The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 25, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 INVITE YOUR PARTICIPATION IN Our Special Offerings of Corsets! We have been handling the ‘*W. B. Corset#*’ for the past two ycar3, hut not having had the success with same that our large and increasing patronage demanded, we have made arrangements for the agency c>f anew and popular brand; so as to make room for same wc offer our entire stock of W. B. Corsets at actual eost. ••• Wash Fabrics. %e are still talking wash goods. Of course we don’t offer much of a selection, but we price what we have so it will pay you to buy. Dimity Silk Organ dies, 50 yards on sale, per yard 25c, Pretty Di mities and Tissues worth up to 19c, on sale 12 i-2 C . All other Wash goods worth double, go at per yard 10c. The Bee Hive. Phil S. Farmer, Proprietor. CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTABLISHED 1889. ~ CHUE HALL, Proprietor ,V6u*can get the feest the market affords by eating here 215 ORANT T. .j... , -■''? ' " """fr"*"'*"!- J. J. LISSNER, and > In one of our we display today a plete line of articles for Boys’ use. The school season will soon be here and the fitting out of ytrur- BOY for school can be made easy by inspecting our immense assortment of Suits, Shoes and v • Fumisliiogs.^(^^f lWm Btjro &CY. -W 114 Hoot Empire Cursvt W veruAX, cost. Tyle No. W Jt Cyclists Cortots to close 'em out ;it ACTUAL. COST, THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CAl£. SEPTEMBER 25, 1900. Corsets. If you need a Corset, come to this store. You will supply your want at a saving. Not a W B Corset excluded. Ev eryone goes at Actual i Cost. Velveteens Colors—White, black, tabor, emerald, pistasche, wines, per yard 49c. Just the thing for waists This popular material is very stylish. ” 3ws*. ~ It is between seasons now and you’ll buy here at a bargain. The Bee Hive. 213 Newcastle st„*Brunswick, Ga: CHEAP ADFEBTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE io thls win i, t, Hvrt . U at the uniform rat., of Ou* ( cut a Word for each Insertion. .Vo adrcrUsemeot, iwwever wa.tll, lona than {teems. (.sab f u udvsuce. A good diunenfor stßeCa., at the Ceo tral hotel. tor Sale—One Urge safe ohp. Brown Drug Cos. r. n^t SX White WMi ~JW oo ‘o pointer, biteb, 3 months old. Liberal f6W * fd - A. D. Oai.i, TVANTED—To purchase a second hand etandiug bookkeeper'# desk Address Uox 105, city. , J " H uj sN l.~ L*rg*„ comforuble with as s of i>at& toun ,. j, vr wlttooat mwl... reasonable. 405 G street. -a i* OR RKN' I OR SALK—House end lot bio. 407 I) street for rent or sle. Cen be bought cheap, and on easy terms. Brunswick Hank and Trust Cos. ■' —t . n oty oflloe and Jef. , a amall, white eo-' K *BO,OO, my name ■he envelope. A lib e paid for the rtturn . W. Conolev.N. r., , 604 Monk street. OAS lf ] ii[W Signature i M ackgfi 2 1 -20. m Syrup. Wk ■HPPxellow Yams, lit ®ine Can Goods (just in). 11111 CM J U imiKniptiui Go’s M Fomlt Case. COURT CASE WOUND UP The Receiver Had 13,000 for Which the Boat Sold f at Brunswick. ’ ; In the superior court Saturday Judge Felton, at Maoon, signed a decree dia charging V,jA. Menard as receiyer ol the Macon Navigation company and or dering lUm to pay over to the creditors the 63,000 in hid hands, as the proceeds from the sale of the steamer City of Macon. The creditors and their claims ft ro: iaeeph M0ck.,............... .£■ % 09 J- r . Bay Iron Work*#. 1,092 47 Bay Iron Works. 5 70 j W.W. Ward .. 13070 I Rogers <& J0iner,,..,*......... ICG 14 A K Schofield’s Sons... ..‘ 600 00 *2. J. Lewis, C ............. 2G3 27 R, L. Byrd £ C0.*. ............. 180 61 Albgrt B. Wen* .. .. .., 122 6i Lang &. W00d....'.'.....,..... J 6 73 Coney &Parker. * . 9 00 Douglas Jlardware C 0......... 21 74 K. E. HWtelek,. S 85 Henry Johnson rt 11 Tom iMfce 13 00 H. M. Miller St 50n.7. 17 CO W. H. Beryls. lu3 17 H.,4. NiiStifr*. n&i*? Menard, receiver .............. 38 20 Arthur L. DaaUer 88 00 ;‘r':r ' t M} < J* "• : tS.OOO to , These claims dg not f costs or Ut Direst. The docrdehinally disposes of the ease, and the City of Maoon ts now plf: log Ihe river belo.liakStß&hßte. Tarinir bM> purchased at aJ**fW its di*- aster in the bturji,sdek. Kmbi OfiJmm 18. im-Rr.|J. U.|Me- Loan's BirenglenfaJCiudini and Blood|l*uriiier la the tx*tie<iicinfcf its kind have used it add know It to ho gooa. Cfjp. McDdu iel. for e*l*% W. 3. Butts, the druggist. Ki-nn Kt -n,. life Tasteless Quinine Toutc, C'i.'uacWlis and fever—2sc a bottle. "i : tgi*' It your food does not digett well, a faw doses of Trickly Ash sitters will sat matters rightr" It sweetens the breath, strengthens the stomach and digestion, creates appetite and cheer fulness. W. J. Butt*, Have you s sense ot fullness!* the region of your stomach after eatingt If so you will be benefited by using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet*.- They; also [cure belching and •our stomach. They regulate the bowels too. Price 25c. Sold by Bishop's Drug Stott. ► The most dainty and effective >llls made are ‘SDU’s Little Karly SBiaers. They are une jsfetarau liver and bowel troubles. Never SflHßß&u t ! IHIHHh. .....Disinfect Your Homes Choloro - Naptholeum, A Safeguard to Disease. We Sell in Anv Quantity. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On tli© Corner.” WELL, II DON’T THINK! You haw tried all of Our Special Flavors of Coid Soda Water. 3 here are several of them that wilt refresh you in any old weather. Bor instance, haye you ever tried our new drink, If you have you know a good thing. If yon haven’t, there is a real treat yet io s ore for you. Our repulation of having the beet Soda In the city must be sustained, and that is why we use only the pure .roit Juices for our syrup and why we are never just out. Its served oight and cold as ice can make It. '“To.. Nunnally’s Candies BROWN DRUG CO |f HUMANIC SHOES FOR MEjJ w e have secured the sole control or 'nPy F an,ous “Hji-man-ic” Shoes for men WUpmaßm* : These shoes are scientifically perfect, / constructed on anatomical lines to ; conform to the natural foot, JBSrflr They combine ease, grace and durabil fm&wßSf j ity, with a popular price, Ni£S : 1 T,ie ‘ f demand throughout America has MiM been marvelous. Superior in quality and more papfect in fit than any shoes ever YfcflUiH sold P r i ce • Only obtainable of us in this city. I’RICE ,$4 PAIR. THE PALMERSHOECO m DR. MQIFETT S g Allays Irritation, Aids Digestion. ■’rrtii its fg Rtgui.t u* bowcu, f/Mt I 111 HIN /I SKTEiE; gl“: -A. (Teething Powdery) J. M. TEETHINA Relievo theßow* -V faSik c " h 'J 2S “"h ' "msisis, JnM Sa S?“ y LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT GSE CREAM OF'KENTUCKY ► l *™ WJjisky. SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY A TRUST' I- Trager & Cos,, Independent Distillers. J Exclusively in Braunck by FR- V. CDOUGL.A3, 206*Bav Street.