The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 23, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 INVITE YOUrt PARTICIPATION IN Our Special Offerings of Corsets! We have beet. handling tbo ”W. B. Corsets 1 ’ for the pail two years, but not having had the tneH-Ss with ra;nc tba*. our large and increasing patronage demanded, we have made arrangements f:r the agency of anew and popular b and; so as to make room for same wn offer our coti e stock of W. B. Corsets at actual cost 4gfe Corsets. If y°u need a Corset, ■\lTri ola f\Tl COme t 0 this Btore - You Tf t^ su \ will Supply your want •." fl • ySmmr\ ' I at a saving. Not a W Fabrics. B Corset excluded. Ev - dm fIV eryone goes at We are still talking h wash goods, Of course 1 U"m A(|4iia| Poa* selection offer much of a | , JIGIIIBI uOSIi pay you to buy. at *c' *\7"ckT tt o. Dimity Silk — V6l V©t66318 dies, 50 yards on sale, jrrr .._.... per yard 25c, Cploss-*—'YV bite, blacky Pretty Organdies, Di- \lfll tabor, emerald, pistasche/ mities and Tissues worth ’Ja S 11/toMM wines, per yard 4sc. up to 19c, on sale I r///'WuIMIhI wie thing for waists 12 l-2c. IMfi WmMgQMmx% J tlls Popular material is All other Wash goods V Y||fpwi|'o vt *ry stylish. ffffirm I 8 tween seasons ... how and you’ll buy here *•* * tylcNo. W R Cyclist* CrtWeSa, to close 'em at Z. bargain out at ACTUAL, COST. & 9 The Bee Hive. j The Bee Hive. 1 - .. y.., ’ egg Phil S. Farmer, Proprietor. 213 Newcastle st., Brunswick, Ga. CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLIBHED 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor You'can get the best the market affords by eating here Jl~ O v> i , ... .. jTj? lissner, ■•i WHOCKHALE-- ■“ Groceries Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and GRAlllft Hp a coin for Boys’ use. The school season will soon be and the fitting out of your BOY lor school can be made easy by inspecting our immense assortnferfWi Suits, Shoes and LE V Ilk*- The Store Will be ClosedMj^ THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CAIL, SEPTEMBER 23? 1900. y - CHEAP WTISING, CASH IK ADVANCE - in this column will w insert ed at UlO uniform rate of One Cent a Word for oncli insonlon. No advertisement. however 4tt*Mntei*lin>ifin,>inii ami If HJ fur Sl*—One large rare cheap. Brown Drug Cos, DO si*:-A white and iijer colored potoUr, biteh, 3 month, old. Liberal * eWi>fd ’ A. D.jpALa. WANTED—To purobaae a second hand standing bookkeeper's desk Address Box 105, Ctiy. KOR BEN f.— Large,, comfortable rooms, with use of bath room ; with or without meals. Terms reasonable. 405 G street. FOR KENT OKSaLE— House and lot No. 407 D street for mot or sale. Can os b night cheap, and on easy terms. Brunswick Bank and Trust Ce. WANTED. Trustworthy colored mau to travel and appoint agents in Georgia; SSO monthly and expenses; position permanent; enclose eelf-ad dre-satd envelope for reply. Manager Cross, Star Bldg., Chicago. ■Kj—B'tween my oflice and Jef ~'-4lov*i small, white en-. vel .pe, \ \ Jng SBO.OO, my name being wri® the envelope. A lit *ral rewkrdWHß^ WSgfu* paid fur the r-’u'D if. W. Conoikv.N. I’., \ E, 604 Monk ftri-el. e and buchi il_3L A good Uinne. lor3sctT]^^. j trsl tiolei. £food Morning Large, (new) ° Ur Crest GoMen 1 >rvT.k‘ t i ; t .f|| ' ' -. ''"V, Large Fine Fine Line 'JI X/; Tr- luu m jj^> AT THE GRAND. j The Woodward-’,Va-ren (Jo. Concludes | The:r E gagement. The Woodward Warr.n Cos. coucl d ed their week’s engagement at the Grand last niobt. Two well patronized performances were given yesterday—at matinee “The Great Diamond Mysteryat niglt the ever popular drama Kathleen Mavour ne(u. The full cast did well. Lulu Rumley did r.mark&bly fine work In the title role. This chin little actress has a bright future before the foot lights. After the performance a committee from the audience composed of Messrs. Jennings and Bodet for the ticket hold i ore and Guy Hitnrr for the company dftw'tbe sls and $lO prizes. Mr. Hoyt Gate captured the sls prize and Mr, Flanders the $lO. A good many ocmuiniitive* would be cured nnd thc%of*t cases (Himforied end relieved by osHig Foley’s Ifeney and Tsr. Suggest It to. !jw<| lou ihould do this ss s friend -r —hr NOTICE Out store will be closed to morrow on of Jevfish holidsry * Jr. Kaiser & Bbo . fe. • * .CfIEAB 0 the* benefit those c.l.’*?nsof Brunswfolt who desire t u day with theilT frierfss Hivanuah, the Southern railway watt ri^giflgikii cheap excursion rata*, and return on the twM%oMg^g^fh n . days in this month. Tioßis will-be aold on Sunday morning, September 33rd and 30tb, to Sayaonjii and fe '•.bf**r.'h<r,*(hy the rour and trip. T *nekel limited to date of aile. Rock=a=Bye Baby These ars sw*i words, but how much pain and suflerinSahey used to mean. It’s different now. Since Mather’s Friend has become known Jixpeclant mothers-have been spared much of the anguish of child birth. MotherhHfiend Is a liniment to be applied externally. k h is rubbed thoroughly into the muscles of the abdomen. iCgivds elasticity and Strength, a*d whea-thefinal great strain comes they responifqutekiy and easily wnhout pain.”’“ Mother's Friend is never taken Intw—"*-. .remedies at this time do e harm than good, lf a memshe need never fear rising or swelling brsasts. morning sickness, or any of the discomforts which usually accompany preg ntney. The proprieler of a large hotel in Tampa, F!a„ wrifes; ”My wife had an awful time with her first child. During her second pregnancy. Mother’s Friend was used and the baby was born easily before the doctor arrived. U’3 certainly great.” Oet Mother’s Friend at the drug tore. per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Gc. Writ" for ur tree illustrated book. “ Before Bab U Initu. * Disinfect Your Homes Choloro - Napfholenm, A Safegua and to Disease, We Sell in Anv Quantity. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” WELL, I DON'T THINK! If you hayeydu kn,w a good ihiog. If yen hav n’t U . I(> ‘ *r 8 for you °“ r -’•‘Pmation of hiving the bes? Sod*Jn lW!ty must te sostsine.l, and tfaat is why we use only thu pnre ?rol, iu for our syrup ard wby we are never just out. 7 Usaofvtd oigbt and cold as ice can make it. Nunnally’s Candies BROWN DRUG CO? tHUMANIjC shoes for Men. We Have secured the sole coidrol of the famous Shoes for iugn. These shoes are scientifically perfect, being constructed on anatomical lines to conform to the natural foot. They combine ease, grace and durabil ity, with a popular price, Their demand throughout America has been marvelous. Superior in quality aud more perfect in fit than any shoes ever sold at the price. Only obtainable of us in this city. ... PRICE 84 PAIR. THE PALMER SHOE CO ?■' J? ii "HU I T — V II DR. MOFFETT’S a Allays Irritation, Aids Digestion, 1 EE THIN A Jfw-5 ‘ TT a fifj -JL (Teething Powders).ijL TEETMINA Relievrslhr Bowk C Costs only 25 cents at Druggists, Troub m rtn v •'**toC. J. MOFFETT, M. D..ST. LOUIS, fir' LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT -—- CREAK OF-KENTUCKY Whisky. QUART; 4.00 PER GALLON. NOT made by a trust* J. Trager& Cos, Independent Distillers. Sold Exclusively in Braunswick by f=t- v. ooubu_As, 206. Bav Street.