The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 23, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUMEXI. NUMBER 33. MIPS ON I JOB fell liners Oysrasefl By Militia. MARTIAL Li IN FORCE The Preßenoe of the Troops Has Prevented Any Further Trouble in the Rioting Coal Miners. Shenandoah,S.p . 22.—At last blood lisa been abed at the big strike, whlob hitherto has bren devoid of any eer isaa difficulty. Yesterday afternoon a sheriff'sposse fired on a mcbof ( riber?,who attempt ed to molest some men wbo were being escorted from the Indian R'dge out lier of the Reading Company. TbJ officers fired Into the oruwd killing two and wounding about ten, The mob na greatly incensed, and foroed the sheriff’s oflioere into the Fergu ton House, which they barricaded. A meaiag* was then sent to ■fekftnor Stott?, asking for troops, the Troops Arrive. Shenahdoab. Sept. 22.—1n answer to the demand for troop*, Qe, Gobin and ats;; arrived here before daybreak and established' a temporary bead •quarters at the Mountain £ mse. At 5 o’clock the Twelfth regiment arrived from I’ottiville. The Fourth rsgimant ie on the way. Battery C, of I‘biladelpbia, will be here in a few hours. The Oovernoi’s Troop, from Harris, burg, will be in r.amn by nightfall. <Jol, Richardson, wbo ha* charge of the movement of troopr, says that by nigh faii there will be 2,500 soldiers nnder arms in this district. Troops Control bitilMion. Shenandoah, S pt. 22 Gin. Gobin, an command of the Third Brigade,an nounced today : “Oar duty here is plain. The troops will protict lives and guard property.” The General says he has the situation already in hand. Toe streets are tilled with people again. The Hungarians and Poles from the mines wbo took part in ye-terday's rioting look sullenly on, but make no show of resistance to the soldier). Martial La-.v Prevails Shenandoah, Sept 22.—A1l here tbit afternoon. The man killed yesterday was Michael Yuokavage. a little girl named Annie Rogers, who at first was reported kil'ed, was only wounded by a bullet in the back of her neck. Martial law has been de clared in this district. District Tisd Up. Soranton, Sept. 22.-More iban fif teen thousand work today, tying up the entire ninth district, i DEMOCRATIC CLUBS; They Met All Over the Country Yes terday, New York, Sopt. 22.—At the request of W. R. Heartt, president of the Na tional Association of Democralio Clubs, societies and bodies in sympathy with the Democratic oauee throughout the country, held meetings in their States and Territories *oday. The purpose of the meetings is to stimulate the work of organisation, and to elect delegates to the National Convention, tobe held at Anapolis, October 3-d. The clubs of every K tate and Terri tory will be fully .repre-en'ed at the convention, and will be addicted by Mr. Bryan and Mr, Stev'eneon and many others of the moat distinguished orators of the Democratic party. % Ll WALDERSEE IN CHINA- Shanghai, Sept. 22.—C„uut vou Waldersee la expected to arrive bare today on the German warship Sach sen. Some thirty German officers ac company him. General Sihwartzkopf is his chief of staff, Col, Barongsjjg chief quartermaster,: Byrpn Kslgge aud Count Koenigemark as aides, sail Count Stolb?rg-Wernigrods, Head quarters are already arranged herelir EMANCIPATION ANNIVERSARY Columbus, 0., S.-pt .22.—The negroes of this city are observing the thirly sevanth anniversary of emanoipatioa, day A committee of thirty in charge of the cerwgi niCB. The day has been spent in speechuiakjug and singing. CELEBRATE EMANCIPATION. Mancie, Ind., Sept. 22,—A mam moth demonstration was held here to day by the colored people in honor of the signing of the eoianc ption proc lamation. The day was a gala one for the colored people. Q 00 D 'POSITION. .ilk Win. K. Carter, one of our bent known colored men, has baen offered flfe peaition of principal of the Topeka (Kansas) Educational and Industrial Institute, and it is probable that he will accept. Carter numbers among h's friends many of our white citizens, and many will be glad to hear of his gord fortune. DANCING IN A CHURCH. Chicago, Sept. 22. Rev. Jnnkin Lloyd Jones is to preach his first ser mon on tomorrow as pastor of All Souls’ church in this city. It ie an nonooed that socials will be given In the church auditorium next winter, with dancing, for which a 25-cent ad mission fee will be charged. TOWNE WORKING HARD. Emporia, Kan., Sept. 22.—The popu lists in this state are working bard. Charles A. Towoe wl 1 tpeak hexe this evening and la promi-ed a large audl edee. He is will vis't Abilene, Concordia and a number of other towns. Mr. and Mrs. Pitcher and son, Earned, have returned from a pleasant summer spent in the mountains of East Tennessee. BRUNSWICK, (11, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1900. H HIV HICIItS Secretary Leas Issues a OldlOlHOlll. LSI FORGES Mi But Many Ships Will Be Added to the Asiatic Squadron * Washipg'op, Wept. 22 after noop the following statement, emana ting from Hfl NaVy department, over Secretary Long’s signature, was bul letined; ’.* of the possibility that later, wbep circumstances will warrant It, the force* doing duty im (Jbina wjli bs materially reduced. Tti* jsavai {races from. tiigj| to ioan interests IrTCbicesa waters and *' * ’ , *' • * '*Y' ports, and rlso in tbe Philippines.” Asa onneequenoeof the above, great juft ' .The gunboat D rrotbea Is ordered to trftgij* Island. The AnapePs, nowar iit.o.ut^cr Asiatic station. Tbe gunboat 1 . WH'/ington is under to joV the'fquadron in Chines* watsie,’going vis Gibraltar, kke l®|44err*neao and Sun Canal route.* jfP* remodelled cruiser A’lsnta wlil pfccled at once to Hi" South Atlantic cruising off South America under Admiral Schley. A LHOKY'SiDITOIt. Editor T. J. Shepard, of tiro'Fort Valhy4.i.atlcr, fpr|p[ly of tpU city, has been awarded f oOd by the Allan’a Wcokiy Constitution for ,bc third beet estimate in its cotton contest just closed, hie estima’e being within 240 bales of (he correct number. IWa not oftoa that an editor comes mte possession of eo much money at one time, And we desire to congratulate Mr. SliejJPd upon bis good fortune _ j. fr. CELEBUATE CoUrado Soring), C u l , S pt. '22, The colored people of this chy are par ticipating in a grand EmdbcTfltlon day outing and celebration. The whites bavj aided In many ways to make the affair a suocep’. Prominent colored orators spike this evening and several white speakers were also beard. Mrs. R. Go,dte, Mrs. G,.e te and M m A ■ g e vsrnah, arett.e gin--- .1 L. I’dch||^ ZMfrSmmWk in iiWIIWA m Mr. H. It. McLean, of Macon, is a guest at the Ogletho-pe. A good dinner for 250t5., at the Cen tral bote). Mill 111 111 ——— .. of the Jevisl .Mi fm. . fli fll Sill f- —— v . %&bbi Morristeiu Will Officiate. Some Interest,m£Sißtory of the Event. This evening at sunset will be the be ginning of tbe Jewish new year, Rosh Hashonah, and tbe first day of tbe month Tisbri, beginning the year .'5(161 of the Jewish era. ~ Rosb.Hashonah lasts from sunset to yA. sunset this afternoon. Monday will 'be set apart as a solemn season in which the members of the faith are supposed p review the ac tons of tbe past year, to repent apd .prepare t|pw6oivca for Yom Kippvif, or the day of atonement, which is ten days later. Rosh Uaskonah is also caltkjthe day of'memorial, on account ot a rabbinical tradition that it is tbe anniversary of tbe day (a’sslUon. The Jewish calendar has two new year*, The first, Bosh. nSabonab, is held to be tbe anniversary of ihe day on which God crwtfwWh* earth. II Uahers in the civil year. Abib is the first month in the religious-year. Another name bj which Ilasb Hash onah 1* known is' “tbs day of tbe sounding of tbe shofar,’’ These ih~ strument*,or ram’s horns, are sguridsd l to warn the people that the soisin or preparation hep oommenoed and that tbey mbst themselves by re viewing ' life deeds of the past year A '■ ** aud i > -flng of their misdeeds for tbe of Atonement, On tbe 15th day of Tisbri is cele brated Buoootb, or ibe Tabernacles, which is commemorative of the|well mg of the Israelites in the wilderiU'BSg It is alio called the Feast ot thams gath'riug of tbe Harvests,' jm9 Unis of the yesr aP ,jC were gathered into tha t(As^. ■Kee, and the harvest work of the WKSBM . On tbe eighth day of thn* if Stival so emn ssiembly, ,ur rain is ' ,UUn i 1 1" 1 •■•* v - . .. . ; '■ lnfllgnation m . tonight. Senator Butler J. Speer arc b.tli to speak. RKobaMv Ihe prellrairarv to a j3fcfcjlmliar to tliis at i> ii.'BS®*.'*' j Ex. Officer. ■ FIGURES ON STATES. Census Bureau Will Now Gi.e Popula tion State by Stsle, Washington, Sept. 23.—lJirec’or ot the Census Merriman said today that the announcement of the cities is prac tically comp’eted, as no bulletin will be Lsucd for a town under 25,000. Tbe bureau, ho said, will Jprobably begin ngxt week announcing the population of the states. The first Arkan sas, and tji£u>after theywill be Issued alpS % JI f "jjliiig with Alabama. j jffmr the states will be given out bss>re congress assembles. The returns from the several states will al„o show the jpopulation of cities Bader 35 OJfi •SORROWS OF SATAN,’ It Will Be the Next Attraction at tbe Opera House. Marie Corelni’B novet, “The Sorrows of Satan, ” in a dramatized form, will be presented Monday, October 1, at the Grand. While tbe idea of the devil appearing on earth is not entirely new, for Goethe has pictured U before, his character is absolutely now with Marie Cored!. In making the spirit of evil follow the ex ample of his divine master tbe author has not written irreverently, tbe Rory being told iu an absolutely irreproacha ble manlier and with deep religious fer vor. Manager Wfm. A. Brady is said to have cast play with an appreciation of the difficulties of represnla tion. It wifi nave all the requisite scen ery, which IS of a gorgeous nature, the leading scenes representing a fete do ebampeire, employing nearly oaci^ sand electric lights, a moonJlt?^^ - ' lit con •semtqry, and the.deck Btom . tossed at sea. ' Beats go on sale alHlay morning at Butts’ drug stored® ■*liijfNOTES. The SLijj- J „ the Mlou a! F-f '' In Bccu§‘";sf ,li , ‘ J/T V ]'!|PBCl*fk has can|fltiriiis date |§BKtober. He may appciTr later iu the season. / The i'crulhi-Beidlni Cos. are booked for an cfyjirJTappearauee at th ; e Grand. ——s 'll’ PREdBYTKItIAN CHURCH. The usual service} will be conducted by the pastor a’ tbe Presbyterian c.bureh today at 11 a. m. end 7:45 p. m. The subject for the mormon will be “Satan, tbopWwE3l^Mg, wer the air.’’ At the evening service tbe pastor - w!TI preach the -eoond oi his series of ser mons on “l<’do4j of the Bible.” Hast Sunday ov-nb h he discussed the “Skep- tical Fool.’ 1 " The subject for thie.eve thu Worldly Fool.” Spe- BS ailed to the change of evening iervwe— 7:l7 in - P|l A f idial welcome is , i r!" 'f. at the hi- PRICE FIVE CENTS. 11l iIS Dili! ■ 1 Bet Aim Will Ten .Dawn ten ftpsaf. V v_ II Hh^llllM A Dispatoh From Garmany Says Relations Between the United States and Germany Are Strained. Washington, Sept. 22.—1 tls reported on good authority here that the German propoaal that negotiations with China be deferred until the Chinese responsible for the Pekin outrages have been sur rendered to the allies has failed of ap- proval by our government. The decli nation has been conveyed in a manner that cannot give offense, but it is be% lieved that ihat the United States gov ernment cannot recognize the principle that a country may be called upon to surrender its own citizens to a foreign power or powers.fqr punishment, Tha government does not relinquish the idea of the ultimate punishment of the of* fenders when they are properly identi fied. but it does not believe that the pur suit of thi i object sh'Oald put a stop to all negotiations. There Any Tension? Hept, disjiatch from Berlin saysTtfltt-k h believed that there is a tentlon between GtVUnited States and Germany over the settlement of the Chinese trouble and the German pro posals. It s'ates that Germany wit; not publish the answers to Von Buolo’s note | received from the various powers, for the tt* German ment does u it'ttfcis;ro the iwpreM get al)road that pressure cd upon other nations interests*!* “ Allies Capture Forts. Washington. Sept 22.—Admiral Ra mey cables from Taku, under date ot yesterday, that a force of Russians and Austrians andvanced on the Pci Tang forts Thursday mght. The Chinese opened fire and kept it up all night at intervals. The forts were evacuated next morning. The Europeans hoisted their colors oyer the forts at 11 o’clock. Twenty-five Russians and Germans are reported to have been blown up by a mine. Raising an Army. Pekin, Sept. 82, -Chang’s agents ara busy rais’ng a private army of s 'X)J men for the viceroy. JU.'dl N ESS CH A N GE. Mr. Andrew Roes, who has been manager of the Brunswick Hsok Com pany, has withdrawn from the firm, and Mr. J. S. Franklin, formerly of the Colson Hardware company, has purchased an interest and will io fu tura manage the business.