The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 19, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOCIETY NEWS. TO A rOKT. rmou Dr.uiiNCA. net, although you're been extremely kind, The time bee come vhen I must speak my mind. 3 think it is absurd for you to write ~Ml ' “lips are like twin cherries.” What a eight 3T4 be if such a thing were true. 3®o cherries really look like lips to you* When “shell-like ears!" To the marines, pray toil, \ ' ~Mj ear is like a hard and slimy shell 1 •“With eyes like stars!” Indeed, sir, even at sight, tW; eyes are not two yellow dots of light. And I confess it gives me quite a twinge ddffast to Imagine “lids with Jetty fringe." ’"■sir like a raven’s wing 1” Taney a maid ’With abort, stiff quills that wouldn't coll or braid I And I wonld lie the most dintreasod of girls Were my teetb sassll and spherical like pearls. .Mm to my neck, you really should be told *ne not "like alabaster," hard and cold. 'When “ai ms tide ivory 1" Candid, I must own! '"Why don’t you say they’ra nothing but a bonal ®h, pritbae, post, if you think ms fair, Vitb better things than these my charms com pare. —Carolyn Walls in Life. DBKSS ttIFOKM IK UOUI. A reform in which icienee come* to the assistance of woman is dress reform. Daring a congress of physician* held in JRomc recently war.was declared on the Mailing shirts ofjp'nen. One doctor khltary ovll of this fMbie#thr*etiding t Jhr of ladies Into the street* , Ciliug skirts, -with instructions lj@m||l|w)cut for an femr. When they Jpgijvieir trains were subjected to tulcroseople examina tion, and the doctor cHscotered whole Stolonles of bacteria on Ibtoir skim. The physicians th/ of influenza, uonsumptlife; fe- Ter are the least of th a which care less niotUyjj^^jommj^ || _'s premensde bris^^P^ r; their chil ft IMF 5 fU • x istkr- y' aaake home A "••lection of these are *k> A H •zehange. la the long list of articles JncltSM little furnishings for the different erooffii of house, it is as well to begin *ilh had't for lamps or electric lights, dream* of beauty in their adornment. All lovely fabric* outer into them—from •oally old brocade* to *i!bs, gauxes, chif- Joa, lacas, exquisitely trimmed with tfce same, or fringe* and pearl*. Paper *d card board, cretonne, enameled or *lain, hav* their place and their beanly, •Misted by skill in water color designs. Screens whoso dcsigusare not duplicated ■becomes treasures, lusot with pictures in •i! or water colo s, with minors, with •helves for book*, for a cup of te, for 1 Morksbsg support. Tall drought screens; law ones, to protect from heat of fire, •are silks, sMns, leatners, woollens, linens, outer into their foldiug leave*. Sits of rare silks and velvets are seen •sverisg the fiamet ot book racks; en *Mcemet pad*. boxeß for lace, vei a, **n?, gloves, blotters,writing paper box. •m in tiers. WglTlltO TABLES. Anew idea havbtci developed to ac (<jnofd wI h the recent ryle of gend* sized writing tables, as well -v. ;to fur nish large library tables. This suppos ing writing paper case, which mejie area in length 38 inches, contains four large receptac es (or holding various sizes ol letter and note papa’, and fonr divisions for envelopes. It makes a most attractive showing of antique bro cade, and leaves nothing to be when uiieu and in iis proper surround— mgs. Ail of these silk and velvet eov ered furnishings ara of foreign origin, and only recently have they been up by skilled hands and bnilt to order in this ci’y. Originally they were the little furnishings of royalty and nobility. They never osp be cheapened or vul garizud, simply because the best art is necessary to their form building, and ooetiy stuffs mast be used to beautify them. Gold, silver and bronze orna ments are sometimes added. Compared with the same genre of ar ticles in gold, silver or bronze—that is, if filling tbe same purpose practically —the furnishings described are mtsi Inexpensive, but tber have tbe advan tage and ebarin of losing nothing of Ibeir value or beauty when side by side with gold or silver artlolrs. TABLE COVKKS. Table covers and bed spreads often copies of royal examples, as well as those of modern art production', are other interesting fsatures conceded with this style oi furnishing. Genoese velvets, Spanish brocades, Oriental silks, linens and altar laces with rare embroideries, form the costly examples while art linens, cretonnes, ross-S'rewn and flower sown, and muslins and laces, represent the dainty side of chamber adornmed for town or country house, scrap baskets folding up like leaves and tied with ribbons, shoe boxes sug gesting precious coffers, white and gold hoi racks, with a quota of boxes dis tractingly pretty, intended for bolding tbe last things needed in the process of dressing for the street, or for an indoor occasion. Sometimes that onoe seen, no woman will ever again be happy un lit she has one in be-bui room or diet ing room. Uiu Emmie Scarlett is now the gasst kt relativra in Macon. weddings will be announced jjgfll%fe,ncxt few days. S. mebedy Is going to-Re surprised, too. ~ ~-v Mrs. A, V. Wood is spending some time in Athens. Miss Pauline Scarlett of Fancy Bln* left Monday for ilacon, where she will spend the winter with Mr*, Albert Hu man, at teh.lhi^l'cfiool. Miss Irene Wood left Monday lor Raleigh, N. C.. where she will attend school. Wk v A little son i* fbe guest of Mr. and Mrs. i. L. Beach In Atlanta. Miss Amelia Poerflinger leaves shortly for Richmond, where she will spend the winter. Mr. Th’ mas Wood left Monday for Cedartown to attend the Benedict school. . lrn " 1 ”" L ■'* 1 You ean spell it eough, aoff, osagb, kaut.ksif, konyh or kaugh, bnt the only harmless remedy tbsi quickly cures it is One Minute Coughlin * W J Butts. gM THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 19, 1900. The Plnkham Remedies orders of the feminine or gone hove gained their great renown and enormous smio tor cause of the oermonent good they hove done mod mro doing for the women of this oountry. if mil oiling or suffer ing women ooukfbo made to understand tow ab solutely tree are the statements about Lydia £*. Plnkham'a Vegeta bio Oompound, their suffer ings would and* women from of ohargom Her address Is Lynn, Massm Tta advloo aha given la praotloai and honest. You oan write fresly to barf ate in a wo- A 810 TIKB. New Hsmpsfaire’e Gift to tbe Kear- the Alabama. Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 18 —The warships in tbe harber and tbe town are in a flutter of exoitement this morning over tbe presentation of the state’s gift to the battlssbips Ker eargeand Alabama, which occurred today with elaborate ceremonies. It wss expected that tbe president would take part, but at tbe last minute he ssnt word that bis offloial duties pre vent. Tbe oover a part of three days, of wfallh tbe preaentation waa today’s sbtre, Tbs gift te tbe Kesr targe is a figure-head beauti fully soolpiured and bearing tbe in scription “From the state of New Hampshire to the U. S. S Kesrsarge, to maintain jaatic*, h offer and free dom in tbe service of a reunited pro p’e.” To tbs Alabama will be given a aeroll shaped broczs tablet to ge On tbs tarrett of ihu the ship ••'•uyiug an inscription composed Tusker of Colleger ’ Mr. A. H. Lane, formerly fof this ei y but now of Vildosts, wa* bere yejtertsjs shaking -bands with his friends. Oar Greatest Specialist For #0 year* Hr. i Newton Hath away has so successfully 'rested chronic diseases tht>' he is acknt vledged today to stand at the head of his profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocole ana Stricture withont the aid of knife or cautery cures in U 0 per runt, of all case* In the treatment or loss of vital forces nervous disorder*, kidney and urinary complaint*, lardy* u*. hlo<' poisoning, rheumatism, oat an raid diseases pecul iar to women .• i > equa iy soocossful - Dr. Hathaway'* practice is more’han double U,*t other specialist. Cases prononM<d hopel a by other physician*. rendltf jrlold to hia treat ment. Write tom today fully about your case Ho make* no charge for consul ation or advice, eiUrer at hi* of fice or by mail. i. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. 1) 40 Bryan Street. Savannah, tea RonneliV ( hill aud Fever Tonic Is acknfrr4dgod to be tho Best on the market every bottle guaranteed, For sale by pH druggists. STOVES REPAIRED. Rice 'he' stove doctor, repairs al .kind* or cook stover and ranges, buy * soils seoond baud stoves. 414 Bay THE STATE FAIR. Mr. Lane Says It Will Bs a Great Event. Mr. A. H. Lane, of Valdosta, was in the city yesterday, and when asked by a a reporter about tbe State fair, said it would be the greatest event of tbe kind ever beld in Georgia. “The peo ple of Valdosta,” said Mr. Lane, “are determined to make tbe State fair a great aucoeat, and they are sparing neither money or work.” A great many Brunswiokians will take in tbe fair. Cured #f Chronic Diarrhoea After 30 Tear* of Suffering. “It suffered for thirty years with diarrhoea and thought I waa past being cured,” says John 8. Halloway, of Treneh Camp, kfiw. “1 had span so much time and money and suffered so smob that Iliad given up alQiopee of recov ery. I waa sofeeble from the effects of the diar rhoea that I could do no kind oi labors ,uld not even travel, but by accident I waa per nitted to find a bottle ol Ohamberlain’a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking sev eral bottle* I am entirely cAred of that trou ble. lam so pleased with the result that Ism anxioue that It be in reach of all who suffer ae I have.” Tor sale by Bishep’a drvgetQjre. When you want something niee in jams and preserves call at De Vos’* "I bad a running sore on my leg for seven years ” writes Mrs. James Forest of Cheppewa Fells, Wia„“and spent hundreds of dollars In trying to get It healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve entirely cured It.” W. J. Units. ALWAYS BUSY. Tbe Tdies-Gali. job office isalwajs busy these days. Tbe fact of tbe matter,is simply this: tbe people have found out that it does the best work abd at lower figures than - any Job ofllco in Brunswick. Remember there is no Job too targe for our Job office. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Great Favorite. The eoothiag and healing qualities of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prumat and per manent core* have uisdo It a great favorite with is especially prised by mothers of email children tor colds, rronp and whooping cough, as it always affords quick relief, and as tt contains no opium nr other harmful drug, 11 May be given e*confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Bishop* drug store. EXCURSION TO AMERICUS. For the above oceav'onj the . Flant Systiw will sell round trip lioketsto Americus, Ga., at rates of one and one third fare Tickets to be sold Sept. 30ib *Dd”Oct. 2nd. ‘lnclu-.ive. with Soal limit 001. lib. Russell’s Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every cot|k guaranteed. For sale byJalKdruggists. • TO CffiKß {t COLD IN ONE SAL T*k Rmaio Quinine Tablet*. Alt drartftetn-riKud th money if it rails to eure. R. W. Grove's signature 1* on eaek box. tic. OA.BTOTIIA.. Ban th* Kind V Hw Aiwa n Bosg* rr<s£^Sa7 The progressive nations ot the world sre the great food consomme nations, ‘tood food well digested g Yes strength. If yon cannot digest all you eat, you need Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what yon et. Tint need not diet your sU. 11 contains all of the digestants combined with the best known tonics an,l It will even detests all classes of foods in a bot tle. No other preparation will do thia. It in stantly relievos and cures all etomOcb troubles W J Butts It is reported that Graham Forres ter, formerly a Brunswick newspaper man, was one of the Gilveiton storm vioriro*. Pyny-Pcctora! A QUICK CURE FOR | COUGHS AND COLDS $ Very valuable Remedy in ait * affections c£ the g THROAT or LUNGS Large Bottles, 950. D.U'IS A I.AtVKr.Mcr, Cos., ,'Jujlled, V . . !>'Usof r<rv !>■ VT'H.a.n-.r. f An Expensive “Tip” is the one which you cut off and throw away every time that you smoke a Five Cent cigar. There is nearly as much labor m making this end as all the rest of the cigar, and yet every man who buys a cigar cuts it off and throws it away. You get all you pay for when you smoke Old Virginia Cheroots Time hundred million Old Vifginu Cheroots smoked this S year. Ask yoat own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. • v ANOTHER LOT QF_^- ....Bargains S Ladies’ Silk Lined Underskirts 25c up’. Lace Curtains worth $1.25 at 79c per pair. Lace Pillow Shams worth 79c at 49c per pair. Table Oil Cloths worth 30c at 15c. Bureau Scarfs, Center Pieces and Table Linen Greatly Reduced. All the latest styles in Millinery just received. Every Hat . Personally Selected while in New York. You will be convinced by examing our stock that we carry the finest in the city. : MRS. M. ISAAC, The Largest Dry Goods Store, 208 and 208 1-2 Newcastle SU Coney&Parker* DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster,•Hair, Shingles and Laths. Plum 18- 525 Bay St. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky. i SI.OO PER QUART; 4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY A TRUST* J. Trager & Cos., Independent Distillers. Sold Exclusively in Brauns wick by 1 FR_ V. DOUGL-AS, 206 Bav Street / m GoiiiioiescinQ Ip§|l®<'j j PS any of my brands of WIVES AND ! / ' 'r&i ' 4 LIQI'OKS and dstore will be greatly MAyR * assisted in the work of rrenpeistio*. \ 9 My goods are of excellent quality, ard nSblcxV’® ,i have been bottled and matured under SjWhCße [mL 0, r supervision. Each 1 11 | brand has been selected because of some pTwaa /■* ' I special merit. Fmd ont which sap*. 1 I RRicKte xo suit. | ii j T. NEWMAN,