon Kame: Inasmuch as tbs city has leased the said street abutment in good faith and accepted the lease money, we re commend that said lease be adhered to, and no action be taken by this body as prayed for. Respectfully submitted, E. 11. Mason, Cbm’o, J. W. Thomas, R. E. Bbikskkick, Special Committee. (Continued on Page 8 ) BRUNSWICK, GA., TIUTISIXAY MOBXUM., SEPY'EMBEft .14, 1900. BIG MEETING FOR TONIGHT t • To Raise Funds For the ■ _ V • Texas Sufferers. EVERYBODY SHOULD COME OUT The Unfortunate People of Galveston Are Need and We Should Aid Thom. • ' I" f Drnnswick, TO IHK CITI2SN4GF BItFNS.mCJK-v .. .. A'our attcuitton is rspotti.frpima sister My of the most humble disaster that u, ■ ity, Deall, has laid its gnu, hand the ri. h and Dagpiation roigns whore only a few days llmi&r'and th'rst lntensiflos the ag awei“ #wa >’ *'“* •Whoa* loved one- bayo been enivf ill theUnif -of Mesio.t, while othor thousand:. Tfortfcwla'?. y,avc thought invite y<m to as seniblc at tl/cjj Hyliall cock, not to take up a coUectiqP- fh'on, .but, .. - air^l W fc relief to those destitute tullerers. Uon. Joacpeh W. Ylennet, Brantley 6d oiherit wilt adiLe-e you -m tft-ir' L:■ -.1/ * ijtWu) ■. , , , Ji^VlJr“ttZr~rvrrm, Ladids iua c.T?i?jrij' Invited to bo pre'emt. V appeal to both ladies a “ 1 MIJ ' 93 W* ;rf - TH mothers, fathers, Mate,a ami brothers Ihiuk of Who need help, Lot us All join in this good work ami fcmcv.i.ter.t^ntyi*,,''our fe! ow#un. Respectfully, . Y D. J). ATIUNSON, Mayor. . : . Y_ ** .• ANOTHER HURRICANE DEVELOPING ■#. 13- Anotter Hurricane "I>f Alarming proportions is sW^iopmgfaloßfe, the -coast and off tie gulf stream. Atg I*'* 1 *'* * ta /Ttfy%Aridfi,., sttd is growing • ■ ngor every minute, Chief of ließureau's* #fchingtoi .local station, warning all to aw until further notice. Wires-are now STORMS OF THE PAST SIXTY YE^RS ! -10—Adamtyjjflfhty, Mississippi; 317 killed, 100 injured; lot.- $1,200,000. It^-A^^Kcounty, Mississippi; 000 killed, great property leas. Stone. Christian and Webster counties, Missouri; 100 killed, flOy in jured; 200 buildings destroyed; loss $1,000,000. 1880—Noxubee county, Miss,; 22 killed, 82 injured; 55 buildings destroyed; loss sloo,ooo. 1880—Fannin county. Texas; 40 killed, 82 injured; 49 buildings destroyed. 18H2—Henry and Haline counties. Missouri; 8 killed, 0-5 injured; 247 buildings destroyed; S3OO 000 loss. ]88.3-Kemper, Copia, Simpson, Newton and Lauderdale counties, Mississippi; 51 killed, 200 injured; 100 buildings destroyed; loss $300,000. 1883—Izard, Sharpe and Clay counties, Arkansas; 5 killed, 102 injured; 60 build lugs destroyed; loss SIOO,OOO. 1884 —North and South Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Ken tucky and Illinois; 800 kil led, 2.500 injured; 10,000 buildings destroyed. These storms constituted an unparalleled series of tornadoes, there being over 60 of them scattered over 'he country after 10 i’clock a. m. February 9 1800 -Louisville, Ky.,70 killed, 200 injured; 900 buildings destroyed; loss $2,150,- 000. 1801—Louisiana and Mississippi, 10 killed, 50 Injured. 1893 - Savannah and Charleston and southern coast; 1,000 killed, and great de struction of property. 1893-Gulf coast of Louisiana; 2,000 killed; great destruction of property. 1806—St. Louts cyclone; 500 killed, 1,000 injured; great property loss. MAY GO TO MACON. Torpedo Division Would Make a '..Great Hit. • . . . ./ . ' ‘ : '■ • , ' The members of 'torpedo Division; naval militia, are discussing the ad visability of going to Maooh on Sep tember S7tb to participate in the mili tary featurfij of the big Macon street fair and. carnival. Ip reference to the proposed trip, Ensign C. W, Darning said last night: “Totpsdo division has a large and enthusiastic member ship, and at our last meeting, the sub ject of going to Maoon was generally discussed. While nothing dellnite was decided upon, it is more than probable that the trip will bemade. Correspond ence is now being had with Mayor Bridges Smith, ths live executive bead of the Maoon oarnival, and we are sore he will want the Naval militia boys to come. Torpedo division will carry a full rank, and as a feature of tbe'parade, it is probable that a ten or twelve-oared boat will be oarried, to go in the parade as a (loaf. Tn this wWI be placed a crack crew with cox swain and as many members of the famous crew that beat the Wilming ton’s men as it is possible to get. To one who has been a guest of tbe Meoon to imagine wbt swam (*■ . receptit will be given the Naval mi litia, and the members of Tbrped- di vision haye practical'asaurnne s that Mayor Smith ami his progressive citi zens will ba more to h*ye them join in'ttlfe ." ■’d’Sß.SFr Tt Ei’C ai r. n i. •lerspy City, Sept. 13,-Thc annual mpetiDg of the state league of republican eUthis. was held here today. Thc occa -siou Prarlre the real opening of tlgp state I ■ ■ campaign. This evening there was a big massmeeHing addressed by Senator Fqraker and ex-Scnator Barret’,. OlSier Ispeakcrs who took part in the meetings wereßenator'Hamilton, Stine, J. ftaniptotwMoorc and Tureswell Mc- Laughlin. j welcomedixjsngland. ' London, Sept, 13.—Ira t>V Sankey, the famous evangelist will be'giveji.A?' great public welcome in Exeter halt tonight. Tbeoooision ir’thS silver' jilbilee of the London chorus formed by Mr. Sankey In 1875. The recep tion will be held under the auspices of the London Singres’ Union, composed of some of tlie most influential per sons of the city. Great interest is manifested in English religious cir cles. GOOD WORK IN INDIANA. Fort. Wayne, Sept. 13.-W. .T. Bryan was the principal speaker at the greatest mass meeting eyer held in this city to night. It was a gala day in this demo cratic district, and the city was crowded with vujttfr*. Bryan leaves tor Colum bus, 0., tomorrow. Ho will proUbly re enter this state tomorrow. IN SOUTH DAKOKA. Red field, Sept. 13.—Toddy Roosevelt marked a red-letter day in the republi can campaign today when he addressHi a monster meeting of enthusiast* here. The gathering exceeded in size and en thusiasm anything of the kind eyer hold in this state. Tonight Roosevelt .spoke in Aberdeen. PRICE ENTS. fills II sir DH , ■ .V>' - Nimifsli of u Liters ProffljtlF Slot. II CONDITIONS EXIST It is ! Officially Reported That 75 Per Cent of Galveston is Wrecked. w ■- Galveston, September 13-The situ# tion has gotten beyond control of tha authorities Robbery and mutilation of tbe Dead and the looting of houses ha# become so oommon tint last night four teen negroes and two white meu were caught in the act of thieving were sho dead in their tracks This makes a to tal o * ninety-six men shot by troops for vandalism Galveston relief measures organized here are running moie smoothly than before, l’pe destitute ire receiving supplies al'tbe various,depots The slclt are reeeivlr g tho bfcst or care. Physi fang are giving their services free. The coast for miles ie said tff be cov— ed with corpses. Transport For Their Usel^HHfc 'Wiling! ,j, s L .pt, 13.—Tho'jB pn Hindi t ha.- p aced tbe^jj i’lior-ni, n < lln- 4i*B^§H§|Hs ■' l "ji commilfijft sop s*sig* i : '■ - ‘ :? ‘C P |H V • ■ , V ■*£ fd / A *. T' I r v/ ft $->rojrm£/' ,4$ ISfif jmuy'Sept. 13.—Nows wasi disaster of the Southern left this city last Galveston. The dis pa Hr at elghty-tive passengers Were killed and the train totally wrecked on Galveston Bay, near the fight house. Very few that was on the train escaped death. • Wrecked Beyond Repair, Austin, Tex., Sept. I.').—Colonel Wortham, who went to Galveston as a special appointee of Ad’jt. Gen. Surry to investigate the true conditions there returned this morning and reported the following to tho governor: “I am convinced that Galveston is practical ly wrecked for all time to come. Ful~ !y 7i par cent of the business portion of tbo city is lost, and most deplorably demolished. At least the same per* centige of damage Is found in the resi dent portion of the city.” General Manager Vanlack, of the Southern Pacific, also siys the damage is fully 75 percent. He says that the company will begin work on the rail road bridges within two days, and In forty days will have trains running Into Galveston. _ —V. lexas City Wiped Out. Houston, Sept. 13.~j o bn J. Moody, one of tba committee sent to take (Continued oo PageT7