The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 22, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUMEXI. NUMBER 32. H NEH IffiJP Soie Serins Tulle Near New Orleans Yesterday. II RICE WAR IMMINENT The Lynched Negroes Robbed a German Conple of a Small Snm of Money Last Tuesday New Orleans, Sept, 21.—The sandy soil of “bloody" Tangipahoa parish was today again dyed in crimson. The home of Louis Hotfelter, who lives on the Illinois Central railroad at Pouchatouia station, was forcibly entered last Tues day and robbed of two hundred and fifty dollars. This crime, after a diligent search, was fastened on a gang of ma negro toughs, * cl tfeu suspected darkies were captured ar.u placed in the more or less insecure jail, which , ouid not resist the attacks of a mob of determined whites, who broke it down and took the four negroes and hung them in the nearby woods, riddling the bodies with bullets as an affectionate adieu, This is but an additional chapter to a long list of tragic events which have Occurred in that unfortunate parish in the last ten years. Being near the state line dividing Mississippi from Louisi ana criminals seem to find easy conceal ment from officers of ihe law by skip ping from one state into the other when pursuit gets too hot. TELEGRAPH BREVITIES, One bartender killed another in Sa vannab. Col. Belo, a Galveston editor, says the city will at once be rebuilt. Judge O.W. Powers was appointed United States Senator in Utah while tbe governor was out of the State. England does not like warship trace, ferring Kruger to Europe. Li Hung says; lias received plenty of consideration from the United States. Walcott has declined the appoint ment of ambassador to Italy. Thirty-flve were killed io an explo sion at tbe French Glueck mine. Postmaster's daughter under arrest in Charleston for robbing the mails. More marines are eoon to bs sent to the Philippines. A big slump in tbe New York cotton market. /-*- FIVE 'htAMPS KILLED. Lexington, Sept, 31.—Five tramps were killed and six badly injured In a freight wreck at Sadieyllle this after noon. CUBA ELECTION. To Name Delegates for a Constitu tional Convention. Havana, Sep!. 22. —Elections will be held tomorrow in accordance with General Wood’s decree calling far a constitutional convention and provid ing for the eleotion of delega’es. The delegates elected will meet in Havana en the first Monday in November. The convention according to the terms of the decree is called In con-, fortuity with the spirit of the joint resolution of congress and a part of its duty will he to agree upon the rela tion of the United Stales and the gov ernment of Cuba. Havana province will: send , eight delegates to’ the convention ; province, seven; Santa Clara proving sevn; Mantattzas province, four; Dinar Rio province, three. ' -;J TICKET NOMINATED. Connecticut Democrats in State Con vention. Hartford, Septa 21—The democrats of this state met here today and nominated Samuel J. Bronson for governor and Cyrus G. Breckwith for lieutenant gov- CONNECTICUT DEMOCRAT**, New llsven, Conn., Sept, 21. The Democratic Slate convention to nom inate a subordinate candidate, con vened here today. At the meeting of the Democratic State central commit tee, on August 2‘2nd, ft was decided to present the uame'of Judge BrcnsoD, of this city. The patty in this State has endorsed the anti-imperialist plat form, hut lub strongly denounced the free silver plank. The fight this fall will be made State issues clone and egainit a lobby candidate. AT SALT LAKE. Salt Lake, Utah, Sept, 21.—Theodore Roosevelt arrived here today from Og den, which was the first stop on his invasion of this State. He spoke tbia afternoon, and left tonight for Evans ton, Wyoming, where he is to speak tomorrow, United States Senator Carter accompanies the governor. AIDS FOR AKER. Urbana, Ohio, Sept. 21.—The Repub lican oampaign in this section was opened this evening by Senator For aker, ex-Governor Taylor, of Ken tucky, is to join Foraker here, and continue with him on a slumping tour of the State. JUSTIN M’CARTHY RETIRES, London, Sept. 11.—Justin McCarthy, the historian and novelist and member of parliament of North Logord since 1882 and formerly chairman of the Irish parliamentary party, announces bis retirement from parliamentary life on account of ill health . HORSE SHOW. Tuxedo, N. J., Sept. 21.—The an nual horse show opened here today. Universal Interest sli.wn. Riding and driving have for tbe present taken the place of the golf rage. The entries are principally from the stables of the 'ultra fashionables. [BRUNSWICK, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1900. 18ft IB ■ MB i Plan Ob Fob! to Tie Ip tie Railroads TRAINMEN JAKE I HI jjany Factoriitr in the Region Where tte'Strf|MfetfstsWill Down. •jjjew York, ftept. 21.—A yswi&l dis patch to the 'journal from Scranton if,*" * ' ■ ‘ '• Vi. y-T ; says that it planned to tie up all the coal carrying railroads, in order, to aid tbg miners of the anthracite coal mines. lumbers plthe Brotherhood of Railroad are deeply in terested In thisstruggle. They have sum moned tUilrVf&<i paster, Hosliy, tt&b GaTesfiurg, l'f. 3 He will arrjve tomor row. v . ■ Factories Shutting Down. Wilkesbarre, ± Sept. 21.—Tim f West End colliery at Mocanaqua is working half a forgp this morning, and slowly but Fdrciy, tile strikers it down. Since been tho only colliery i the tapper coal field at work and a half. dozen organizations nave been ejeefting efforts to get the mhh out.., Tfo washeries at PitUfiofl we still working. The Strikers at Luzerne are hfijyjhst-.lmvc driven the men fipm woykmg for threfi day* 1 in succession? • Th#sheriff still rifuses to proteclionras -fljbrsjb conflict would *BuCj The employes of tho New Jer sey arc being laid oft and the Wilkcsbt&fe shirt factory lias ' sfigt dp wo, for lack fcf eojl.ASeterSl factories will not be aJfco ter run longo than a week or twajantthey can re - plenish their storfk b> .‘jfuf[- Mobs In Shenandoah VatU-.G Mahoney City, Bepf[ 24.—MohVio* lecco has transferred the Shenandoah Valley into a scene of wild disorder. Several foreigners in squads ol thirty or more were scattered on the outskirts of the town thiß morning. Every" man caught going to work was intercepted and beaten by the mobs. Where la Mitchell? New York, Sept, 21. —It is reported that Mitchell, president of tbe United Mine Workers, is in Now York now to attend a conference of the coal opera tors. He is not at Hazleton, and nos body seems to know where he is. > What Archbishop Ryan Says. Philadelphia, Sept. 31.—Archbishop Kyjn today oonfirmed the report that President Olyphant Teasdale bad con sented to confer with bimon the strike. Tbe arohbisbop says be now feels en couraged that matters will be amica bly adjusted. The time and place of the conference will be determined to day. n' if'- Tnln Ttasjoi Gl|sß Pflt to DlltL H I 101 WIPED OUT W Chinese Driven to the B&nks of the River Amar, and Then ForceH Into the Water. * London, Sepr. Sept. 21.—“Authentle scoonnts havebeen received here,” sejrs tbe Moscow correspondent of the Standard, “of jfcdiorrjtfle massacre of Blagevestohensk/Whiph was ondoubt edly carried out, under direot orders iff from the Russlhn authorities and which then let loose the tide of Xv ' -r. - . ' SW slaughter through Amur. “The entire Chinese population of y a: was escorted out of town to a spot five ngjUee up Uw Amur, flung alive into the stream, and were stabbed or shot at the least resistance while Russian volunteers who lined Up the hanky olubbed or shot any who atteroptod to land. Not one /soaped aliye. The river bank for miles was strewn with corpses.” Rioting Near ffftnton* i —<r.' Paris, Sept. 2k —The French co&sul at under date of yesterday that disorders, have broken out In pun Tai, near Canttij). Several village* have been destroy ed, and othere erre besieged by boxers. **r- S% .Tbe missionaries succeeded in escap ' T i ug. Tbe first troops sent by tbe vice I’oye proved powerless to subdue the disordx, nd the foreign oOMfifite have mtiiu a most urgent resist fpr the of a larger bo<ty ;pf *o!- consulate and the French gunboat Avalanohe-will accompany the force. LI Hung Chang at Taku. Tung Ku, Sept, 21,-Lt Hung Chang arrived Tuesday at Taku anchorage, where he was visited by Rear Admi ral Uemey with a Russian dag captain. Earl Ei proceeded to Tung Ku today. He*j*ceived no special honors, and at tracted but little attention. Only Rui sian snd Japanese oflloera called upon him, but later he had a long confer ence with Admiral Aiexiff on a Rus sian warship. Indorse Germany’s Policy. Berl n, Bept. 21. Several of the powers have expressed Concurrence ih CermanVis China note, and the Ger maA*Tbreign ajjoe isoonvineed that all the powers likewise, 1 KRUGER GOES TO EUROPE, London, Sept. 21.—A dispatch from St. Petersburg says Kruger is ooming to Europe to appeal to the tribunal of international arbitration of the pro jected peace conference. COMING TO GEORGIA. Preacher Who Edited Kansas Paper a Week to Visit Savannah. Sivannab, Sept. 21.—Rev. Charles K. Sheldon, the author of “In His Steps,” and the editor for one week of The Topeka Capital, at Cljyfiat would have uOiic, will visit gsyaanab on l i . '.iyj •... , iNovember 18 b, and will otpoupy the pulpit of Rev. Arthur J. Smith, of the First Presbyterian churob, on that day. He comes at the request of Rev. Mr. Smith. Rev. Mr, Sheldon’s name is well known here, and the church will unquestionably be crowded by those who desire to hear him. AT THE GRAND “Mr. Young of Utah" Was Well Pre sented' ' A small but highly pleased house wit nessed the second performance of “Mr. Young of Utah" last night. This com edy is replete with ludicrous situations, and the clever comedians of the Wood ward-Warren Gy. were equal to the oc casion, keeping the house In laughter from rise to fall of curtain. Tomorrow night, by special request, thajtsplepdid team of specialists, Guy Woodward and Lulu Burnley, will, du ring one of the -.ei&fjitcts, amuse the house with specialties. Chas. Milton will also be on hand. ' This being the closeof the company’s week engagement,'find the awarding of the $25 p£l|!p taking ftlapev the house w 111 h u re3 a be crowded, ; seminary opens. i’rinceton, Sept. 21.—The Princeton Theological Seminary was formally opened this evening, William Park "Armstrong, a graduate of the Princeton University and the seminary, succeeds Rev. Geo. T. Purves, who' formerly licld tho chair of literature and exege sis. Robert Theo logical SemtnuH ■ gtt-y. elected to the chair ol delivered higinaugural address. Jas. MBoyd, B. I)., of the University of was recently appointed to Elliot F. Shep ard instructorship in the Old Testament department. • A GREAT BANQUET. - Paris, Sep*. 21.—President Loubet’s immense banquet was held here this afternoon. Fifteen thousand guests including mayors all the towns in Fraooe were down at the tables. Great ffIWBA the gardens uf tbe Tuileriea overloipiingPßTfSe de Rivoli. The banquet will cost 500,- OCO francs. The president will make several addresses. Tonight there will be a fete if* splendid illumination l ’. FIRE AT ST. LOUIS. St. Louis. Sept. 21.—The steamers War Eagle and Carrie 8., as well aa a blook of wharf boats, are burning. Fivepersons are suppled to have beentj®d. One bodv faa* been re . covered'. >*.|Vy rouch ifcirilipPtirfto. Washington, September 21.—Mints' er Conger reports the arrival of Commle aloner Rockblll at Pekin. Ho alto stales that ibe rebellion In Nanking is spreading. PRICE FIVE CENTS. TEXAS HAS A Mil M'Msbf Towns Are TteatoßsilWittiDe strnciion. INI DIAIHS -REPORTED It is Thought That A Number of Villages Will be Completely Wiped Out —Some Bodies Recovered. Dallas, Tex., Sapt. 21.—A terrible cloudburst ocourred today near Fort Worth, the loss to life and property ig reported as being very large,* A solid wall of water estimated to be 30 feet high is said to he sweeping down the Trinity river valley, playing bavod and oreating dismay and terror among tbe ing to the hlghKnas.^/E/r It is feared that Che towiis of Mand ley, Arlington, 'foand Prairie and Esgleford will be wiped off the faos of tbe earth by this tremendous wali of water rushing onward. Scores of small villages equally as defdnseieas against the flood are deemed in immi nent peril. A number of bodies of persons swept by tbe torrent have been recov ered as they floated by Fort Worth. 3!e JOHNSTOWN CELEBRATES. John-town, Pa.. Sept. 21.-The cele bration of Johnstown’s lOotb anniver sary. which is to list three days, began today, Johnstown will not be 100 years old until November Snl, but as that date Is on the eve of the (Presidential election, today was fixed as the date ot the celebration. The general com mittee, of which Mayor Woodruff is the chairman, has prepared a program which will long be remembered by the citizens and the crowds of visitors. COLORADO TEMPLARS. Denver, Sept. 21.—A1l the commands of the Knighte Templar of Colorado ar rived this morning in full regalia to at tend the annual conclave. It is the twenty fifth anniversary of the organi zation and is being observed in appro priate manner. There will be a parade, prize drills, etc., and a grand bail. Open houses are being kept by all the local commanderles. OPENING OF UNIVERSITY, Athens, G*., Sept. 21.—The opening of (he university was the brightest in Its history. The chapel was filled to overflowing, and the reception given to Chancellor Hill was an ovation. The registration yesterday at 4 o’clock waa 290, which i 100 in exoeea of this day last year. The attendance on the law olass is 90, 8,0 more than ever ate tended before.