The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 23, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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ActsfjfeaSdflf/y a/zd/hoffipt/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive/ /resents in the most a cceptai/e form the Jasatjce principles of plants Ancnrn to act most he/ieficial/y: TO GET ITS BENBF&ZJmCTS BUY THE GENUINE - MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. SAN rRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK. N.Y For sa/r ty druggists - price SQt err bott/t.- GEORGIA DETECTIVE AGC’Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business strictly confidential. En quires conducted with secrecv. L. *J. LEAVY L. J. Leavy Cos Anotiouears, Commission Merchants and Conor & al Collecting Agenta P Consignments Solicited and Returns Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of Bents . B. J. OLEWINE,' 1 p J icy les Selling, Renting, ltcpairing. Messenger ScrvicoT We acII Cleveland, Monarch, Craw lord, Kaglc. Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money- Kodoh Dyspepsia Cure Digests wfvvt you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the oxluius’od digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant. and tonic. No <jth:,r preparation can approach if, in efficiency. It in- Ntaiii :y reik v iand p,_ ■ inanoiWiFcures liysi. [p.ia, I.•••.ignstiori. Heartburn, i-T:itiler--e, S- Mr i: ac’n, Nausea, SickHcadach. a i iuigis,Cramps,and allot!) ' <■! .l-i perfectdigestion. P*9nni-$d by t\C o., C^lcoyo. W *K. 1-urm, wfiti .NOTICE. New milled rice meal, best milk producer and feed for stock on flie marked Ben Uorehardt & Cos., Wholesale Grocers and Pro duce Dealers. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Alleti*#2Foot-Eafte, i'powder. it cures painful, smarting', nervous feet and* In gTo wing nails,and instantly taken the sting out of corns and bun top*. It’s the greatest comf jrt discovery of the age. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes light or new shoes feel essp. It Is a certain cure for sweat ing. callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all/lruapints and shoe stores. Hy mall for 2*c Trial package Free. A<ldress Allen sj#slmstcad, Le ltoy, N. Y.* PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Clmimc* •n1 tx**:tlfle* thi* hair. Promote* a luxuriant growth Never Pail* to Ile*tore Gray Hair to ita Youthful Color. Prevent* !>ari<inifr u<i hair felling. tec. aud 31 1 *> at Dmgylutii. THE BALL GAME. Brunswick Won By a Score of Eight to B>x. The Plant System shop team met another defeat by the Brunswick’/, out at the fair g-ounds yesterday after noon, by a score of e’gbt to six. The crowd, which was very small, saw a very interesting game, aslbe two teams always pixy. It wrb any body’s geme up to the last inning. The Marine hand wes hi h.-ti and and furnished rnu-io during the game. Cured of Ohr’oio Diarrhoea After 30 Years ‘ f Suffering. “If suffered for thirty years with diarrhoea and thought I was past being cured,” says Johns. Halloway, of French Camp, Miss. “I had spen so muca time and money and suffered so much that I had given up alipmpes of recov ery , I was so feeble from the effects of the diar rhoea that I could do uo kind of latiors juld not even travel, but by accident l was per uitted to And a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhcea Kemedy, and after taking sev eral hottles fam entirely cAred of that trou ble. lam so pleased with the result that I sin anxious that it be in roach of alt who /nfler as I have.” For sale by Bishop’* drug store. THE NEGRO CONFERENCE. The great negro cor Terence for the study of the rare p obiem, under the auspices of the Sou netn Afrc-Atneri oan Counoil, organized in Macon, will be held in the Cjttou Avenue A. M. E churob, that cl'y, Thursday and Fn day, September 27ih anil 28th. Avery large attendance is at sored, end great interest ia manifested everywhere throughout the South. Mayor Bridges will deliver the address of welcome. The oommltte-a and tfijoera of the council are pushing thing/ with great energy. ANWERED-, Yes, August Flower still largest ,i(of any medicine lo there;!*, ilized world. Your mothers andgraed-i mothers never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of spend ioitls, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, and that <* ail they look when feeling oull and baa with headache and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's Au gust Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing serious the matter with you Sample bottles Rt Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C Should be In every household m*-de oine chest. It affords certain relief GOOD SCHOOL EXHIBIT. State School Commissioner Glenn has received rej l er frrm a number of teachers throughout the H'afe In sr.- swer to tbe Utter e-nt i ut hy ,iim <n - eral weeks ign, urging that .esrni ol of Georgia mike exhlui 1 i at the S at fair to be held n xr nmoi i st VaUn-t --and the fas st A .if M . dim thinks the exhibits win be me ue-t ever sent out from the State schools, and he thinks that nearly every sohool in Georgia of any prominence will he represented at the educational exhibit. The exhibits will consist of writing, clay modeling, and artiolea made by the pupils. Fresh line of ginger preserve, ju,t received at Da VoeV. TO COEE^^LDINON,P' F - Take I.a\a ti \ druggists refund the money it it f.ils to cu rc. E. W. Grove’s signature is on cacti bux. Sic. Mr. J. L, Craw ley, of Way cross, spa t yesterday in the oily. ~BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... JtAHOTAOTOaKD BT ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. wwoTETmaam. , THE BRUNSWICK TIMEB-CALL, SEPTEMBER 23, 1900 NO CANDIDATES TO BE NAMED. Wayerors, Ga., Sept, 23.—it is un derstood here that in all probability the committee appointed by the Re publicans from the Eleventh district, to oonsider the advisability of namiDg a candidate to eppise Hor, W. G. Brantley, will not bring out an oppo nent against the popular oongrts/man from the Elevent!, Summer Heat,—This la the season far bowel complaints. Gree.i appbs and cucumber/ produce them, and Ferry Divis’ I’ain-Killer cures theta. To the trouble I stomach it comes like a balm; the win! is assuaged, aua cue trouble ceases. Every druggist in the land keeps Pain-KliVr, and no one should be without It In his famUjr'f Avoid substitutes. There is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis’; Price *6s. and 60c. ... AT TH K OGLE THORPE. H. R., McLean, MaCoo ; T. B. Clem ents, Atlanta; J. M. Williams, Sr. Lottie; Mose Fresnfktt. Baltimore; J. L. Orawley, Waycross; U. K G Ibert, New York; M. T. Bisfiee, Louisville} J. H..pox', New York,*. *" TC 1 PUBLIC SCHOOL OPENING. The public seboo's of Brunswick wiH opeh for the uext session on Mon da&r October ’let. Each day of the week beginning Monday, Sept,. 2U,h, Atul ending Saturday. September 30th, from 9to 1 o'clock, 1 will be found st the Mansfield street ichool to ‘enroll now pupils. Let all prospective pupils come during that line. The teachors will meet me Friday, Bept. 28th, at 9 a, m.. of wbteh this Is their sufficient uiit'ce. • G. J. Our, Superintendent City Schools. J PREPARE FORTIIK COOL WAVE. ’ • ■* fe' qbtt out your heavy .clothing, and jjtty* .them put in order by Jim Osr wr*Wiare’s no use buying new cloth ing when tbe otff suit can be made hew fop practically'nothing. Be sure Ho find Jim Oatv. A GOOD BTORY. Rudyurd (.Going’s new story is the principal feature of Everybody’s Maga zine for October. “A Burgher of the Free State 1 ' portrays the scenes irnmedi atclybcfore and a'ter the capture of Bloemfontein by the British, and the old Scotchman, who has been a burgher of the Frcfe Ctate lor over forty ycare, throws much light On tlio true situation In Sonth Africa. The story iv full of the wit* and word play ro charmingly characteristic at all Kipling's short stori.-s. , The Quakeis Are Hones! P^opln. t’l ho Vlinker Herb Ton io i not only a blood purifier, hut a Blood rn ak er for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not stressgth nor blood. It acta as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, c,r*a dyspepsia and lends strength amL tone to the nervous ssujß tem. It ia a for i veak It is a purely vegetable tr ed*' can be taken by the _n<- Kicpcy disease, ilium.- Jlß* diseases of the^jflH^ N•• rves soon. K-ieig on ' ATIK Wmqwl: f ; .Tw i > wonderful On, Toothache, i- ; sprains, Tain in psiri ran be relieved by it. and SOc. QUAKER WHITE WONDER fiO/J’. a medicated aoap for the skin, scalp ami complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for tbe cure od' tetter, ecieina and eruptions of the skin. Price 100 a Box. i FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proyrietor, Cincinnati. PolhilTs Drug St ore SHIPPING REPORT. Oorreoted Daily by Capt. Otto Johannssen Fort of Brnnstiek. Sept. 22, 1900. CLBAIIKD. Sobr. Lizzie Chadwick, Brown, New -York. F Topper & boat will soon be rlady for lauiiohicg. The wharve/ are all crowded with l imbes, waiting of vessels. Two gtesmv v". three sobooners are schedqV trto arrive this week. • y , . .V-.' . ; Ship Notice. / Neither tbe master, owners nor oon-_ signers of the Norwegians' .’if, Prince will bs .vsponsible for any dilits contracted by tba crew of said bark. Hermans**’, Master. r*—; Ship Notice, Neither the maajssif, owners or con signees of the Norwegian steamship Transit, will be responsible for any debts contracted by tbe crew of said steamship. O. Dahl, Master. >*H Is tU little rift in ttao lute which ever widening makes the musio mute." It Is just a little rift in the health of a woman often whieh r* Anally takes the spring from her step, the light front her the roe© from her cheek and the music from her yolce. FQrhftpa the bugVioar which liaa frightened the woman from the timely help needed nt the hoginning has been tho dreaded questions, the obnoxious ex amination, the local treatments of the home physician. There is no need for these. J*for is there need for continued suffering. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription be relted on by every woman Buffeting from what are called “female troubles*’ to renew the healto and cure the dis ease. Women are astonished at the results of the use of this medicine. It not only makes weak women “robust and rosy cheeked,” but it gives them back the vigor and vitality Of youth. Froe. Dr. Pierce's People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, 108 pages, is sent free on re ceipt on 21 one-ceni stamds to pay coat of mail in* only. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, Duffalo, N. Y. Uleerjkopen or obstinate sores, scalds and piles quickly cured by Banner Satye, the most healfng medicine in the world. W. J. Butts. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought . uolillhwslte S Hon, Troy, Aln., wioto: ’l'<Ah luh’h speedy euro of old sores end oruitlons epou Ihe skin hove boon remarkable. Fresh line of cakes just received at Da Vue’s. ■■. v ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE. There is not a better “washiug”jfl Uhlisbmeot in tte statu Brnnswiok st mm lundMgya M people should "*'*** possible. is up-'o da'e in ever Ffljwi|pHier and should re ceive liberal: i Jfrt. SepteiW^Hlaria’s Dengue, W Hemorrhagic, L Typhoid T'j i -~i '■ TDSIG NTION TORpflbo DIvIsIC?S NAVAL Mi LIT la. ctalatfc members are hereby commarded limo for |t the armory Sa’uiday at 8 of F'Xatd Tuetday atß o’clock ejttendw V >ik? ad. ** tool khr i jSSEJjjTj'^%3 We have lot number nine lots on Wolf Street, for sai^H B H. Daniels & Co^B 810 Newcastl St.; Forewarned, Forearmed - The liability to disease is greatly lessened when the blood is in good con dition, and the circulation healthy and vigorous. For then all refuse matter is promptly carried out of the system ; otherwise it would rapidly accumulate —fermentation would take place, the blood become polluted and the consti tution so weakened that a simple malady might result seriously. A healthy, active circulation mean 9 good digestion and strong, healthy nerves. Asa blood purifier and tonic S. S. S. has no equal. It is the safest and best remedy lor old people and children because it contains no minerals, but is made exclusively of roots and herbs. No other remedy so thoroughly and effectually cleanses the blood of im- — purities. At the r* |TN same time it buiids up the weak and de xTsVjAbditated, and reno vates the entire sys tem. It cures pertnanetiGy all mlanaet of blood and skin f Double*. Mr. E. B. Kolly, writes: “ I bad Eczema oti rnv hands and lace tot five years. It out In little white pustules, crusts would form and drop oft, leaving the skin red and inflam ed. The doctors did me no good. I used all the meAioat od soaps and salves without benefit. •8. 8. 8. cured me, and my skin is as clear and smooth as any one’s." Mrs. Henry Siegfried, of Oape May, N. 3., says that twenty-one bottles of 8. 8. S. cured her of dancer of the breast. Doc tors and friends thought her case hope less. Biohard T. Gardner, Florence, S. C„ suffered for years with Boils. Two bot tles of 8. 8. 8. put his blood in good con dition and the Boils disappeared. Send for our free book, and write our physicians about your case. Medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. FOR SALE ON-EASY TERMS. The following valuable building lots, oharmingly situated in the resident portion of tbe oity, are for sale on eaay terms: 136x180, on Union street, running baok to Reynolds street.. This piece of property oan bed vided into six lots, 45x90 each, thiee fronting on Union and throe on Reynolds street*, and is situated Immediately north of tbe residence of Mr. Glauber. Lot on the east elds of Union street, opposite tbe residenoe of Mr. John H. McCul lough, BOxXSO feet, oan be divided into fourJToU.4sxfii); two ft ring on Union and two on Et*is street*. LotrlßoxlSo feet, cornering ofT Albany, Albemarle and Amberet street*,cuan be divided into eight lot*, each. Al4r lots on between Al bany and and lots on Albany, bebMn Gloucester and F streets; Amherst street, be- aud F streets. To any#Wwißb;ug deeirah*|RMMiMt fo>„ their own EeX . or furthere|g|| J. E. unßliiNOM. w_ NOTICE! We beg to inform our patrons that we will close jy<K)day, September 24th, for holiday, opening Tues day morning, September 25th. Ben Borchardt & Cos., Wholesale Produce and Gro- NERVITAPILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Curelmpofency, Night Emission*. Loss of Mom* ory 'wasting diseases, r <>f solf-almao or fsfla ~im and indiscretion. VPAF l A nerve tonic and PILLS builder. Brings mmJPj*)** ph*k glow to palo iC/\ SjfVjJ™ f ‘* yuth. By mail CTS* the n-Ln-vP 0 6 boxes fort—————*— 8-aurantee to cure u o’rloo?/lf t r,.?wT l^S o:s l P aid> &° ad for circular ? 0 uoc * • r >* our bankable ffuurantoo bond. no all. / T nhlpft> EXTRA strenoth lmmediate Results > Loss of Power, I eyloped or Wioapkon Organs, I Of row m W' ■S5*^ t,lx,a ’ Piotm-' ki jsanity, Pttljrj>ls and the —HgiV of Tobacco, Opium or uVQ4* fn plain packnge, SI.OO a With our bankable iruar tezmmL 1 * * c }'. re lu ao da y s or :RvmmucAL co.' Sc Jackson Sts., OIfCACO, ILL. sale by Brown " Drug Ga, You don’t need ths doctor for every little trouble, but you do need in the house e trusty remedy for times of danger. Thousands are saved by having at hand DR. J. H. McLEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM a certain euro for disorders of the Kidneys and Blad der. Use. it at once for lame back, furred tongue, lost p* petite and changes in urine or boWels. • bottle, at tfhuooUU. TH* DR. 4. H. MCLEAN MEOICIN* 00., *t. LOUIS. MO. FOR SA'.E BY K BUTTS, The Druggist,' Wall Paper PAINT STORE, SOS Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. nit is me Gan be found in nor Jjspfay TmiwtiSßri-O HATH, or qulokly deyeiopod in our work rooms from the large and beautiful assortment of Millinery Goode in our stock. Milliners of artistic tastes and deft fingered produce hats whiob equal in style and attractiveness many of tbe high priced imported models. Our prices are not the least pleasing ||U of our offerings. at KESSLERS Cor. Monk and CrantSta, Bloodworth 1 & Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses PromptJ[attention given all orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. |E St. 3