The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 25, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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1 Kil 1 nji nr Gkntir ef Coneree Will Tin Be LaicM. fl LARGE CROWD EXPECTED There Will Not be Less . Than One Hundred Charter Members. Those Brunswick ohuensVho signi ficd their intention of becoming mem bers of the Chamber of Commerce will meet at the city hall tor the purpose of organb.injjon Tuesday, October 3, at 13 a. m. As' stated in the charter list at the organization meeting, the majority whether the dtle of the body shalfbe “Chamber of Commerce” or “Board of Trade,” and at said meet ing by-laws, rules and regulations will be adopted, and generally the wishes of the large majority will control. It is to be hoped that every one of those who signed will be present. *Xtls theliuUj lift in the lute which ever wideuing makes the music mute.” It is just a little rift in the health of a woman of leu which gradually takes the spring from her step, the light from hei- eye*, the rose from her cheek and the mm u her voice. Perhaps the bugbear which Las frightened the woman from the timely help needed at the beginniug has bbeen the dreaded questions, the obnoxious ex fcltdtation, the local treatments of the home There is no need for these. Nor is ■Jlre need'for non*s Dr. Pierce’- (favorite Pn*- ipißra can be reityi on by every woman *ii timing from what are called •'female troubles” n< renew the healio and cure the dis ease. Women aye astonished at the results of the use of ibis medicine. It not weak women “robust and rosy cheeked/’ butrrtJ gives them back ihc vigor aud vitality of youth. Frae. Dr. Pierce’s People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, IGB pages, is sent free on re ceipt on 21 one-eeni fitau.ds to pay cost of mail ing- only. Address Dr. K. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y . PUBLIC SCHOOL OPENING. The public schoo's of B-iunswick will open for the next session on Mon day, October Ist. Each day of the week beginning Monday, Sept. 24;b, and ending Saturday, from oto 1 o’clock, I will be found at the Mansfield street school to enroll new pupils. Let all prospective pupils come during that time. The teachers will meet me Friday. Sept. 28th, at 9 a. m., of which this Is their sufficient notice. , G. J. Oitft, Superintendent City Schools. IN THE COURT IIOUSE. w On account of the large crowd at the preliminary trial of Dock Winfle dyester day, Judge Conoley has decided to hold the trial Thursday In the Glynn superior court room in order that all who desire may hear the case. The Remedy forStcmsoh end Bowel Trouble* "I liave’been in the drug business for twenty years.Jand have all of the proprieiary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemeey for all stomach and bowel troubles,” says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family, and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quisle as9 sure in a pleas ant family should be without it. I keep it in my house at all times." For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store, Fresh line of cakes just received at De Voo’s. K ADVERTISED JLETTEB LIST, j the following la a list.df letters re maining ia the’ postoffice at Bruns wick, Ga., unclaimed, for the week ending September 22nd. 1900. B -W lliam B. own, Borohofl”sS;eam Dye Works, John Brooks, Eddie Brown, J. Ward Byrd.J. K. Bailey. C-S.C. Colwell, D—Thomas Duoketf, Mrs. Susan Dillard, Will Dinkey, Jessie Pawsey. F—Mrs. Twaley Frazier. G—Mrs. Eddie Bibbs, Mrs. Mazar Graves. H—H. Huntington, Mias Minnie Homer, Henry L. Howard, Mia Malis aie Hall, John Henry. J—Cherlea Johnson, Mias Hattie Jones. K—Sidney Kimball, W- M. Kleck ley, Baler Klssie. L— Miss Katie Lamb, Willie Lee. M—Miss Gertie Meyers, Willie Martin, Mite Rosa McKoight,. Henry Mashman, Rosetta Mitchell, Jennie Mitchel, Virginia Moore, C“ar Mutt gin. ' . . P—Hezziekiab Pierce, Daniel Piok,- ney. R—Miss Kate Roberta, Will R,b> erta, Julia Ricb&rdstin. 3—Mrs. ,Fannie Swinton, PljHui Somner, J, M. Stephens, * W<%Mam eT Sullivan, Arthur Smith’TVtra. AUx. Simmons, T- - Mrs. .Tresis Trecot. W-W. J. Wright, O. W. Wi&tar* Mary V. Whittaker, R. W. White head, Mrs. Rachel Williams, Mtp. W. FkWilder, John Williams, F. M. White, Mrs. 11. W. WjhitaerefS F, ,>-+ • <* ", Weeha (2), Ida W r &H>urg. Y-W, H. Young. Parties calling for any of the above will please say they were advertised and pay one cent for eiM* letter med, All packages of any value should “be registered for satety. Fee 8 cents, in addition to regular postage. . ... . .* •' , : Mefobaodhe postage is 1 cimt ir ounce. Letter postage is 2 cents per otrnce, or fractional part thereof. £ F. Me. C. Brows, F. M. " PREFAKE FOR THE COOL WAVE*' Get out yoUr heavy oiotbing, and have them put id order by Jim Car ter. There’s no use buying new cloth ing when the old suit can bo made new for practioally nothing. Bo sure to flod Jim Carte. *1 had a running sore ou my leg fur Seven yeara” write* Mrs. James Forest of CUejipevva Fall*, Wia„*an<l spent huntJrcds of dollars In trying to geit It healed. Two boxes of .Banner Salve entirely cured it.” VV. J. Butts. Tut your stomach, Jiver Dd blocd io healthy conditlou and you can defy disease. Prjckly Ash Bitters is a successful system regulator. VV. J. Butts. Kerris’ Dane and Swift’s meats at De Voe’s. Tiie emargeneyPiags sent by church societies to Kansas soldiers in the Philippines contained among the necessities a box of DetVUt's Witch Hazel Salve, the well known care for piles, in juries and skin diseases. Ihe ladies took care to obtain the original He Witt’s Witch Hazel Salvo, knowing that all the counterfeits are worthless. W. J. Butts. 1 1 n healingmedicino in the world. W. ./. Butts. Mr. J. L, Crawley, of Way cross, sper t yesterdsy in the oity, BUY THE GENUINE' SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANTTFACTUBED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SVRUP CO. tWNOTK THU NAME. If you want something nice in olive* ring np 109—De Voe’s. THE BRUNSWICK TTMES-C ALL, SEPTEMBER 25, 1900 AS ARREST- MADE ' •"Vi.Vr -7. •' & \77 • Officer Scarlett IMs lie Has Hart’s Slayer. 5 Dock Winfield Arrested, But: - r\ Says He Is In nocent. Officer Scarlett and Sheriff Berrie on Sunday afternoon arrested anti placed in ■jail Dock WintLld, chthfged with kill ing Fwnis Hart on last Thursday night. It will be remembered,‘.Hart wit shot on Ellis slice pa about 10 o’clock. He walked toj&M 'Bothe on London street and died case was they vrenttat fterc buf’lie aijKrti^Stihot hinnsud o|sQ]flnMf| giving tir* name Otecef* 1 ' Scfcrlett, however, succeeded In gettiup, a clue and worked <xaietly on until 3uqs*y a(terrioou,wkcn he on Union Street and arrested him. *■£s; ... H ;i x t He secn given a prelimi nary beefing before Justice Lambright afternoon, but on motion of sßh>". Krauss, counsel for Win the casc'waa continued until Thurs day ssfnng at 9 o’clock. Je Winfield says he is not guilty of the charge, and has witnesses who eanjproye ll| s’. jjfcvfe HU 11 ’ 1101110 ac 1:10 Kffie of the UjWihitla Uii'iuvea. thinks he has the man, and says he has some strong evidonoo against •l*4fffdd, which he will produce at the heatjur ■, , , A Monster Bayi 1: Fish iKSKroyißg its,yitfm, ia type ot Oonsump tlijn. Tire tills murderous m;vlS,!y it hat ;on , Organs • *nti nerves atjd muscles and oletiu health Ofi .It'.- overcome Wr. Kipg’l kow Life Vi lie are a *afe and r W fl fc l .W re * 1R ’ sl ifthe yrortd Hot Slomach and ifowtAe. Only asoem* at: all druggists. & w 4 : •' The sight t|tan to have clean your olotbea Carter. F/eah lifle of ginger preserve juat iaefeived a{ D d Voe’s. A---TTf ~,;., % _ Mr. W, It^bvfna end was in,the city yesterday ttya Jamaica. A Wife Says: We have four the first fhree I suffered almost unbearable pains from 12 to 14 hours, and had to be placed under the influence of chloroform. I used three bottles of Mother’s Friend before our last child came, which is a strong, fat and healthy boy, doing OgM/ my housework up to within two hours . of birth, and suf- ft})' \ feted but a few hard (WJ i&iMM 1"" ''j pains. This lini- jj'’ j 'WKF Y~ \AA ment is the grand-/ WV'ST' // JkJM er.t remedy ever made.” ■ ..j. .MKH Not mistake to be p id Mother's Friend equips the patienWw strong body and clear intellect, which ul turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes the muscles and allows them to expand. It relieves morning sickness and nervousness. It puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition lor the final hour, so that the actual labor is short and practically painless. Dan ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avoided, and recovery is merely a matter ol a few days. Druggists sell Mother's Friend tor $1 a bottle. The Bradflcld Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga Sand for our fro* Illustrated book. TO SENfI MORE MONEY. Mayor Atkloson Has Home to Forward : to Texas Sufferers. MSyor Atkinson has a small amount of I money on hand, which has been sub-' scribed since Lis remittance to the Texas | sufferers. This money will be sent to tli9 little town of Albyn, which, it will be remembered, suffered heavy. Mayor Atkinson says that If there Is anyone j who desires to donate anything they can do sq today, as thy morjey will be for warded tonight. September is MSiafia’i : Own Month. . Jtplariß Is bad pta-yhtldvaa at* ' Dengue, ’ Hemorrhagic, " ’ Fevers ib tan urn nm ionic -. *r • ' FROM A FOUMKR SOlsblEUiA* “ the horrors irfl Wever Stricken Carap miles away from the base of ‘supplies. In ouch places Johnson’s Chill And f over Tonic came In. You needed no Quinine or Calomel; us© Johnson's Tonic, and you wjgtoyuffi through.”—Chas, F. Uodsh, Everett US®#> OTHER. XT KERFSIYOU WELL A. B. GIIiAteEAU, ihf . “I Sole Bfanufaetarer, Savannah, Oa. ,X ’ ’% ' a Real Eetate for Sale. We have lot nutter 176 on A street nine lots on Woli Street, for sale cheap B. H. Daniels & Cos. 810 Nowc&Btl bt. ELI ZISSIMATO, wy*.'l ■ I, ■ feat,!.. CIGARS AN DJTOBACCO Ic2 'Cream Freeh Brerv [lav, Hill! Skis Sob Water Etc,, All Kinds of;bn*i. OEFARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics,. ilountrv Produce J —Vegetables etc.^jj Also Coiifg^. MONK BTH K.IKI diseases most fatal of all dis-j r cv WV or money remedies recognized nent physicians as the best . Kidney and Bladder troubles, PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. | M|| W. J. Bott*. the Drugg!it | II Mm Ciarming Indmdmlify most welcome to the connoisseur— rich, dainty and sparklingly brilliant jP '□ SoffimAn Hm i /■| Brewed from die &ggk Canadian Jmß and Minnesota barley and the § ,fl| cholqest . Imported Bohcmlesi hops, Vxmi** 1 th,s hcc ? is a nourishing drink of Up mm u “ c T u akUpuHtyand excellence, $47.50 Willi buy a Model 59 Columbia Chaiuless Bicycle. s37*s° Will buy a Model 51 Ladies Chainless Bicycle. $25-50 Will buy a Ladies Cushion Frame Bicycle. This is something nice. Try one—buy one! $15.00 to $20.00 fllliAiy>ii) Ladies’ or Debits’ Bicycle, at the DOW I ™ OOO / ,' r ; m V ' Jr gf"'T '*-4. JRII f <wm M .JB Hrot is uuturlW • ... ;sf Vw.ll uußMk ; , A Good^^ / &'■ \ ■ for mankind j ■■ . t-l n <l. Corral Slor* ■* . !?*??*' TwTbll' para, •>►• —* *"*** UJg a. -J- oi Tn ■wnpl** .Si ilTw mm 2 to any *a4r~a •* M*l"nU| i Oiwir^" 1 Ca, wjST** ®* Coney& Parkier J >' DEALERH IN Ogal and Wood, Brick, Cement, Tlaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. _ 525 Bav St. 3