The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 19, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 lie lunswlci" Ties. Establish** XW*. The Brunswick Call. .Jj&* fetaWohad WO. H >7M ZAJjjfj&ci&lL iar.ftrr rJts- Tire i’.riinsn’iik Tliiics-Cai!, coNsoi.'iniWft luoo. ~ s ■| v t-4i i • H iMp I I jj : : : M|ll ITR rf* IWf 11 ■ I ll' MONDAY. ... .3gL I.^ £SrSSiH. IJSAVY - - - . iiitcsr KOLA JR) A. MULLINS, Basinet* Manager ■ran,.. :.-aß=a grrjo* } . >Ml,^,.p_. !,. ... .I "Ipfr-p. TO SUB80HIBEBS: " Subscriber* are requested to notify the office when they fell to gel any issue of the Tlmee- Call. Attention to tbla matter will tie appre ciated by the publishers. th* Tintea-CaU will be Delivaqte* by carrier or mall, per year. *5.00; per week 15 cent*. Correapondence on live anUecta solicited. Baal name of wtlter aboold ae ' company name.’ inscriptions 'payable in | > edvanoe. Failure to receive paper should be i reporudto the business office. -Address ail communications to w *' /. . THE TIMEB-CALI,. '£ p.. Brunswick, Wa. LOCAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. - For Representative,' W. F. SYMONS. ’ Ordinary, $ HORACE DART. . Clerk of Superior Court, 11, F. DU BIONOfft r ■ vy Slier i (T, W. H. BKIUUK. Receiver of Tux Returns, J. E. DUBBEHLY. Tax Collector, H. J. READ. County Treasurer, H. 8. LEE. * Cgynty Burvc;o', A N. Commission Hoad* and Hevenucs, TOBIAS NEWMAN, f Tf. H. RAYMOND W. R. TOWNSEND, DAVIS J. B. WRIGHT, It Ifall advertising thne now. Oer nony is also comlgoto America for rm n y. , 3*', Attanlu'B population seem* to faster than her school houses. , The Texas storm will cost oompanics ten million dollars. Very few vessel* aro In port which ac counts for the duUncas right about tow. / Foul mere years of McKinley and Wall slreit can say “tha world la - * Politeness is the cheapest thing on earth. Some Brunswick people should remember this. - The administration had about as much to do with bringing ten-cent cotton as It did the Galveston storm. Although insane and at present con fined in a sanitarium, Congressman ilouteile has been reflected. The Augusta Herald says. , "When Mr. Cleveland defeated Har rison's re-election the campaign was much as It is now. All of the odd* were on Harrison, and there seemod no doubt of hi* success. These must be rather lerious reflections for Mr. Mc- Ktnley.” " ra-Ani wswess talk. The Timeb-Oaix dislikes to let un aopleasant subject* creep into its coN umns, but the (oilowing is to and without any flowery wg|h|. to the subject: Therejs something Jhe niMiortrood rtf tx hundred sub ecribers who owe this paper subscription bill* and we just want tbgentljprtwind them of' this fact and ask for a settle ment' ■'> l -The expense of the i* something over a thousand dollars !?VsiY'"THiKf Y- o*Y'tf and we can not meat this unless the people pay their hill*- As nearly eyery dollar of oar business is done on oredit we are com polled to be at the mercy of the people who owe us. Theso are plain facts, and it Is to be hoped that subscribers will take heed fjevWAVpFixrLAKiTION..* & C- -1 Several Brunswiclrians have hiked the editor of the Tim*s-Call wbjP the probable establishment of a large; starohfactory hero.had not been given some mention ttf this paper an<* we must explain. 0& ' In the nasi our newepape s have bad every Industry kn.own to man within a single week, a now ta’lroad,, another cotton shipping Arm, and various other ’thtyKv’hsvo/been announced as *., r w J*. tala” , „ . Tba-Tlifxs-CALL, while -hoping* a id trusting thatthis stirch factory will - fr* ideate here, at preeent that word “prob able” stares us in the face. It does more harm than good to an nounce an enterprise as ‘'certainly oum lng ’ and then, tfeo coming part doea not mbtet-Iat I **. Inrosiors and hpnie feekers eee ihcisc things and wheo they visit us for the purpose of lnvesti gating it give* us a reputarion for ‘‘anti-voracily We Ivadt to tell t&cs'c cTtizan* who are working so faithfully for this march factory ihat when the grouijjii is broken-for tho build ug, the Tuaxa Call will celebrate by a twtnij page uaue, la red, white and blue; and ia klag scout we just expect o jtlveitah!.’*, Ijir the paatcentury; The Timki-Call ie not here to ful lead the people nor to cherish hope*. The Dawson News, tn commauting on ta supjume cgutt deciaion which aeys that a lawyer may cry in order to inin enod asks: “Why not, if ho ttnda that a jirry oau be easier moved by water than wind?”*’ .. ■'!>>" The Wavcross Herald remarks that “Healing of the recent mobs in Ohio and New York, the Chinese have de cided to fond m!ss;ooartes lo this co*n tr/.“ .- ’ • ,- r ■ ‘ f The Philadelphia Record think* Mr. McKinley 1 # letter of acc ptance shows that it was written by a man who 4ad irouble pn his mind. - ” < jp r " STOP THE START. Patrons of the opera BflSfisP are Sal ready complaining an Iwa want to tee If it is passible to stop the causes of complaint right at the begtnnlng. The attention of Manager •’Woiffa is - '■''A-' ,directed to the somebody who is to Imitate Church Berrymiiti’s laugh, but It is a poShimltaitoD, and the some body always gets in his piercing ha ba at the wrong time. Church could hit tho right place. And here is another color THE BRUNSWICK TIMEvCALL, SEPTEMBER 19, 1900. ed people In the gallery must keep qute*. They should remmber that the theatre ie attended to see and hear the play. The Times Call is not goiog to run Mr, Wolffe’s business, does nt even inlend '.p >ry it, but tbeie little autoges tions are male for the benefit of the public and that’s our buiinees. McKinley’s full dianer pall .;d the great miners’ strike make It appear as If tbo Major figured on a nsiuilutS pail. BRYAN SAINING GROUND. ' < ' l The Albany Herald thus frankly puis -i' iK "The Herald has not yet reached the point where it can honestly say that it feels copfidsnl of Bryan’s election ia November, but we can say In all sincer ity that we believe he is gaining ground and winning votes every day and .that his . chances appear to be very much more encouraging than they were thirty day* Igo; . “The one- that encourages ns most is the activity of the democratic leaders in tho north and east. They ap pear to be much more confident this year than they were in 18W, and many influential democrats who either sulked or went to the goidbugs in 1899 are now in line with the party and at work for the democratic ticket,.. Many influential the north, and east have also renounced MoKiuleyism and impe rialism and declare that thia year they will' vote for Brvan and Stevenson.” HOW’S THIS? We clUt One Hundred Dollars Re ward fbr any case ef Catarrh that can not be oured by Hal,'a Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Cos., Props., Tole do, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney fojr last 15 years, and believe him pr#Wtly honorable In all business transactions, and Boar cully able to oarry out any obligations made by tbeir firm. West & Trusx, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.; Welding, Kir,nan & Mar vin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure ie taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and msiooua surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are JLr W*i. WANTED.' * Artesiau wells to drive t fi&Uesih Rise a in! capacity guaranteed will also guarantee to complete wells in 15 days. Call on or address A. H. Baker, 205 Gloucester street. Klsssmmee, tta., June 18. jape.— Dr.'Me- IjSkii's Sirengtamug Cordis 1 ami Blood Puri#t r ts thobeetSiiMUcinuvt *Uf kind made. I have used It ami know it to be good. C. P. MePati- Ul, For Sale by W. J. Butts, tbs druggist. Kl ua Ki-u, Uie Tasteless gmuine Tottk, cures chlila and fever- SSo s Louie. WORKING, THAT'S ALL. Manager Newman was asked yester day what progress wjs being made on the gala week schefae and the genial bustler remarked: ;,*•{, am working, that’s all.*’ Thto gala week will be aMg success. ' v 44 Think of Ease But Work On” If your blood is impure you cannot'e-cert think of . ease.' The Mood is, the greatest sustainer of the tody and -when you make it pure by taking Hood’s Sarsa parilla you have the perfect health in which even hard <ti >ork becomes easy. House work Seems easy to a man, hot there ia a great deal of lilting and reaching to do; a great many tripe np and down stairs to ■inaka in the course of day’s house work. It's hard where a woman is well. For a woman suffering with some form of * female tremble” it \b daily torment, btyait ('"—’i There are thousands V lit of such women H—R C^Jl stnMjgling along, day r A, by day, in Increasing misery. There are fMj other thousand* who gpSi|X v fl have found a com- q Jj r*J plete cure of their t w/T jQ disease “in the use of %fj\ . MprrJ Dr. Pierce’s Favorite jsrjjii i Prescription. It stops debilitating fit ■’■-'fugfip* drains, cure* irregu- i larity, heals inflam- LIU J mation and ulcera- f vm| tion, nourishes the -Jfj JrSWi nerves, and gives vitality and vigor. - It makes weak ■v'N ///! ■ 1 women strong and t / J W I sick women well. It J | KJ contains ao opium, f \ H cocaine nor other I 1 rej "Pyr * nwmber of II mouth* I suffered with / / HB femnle trottWe,” writes J I -i. Je lagtmi, I>. C "J tried I kgMdfiSffi: , varioas ntaedics, but none wemed to do me any permanent gorr The doctor* said ft win tk worst case of iutcr oal trouble they ever bad. I decided to wtite to you for he!;,. I rerWs'td b very encosrairins reply, and commenced treatment at ouce. I had not raed v>.ur .’ Favorite ?rescn#tfaj£*a Week bifyfe I rnti to f*tl better and, as l continued, wv V .Uh eraduaLy improved— It fa bnp:\Trfitg eyv .. <k?.* I>r. Pwre*’s Common Sense Medical Adv'H-r is sent />■£*. on receipt of statnr* to pay cost df msiiiug only. Send u ffijiartes ior a lxx>k in psjier covers, or 31 stamps in cloth, to Dr. 5 R_ V. Fierce, Buhalo, N. Y. Cheap Rates Via Southern Railway. MACON, (if.—Street and Agricultural Fair. For lndirfdtinl,otie fare for tbo round trip. For military companies and brass bauds in uniform, SO or more on ono ticket. tS.*l for the round trip. Tickets on sale Sopt. SI-SB, j final iimitOct. SI. LOTjISVII.T.K, Ky.,--Annual convention col ored Oddfellows. Ona fare (or round trip. Ticket* on aaie Sopt. S9-So,'alid Octi, final limit Oct, ft * s- ASIIEVILLB, Jf. C.--Annal jneeriag Missis sippi Vailep Uedicnf Association, one (are for round trip.. Tickets on sale oet, 8-i, final Umit, KIMAS cm . ,MO—Amount of Nailon Con vention of tbo Christian ' church, tlokelnwUl be wildto Kansas City, Oct. fl-lu, tvitb final limit Out. 23, at rate of ope fare for the round trip, plus (4, CH ITTANOOtfA. TgAXr-duhU'VMaiuttt and Chattanooga Xfivt&tal PivtV CommiMlon. Annual reunion id the Society of tbn Array of the Cuintwrlauit, Cwifetfeiwlc Veterans Soulh;.anmlJ theetlne .National Association Spanish War Veterans. Ono fare for the round trip., Tickets ou Sato Oetobea s ami a, wttti final llmlt-Octoher rs, 1000. KYr—Kentucky Iforse nreeders' Assm-itlmi. One fa*e-dor the r-.und trip. Tickets ou *! Seffitmoher SO, wiCli final limit October IS, itsift. ATLANTA, tA,—Noutheru Inteistafe Fair. For induiduals, one (arc forth,, round, trip. J, du- SO cents ad.uiMion to the fair grouuds. ■ ror o ilitary companies and brass bands in uniform, twenty or more on pne flcket,oae cent per mile in each direction’per capita. CM VULtStITOS, S. C.-Annfi 1 Convention Le coo qf Amcriciii Mum, ipaii'ie*. <m,. far, tor tiV, round igip plus fAoo., Ti, 1.-is on sale i err in her n and 11. with final limit l>c cember fit, luce. ' A'SIKUHUTfi.GA,—Krmnd L-niye A. V. and A. Masons an i Auxiliary. One and out-.third > (ares for the toned trip Ticket-mi sale SeptMul-ir :io to October A with fiira, limit ’ October 7,11)00. r>- ,J.U MItKH ClTVynnrC,l'oiyd Cxinpmeeting. One and < iie-nHgffifsr,'. bir the rtoih 1 trip Tickets mi sale CHEAP ADVERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements In tbitliulumu will be insert fit as the uniform rat* of <sue Cent a Word for each insertion. N'o advertisement, however eauill, lea than SO cents. Cush in advance. FOR RENT.—A nioe, six roi m house, on J street. Apply to 412 B street. , WANTED—Young naan to collect and solicit. Address C. M. D., osre this office. FOR RENT—Csrgyle resldenoe, corner Gloucester and Carpenter sts. Possession October Ist, 1900. LOST.—A whits and llyer colored pointer, bitch, 2 months old. Liberal reward. A. D. Gal*. WANTED—Office biy, none but ore willing to work need appy. Hr Aston, Fend I g X Cos. WANTED-To purchase a seoend baud standard bookkeeper’* desk Address Box 106, City . 1 * '' a i- kij e- FOR RENT.-Large,, corn fort sbl* rooms, with use of bath room ; with cr without meal*. Terms reasonable. 405 G street Advertisers lways PPRECIATE REAPIJMG ICH ETURNS nri—iat is nr! — Regular eturns EPORTED By AdYertism Who Use These Columns. S&aEtiij ttd Juaiity of Cimilition gives Quantity and Quality to AMsers And We Give Both • * ALSO GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION to JOB WORK. DON’T SEND AWAY FOR .;•> 4 ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., * When you can get tliemjatjhome for the same price and besides you 'save the cost -of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. \\ e don’t mind calling aud talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get yoUr order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. Times=Call, 209, 209 1-2 F Street. NOTE. If you haven’t time to write your “ad” let us know and what you’ve got to sell and we will wftite the “ad” for youT That’s our business, and we only change you for the space*