The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 25, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 i mi - is ii 11 sclodls Will Start liter BricM Anspices. first m fi qm 1 If Crowded the Board of Ed ucation Will Provide More Koom. The enrollment of new pupil* wa 8 begun yesterday by Supt. Orr at the Mansfield street school, and will con tinue all week each day from 9 to 1. The teachers will meet Friday at 9 a. m, There were more pupils enrolled yes terday than on any previous first day for several years. Last year tbe en rollment was unusually large, but If the figures continue to foct up as they have started eyery grade will be crowded. This shows a waking up to the necessity for educating the child ren. Should tbero be an overflow the board of education will make every ef fort to provide for the proper iDSiruo tien of all wfeo apply, and the citizens will respond. • It will be of interest to note that the Georgia cities as shown by the slato school oommhsioners last report gives 'HSi'ycn's* wy jpjud' compara tively: Athens—School population, 3,111; total enrollment, 1,542; Savannah, (Chatb'imgil populatlmi, 1 • s if >' per ixultffjp' Macon, , BibbjfSr '>*B 11.00 M Bruuswick County)—ShoiP I populatiqp, -4,fi11); total enrollment, 2,Cl4*.H)fr cent .57. Thus Brunswick is ahead of WHPHECURES. TK§ Greatest Speriallit of the Timo Ghea Every liase HU l‘tjr*^UAtU;ntlon. n..i n M Most. -totore nSfeMAatn numltcr UOCtor ofetook r©niM.tfi wIHWi Tbwruseln Hathaway's cut>ef< wliu,, m*uj at nit simfiar. Ha i hA j ThU 1" not l)r. limlmwuy** mirthoih motnou. Story 0109 with him in ruoetcar©YuUv ■ aii\k’n<m*tl ami u© exact poHition of tin* iliH<ael con dition determined. Thus ©very rase In trowtod aopar ately ami luodlcMtion art* *<l - which ar epi'cially prepared under Dr. Hatha wav'a pereouul Biipervlaion for each cuw. Not wopeoploaro alloc tod hy apa i tlcular disoaso in th© *am© maunor. conetxiuent' 1)’ l:o two people* niioiiul Ik* treated In the name way even for phiuo complaint. Dr. Hathaway Is a apodal let In the hoot Boneeof Uie word In* treat* special die i eueon In a special manner,of of Ida own- n eyetem studied out years aeowhtloln p aa . college and hospital practice and im- KVOry vho proved and ©nlarm*d upon constantly ftoeollllv during the twenty joars since— _4. twenty year* of the moat extensive * TPSatOO. practice enjoyed bf any ttpecUulK Ui thlecowntry. Dr. Hathaway’s great amt uniform sue eM U due to Vhle individual system of treatment ri*ii*tvA ln humlreda of reqoMta J* *®'r*' V A y WrlT from doctor* In nil parts of the Trent merit world, asking for the privilege of tirtnDr.H*th*w*y’emolhodof treatujeuhUobeueve* It wiser to allow nooe beside himself the knowledge of hit romedlea, ** he is too well nwn.-n of the mis chief which may be don© by the unskillful us© of any _. _. „ . system, nevermind how perfect. Wood Snd Skin I)r. Hathaway’s tieatinont for is Ditfiflsss blood diseases In whatever statf© w* cure* all form* of ulcers, sore*, blotches, pimples, etc., and not only restore* the skin andscalo to their natural condition, butso purifies thebhxMtthatUi© disease IS permanently ami com pletely driven from the system and all this without administer mg polsonoa* or dangerous druim. a . a , a His treatment of Varicocele Varloooolo and and Stricture 1* ft method ©xclu a Stricture- •™XM ( '" n nd in9opercent * of all cast** results in a perfect snd permanent core. No operation is required and no pain or inconvenience are experienced by the Ktient. The expense of this treatment is much lew *nthat of any operation, or hospital or institute treatment, and Is lxHh nafe and sure, restoring the organs to a condition of perfect, normal health, t KMrittw Dr.Hathawav has lust prepared a now Kidney test question blank for those who have Dlsaaeee. *<> suspect Kidney trouble and bU>Unk he will gladly send free to everyone who sends him his name dr.n. p.ddrea*. Maw Book . “id for Dr ti.xthawav'* new "V* "y* “Munlluaea. Vtaor Wealth'hae. FREE. i&'Zt'i the i. *i eamonof .. . Mo lmt r,, r n Utnlte i .:je n e-'PT of this book will b flant fiw .nj..n. who vnM Oonaultation!, m L ’drwatopr.n*thwr. yvn.Mu.Ußfl Dr. lutUm—y Main no cb'irne * FREE. pr CM^n.uluuonnTadrloe at ollhM „ . bn . * J. NEWTON HATHAWAY M. D. IS Bryan At roof, Savanneh, Oft. MUKTIOX TilUl lAI'KK WIIItN WRITIW^ Savannah and Macon and also sure passes Athens in tbe same vital point, though Athens is the seat of the uni versity and other fine schools. Bruns wick may not be head in the class but she don’t stand at the foot by several places. QUESTIONS ANWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale|of any medicine in the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they, seldom heard of apendiciiis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of uodl gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the'action Of tbe ner vous and organic system, and that is afl Ufeyloak whaiu feeling dull and bad with heada!!jo 2Jkd other aches. You only need a lew' tioses of Owen's au gust Flower, In liquid forth, to' make you satisfied there Is. nothing serious the matter with you Bern pie bottles at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C Should be in every household mode cine chest. It affords certain relief HIS MOTHER ILL. Mr. J. E. Morgan, £the well known druggist, yesterday received a telegram from Smllbfleld, N, C., anaeuqcing the serious Illness of bis mother, Mr. Morgan left last night fdr his mother's bedside. The , Timb-Cai,l ' sincerely hopes that better news will’' greet him when ho arrives At this Season of the year there are always many deaths, particularly among children, from summer, com plaint, diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cramps, etc., and every one ought to know that & sure and speedy oure can easily be obtained by taking ssj rC adv-fv;^,.. ■.. ' eff vratererefy half hour. It never Rails. Avoid substitutes, there fe but one Pain AT.’ller, Perry Davis?. Pries,. 25a and WW. \ . S WANTED. 11* to drive at t*6 eaoh "J ' guarantaed will sJjhooiii|)!et.e wells in 15 A. U. linker. >*■ A Hi, T e C * M " of CatanK|!!|! )tL Jtije&Jrm B. B. 11. Hots If llootors. Veil air, blood puriflwT haviSiL B. It. drain* mat tbe speciflc iBHHh the blood thtnPeuees Catarrh, making a perfeot cure. If you have pales oraohe* In bonea, joint! or bank, swollen Elands,tainted breatb, noiee in tba bead, discharges of mu. ooua, uloeration of the membranes, blood tbin, get eaelljr ment with B. B. B. will symptom by making 'he blood pure and rioh. Druggists |l. Trial treat ment free by addressing BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga, Describe trouble, and free medical adviee given. SCHOOL The ninth term of school will open Monday, October let, and will be taught by Mlse Elizabeth Nightengale uuill the former’s return from the north. "V How Bright's. Disease S^H- ; lodigoitlon, liiliousnosaiblood urea and one sold (wbicb should h*V Ueu oxrreted by the rheumst'.c paint in nerve< and Joints, of tbe kid neys, then pains ovei OgeuiaU of tbe back, mark nut npproaeb of tfliglil'aViUenac. I>o not delay in taking Fotey’aft'dnryyuro. tor It niakea the kidney a riaht. Take no •nJUjUX. J. W. Watkins will loan you money on ertv and rgftJ ” ->B KEPAIRiaHj Rice, the stove doctor kinds or cook stoves sdf W' boy and sella second hand a* * B y street. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 25, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. The Qu alter Herb Ton ic i not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who bave not strength nor blood. It acta as a tonic, it regulates Ui-_ gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and I tone to the nervous sys tem. It i# a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and cn be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blopd, Stomach and Nerves soon succumb to its wonderful effect on iue human system. Tfcoss-- ands of people Itt Georgia recommend it. Price 11.00. QUAKER PATS'BALM Is the med icine that the Quaker Doetor made ail. of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for 'Nfbralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; In fact, all pain can be relieved by-it; Price 85c and 50c. QUAKER WftlTE WONDER SOAP, ft medicated soap fofi the skin, scalp and compieiios. Price 10c NbgtoA v QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the curg of tetter, eeaema tod eruptions of the skin. Price 10ao box, ~ FOR SALE BY ALT, DRUGGISTS. r. a, dillinghaji; Broprietoe, Cincinnati, t .f?-**' PolhiU's Drug Store THINGS TH E ATRIC ATT The Sale of ‘‘The Sorrows of SttanV Opens This Morning-'. —' v 'Sis This moriilng, at Butts’ drug store the safe pf easts will open for Thu hrlef engagement oi “The Sorrows of Satan.’ Nothing so striking in positive ftrjgt naiby, so daring 1n Its unique picture of the Devil on Earth, has been pub- a \ m fe flwpyggig many years as Marie Corel i*s remarkable romance, and it faae the ad vantage unusual in noVels dealing with myaiicism ane the Supernatural,ot being filled with startling and absorb ing situations that lend themselves teadlly to dramatic purports as well ■■hksubstantiai and e’aboaate aid to IMv scene painters. A crowded to witness uctiou of Satan” Faut In eoen'c splendor. The | Ch|B|^ l^|| -fP papers rfr* of AFTEK nrXEKN TEVRS. s S W . Cutliert, (la.Sepfl. 17, Jr., of thleplae. u with a blood utii Lulled dry ec zema. deal of mmliclae with relief and flnaily wa- adriaed to Sarsaparilla, He now bas no flifn of tbe Oii. asc. having oec entirely cured by thla medicine, lie rays it it tbe be it medicine on earth Half the World is in Dtrko**Bßß > aato the cmi*c of their ill health,A* latart to treat thoir ltldneya w .’.if Ktd pn v Cure, tba wcartneae < silud,back ache, headache pains would dtaappeaiAJNa^^^^^^r COLD IN ONE DAT pHe Laxatlva Biomo Quinine Tablet#. Alt arnggia-.B refund the money if It fail, to cure. K. W. Grove', aignature la on eaoh bo*. Me. Nice Yellow Terns at De VoeV SHIPPING REPORT. \\ ■ A. 4 : ; Corrected Daily by Capt. Otts Jehannsssn - ' Port of Bmiaiok, Sept. 24,1900. • \* - >' . ' ’ t • '.*'l'. K * -• ’ ARHIVKD. S’ S- George W. Clyde, Chichester, Boston.via ports, and sailed for Jackson ville.. •. CLBAItKD. Bark Prince John, Nor., Hermansen, Bristol. ~ aanj®. Schr. Dora Matthews, La Blance, New York. Schr. Brown, New Yo %'^< : ' ■ ' . ‘ Notlce ' Sohhcrr the master, owners or con signees ot tbe Norwegian barb Rim faxe, wUi-il responsible for any debts the orew of said bark. 1 yf*ott£ '6***'*g CapUMn. - > " * - --•'A'.m, * * ' WIH oftenjcatiee a *Aii,u or Bruise. Buckle** Arnica tae I'C.t it) ttie world, will ktn the pain aaAyromptljr heal it. Cures <Ru Sore., kVverVrwe*, flawr*, 8011 .Felons, US am, att Ski* Krnptloim-- Best Pile eureon lesrtiu Onljrtffcts, a hpx. cute gitar anteefi, Sbt<nSS?alfSug(flat. ; "ly•; - MZTCHMLL Sc j ' Livoty, -boardihg aadexpA stable Fineet i*llf*jtttyi Jkl Tel. 67. * 1 Afi£#iaßtle M OPERA H(Mt Monday, Octpbejc jv I Magnificent Scenic Production of the Marvelous Melodrama of Mrs ffcliffl, fbe Story Devil on Earth, the Sorrows ol Sotoit Dramatized from the Famousofj MARIE (mElll PRICES: r Orchestra, si.po Dress Circle, 75c Balcony, >o<£ Gallery, 25c. Seats at Butts’ dfiig store. BEST PRICES test goods, best treatment— “J* *vo the three rules which rulo In this store in all seasonr of the year. My aim 1* to give perfect satisfaction. There is no reason why I should not; and if, at any you get anything here * h,i aot right, I tt.-k ibat s THOS.KEANY GROCERIES. Phone 11, 312 Newcastle Street. 9 00 Drops) tWB . ..)—. .. ..—: : AVegelabk PreparatlonfiK As similating file Food andßegula ttig the Stomachs andßowels of iNFAN rs/( HU.DKI.N Promoles Digesfion.Cheerful ness and Rest .Contains neilher Opium.Morpliine nor>liueraL Not Hahc otic * .■—— in jnuvt oraujysmmptramt famptun Seal- , Mx Smna * I fUJxtUUtt- I j A perfect Remedy forConslipa- Fion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Lobs of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of new york: fib 11111 Ui n old J'J O 'si v-l jCi nis EXAcfcoPv of Plant systeNi PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, :::i ~ • ~&kad vp ~r 7; No. tT 80. 89, Tim© 1 Hi}!© NO. SS, NO,CO. ...... - p t* seß *^ r M, **t NO. 35, passenger mtAd y.Paity. Pally. ®aUy. v .. . ! risan.... 500 pm... W Brunswick sr Tf3opm.... ioisam.... O- •• •>*.•. joyn... 10 SO pm... Is Ws,cross nr ISipm... 6 45am ’ 45*' , It2'l ,nl- "?J2? * m ** C3H"tBW ar 6 Iflpm. 100 am z lpm... 400 am... ar • < ,1J 10 pm... ]| Warn... ar Bavaimah lv 5 00pm.... eiSnm • s*e 4 19pm... 088 am... ar CktrMn* lv n • 4.'. 1850 am... lOSOpm. . ar Jackeonvllla lv 1 45pm 5 ooam 1 Upm. •if>. costs... )3 50aiu... ar ThomaaviUa lv 510pm....’ 885am..!.’!!!!!!!!!!!. ItiOOpm.,.. 8 ofiasa. .. ar Tampa lv TfUJani... 7 0tp0c....' W* , VIA WAYCROSS& MONTGOMERY. ■ -yf ■ - 715 am... 1 5 00pm lv Brunswick ar il 30 am... 10 15 a m ............. f) am. -j\ s oo pm... ar Wayeroae lv 950 am... 7 l*am. iSSOpm i noam... ar Montgomery lvlll 85 am. 745 jup US 25a m... 'll 58 am... ar Birmingham lv: 842 am . 4 05pm • ••... 6oam ...[ i 10pm... sr Sasnville lrl 181 am.. 9 00 am ............;12 85pm 2tw am... ar LoulsVlife v|9l3pzn.. 255 am. ...... ,fs...{ 4 05pai .7 05 am.... ar ' Cincinnati In 546 pm.. 11 00 pm 7 }pa ... .fMam,,. ar Bt.Lcuia lv 823 am.. 8 56 pm VIA H AN D CHARLESTON. -• • ; ?in aru ?it OO .. jLv Brungwick Ar 11 3©pm jlOls am j .."V7.T ...... ; 11 j 12 20*ut.. Ar Bavaonata Lv 1 5 00pm B 15am ; ft fc: atn . ; 725 ■r. ;Ar Richmond Lv I 648 pm j 005 am T 10nm.. jl' pm Ar WisghmgtOft Lv !307 pm I 430 am wv... 8a am j 113 am. Ar Lv 146 pm ; 255 am Direct coonvetkm ji&d© at Wavci'ots with tbronsra Pullman Sleeptne Cars for Savannah CharlosOon, and ill pomu North} ali>o lor Montgomery, Birmingham, Niashville, Bt. Jwoula and all point© We t, HecUug cnairoa • beta, on W&yoroasand Montgomery via Thomaayilie. Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. GOING. I,v Port Tampa 11 Oo pm Mon. Thurw Sat Ar Key W<-.t a O', pm Tus. PrU Ana Lt Key WmiS 00 pia Too* PYI. Sunday. . Ar Havana S Ou am Wed.. Sat Mon W.B. DENHAM, GK-' W. COATES. B. W. WBENN General Supt Divieion Paes. Agent. Pass. Traffic Mgr Savannah, Ga Brunswick, a. Savannah-Ga OPEN AGAIN. Jno. Veruki wfncsTLiquor, Cigars, Etc. now ready for business. We will goods 10 per cent tkan original cost xbi 506 Monk Street, CASTORIB For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I 4 Signature /Jixf bf Use For Over Thirty Years CISTOIU VHbK THE CCMTAUft e*a**AMV. ICW VOfMt CtTV. | RETURNING Lv Havana S 30 pm Mon. Wed. and 5at....... Ar Key Weat 9 00 pm Mon. Wed. and Bat Lv Key West 10 00 p m. Mon. Wed. and Sat Ar Port Tampa a SO am Tues Thur.and Sun..