The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 23, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Brunswick Times. Established 1889. The Brunswick Call. Established Mi. The Brunswick Times-Cail, CONSOLIDATED IMOO. Published ETKKY MOUSING EXCEPT MOSDAY. '■**■ ’ ■ ■ = AJITHUH H. LEAVY Editor ■OLAKD A. MULLINS, Business Manager = - —■ wr, ifXtto u ,l! r,taet ton-—— TO SOBSOPJBERfi ftubecribor* are requested to notify the office when they fail to get any Issue ot the Times- CaH. A tteation to this matter will be appre ciated by the publlehci*. The Timee-Cull will be Delivered by •arrler or mail, per year. 88.00; per week IS cents. Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Boal name of writer ehonld ac company same. Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper ehould be reported to the business office. .Address all •ommunications to THE TIMES-CALL, Brunswick, Ga. ENFORCE THIS LAW. The an’.i spi ting ordinance locontly passed by the cl’y .0 tncll had abjut as much effect In stopping this nuisance as a bucket of water would swell Ogle thorpe bay. But It is a city law, pub lic sentiment is not aga'nst Hand our officers should sec that It Is enforced. On the stieets and In our public buildings the sight is nausea Ing and disgusting. Make an example if somebody. Augusta’s mayoralty fight grows warmer. We may expect (much business in Brunswick next month. There are some smooth folks, but Ron Livingston—well, you all kuwr Lon. , T * Lieutenant Uobsoa^J^u kluK too much, asi|_tlk ofiTwom: than kiss ing- y,'"" . And RenalorCaffery declines to be the nominee of the nationa’, or third party, president. ': . I a tonac!oui- and tJcursi'vuß are ovr. hut the crfifjred people mw imr-Cai.p it glad to say ihat Ihe little “plalu bthinm talk” about del liqaset iub*tr,bcrn bSt bad a good effect. Witu the return ol each European traveler it beci me# plainer that the ‘'Great Paris Exporition” is not a sue* cess. Prices cl ad marl on are going down, proprie ore rf sideshows ate des tnandlrg reductions io the percentages they pay, and still the peop'e refuse to attend. Amer.cans say the expositioa * prouer is not equal to that In Chicago tn 18011. The openings of the various colleges for wales and females in Georgia this year have been very successful. The at tendance of these institutions for the kigher education of Georgia girls and boys has been lunch larger than ustia and tbb indications arc that the colleges of this state will have the most success ful let ms in their hi.tory ou the coming •cholastic year. SUNDAY THOUGHTS. lt'ish -p Stephrn Klliot. The cares of thts tile mast be atrlaly Wtrlec the control of a well-regulate POWER OF THE TRUSTS. In our judgment the real issue in the present campaign is not imperialism or money, but the trusts, as this comes to the home of every American citizen. There is no denying the fact that a poor man.has a very poor show in this liberty loving country. Enormous amounts of money, managed by a few men, control the prices of every commodity; and while we must pay more for everything we use wages are forced downward as rapidly as prices on necessities go upward. Trusts are safe with McKinley. Neither the president or bis boodle-loving ( government will turn a hand against these blood-sucking monopolies, and what wlli be the result? The poor man, the wage-earner, must come to want unless we have a government which will see the constitution as our forefathers saw it. T*o tiiiugjs f*- ~ fiamßwrtftfi for tbs of tbssif tructs 5 pro tective tariff, which would exclude competition from abroad, an administra tion which would favor them and not interfere with their opcraiibgj at home The •’implied both. Without this greater©!, eots iD fc*Af|j|i!! jpllmjld not lm anh we wou and once again have "• ftr.t Country, with the protecting arm of a powerful alroirilstration around why should not the moneyed interest of America prospei?, s- > • The poor man has but one hppe, and that is democratic success. With Bayan as president and an attorney general with enough backbone to enforce the laws not a trust could live to grim) the people down. " ■£ But Mr. Mark Hanna, who controls the president and the government, says we have no trusts. Go ask the workman Who is being coerced and starved, His wages cu>, his meat raised. Go to the small industries all over this country and see the sign "shut down” on the doors. No trusts? Why, it is nothing but trusts, and the liberty iovtag people of this great America should rise in November and defeat the set of men who bavq dese crated our flag and disregarded our constitution. .-■■■ We feel that it would not be extravagant to say that the trusts bayg con tributed not lees than twenty five million dollars to the republican campaign fund In order to buy up the thousands of purchasable votes of both colors. Under our present government the combines have made money. Rockefeller has an Income of some twelve or fifteAi m llions annually, while Carnegie’s profits 'or a year are reporteand to be SOB,OOO a day. They can afford to shell out without stint, They can readi'y pay millions to buy votes if it will giye them four more years of robbery and gam. Carnegie in four years of trust robbe-y can add $100,000.000, to his already enormous fortune Do you think these kings will hesitate to give millions to purchase the fellows without principles or charade ? A change mußl come or the people will rise en masse. hoart, otherwise they will, oyerposer us. The .ouygatiou is Uie other way— to apportion our religions dut'es ac cording'o our worldly cares, diminish ing those af these increase; that is, to toke lias heed as cur peril increases * or wlun caMa Increase, whio J*F always do with years, then , „ thougbtfu at 6 |)1 ft . ness and duties m ‘ !Bt necessary the >' * lo “ e '*“ turn the carcT^f^^ 10 rullion ' Rnd l.oxdjdh, a snare; 1 . lii SSTlltlon, unless lie o! those things which overeba' heart. Our Lord, youjsee, places the 1 man or the woman i a is absorbed la the cares of this l.fe hj'ou the same footle if as #yard> for death, cr the coming of the Muu, with the glutton and the drunk aid. And for ih s plain reason, that while they operatj in different ways, they alike Uke ihe heart IromGuiL Mil trom over charge the heart, and make men forget their accountability, god weap them in a dream of security until death en folds them as in a grrpw.and they per sist’. Take lwcd lest th' day corns up -1111 leu unawares! • me beseech ' ■ ii-.s of your - ul^Spj G. - tics the ty mg-_* V ” lfc and tfr-* || inc.reasM wit you '" t - d KM SlX'"* V m '' lht , acknowledge U- K .Voor £ „„i in *,.„r THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 23, 1900. condition will you be for that prepara tioa—a preparation which you have, ‘neglected? Is .'the whole perl:d of an ordinary sickness in out climate suffi cient f<r such a work? How much then the closing passages, when the body Js weak, and the mind cloudrd, and the spirit frightened and fluttering at its approaching separation! if you would not hava jJ*ath come tifon you f unawares, and as a snare, prepare for it while in health? Christ bade us watch , because. He said, we kw not when the Master of the house wll come. whether "At even or at lulduigtit, or at the cock crowing, or In the morning.’ The pestilence "wa'keth In darkness,’' " rake heed while it .'a tailed today," Jest dtath come upon yon.unawares and Hkfcgnare! rebcmbliog mu'broontt . ’at deattaft tkioyear. Btaura oiincrv? (he name c.tre JJtWPfs With Hsael* Salve] ~en coumerleu*. DetVut', Is itch Hiii.l Salve. It Is safe the only "ri^^ or pi>, M ,,| ukm i tain jroni a. . Kird Ynij Han Always Bought Bear, the . 111 'ißf EYE ’&-HM ijjJmt" °< Sion exi-r. Jjf : :wt*n ruined ilv § ■P*' ■ >”• perfectly cor- by us. Don't wait W call now Wc are specialist. Lennon mott, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. *ls Sar<U Strest, Inayeclor of Watches for Souther. Hallway. Time t.y Wire daily from Washington LOST SBO IN CASH. Mr. J. W. Cc.noley Ir Out That Amount. Mr. J. W. Conoley, the justice of the peace, had the misfortune yesterday of osing SBO in eash. Mr. Cono’ey had the money In a small envelope In his pocket, and It was lort between his office on Monk street and Mr. A. C. Jtffet's grocery store on New castle. Mr. Conolcy advertises in this . • -- morniog’s paper that a liberal reward will be paid for the return of the money. The Rsmedy for Stomach and Bowsl Treuiiei “I have’been in the drug business for twenty years,{and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found ojWsjto equal Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemeey for all stomach and bowel troubles," say aO. W. Wakefield; of Columbus, Ga. "This remedy ci&ed two severe caws of cholera morbus in my family, add I have recom- and sold hundreds of it to my custonrfksfto their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure ;cure in a pleas ant form, No family should be without it. I keep it in my lumsc'at all;times.” For sale by Dr, store, Ship police. X- A Neither the mastsr, owners or con signees of ,tho Norwegian bark Kim faxe, will be responsible for any deb’s contracted by the orew of said bark. Fpx.sA3.GXK, Captain. lllißi Grandpii'fCjm v “ Everybody'* “wsroud of this of Grarxdp*, and he’s, proud of himself; proud of his charr brain and active body. There are otlfdr kinds of parents that we proud of. Weak, of body and feeble of mind, ww can only pity'’them. Thjr no more live; they only wrist, Wlint makes the difference between closes of old men? A sauna a pferitinU sup ply of pure, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medicsl*T)iscovery strength ens the stomach, purifies the Wood, and increaeas the activity of the blood making glanda. It won't make old men young, Wt it will enable old men to asamjSf* tie food thr.v cat, and so strenAhen them for a life of rea soriabUl|M*lion. * " Isix years with coasting., and incH|tfkn. <nirvfts whiefc time I bcapioyed sr^BlßyKtuaD>. cut they couid not reach my Mi. G*. hdpsUrwiU. of Eureka Cttr; "* that >r tne: £ou!ti not retain food o*i iuy Ufimncb; lE*i would &.!! help:t-.-- t tie floor. TT'~o vca: -iav> I con. taltinc nr. Pierce’ GcWt n Mulical Discovery aod little * . ;'t.o Haprjvtrd from the start. After taking twtivu. Bottles of the 'Discovery' l was anle to do light work, and have heen Huprov'rjff ever staar. 1 am aow in goxl health for one ot nn* years, I owe it all to Dr. Pierce # med wanes. - Old people often need a laxative medicine. The best for them is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. . • . ' v, CASTORIA The Ksnd Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been. In use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of and has been made under his per- C&srX'Xrz/', sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that tritle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Naraotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and W ind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate* the Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacexb—The Mother’s Friwnd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CtNTtUB COMSkKt, 7T MUMHAV 9TKCCT, NK YORK CITY. Summer * > &-£ V Bargains „ fepßtelFurnittaai A clearance sa'e to make room for Dew goods. i I Parlor buit, 5 pieces, worth S4O, now $29. . 1 Oak Refrigt rstor, Wurth S2O, now sls, r 1 Oak B and Room Suite, 8 piece", worth $25, now $lB )fT'’~ v • ■ Fed Lourges, worth sl6, now sl2, tj^~ Centre Table? 50 cents to SG. loe Cream Frtezers worth $2 .50 at SI.9S. ; j A large aasortment of Sideboards, Cupboard* j|r - jl Prices Below the Market. Hp|r C. McBARVEY, pgj, W. H. BOWEN. J. N. BRADT, BOWEN & BRADT, AIVJIZD Bull—oe:rs Of Stone. Brick and Frame Building Manufacturers of Cement. Tile and'Artificial Stone. MEXICAN MIXTURE For Meo. For Kerronmeaa, Bari-Ache, D-.spondency lnsomarta. Sexual Imiiotency, and all disea-es resulting from Early Error* and Later Exceaces Over-Work and Worry. which if rugiacted. com. bletely undermine the system, often resulting in IN'S AS ITT and DEATH. If yon nave any of tbe above f ymptom* MEXICAN MIXTURE WILL CUBE TOU it ‘h i no kgrai. Develops ToatMnl Strength and Vigor to ever part of the body. Avud quack doctors Refuse .übetitotu. Got MEXICAN MIXTURE. I in-, mediate effects. Permanent results. KecenU discoTery. Phenomenal success. Hundreds testimonials. $l.OO per bok. # for $O.OO. Posi tive guarantee with every $5,00 order to refund the money if cure 1a not effected It i9 not a stimulant,bnt a rebuilder. Try it and tie con vinced, Send stamp far pamphlt.dA edcraa Cos., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. Hustling yourg man can mike 960 per month and expenses. Fermenter position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick tor particulars. Clark 4 Cos.. 4'h .4' Locue.Street*. Philadel phia. Pa. 9 W lien in need, call on J. M. W atkins. He loans mo ney on personal property, j m PRICES be?t good?, bes* ■rta'ment — those ar the three rules which rul i In this store in all s- asous of the year. My aim j® 10 give l erfect saiitfa iioi. There is do reason why X sbou and no:; and if, at any time, you vet suithing here wh ch is not rii h', I a-k that ; ou tell me of it. ITEMS 1 OK TODAY: New Evaporated Psacies. New Evaporated Apples. New Prunes. See than. THOS. KEANY * GROCERIES . \fhone 11, 312 Newcastle Street.