The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 19, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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5m ('hits Actifleasant/y andfivmpt/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. Presents in the most acceptable/cum the laxative principles of plants /known to act most bene/tcially. TO GET ITS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. for safe by druggtsfs - prict 50* per bo fT ?fo m You don’t need the doctor for every little trouble, but you do need in the house a trusty remedy for times of danger. Thousands are saved by having at hand OR. J. H. MEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM ; a certain cure for disorders of ; the Liver, Kidneys and Blad der. Use It at once for lame bi£k, furred tongue, lost ap petite and changes In urine or bowels. 1 SI a bottle, at druootata. TUi Da. 4. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE 00., •T. UMN, NO. VAWA FOR SALK BY IVWWV > BUTTS, The Druggist.: Wall Paper —at tue— PAINT STORE, 502 Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. WHAT IS BECOMING ■co b* found in nnr display Trimmed iiaxh, or quickly developed in work rooms from tbe large andKeautiful assortment of Millinery o#da in our •took. Milliners of artistic tastes and deft fingers produce hats wbich equal in style and attractiveness many of tbe biffh priced imported models. Our prices are not the least pleasing part of cur offerings. HISS KATE SLATER,, GALVESTON INSURANCE Matters 8a and to Be in a State of Great Ccnfusion in the Texas City. Reports hom Galve.ton safe that toiurance matte, sin the stricken city are in a eta'e of gteat confusion. Prob ah'y every company doing business in Texas has a special ago t or other representatives on there, ne, but many who come lrom other points are unable to effect an entrance into thecltj on account of the martial law which now prevails there. While the less of life and damage to property is great, the losses will be pretty well Scat ered among a great many comp >niei, and no one company will suffer* very heavy losses, in all p: ob.lity. The Insurance companies -tfre there fore not particularly unersy as far as they themselves are concerned, and out of a spiv t of humanity no great efforts will be made to ascertain the statu* thore frdSl an insurance standpoint un til the prrs-nt suffering is relieved. It will probably he a month lefore all claims can be ascertained, Representatives of some Insurance companies at Galveston are among the dead there. C*l4 Steel or Death. “There Is tint one small chance to .are jonr ite aud tnst i through an operation," was the awful prospect eet before Mrs. 1. .B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wta., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Ue didn't count on the marvelous power of Electric Bitters to euro Stomach and Liver troubles, hut she beard of it, took eeven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided aurgeon's knife, now weighs morMend feels ever. It's positive ly guaranteed to cure Stomach, Liver and Kip. ucy troubles and uover disappoints. Price SO, ! at all drug stores. SCHOOL NOTICE. Misses. Gale’s select private school will open Oot. 1 at their residence, 70S E street. Thorough instruction is given in primary, intermediate and collegiate departments. This institution of learning is of seven years’ standing, and the teachers are progressive, em ploying sli the new and improved method, of instruction. Russell’s Chill and Feyer Tdflic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every bottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. The following; valuable building lote, charmingly aituated in the resident portion of the city, ai*e for sale on eaey terms: 135x180, on Union street, running back to Reynolds street. This piece of property oan be divided into six lots, 45x00 eacb, tbiee frootlng on Union and three on Reynolds streets, and is situated immediately north of the residence of Mr; Glauber. Lot on the east side of Union street, opposite residenoe of Mr. John H. McCul lough, 00x180 feet, can be divided into four;lots 45x90; two fronting on Union and two on Ellis streets. Lots 180x180 feet, cornering on Albany, Albemarle and Amherst streets,scan be divided into eight lots, 45i90 feet each. Also lots on Gloucester street, between Al bany and Amherst streets, and lots on Albany, between Gloucester and F streets; and on Amherst street, be tween Gloucester aud F streets. To anyone wishing desirable building lots, either for tbeir own residence or for rent, cannot fail to be satisfied with these locations. For further Informa tion apply to J. E. ncßiosot). iHE BRUNSWICK TIMEfc-UALL, SEPTEMBER 19, IHO. SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA, Glynn County. Will be sold before the door in said count*, on the first Tuesday In October, IQO, w.thin the legal hours of sale, to too highest blfcdei for cash, certain property of which the following is a full and complete de scrip tiotytowit: That certain undivided one eighth interest of, ift and to that certain lot or tract of land lying and being in the City of Brunswi k, county of Glynu and State of Geor gia, and known and designated in the plan of said town and-city as the eastern one-half of Town Commons lot number on-hnndred and fifty-8 x (156), said lot one hundred and fifty six being bounded as follows, towit: On the north by Jti street, on the east by Albany street, ou the south by lot number one hundred and flftr seven (157), and ou the est by Wolf street. Also, a certain undivided one half of. in and to that certain tract, lot or parcel of land situ ated in the State of Georgia, county of Glynn, and City of Brunswick, and in that portion of the City of Brdnswick known ns Town Com mons aud described as follows, towit; The western one half of Town Commons lot num ber one hundred ana fifty-six (156) and ini provem nts thereon west of Cochran *vmnw. Also, a certain undivided one half interest of. in and to that portion of that certain tract lit, or parcel ofland in the State of Georgia and county of Glynn, and In the City of Bruns wick therein, and known and designated upon the Town Commons map of said city as that cer tain northwestern corner section of Town Com mons lot nnmber one hundred and thirty nao) between Amhert aud Albany streets, being rec tangular in ahap*, having ends thirty (<{)) feet and sides ninety v 9( f et, which is raoro min utely bounded as follows,towit: enthe north by Towu Common lot number one hundred and twenty nine (129) ninety feet, on the east by Amherst street thirty feet, on the sonth by the southern portion of said lot number one hun dred and thirty ninety and on the west, by the eastern p>rtton of said lot number one hun dred nnd thirty thirty feet: Said property levied on as Use. property of R. T. Hitch to Satisfy an execution issued from the City Court of Brunswick in and for saifr county in favor of English-American Loan and Trust' Company against, said 8. T. Hitch; said prop erty being in possession of R. T. Hi ch. .Levy made and returned to me by U. S. Pyles, depu ty f heriff. This September 5,1900. Also nt the same time apd place the following described property towit: That oeriatu lot tract or parcel of land situ ate lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county of Glynn and state of Georgia known and described qu Summons map of said city as Oixville lot No. l,east •( Gordon and south of Prince streets. Levied on as property of estate E, 0. P. Dart, under and by virtue of an exe cution issued by H. J Read, tax collector,for state and county taxes due for the year 1899 amount of tax SI,BB with interest aud ulr Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy aberill, Also nt the same time and place, the following described property to-wit: That certain lot, tra t. or paroe* of land lying eituate and being in the city of Brunswick, Glytau Cos. Ga.Jtnowu and described on Baldwin’s map made in the year 1887. of said city as the West ern one fourth of Old Town lot No 41 b Levied on as the property of Lucy Drayton, under aud by virtue of an execution Issued by H. J. Read, tax collector for state and chanty taxes due tor the year 1899, amount of tax, $7.81 with interest hud all costs. Levy made aud returned to rue by lti S. Fyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit; That certain lot, tractor parcel of land lying situ ate nnd being in the city of Brunswick, county of Glynn, state of Georgia, and known and described on Baldwin’s map of said city, made in the year 1837 as Old Town lot No 479. Levied on as tlio prop erty of F. M. Dart and children under by virtue of an execution issued by 11. J. Read,tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 1899, Amount of tax $61.25,,with interest and all costs, l-evy made aml returned to mo by U. f?, Pyles,.deputy sheriff* x jL Also at the acme time ttr&'. *pTac6, the following described property <o*Wit: All that certain lot or paaceL ot land situate ana lying in the city of Brnnswick, in the Evansville addition theitftfT and known as Kvausvfllc lot No. 41. jA , vit‘d.‘bn as the prop erty of R. 11. ABton, tinder nnd by virtue of an execution issued by U. J. Read, tax collector, for state and. county* taxes due for the year 1N99 amount of tax $17,75, with interest and all costs J<evy made and returned J<*Bio by R. S.J’yles, deputy sheriff. * Also at thu time anil place, the following desermea propei ty towir: All thl lot or tract or lAM’O.el of situate, lying and being in the cify bt Brunswick, county of Glynn, state otXjteorgih, known as the north-j woit one-fourth Of Old Town lot No 1(19. Lev ied ou an the property of W. A. Jeter under and by virtue of an execution issued by il. ,1. Read, tAix collector, for state uud county taxes due for the ve ir 1898. Amount of tux s*2s with interer't and all co-ts. made and returned to me by R. ft. A'yiefl t riepuvy / *!ierifl. Also at the same time and place, tbe following described property towit: The lease hold interest in and to the southeast one half of Town Commons lot No/181 between .Stone wall and Cochran avepuea. Levied on as the property of James and Hattie Render under and by yirlric of an execution issued by 11. J. Read, tax collector, f<Jr *tate and county taxes due for the year 1898, Amount, of taxsr>.stf with interest and all eort*. Levy cgfede and returned to me by U. ,S. Pyles, doiiUiyjpifM n. Also at the and place one Peerless Job printing chases and rollers. Levied on and Hold rm she property of r. a. heavy under and by vJrm<* Qf an ex ecution issued from Glynn Sjmw-ripr dourt In favor of A. Kaiser <& lb other ftb,d against C, a. Leavy, principal, and it. It. Hopk*m and 11. 11. security on replevy bond for s7l principal,s7.2s interest aud $21.2$ cont. Also at the name time ami place the following described property towit: All that lot, or tractor parcel of land situate, lying anp being in Miocttyof Brunswick, county of Glynn and state of Georgia, in the New Town of said tffty, being the northwest one-half of jot No 2269. Levied on as the properly of Elvira Moore under and by virtue of an execution is sue 1 by 11. .J. Hi ad. lax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year : ftn. Amount of tax $5.76 with interest md all- costs. Levy made and returned to me by It. 8, py lea, depu ty sheriff. , * Also at llio same time ami place to the highest nod best bidder, the followug described real estate and im provements thereon to Wit: The undivided one-sixth interest of U. Dart in and to that certain tract, lot or parcel of land in said city of Brunswick and known on Baldwin,* map of Bald city made in 1K37 a*l)d Town lot No. I7'J: said lot being bounded on the north l.v V Mtreot, on the by Udion street, find on the west by Reynolds strort. Levied on ns the property of Bald defendant, U. Dai t, to satisfy an execution out of the Huperior court of said county. Principal $:;51..'5n. besides interest and cost. Written notice of levy given defendant as iequired by law. Ixjvy made and returned to me by R. b. Pyles, deputy sheriff. W. 11. REBRIE, Sheriff Glynn County, Ga. Alto at the same time and place that car tain other It raot 01 parcel of land in the Tows Commons of Brunswidk. Georgia, and known as the western one half of Town Commons lot No. 71; said western half of said lot containing 76x100 feet facing on Jonson street in said city. Levied on as the property of D, D. Cameron io satisfy that certain mortgage fi. fa. In favor of George Johnson for principal 9284.80, besides intore-t* and costs. Written notice Of levy given defendant as required by law. Levy made and returned to me bv K. B.Pries, depu ty sheriff. \V. 11. BERKIE. Sheriff Glynn County,Ga. SHERIFF’S SALES. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Brunswick, Glynn county. Georgia, during the legal bourn of nale on the flint Toes day In October, neat, that certain lot or tract of land situate, lying and being in the 27 dis trict G. M.j Glynn county,Georgia, and known as a part of Col nel’a Island, containing 45 acres more or less, bounded north by Blythcback river aud Fancy Bluff creek, south by part of said island, laid out. in city lots, east by Blythe- ‘ c f? r * and , Wcst by said city lots And Fan i,V c ‘ ee f i - levied on and sold as the ! ° r , tlle South Brunswick Railway “ n<l bv virtue of a tax fl. *-ri fr' ‘Hiam a Wright, comptroller-gen orßla in I'vorof Glynn county for ' ’ J axeB due for is 99, and against said rail company. This September ft, 190*. ■ W.U.BERRIK,Sheri fl\ - .. :T' I’l liuc SALK, n.? I ,'" 01 County. *y v 1 rl 116 of a power of sale con* A u i- 1 ? er ! aitt des to secure debt from e !L. • UK * e , to l-o American Building Loan and iotttine Savings Association, of Memphis, 'y l \ H ’ h 4fid recorded in Book L. L.,foi -1 VV re’ds of said county, refei ence to wmUi deed and the record of same is had for all purposes—(the said lleleu g. Rice having slore5 lore than six months defaulted in paying the dues and interest which slm in htr said deed to secure debt obligated herself to pay,) there willbe sold lieforethe door of the court house, in Brunswick, Georgia, between the leg al hours of sale, on the first Tuesday m October 1900, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following lots of. land, (anife the •™*'ret"s:nent£ vhereon; described on afITT in the map and piau of the city of Brunswick made by George It. Baldwin, as Now Town lots Numbers 1882.1888, 1881,1885 and 1888. To bo sold as the properly said Helm G. Itieefor the purpose of paying the indebtedness seoured by said deed; princi pill being $477.51, bosides Interest. du-8, line#; etc. Pin chaser pays for titles. This August Mist, 1900. HELEN O RICK, By American Building and Ton tine Sav ings Association, of Memphis, Toun„ At toruey in Fact. D. W. lUtAUJSS, Attorney for said Association. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. GBOBGIA—GIynn County. By virtue of an ordcr.of the court of Ordinary of said county, will be so dat public outcry ou the first. Tuesday in Octolier, 1909, before the court houito door in said county, between the usual hours of sale, all that certain lot, tract or parcel Of land lying and being in Haid Btate and county and in the city of Brunswick, and being described according to the survey and plan of satcHdty made by George It. Baldwin, civil engineer, in IBs7, asfollows, towit: 821-2 feet by 45 Uio eastern 1-4 of Old Town lot number 537, having tho following courses, distance* and medsuremouts: Commending at a point on the western lno of C chran aven ue 2ft feet south of the southern line of London street,and running thence south along the western line of Cochran avenue 321-2 feet; thence running westerly ai right angles 45 feet; thence running northerly at right angles 52 1-2 feet, and thence easterly at right angles 45 feet to the point of beginning. Said land belonging to tho estate of Amanda Hughn, deceased. Terms cash. This tho 7th day of September, 1800. J. U. IvNIBB, Administrator,Estate Amanda Hughs. PUBLIC SALK. 0 Georgia-Glynn County. Undor and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certain deed to secure deed from Alfred F. Turner to the American Build ing Loan and Tontine Savings Association of Memphis Tennessee, which deed is recorded in Book N. N., folio, 274 of the reeordu of said county, reforonco to which deed ami record of sumo is had for all purposes, (tho said Alfred F. Turner having for more than six months de faulted in paying the dues aud interest which he iu his said deed to secure debt obligated himself to pay.) there will bo sold before the door of the court house in Brunswick, Georgia, between the legal bonrsof Sale, on the first Tuesday in October, 1900, to the highest and best bidder for cosh: That certain lot of land in Brunswick,Georgia, and in that part of said city of Brunswick known us Town Commons; and being the Western ono-luiif of Town Com mons Lot Number 140, (and improvements) and in that block of lots located between Wolf and Albany streets, in said city. To be Hold as the property of said A F. Tum or for the purpose of | ayiug the indebtodnesa seen red by said deed, principal being $308.28, liesides Interest, dues, tiiww,, etc. Purchaser pays for titles, This AugHibt, 1900. ALFtVfp F. TURNER, By American Buildinff noan and Tomiu© Havings Association of Memphis, Tennes see, Attorney in Fact. D W. KRAUBH, Attorney forauid Association. CITAIION. Georgia—Glynn County. To ail whom it may concern: Henry G. Cur tis having tn proper form applied to no for permanent letters of administration on the es tate of Samuel Curtis, late or said county, this is to cite all and singular, the creditors ami next of kin of Samuel Curtis to be and api ear at my oflicc within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why perma nent administration should not l>e granted to Henry G. Curtis on estate of Bamuel Curtis. Wituess my hand and oflicial signature this 4th day of Heptember, 19C0. HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn County, Ga. v ' County. Noth-'.ftlven that the undersigned ban ftffjHWßßpfn the of ordinary of said county fov iPave to sell land belonging to the estate of Bridget Minehan for the payment of debts, ftaid apnlilmtio < will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the Ural Monday in Octo ber, 19 0. It EBJCNI JO TOHII AB, Administrator upon the Estate of Bridget M inchan. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Whereas, Ella J. Jennings, administratrix of George W. Calvin estate, represents to the court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully administered George W. Calvin's estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if anv they can, why said ad ministratrix shoo Id not lie discharged from administration, and receive letters of dismis sion on the lirct Monday in December, 1900. HORACE DA RT, Ordinary. ADM IN IST HATCH'S NOTICE GEORGIA—GIynn County. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of John Mahoney, late of Hillsbor ough county, Florida, deoeused, and formerly of Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, to ren der an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by lav*, properly made oat. And all persons indebted to eafd deceased are hereby requested to make immediate pajmeut to tbe nntfaguJgned. This August 24, J9uo. WILLIAM MAHONEY, Administrator of John Mahoney. STATE OF GEORGIA—GIynn County. The Federal Transport and ) In Equity in the Insurance Cos,, et. al., | Superior Court of m* l of ald;county The Atlantic Cotton Cos., f Suit to enforce *et. Hi. | payments to capi ) tal stock. The defendants, J. H. Ernst, Carlo Ernst, C. Schumacher Sc Cos., a copartnership A. Norton & Cos„ a copart nershlj), tt.IV. O. Edge. W ill ism O. Allison and JB. Thtfftias.are hereby notified and required to be and appear m person or bv attorney at the next December, 1900, term of the Superior Court of said county, to be hold in the court houat of said county, at Brunswick, an the flrat.Monday in December, next, and by 10 o’clock, s. m., of said day. then and there to answer the plaintiff* in this in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice may appertain. Witness the Hon Jos. W. Bcn nt. Judge of said Court. This 27th day of July, 1900. F. doBIGNOK, Clerk SaperiorCourt,GlynuCo M Ga. DIBSOL U TIOXJfcN HTICK. On account of 'he death of Samuel Oort is,the Ann of Curtis,Carrera* & Cos., by mutual cony sen that been diMOtVcd. ei V B. OARRKRAB, HENRT O.CUHTIH. PROCLAMATION.-State of Georgia. ecutive Office, Atlanta.--Submitting constitu tional amendment regarding pensions for the widows of confederate soldiers to a vote of the people a tt-he next general election. Whereas, the general assembly of 1899 passed by a constitutional majority the following act towit: ’•An act to amond sect’on 1, article 7, para graph 1, of the constitution of Georgia, so as to extend the provisions of said eectiou, article and paragraph to tho widows of confederate soldiers, who, by reason of age aud poverty, or infirmity and poverty, or blindness and pover ty. are unable to provide a living for them selves, and for other purposes.” Sec. l. Ite it enacted by the general assem bly of Georgia,.and it is hereby enacted by au lhority of the same, that section 1, article 7,< paragraph 1, of the constitution of Georgia, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting alter the word “service” iu the 13th line, the following words: “or who, by reason of age aud poverty, or infirmity and poverty or blind ness and poverty, are unable to earn n. living for* thejnselwe so that said seek.on when so amended, will read its follows, towit: “To sup ply the soldiers Who lost a limb, or limbs in the military service of the confederate states, with substantial artificial limbs during life; and to m a Irfckn Ttr.-.v i r.-r. ~ fr. r ~ J |>iviiUUO u* BULu LUUlrUvt HLt; soldiers as may have been otherwise disabled or permanently injured in stick service; or who may, by reasoif of age and poverty,or infirmity and poverty, or niinduess and poverty, art un able to provide allying for themselves, and for tho widows of such confederate soldAera as may have died in the service of the contoderate states, or since, from wounds received therein, or disease contracted in tno service, or who by rersonofage and poverty, or infirmity and poverty, or hlinaneas and poverty, are unab'e to provide a living for themselves; provided that the act shall only apply to sucti widows as were married at the time of such, service, mid have remained unmarried since the death of such soldier husdand.” Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, that, if this amendment shall be agreed to By two-thirds of the general assembly, of each house, the same shall be entered on tneir journals with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and the governor shal cause the amendment to be published in one or more of tho newspapers in each congressional district for two months immediately preceding the next goueral election, and the same shall be submitted to tho people at the next general election, and the votersthereat shall have writ ten or printed on their tickets, u For ratifica tion of section 1, article 7, paragraph 1, of the constitution of this state,” or “Againßt ratifica tion of section 1, article 7, paragraph 1, of the constitution of this state,” as they mav ohoose; and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the noxt general assembly, voting, shall vote in favor of ratification, then said amendment shall become a part of said ar ticle 7. section 1, paragraph 1, of tho constitu tion of this state, and the governor .shall make proclamation thereof. Sec. 3 ropoals conflicting lawe, Approved December 21, 1899. Now, therefore, 1, Allen I>. Candler, governor Qf said state, do Issue this, ray proclamation hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment of Mie constitution is hereby sub mitted, for ratification or rejection, to the voters of this state, at the general election to be held on Wednesday, October 3,1900, asurovided in said act. ALLEN I). CANDLER, By the Governor, Governor. J. W. WARREN, Secretary Executive Department. Servioe By Publication. STATE OF GEORGIA--County of Glynn. John Rogers, ) In Glynn Superior Court, May vs. J Term, 1900. Susie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. To the Defendant, Suslo Rogers: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the December Term,uext, of Glynn Superior Coin t, to be holden at the court house in Brunswick, Glyun County, Georgia, on the First Monday in December, 1960, and by Ten* (10) O’clock of the forenoon of said date, then and there to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above stated case in his Liool for Divorce. Witness tho Honorable Joseph W. Bennett, .Judge of the Sup rior Court of Glynn County, this the 10th day of J uly, 1900. _ , „ . ' H. J\ duBIGNON, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn ( ounty, Ga. HEItVICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—Comity of Glynn. .Mrs, Ella Markhnni Libel fordivoroe: in the Superior court or Glynn VS. county,May term, 1900, .. Order to perfect service Mart,n B. Markham granted at said term. To the Defendant, Martin B. Markham. m You art* hereby required, in person or by torney, to be and appear, at the December JArm, 1900, of Glynn Superior court, to bo hold en in and'i'or said comity, at the court house,in Brunswick, Glynn coun tv, Georgia, on the first Monday in December, 1900, and yon will be there by ten (10) o'clock, of the forenoon of said day, then nnd there to answer tho complaint of tho plaintiff Mrs. Ella Markham, in tne above stated case, in her libel for divorce. Witness tho Honorable Joseph W. Ben net, Judge of the Superior court of Glynn county, this the 24tU day of August. 1900. A. O. TOWN.SEND,'*’? Deputy Clerk of the Stipe* - ? "Court, Gl.vnn County, Georgia, ERNEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff, 3KSr~ — bEUVICE BX MIBLICaWoK. sutc of Georgia—Cousiy of (i'.ynn. Mrs. Edna Wylie Libel "for (JiTorec; in the Superior Arnrt of Ulvnn vs. county,, if ay term. 100041 - Irder. Beryler# Jame. tty fe. granted at said term. i M Tu tboLofcndtmt, James Wylie. J ' YolVurS licreby required. In peraon or b" torney, to be and appear at the DcA term, lUi.o, of Olynn Superior court,to lu'Tiptu en In and for said county, at tho cOurOtKrttse. In Brunswick, tilyun county, rtqoruiif; on the first Monday In December, iuuo, will be there by ten (10) oteloSK iTlhe fflrenoon of said day, tlion and there to answer the com plaint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Edna Wylie, In the above stated case, in her libel for divorce. VVilnossthe Honorable Joseph W. Benntt, .Indue of the superior cohrt of Olyun county, this the tilth day of August, lUOO. A. (). TOWNSEND. Doputy Clerk of tho Superior Court, Olvoi (.'ounty, Georgia. EKNKbT DAItT, Attornev for Plaintiff. SERVICE BY. PUBLICATION. * Stale of Ccorgla—Connty of ' Mr,, IJ/zio Long Libel for divorce; hi the i?Ui>erlur court of Glynn rs. gounry. May term, lUOO. Thomas A. 1.0n,, ZSS&tVffiLZ" 1 "' To th A. Long. r 6< llr.l, | U person or by at- oiinf**2’ “* *"• Weecnher fovJSfd c"C , „^".t C u l e‘'c' U „H house In Brunswick, Glynn ennjl.. Gem*?a’nn the first Monday in lWa3Gs.?BM?am!*ln! w.ii bctherc by ten HO, Cel" k oiTc’forenoon of Mid day, then and there t-> answer the com of the plain,iff, Mrs. I.izzle Lon? in the aboye stated case, in her libel for divorce ° Wilnesa the Honor.hi. Joseph W liennet Judge ef the Superior court ef Glynn county this lh tilth day of August, |yt.o. y co,ln ‘y. „ , , ~, A. O. T’uWNSEND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Omit, Glynn County. Georgia. ’ KKNK9T DART, Attorney for Tlalntllf, service: bv publication. Mrs. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. R. turnahlo Pi December y- Term, 11)00, of Superior Court of Glynn coon 0. J. Freeman, ty, Georgia. Toth.said defendant,O.J. Freeman; You aro hereby required* personally or by attorney, to be and appear at the next term ol tb Superior Court of sold county, oonranin* on tho first Monday in December, 1900,then and there to answer the plalnillT, Clyde Freeman upoftihs merits of her petition for divorce lllod' Fas in dcfaull of such appearancr Of voceed a. lo Jusdce shall appor r WA li,e lion. Joseph \v. llonnut jeriorCourt, ties 'itf day of ‘ A. O,TOW- ”U. , rerlor Court, c i. J'lttr’s, At^. Southern Railway Cos. Office of General Agent, Brunswick, Ga. SCHEDULES. For Savannah, Washington and New York. Lv Brunswick 6 40 am 9ospr Ar Savannah .10 80 am 19 50 am A v Washington 735 am 85Q pm. Ar New York 2 03 pm 6 23 ana. For Jacksonville. Lv Brunswick— 500 am 325 pm 905 pm Ar Jacksonville.. 925 am 740 pm 180 am B’or Macon. Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati. Lv Brunswick 6 40 am 9 05 pm A r Macon 1 15 pm 3 00 am A r Atlanta 3 50 pm 5 20 am, Ar Louisville 7 50 am 7 80 pm Ar Cincinnati 7 45 am 7 40 pna. From New York, Washington and Savannah* Lv Npw Vftrfe , v Jjm 1215 am Lv Washington.. 955 pm 11 15 am Lv Savannah ... 15 pm 620 am *5 00 pm Ar Brunswick... 025 pm 805 am 835 pm ' * From Jacksonville. Lv Jada^nvillo.... 1 Ar BruAsyrick 6 25 pm from Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and Macon. Lv Cincinnati 8 30 am 8 00 pm Lv laouisville 7 45 am 745 pm Lv Atlanta 10 45 pm 12 05 pm Lv Macon.. 1 00 am 2 SO pm Ar Brunswick 7 10 am 8 35 py at KESSLER’S Cor. Monk and flrant Sts GEORGIA DETECTIVE AGC’Y BRUNSWICK.* C r-'^v jent Civil and c.i^*'S4|fc !3 Matt<3'nded to bueiness OJcnfidentlal. ®n quireß conduct. secrecy. L- J. ■■ ■ ■■ L, J, Leavy & Cos Anv, tier Commission nd Gener ;ting Agent* ‘Consignmy Solicited and Prompt Ret 4l Rendered. Speoial /*** ?m Paid to (^S3g^ nta B. WlNp, les Ayifit Messenger Service? * Cleveland, Monarch, Crawtord’ £lk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartlflcially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and perraanentlycurea Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Soiir Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other results of imperfeetdigestion. Preoared by E. C. DeWltt ACo, Chicago- j W J. Butts, tbelDruggist. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Allen*,;K(.ot-Euso, .'powder. It cures plufnL~, smarting, nervous feet nndilngrowjng nail,und instantly taxes tho sting out of corns and bun ions. J t’s the greatest eomfyr t discovery of the age. Allen’s Foot-Eaae makes tight or new shoes feel casp. It Is a certain cure for sweats tng, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Trv i* y '., f !' l|d l, y a' l oruggiats and shoe stores. By mall for Me in stamps. Trial pactkngo Free. Aildross Allen S. Olmstoad, Lo Roy, N. V 4 HSrkeh 7 ! 1 a BALSAM i lid tx aiitlr.ctf tho mUf.k >f il liixtirlnnt growth. | lla to R. more U Youthful Col'*T l ••twlniff snil hair ♦aUtw^ 7