The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 25, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOCIETY NEWS. Mr. and Mre Coes'an<w Miller and children left yesterday to spend some rime visiting relatives in Quitman. Miss Mariß Dr Voe is quite ill with fever, to the regret of her many friends. Miss Edna Penniman bat-returned from a vacation spent in the moun tains. Miss Julia Wilder returtTtbis week from a summer in New York and Canada, and will resume her duties in the public school, where she is a most efficient teacher. There will be High Mass at tbe Cath olio ohurcb next Sunday morning at ten o’clook. Services will be conduct ed by R*v, Father Luokie, with a ser mon by Bishop Kelley. Tbe musical program is in charge of Miss Helen O'Conor, who will be assieted by some of tbe best local talent. Mr. R. E. Breiaeneck is in New York, and will return shortly with his wife and children, who have spent tbe summer there. Mrs. John C. Smith and little chil dren left last week for Rutledge, ac companied by Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mra. Banna, who has spent several months here. Mr. B, p, Coleman had hia band badly hurt in a game of base ball on Saturday afternoon. Miss Daisy Wright, of Stcrliug, is visiting Mrs. P. W. Fleming. The families of T. Dunn and Capt. F. A. DunnySpHl shortly remove ■ to tbe Johnson house, on Union street Miss Ethel Elliott left last night for Maoon, to attend Wesleyan Female Collee ' Mnwr-MumfSa and little bod, of. Uj*HTCVllle, Fla., are visiting Mrs. D. #W. Krau h ri- leaao* returns shortly FINE FURNITURE.3Bb Pages of talk on our furniture stock would give but half an idea of m the beauty and economy found here- Visit the Stogfi and let the <joods do their own talking® prices their own saying? More than train load suits ami odd pieces have b on these floors since last you were here, bfl CARPETS, RUGS, b\wMM Never were the prices on thePKg tides so low as at present. terns been so beautiful, the qualitd the price so attractive. JP -*<% Kach new season finds this in jpLpg condition to fill your wants, f<p‘g' n carpet and ug centres have represent We are quoting Lower Prices H. M. MILLER &M. from a summer at Tallulah Fail?, where sbe made many friends. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Bishop and litt'e daughter Mattie returned to the city on the Mallory steamer yesterday. Cards, were received yesterday by oitny friends from Mr. and Mrs, John Robert Morton to tbe wedding of iheif daughter, Mis; Sophie Morton, to .Lea A. Robinson,'at St. ooyal ohurcb, on WedocyMy evaping, October 3rd,, >& j beautiful and marriage ser vice of the Episcopal church mill be performed by Rev. Mv.fttaney, ♦tsWoy of St. Mark’s church, and the wedding march will be played by Mirs Uelec O’Conor. Mias Carrie Bailey, of Bu ley’* M 11, a oousin of tbe bride, will be mald of-booor,;and Mr. 8. C. Li‘ tle- fleld will be best mao. Both of the. young people are well known and very popular. Mr. R jblnson, who bas been connected with tbe Southern rail way for maJr > years, is a joung man of unusual ability, and is well known In l&sintaa as well as sooial circles, Misjfc, Morton, wbo has lived in Brunswiok for several years, is connected with some of the best and oldest families in the State, and is a young lady of many accomplishments and graces, which have endeared her to a large circle of friends, After tbe wedding ceremuoy, tbe young couple will leave Immediately for Wyhfiig ton and the North.' Agool many cnnnlmpUves would. b *med and tlie worst case* comforted a ltd VelleVed by using Foley’s Honcyl. lnci Tar. smggcm it t* those afflicted. Youchoulgdo ifite 4* a friend W. J, Butts. CmSTORIA and Children. The Kind Always Bought Beans the Mg .*■/#> , Signature of Second han e hoi and iuvTtyH&teht sold; .•! Y'l'ks. mirrors, cavpuNL ,1 W‘ Watkins'. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL* SEPTEMBER 25,-1900. TO OPEN MONDAY. Tbe Catholic Convtnt Is’ Ready for Work. On Monday, October lit, the reboot of the Bisters of S’. Joseph:wifi be for mally 'opened with an addrssYhy Rev. Bishop K>ly,. of the SljtvaoS&h die-' oeae. Tbe regular primary and graJjij rner school studies will be taugbt fur. tbe present, there not being, sisters enough for high school Work'. - / Many have alretdy bteu ei rotled and tbrf Mater* will be glad-to see MJ- patents, wishing to enter their children at- from bto dl o’cl jck aby day this week. Term* very rea sonable. | “XSigir of Terror.’ “A ettuf Safety was felt for £* ejjjo# of vb |.i *@jßo3<lrah*m, of MacnirslMe., Vtam m' doctojJ Btihslic could tot Sir UUjwsrwibg, writes It#. 8, if . Lincoln, wheluUstt.-Jed Su •that taanut ntgrlit, *AU won (lie from I'neoiponij, but she begged fur Dr. JUng’t NewS*bvegt%'iDg ttM(J than MC Mvodher <** hadewwdber of rousumptlon. After tnreesjiiall dosesStardietfet! easily ail nig&r aatUta f artbcJS use cimpldjely cured her.’’ • neldl Lung Dis eases, OTtifl&tMA slSs#iß*,ottles true at all drug stofes. - Alt or|ire| proteptiy iie liverfiiwt t)e Voe'e. **•' .* i u, ' .P' . Cored et. flhronio Diarrhoea Aft#, 30 . Yeari of Suffering. " •‘lf sufferak for thirty years with diarrhoea and thought I Was part belug cured,” says John ft. IfsllowaV, of French Lamp, Miss. “I had upon so mnchjdmewud money and suffered so much that Thug-glvcn up alljuipea 9f recov ery. l was scAblle from the iff cot* at th diar rtioea that I cdniit.iio no kind of inhere >idd not evon travel, but by accident I wae per nil tod to And a bottle of Cbemberlain'a Colie, .Cholera and Diarrhcea Bcmedy, and after taking sev eral hottlee lam entirely cAred of that trou b’e. lam so pleased with the result that 1 am anxlout that It be in reach of all who suffer as 1 have.” For sale by Bishop’s drug store. SOUTHERN CHEAP RATES -SA VANNAH, GA. ■ Sunday morning, September 23rd and 30. h. One duller for the round trip. Tioket*.-limited to date of eale. Train leave* at 6:40 a. m, ; Anytblug in nice f retb eatuMtl uhnt-i cm be bad at De Voe’e. — r i , . Our Qruateft BpeclnllK For 20 year* Dr. J Newton Jjstli away has so suocessfully ’rested chronic disease* that he Is acknowledged today to stand at the head of his profession in, this line. Bis exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture without the i aid- of knife or cautery oures in 90 per cent. Of all case*. In the treatment o* losa of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and uriniry complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to yromen, he is equally successful- Dr. Hathaway's .practice is more than doublo that of any other specialist. Oases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your ease. Be makes no charge for honsut'ation or advice, either at his of- by mat 1. HATHAWAYfM. l>. Bryan Street, Savannah, Oa ViiSpepehd part of the city. : rim, let on an- noKonly nnnojitag; ind i< 1.1. ,,,c1. Uoiid’x Sanisilfh rlfying the blood. Mr. from strip abroad. A ":t§L |ja(u ithout r-I--r .. . SbßwLo tri sl. .1 t. Hmn n> relief, so dlacbAi gel Ulm- I. Kr to sc-o him the toil innimug,. J® Ca tHIWcIS WI! In A K irill ,• lU, Mp.tvn running "If -< !• th^Kl)|§ Ktoody flux. I sstod Mur It berUtn’*Colic,Cbolurs and be said, and brought him one doss; told him ‘ ; Mpwfl"i'm flfic s ..! ifi.;; ■. Ur - not find relief, but tie took no more, and was entirely enrod. I think it the beet uu-dtoiusl have ever triedKor sale by Dr. Bluhop'a drug store. Jim barter is Brunswiok's best clothes cleaner. The Golderv Age is| the GOLD DUST Age f that emancipates women of all ages from the @ tyranny of hard housework. GOLD DUST m Washing Powder is the greatest boon of the gj V century to woman, since it lightens her heavi \ est work. Large package is greatest economy. i, - - -.. . . , jj^ , y Thu Mv tf- F* at I ib&nlt Company. ... L—. Now Yolk, Honor, >;■ . Lincoln, Neb.‘, : Sep}i ?i —The (.rtSAol year for the University of ifef&iS'bp eft*4 toßay. Dr. Jfc IJpisJacStfc l&siirews, the caroeftom Op cagd and took cbem sgfre delivered bis address to. day. A short 1 uaugural eere@u>cy was al-o held. Attßb.lvHUeift'- : &T chancellor th? gbrrtcV wUkJc simple and devo'd of *pljr. • HARPER WHISKEY RECEIVED Parla^Eflg.’ -3—(Spreial diepateh ) America*, wjj.iektes received tbe effi oiit of the eapokUton today, ph*v s|sSst ‘ sr*B awkrdsd to Bernbeict Wfck Irairtanre, Ky., *n the'lv whiskey. Sbldfß Brunswick'^ iwmin Ckamker&iii’s Oongn Regie iy a -Orest ’•- _ FVR. • * The aMNdag nn4Jhc*i off' jbSJjptit of this remedy, itapfoasatityasto aM promat aSd jeT tnanent caret Srase madk it great’,fa*oita< with people evnmvhnis.; ft-io eappcMuy prized by mothers H&ijdren tfa croifp and ivubupinit cougkjftafl always aflfMa yatek rcltef, and Sait oVother ig-nv jartwaßd*at 1f to a baby a* to ah sjpwyy drugstore.^., Cbarlce Cocprt? flghttn?, or tbif’T X * L**- Tht-tir.igie)eiv*_i!Hlon oft Spa woeart aretbe great food lougomtug nations- ’tooiifjiOd w6ll dtgesaed'g'Tes Strength, tf yon cannot and all you cut, ifoa need Kodol Dypepaia Cofc. I* digests wiat youest. Von h.-ed nutNlkit youi setf. U.oen’hia, all of the itsgvstants combined eiththe l>e*t known tonics and reeenMnictivea It ww men (fsgest. alt I'taaecjdt in a bot tle. No other prop,ration- ftJU,.d.rtb,-*. It In stantly relieves' and cnreaaJUtomoch trouble* W ,J Butt* i . iff ,(p - When you want eomstbing nice id 1 jams aud preserve* csl! at Da Voe’s Noyr is the time to have the o’d lset wintdr’s eait put in good order. S? Jim Carter. I-srge son spots, astrnuomere say, caused li.e extreme heat thU summer, sud doctors declare nearly all the prostrations wore induced by dia 't'*dere of the stomach, Gooil health follows Kodol l>ys|iepsia Cure digests . you have Indigestion or dy,- relieve c u always keep on hand 'Pam-Kifiev There Is no kind of pain or ache, internal or exter nal, that Pain-Killer will not relieve. LOOK our FOR IMITATIONS AND sub stitutes. the genuine bottle BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS A SON. ANOTHER LOT OF^. ....Bargains f Ladies’ Silk Lined Underskirts 25c up'. Lace Curtains worth f1.25 at 79c per pair. Lace Pillow Shams worth 79c at 49c per pair- Table Oil Cloths worth 30c at 15c. Bureau Scarfs, Center Pieces and Table Linen Greatly Reduced All the latest styles in Millinery just received. M Every Hat Personally Selected while in New York. Y-ou will be convinced by examing our stock that we carry the finest in the city. I MRS. M. ISAAC, J'he Largest Dry Goods Store, 208 and 208 1-2 Newcastle St. -1 111 SE X —.Xover be without mi of our Wines and Whisky in the house. It is the best for heal th and hospitality. The doctor prescribes it and friends approve it. Pure, mellow. -*-R- V- DOUGLAS.^— A-wV- G -> lJf Jla Lx Wtien fiflilesis ST" Tf"~j ITae any of my brand* of WINKS AND Jm-'S J /*** LIQUORS and nature will lie greatly -v assisted in the work of recuperation. \’£jSr-" \ £ j My goods fire of excellent quality, and *< * * N been bottled aud matured under j / jSj, J our immediate supervision, Each 1 ' • brand has bm n •elected because of some f 'jjfft *.-/ -’l^^ rmcEsrosciT.! Ig& Lpl 4 \il T. NEWMAN, Mi . I ? k --n. >..%