The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 25, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. 7 • .■*• v.*‘ " ' v; * ' VOLUME XI. urn ■KID SB7eral Plant Systn flf flclals Are Here. I; HER! DEIS II Guaranty Representative and the Traveling >A ttditor Checking the Accounts. k For a number of days, in fact for sev eral weeks, rumor has boeu afloat In commercial circles to the effect that Mr. Mark Yerdery, local cashier of the Plant"' System, In this city, had uCJ, ‘ checked short several mousand dollars, by the of the system. in common with Other citizens, has Beard of this talk, but indulging the hope that it was idle’go#- sip, has refrained from any publication toncM#iMe. V , HevK,'cr, the rumor became so por yesterday that a Times Call ted out to investigate the facts in the case. kMtbe situation is as fol lows: For two weeks Messrs. Harralson and *McCaig, traveling auditors of the Plant System, havo been In Brunswick check ing Mr. Verdery's accounts, and while neither of these gentlemen would give ■out any information, developments have made it apparent that shortages do ex ist in the cashier's accounts. First, Messrs. Harralson and McCaig spent ten days in Brunswick, returned to Savannah and returned together with Mr. H. C. Prince, comptroller of the system, and Mr. J. S. Itussell, a repre sentative of the Guaranty Company of North America, in which Mr. Ver •dery is bonded. These gentlemen spent a number of days researching the ac counts, but from alljindications failed to change the original check made by the system’s inspectors. A Timss-Cali. representative visited Mr. Harralson. chief Inspector, yester day, bat that gentleman refused to go into the subject, neither denying not ad mitting that there was any shortage in Mr, Verdery’s accounts, but the check bad not been completed, and it was ■ quite impossible to say wbat the final .tesnlt would be. Mr, G. W. Coates, commercial agent •of the system, expressed a similar senti ment, hence the public must draw its own conclusions as to the facts In the matter. However, the TimsS-Cali. has it that the amount claimed to be short is $0,10). Mr. Vsrdery, who has been quite ill for several days, was next visited at hie home on Wright square and in answer to tbe'.questiop, bfsaid: ‘‘Yes, I rumors ere afloat to the effect that my accounts • local cashier of the Plant System, are short several thousand dollars,and’ NUMBER M. I can say I know nothing or it.” Continuing, Mr. Verdery said: “1 have lived in Brunswick seventeen years and in all that time I have en deavored to live an honest upright life, I have been economical in my home life, have never speculated lo the slightest degree, and atn oonvino ed that if I were able to be at my of fice I could explain many things that now appear mysterious. However, if lam short, I wilt endeavor to pay every cent of it.” Mr. Verdery is quite an ill uian and in all probability, will not be in con dition to visit his office in ten days. During bis illness, and pending the obeok, whioh is still in progress, Mr. P. M, trisoh, formerly ohief clerk in the office will be in charge of the oasbier's office and has been officially checked into that position. Mr. Verdery has lived in Brunt wiok many years, and enjoys to the fullest extent the perfect confjdefloe of the oomutunity. The sy,u|mthee *' Uh Ml '’ •* r W?y -V bis present trouble and hopes that la-- f, ro#B£s stay brings unafri u&inujt. ‘ ' .g, BRYAN IN CHICAGO. Says He May Answer Mark Hanna, the Grfkt Republican leader. :'f. tip;S3 ftfiffa here this morning. When interyiaw od soon after h.s arrival, be stated that he bad not fully decided but that be might make a formal reply to Mark Hanna’s abuse. Strong demands upon Mr. llryan to go East brought him here. No changes in his plans are announced. TRAIN COLLISION. Harrisburg, Sept. 24; The fast Atlantic express this morning ran into the end of a freight train, three miles east of Lewistowo. The oaboose and one oar cf the freight train was wreoked, and the locomotive of the express was considerably dam aged. The engineer and flreman of the express train were slightly injured. The passengers bad a lively shake-up, but no one was badly hurt. HANNA IN NEW YORK, New York, Bapt. 24 .—Mark Hanna reached this oity today. In an inter view today, be said be had no more campaign speeches. Mr. Hanna said the report to the effect that be stated from the stump if Bryan was elected R'chard Croaker would get a cabinet position was false. He further stat ed that everything looked bright for McKinley in the west. Fears of Violence. Wllke-barre, 24.—The fear of violence in the event of any attempts being made to eriesin this district induced eratore this morning to make no effort to get themen to work. MARSHAL CAMPOS DEAD. Madrid, Sept. 24.—Marshal Arsenio Martinez de Campos died today at Za rauz, near Sau Sebastian. Mr. Gordon Bruce, of Atlanta, is pending a few days in the city. BRUNSWICK. GA.,'TUESDAY MOBNINI'C SEPTEMBER 25. 1900. 1811 ■ II 111 PEI Czar las Orflerefl His Troops to Tlea Tsia. •. The Missionaries Are Roundly Pr6< testing Against This Deeis . ■ , >4 “! '• ion of the Allies. St, Petersburg, Sept. 24.—An olfloial messenger says orders for the trana • t ference of fsm Pekin to Tien Taiuj dated August 25th and 20th, e no^eWived by M. Da-Giersethe Russian minister at Pekin until Ssp ’flpher 6tb, and by Gen. Linevitch, the *:ns'tn* ! gainfander, v uotil September fch'AfKinaaquenoe of the irregularity and mail communt wfcywati Taku hud Pekin. Some membersAh Russian legation and the first Potion of the expeditionary #sAf.Tien immediate uu jfocfihmaiifciiin of others trom T’eki b gfr/tdua i, but be eampletelyiefleoted as soon as tha local conditions wilt permit. Other Nations to Follow Suit. Chicago, Sept. 24, —The Reoord has the following from Pekin, under date of Septembsr 16tb, fia Taka, Septem ber 22, and Shanghai, September 2Scl: pbanges in the of the allied oommandera indicate the evacuation of Pekin before the winter sets in. The British leaders hive countermanded the order for jxUpgfve supplies, and the Americatfivjfe also making pre parations for departure. At the same time, ail foreign residents have been warned to prepare to.leave Pekin. Tht German legation wiil soon move elsewhere, Rushans are always withdrawing* to Tien Tein and different stations in Manchuria. It is also extremely likely that the Japanese will make the town Na gaski their winter base, instead of tome Chinese town, as wan originally their intention. The missionaries are protesting against this “desertion.” May Make.the Task Harder. Berlin, Sspt. 24.—D.sousslng the an ewer of the United States government to Germany’s proposal regarding the Chinese settlement, the Vos*' Zfitung says today : “America's cert, of the Pa (##'■'": } mtWßt task harder, inatiiu#W<!jgj| increase Chinese presumptionanOTß| solsnce as .the knowledge that har mony in the ranks of their opponents has been disturbed. “The aotion of the United States is equivalent to an abandonment -of the oommon interests of Ooooldental civ ilization, and probably, will llsad to a prolongation of bloodshed.” IIIR Mate a Haply' ts the Hats Geriiy. fet She Deems It Best to Enter Into Peace Negotiations at Once. Parish Sept. it.-The reply of the Frenob government to Germany’s note, the basic points being the arrest and sWIIc punishment of the instiga tors of (he .late Chinese troubles as a preliminary step to peace negotia tions, is that it is not entirely aooept abie. % The French governipnt’s proposi tion and argument is that while it is iu perfeot accord with the powers that the guilty should be punished, yet it deems it best to en*er at once into Peace negotiations, under certßin oau ■ilAUullje. without t|rßj ipllb’.ting ie;ni sb - mentflfi ts* gulltyvßfioerH.’ 1 , 1 —“ .. ASIATIC SQUADRON. Vessels Receive Immediate Orders ip (Jo on Dry Djok Foil rs. Washington, Sept. 2d.—The navy de partment is doing all In its power to ex pedite and haßtcn the sending of ten ships selected for service in Asiatic wa ters. Asa preliminary step all the vessels assigned to foreign service have received immediate orders to go into dry docks foe whatever repairs deemed most urgent. Admiral Remey, in com mand of the Asiatic squadron, will make his hea ; vrters in Manilla. NOT CONFIRMED. Washington, Sept. 24.—The renoijAspl yellow fever in Havana iacksrSW? 2 ation here, and fear of ar Jfo is not entertained. MARKETS BY^pLBGRAPGH New York, Sepf ie leading futures ranged -as folio/ Produce I'- h. in ‘ Wh'-atyß -kl/tftt' Tllgb. Low. Close 8S S3 I 2 82 8-4 1 ... 86 1-4 85 1-4 81 1-4 84 2-4 48 1 2 48 1-4; 48 1-2 ,■*. 41 7-s NEW YOBK COTTON. New York, Sept. 24.—The following table kurs the range In prices of cotton for the dlf ■ s Opn. High. Low. Clow j *BO 10 10 20 10 02 10 f i December. 1.! 980 863 878 January u 112 o 77 April... o July 0 <0 Augn-t U Mr. W. B. Isaas will arrive Wednes day from a trip to New York and Canada. WON’T GO TO MACON, New Uniforms will Cut Naval Reserves Out of Their Trip. Torpedo Division Naval Reserves will not go to Macon on Thursday morning to participate in the street fair. The Torpedo Division, at its meet ing last Tuesday night, decided, by a unanimous vote, to attend the fair on that day. Some had* been ordered, and tbgyNw'ere expected to arrive in time for the trip “The nniforms did arrive, however, but, In stead of being the blue ones, they re ceived, by mistake, the regular white working nniforms. The company’s old blue one’s are in snoh a condition that it is impossible to wear them, and the oompany has deoided not to go. This is regretted by the oflioers and men of Torpedo Division, as they have already notified the Maoon peo ple that they were coming, and pre parations have been made by the hos pitable people of the Central City to give them a royal time. BAOK FROM MATANZAB. Sergeant MroczkOwski of the Socon Cavalry In the City. Sergeant Max; WrocakowSKi, of the Second Cavalry, an old Brunswick hoy, ,1 . in.*All:una. ~ - - ■ Siijce going to Matan/.as-eoinc eigtl or, ten mouth* ago, Max has met 'v/.ui quite a serioas aoeigj|.i vyYhlbr nWjng one day some two months ago, MuV’e horso fell over a cliff thirty feet him, breaking one of the legs and arms, and he n\nao : 4, :i r!| • eral other sorious inJur,J%i|§Bp>r J were dressed by and he is nqW v a a tttWFmtmwmaaßm i >spitni iii a: if A Sergeant on Srptc/> 4 j,tl .j fUiiifiT York v ls - IculiyH lkthorjm-.. PBPTGolliu, Fornandina; 0. E. McLean, 'Jr.-, New York; Gordon Bruce, Atlanta; J. W. Blainden, New York; VV. P. Ennis Atlantjs; L. T. Williams, Nash- J. A. EdisoD, Wm. Atlanta: 8. L. Levy and wife, Sa vannah; Dr. Breed, New York; Eugene Finpeman,Macon; R. M. Hull, Savan nah; P. Wylly, Tifton; Rcy. J. M, Gaef, Woodbine; Mr. Brown, Barnesyllie, S. Waycross; Geo. W. Hammond, lialumorejJGeo. W, Haines, Waycross; George O. Boydon,.Nw York. '‘WITHDRAWING TROOPS. Sept. 24.—The War de- Usukd instructions, af ter conferring wlttt the State depart ment, to hurry withdrawal of Mr, J®* - R*-- ’’ Tiro UrDE FOR THE Pl^tt|tf. London, Sept. 24.-~.The T>inoe of engaged the Amerloan ’L Tod Moan, to ride year. l *Maaa^ to . franklin has returned from a tW . len , PRICE FIVE CENTS, 1(1 IB inn JL_ Some Uernr/forldEg Heafily Ariel HI OFFICIALS SIRONGORDER Tells His Men When They Shott It Must Be to Kill-Other Strike News. Shenandoah Sept. 2f.-Tbe military was called out this evening to prevent riots. The CAinbridge miners are working armed. Manager MoGinms, an offioial of the military companies, advised his men in the following terms: “Don’t shoot until I do, then shoot to kill,” To Try Again. Philadelphia, Sept. man agers of the mines have determined to try again tomorrow to resume the op eration of their mines. Little fear Will occur. Hw’ciyueii Make Demands. New York, SJpt. ■.—The mum ■ says the the Pennsylvania coal mining district have resolved not coal, and another on Um■ cal <-ar of the Switch - - : tr- IHpTielit.- 'L- . JT- fk lll. Ills Saul, today 1 , ~. J of the r ai ,;v°- w^e9day /way. „ r / ' ‘it’s Little Karly.Bl.jcrs arc pro .7 ‘rant, j;ow©ifuJ, Nyack, N, a., r JTof the strike in the anti, and consequent scarcity of coal, many of the Ilaycrstraw were shut down todayy throwing hundreds of men out of work. Strikers Attack & Mrne. Shenandoah, Sept. 24.—News has just been received h ire to the effect that a large force of strikers have attacked the non-union men who were at work at the Preston col.iery, at Girardville, near here. The operators have sent a burry call to Gen. Gobin to send troops at once to the mine. The attacking strikers are very violent, and bloodshed Is feared - There is great excitement over the news. Some Coiliories Resume Work. Shenandoah, P*., Sept. 24.—Work was resumed at ttie Pennsylvania and Reading collieries this morning under military protection. Forty collieries of the Pennsylvania and Reading Cos., opened, but hardly enough men re ported to man over half of them. Bands of strikers marohed out of town at* 3 o’olock this morning to intercept men going to work to all mines,