The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 23, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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H v r"a a mn S nf h ir t riu, r iHMo/,^ 6d y the pub J ic ,°. f cities ten.tirnes as large as Brunswick. For the forthcom. lusI us 0,, r iwr’r Ai- a - nd ccl |' re 9 t fashion, but prices are kept at their proper distance. We are jus. uur Mr. Arnold Kaiser, who is now our resident buyer in New York, is giving his time to secur i ■ ,x. pr : —; fection of all the art typified by our new ready-to-wear garments for Ladies’ — VI * v i4 : • ; nwi gritr. \ *-i“ ■■ '4 . ; v .>**.. I W Tailor-Made Suits, | ear* out SklftS fltld JflCk^tS* S|hU(Plcc the | BRSIj ~ v atest Novelties in Ladies’ Neckwear. Styles straight from Paris, London and New York. *' It HE MEN /r| ft lavish shorn, ig of the finest productions from the shops of the greatest Clothes Mahers in the World. , Y4jl Iw6av6sai?d° fabrics. a - e hlgh ' heaped with suits that touch every ’j j l / r 5 °’ $17.50, $19.00, $20.00, $22.00, $25.00. HTJI |j)T ! .-••*--■** fjZM Uu OUR LINE SJ !%££ . of Juvenile Shirts in white and col- \J3^ iCftm e "t j- {OOM ored shows a superior laundry. A Jfkj ’7] its, ~ I ne nec^wear * suspemi^RLj^^. [ERi ', ers > etc., at prices that are decide .y'^TPT^j* Jj-Ujl, 1 attractive. EyeryeconomicabrVdier \TT\ iy at -~4flll/,\ lj Wl '* "nd 1C to her intere* JjV. ■ \ h rin of stock of school and >dy '' t! tOUSEFURNISHING * grains, Higgins Tapestry B#dy Brussels.Stinson’s Velvets, Alexander Smith & Sons Axminsters, Saxony and v!M|HB|R THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 23, 1900 Fall and Winter IpOO-IpOI. SOUE AGENTS For the Following: W - 2 Her Majesty Corset. The Celebrated P; N. Corset. if * . -ti ftp. The W. B. Corset. All other standard makes of Corsets. Onyx Black hosiery fo; ladies and children, , The celebrated Wear Resisting Leather Hose for boys. B. Priestly’s <fe Son’s Henriettas. I’he Paragon arts? — Foster <fc PAn, a Kid Gloves. , , ,Jo< J ,le Black Dress Goods. iVOrite Gloves for Ladies, b ]flr gloV6 ‘ -fOSSes^ m. iMjtSm .^ T .....SJ “| Boy’s Waists ''’JOT './PV. t -Mf i Union suits for ladies and " V. pufildren. The celebrated Oneita Underwear for Ladies. Patterns. The Ruffled Bobbinet Lace Curtains— the very latest. We have strengthed our House- JJepartinent this season by adding to it the largest assort- R U g S , etc, ever the city; The grades below represented fh this department. 5