The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 26, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER ?5. Cl II > IS f QUIT Strikers, However, Still Refuse te Work, m iITJI LEAVING The Minors Feel That They Have a Just Caase and Will Not Yield—One Company Weakening. Shenandoah, Sept. 25.-Peace reigns is thi* and neighboring towns. Less tbtn a dozen oollieriee in the Mt an thracite field attempted to work this norniDg. Miner* Saining Elsewhere. Wiikesbarre, Sept. 25.—Early trains tbie morning oarried 500 miners to tbe bituminous regions with jobs and good wages promised. Five thousand men left for tbe bituminous district BEbe. ,h.. utriha i.lifriin. A dozen agente t ttw wttjmiP*'* mines are making tip parties to go to tho Ohio and Indi ana mines. Report Markie Has Yieldsd. Hazelton, Sept. 25.-=lt is reported here that Markie, one of tbe biggest operators, has granted all tbe demands of the strikers. Markie Has Not Yielded. New York, Bapt. 25.—Tbe mining superintendent of the large coal com pany telegraphs from Wiikesbarre that Mr, Markls denies that be bss conceded to tbe demands of tbe mi ners, as reported. Men Would Not Work. Sbamokin, Sept. 05 —The ofiloials of tbe Cameron oolliery endeavored to \ start work Ibis morning, but not a miner responded to tbe blowing of whistles. Attempts were alio made te resume work' in several other col lieries between here and Bentraiia, but the men remained away. *r.—jt£sssa Will Flood the Mines New York, Sept. 25.—A speoial dis patch to tbe Journal from HsMßton says tbat the operators are today play ing another, and wbat they declare, is their Isßt card. They will flood tbe mines and abandon them, they say. Strikers Won. Hazleton, Pa., Sept. 25.—G- B. Markie & Co,,operators ot tbe Jeddo mines, today ooncaedad to tbe demand of tbe workmen except tty reduction of gunpowder, JNis tbe operators said they would ] e to arbitration. Mr. W. A. Jones, cl Jacksonville, is a gnest at the Oglethorpe. NEW YORK S BIG FIGHT. Democrats and Republicans Now After Votes. New York, Sept, 23.—Tho greatest democratic gathering of the whole cam paign will be held at Madison Square Garden, In New York, on October 16, when William Jennings Bryan will make a speech. Gigantic preparations are being made for the occasion. It is intended that this shall be the biggest demonstration of all. Plans ats_noW being matured for tbe event, A large sonnding board will be placed in the hall so that all the thousands gathered there oan hear the words of the speaker. There will be overflow meet ings for those who cannot get in the garden. Those meetings will be ad - dressed by prominent democrats. Al ready the oommittee in charge of the work are beginning to receive hundreds of letters from various parts of the country asking for seats at the speak ing. y Croker Takes Active Charge Richard Croker has assumed general charge of the democratic eampaign in Now York. It Is said that all import ant matters have b3en practically left in his hands, A number of strong speak ers will take the stump, among them Congressman Bailey, of Texas. Stump the West On Ootober Bth David B. Hill will start on bis tour of the Middle West States. Re will speak in Ohio, Illi nois, Indiana, and the Northwest. Croker appears to be mors sonlYieol than ever of carrying New York from reports received here. His wagers are now said to amount to SIOO,OOO. Hs believes tbat New York is a Demo cratic State normally, and will use ev ery effort to restore normal oondi tionr. TO stay with hurghers Steyn and Reitz Still Have a Large Fightlog Force. London, Sept. 25.—Messrs. S’eyn and Reitz, says a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Lorenzo Marqutz, will re main with the fighting burghers, and it is estimated tbat a force of Boer*, aggregating from seven to twelve thousand, is planning to harass tbe British lines of communication. MORE MONEY. Mayor Atkinson last night mailed a small check to tbe mayor of Albyn, Tex., for their aid. Tbie money was subscribed since tbe subscription was tent to Galveston. OUT OF COMMISSION. Washington, Sept. 2-3.—The Balti more is ready to go out of commission. It is now two weeks after the original time set. She will receive a thorough overhauling. _ AMBASSADOR TO ITALY. ” Washington, Sept. 25—Secretary Long today recommended the appointment of Prealdent Elliott, of Hartford, as am bassador to Italy. TO FIGHT AGAIN. • Shanghai, Sept. 25.—1 tis reported in Chinese sources that the empress Iseued an edict commanding Chang to raiae an army to recapture Pekin. "•***"* BRUNSWICK. GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1900. in m II ■ ■ Eleyen lore Missionaries Are Morflereil. Pin mi i cm* This Cruel AatisForeign Leader Made President of the Jm* il- Loadon, Sept. 85.—The China inland mission has received a cable mossago announcing Um murder of eleven mis sionaries at Sih Cheo Tailing and Yah Rang, in the province of Shansi. 4 Prince Tuan Honored. Berlin, Sept. 25.—The appointment of Prince Tuan as president of the Great Counoil Is officially supposed hero that this accounts for the decision of the United States to loave 1,500 men In Peuin. Canton Is Threatened. Hong Kong, Sept, 35*— I The aspect in tho Kwang Chung district Is threatening. Frequency anU-ChnJjjan riots have oc ehwedaori'tiavehoJ, viceroys. An Who are fiercely arffMoreign, arc being associated with the Boxers, and have established a base at Chung Chein. They are threatening CantonAad preparing for rebellion. The Chinese threaten lo destroy the.Freneh’gunboat Avalanche, now at Kum Chvik, above Canton. Chaffee Ordered from Pekin. Washington, Sept. 25.—Instructions were cabled to Quo. Chaffee today to withdraw the American troops from Pekin. A legation guard of on* regi ment of infantry, fous of eavalry and one light battery will remain under command of Gen. Wreffee. The other troops will withdraw to Manila. Germany’* Opinion of U. S. Berlin, Sept. 25.—Government of floer* *y the American note does net reply to the German propoaal tbat the ministers of Pekin seleot those who are guilty of outrages against the foreigner*. It is added that Presi dent McKinley won’t trust Minister CoDger, as the latter is politlcall- opponent. Tbe official* A United States will ift to far as ChinaAgNFf and nftkiQ tbe Oermarr proposal. ft 1 lmarl. oan soldiers will be obliged to retorn to Pekin aoou after leaving there. REFUSED EMPTY HONORS. New York, Sept. 25.—Senator Caf fery today deolined tbe nomination for president by tbe new party, tbe anti-imperial Ist. Archibald M. Howe, tbe vioe-presidential nominee, alao deolined, p il a Reprtefl Tliat Mamie Falls I No More. t: NEWS IS NOT CONFIRMED Y.-s- But AU Are Certaia That Some thing Terrible Has Hap pened. Aiw|..n, Sept. 25.—1 tis reported here tbat tbe town of Marble Falls has been washed away by the Colo rado aiver, and tbat there ia a fifty foot rise at lClngsland. EtTdrts to reach Marble Falls are without avail, It 1s a small town of M people, 25 miles abate Austin, on the polorado river, and is the termi nus of a branch of the Austin and Northwestern road. Kingslaud ia a email town in Llano oounty, also on the Austin and North western, and is near tbe junction of the Llaqp and Colorado rivers, both of which are very high. 1 DISASTROUS FIRE AT OCALA, I* -A, y* ' .*• ACme H' tai, Arnold*'House, and, Other Piaoes Burned. Ooala, Fla., Sept. 25.—The Acme ho tel, Arnold house, two stores, and a small realdenoe were destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The fire rfrigl- Dated in the kltoben of the Acme ho tel, and soon spread to the adjoining buildings. -Allie Mordis, an Italian, was bid 1 barne.d by falling timbers. The prc; tjr destroyed was valued at about |7,000, partially insured. BETTER It ACE RBLATgA Macon, Sept. men from all par ts off assembled here tot®, ganisstlou of the I'A.,' Association. 'The [' I _>^Thc leadership of M*VVashington. The-objectiet/ /fT nuo tho crimoe of young near t 0 lyach _ ings, and y 1 TIPTON CASE. ■ of the mayor and council of this town,**WMdig the several railroads here and Uielrcontftßr tlons with discrimination in freight was heard today. The exclaims thaKa,, business of the town has been really hut. t through the unjustness of the ratlfoad.B. ROOSEV ELT^||a.y ir yr KUi Sept. spoke in this city planned for a monster meeting and the representative of the gold standard was well received in the sliver state, although hie theories cannot be accepUd. SLIGHTLY COOLER. Sncb is tbe Weather Over a Portion of the South Atlantic. The weather is slightly oooler over a limited portion of tbe south Atlantio and decidedly so in tbe upper valleys. High temperatures prevails through out tbe Lake region and tho Ohio val ley over a narrow strip of country to tbe lakes, \ .. , The conditions are practically rain less over the southern -states, save scattered showers in' Florida. The storm in the northwest on previous chart bas moved northwest over the upper lakes, the barometer is falling. Everywhere the pressure is rising. GOLD FIELDS STRUCK, Nome Gets Hit By a Disastrous Storm. Seattle, Sept, 25.—Information has been received from Nome of a disastrous storm which raged for two days all along the shore. The wind and water leveled tents and mining machinery. One man Is knowu to havo been drown ed, and several seamen and oaptaina of small tugs are believed to have been lost. Five hundred people are .home less, The property loss is half a million dollars. The’ heaviest loser was the Alaska Commercial company. ernment reservation has been thrown open for thoboneflt of the homeless. ANOTHER OOMMISHiON. rr1 ’ J A Board of Three to Aid Miqislern^H •/: I Washington, Sept. 23/ J h'inley expects to shoW|||§ mission to aid Min>! tiating peace W. Bonnot; one or tnejßßpt of Glynn county, jmamt, imo. Seth o. Townsend, uperior Court, Glynn / 1 1 1 i Oil. of Qjlfil! Of Qlvnn. aSt jiTnu Superior Cou l l, M.i y dPP? ■■•JT Term. H#Kb ÜBEL FOR 1)1 VORCE. . Suwln Uoßera: to be and appear ••mi -Mipot ior ,v\ and arcbiteotoiu. I /faughtsmen. IVr- Yfiractical road bulld- a koowedge of rural geology, mineralogy and kindred subjeots, will be examined Ootober Ist. TO REDUCE STOCK, —A O announcement from the popular Bee"*Hivrt always ioteres’iog, but when this store aayg “Stock must be reduoed, it means that hundreds of Brunswiokiana wljl save money, be oauee good* are, being sold at a very small the annonnee mFHT, and go to the Bee Hive for bar gaiEr SENATOR PALMER DEAD. 26,—Gen. J. M. at hie Deffml inr- -ere thla morning ■>r rw ENGLAND REFUSES. Sa^sl3Ur J re l * l G| | | nn nr- W Ga. epent yueterday PRICE FIVE CENTS. Il WORKERS MONK 1,800 Muss to Submit to a Big Clt. 25 PER ejIGIION They Considered That the Soale Was None Too High and Would Not Go to Worn. Washington, Pa., Sept. 25,-Some thlng over 1800 steel workers of the Ssaquehanna Iron and Steel Cos. went on a strike here today. Officials of the company made a out in wags* 0 21 per oent and the men refused to work at the reiucsd rate. All the striker* are orderly and no trouble is anticipated. INDICATIONS f" , : ' I mmwi | j S®SSt ,ld j u.'rfin thie moven EMPx AT THE OGLE THORPE, aild jgjd, Jacksonville: O. H. LOADED p. s. Den- SHELLS tHP® land ‘ Way ' KSm-y, H. J. Leinhaif, Atlanta; W. Now York; Mls Eessie Hall, Waynesville; W. A . Jones, Jacksonville; L. R. Aiken and wife. Mt. Pleasant; 11. S. Sloan, Nsw Orleans; C, W. Patterson, Baltimore; M. S. Roberts, Eufaula; L. Turner, Douglas. GOOD CHANIE NOW. Those who are looking for real bar gains in winter apparel should not fail to attend the sale of R. L. Harri son & Cos. As this firm is aoon to leave the oity they are relling goods below oost rather than carry them to Jacksonville. Mr, R. L. Harrison will also sell bii household furniture at low figures. PAINTING THE BOXES. Postmaster Moßrown baa a force at work painting Ibe letter boxes, and when finished, the same will be very neat. The color Is aluminum bronse, and it ia very pretty. LAST EXCURSION. Thare w1111)8 a excursion to Jackson ville via the Plant System today, a special coach for white people. All ara