The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 30, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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STORE TO CLOSE El 5 DAYS * 'mAND OPEN UP IN JACKSONVILLE, FLA. w And in order to save expense of moving our goods, we hereby offer OUR ENTIRE STOCK FOR SALE-^ AT COSTI Not Including Freight. MV GOST MARK 123456 7 8 9 0 0 H A R I BONBD .; Sale Begins Today. ’ IN DOUGLAS. Gjv. A. D. Candler, Congressman W. G. Brantley and Senator Sieve Olay are booked to apeak in Douglas next Monday. That being Ordinary’* and ! ajmiasioners’Courts day, cou %ed with the advent of tbeae able ora tors, it will fill that little city to cver |fi owing. Sena’or Clay haa wired that owing to other preying engagemeute, ; he may not be in D ug'as. Ktfesem ' Ga., June 1". #?.-Dr. J.H. Mc ■ Iran’s Btrvngteninjf Cordial and Blood Purifier is tl o best medicine ot It* kind made. 1 Have used it and know it to be good. C. P. McDan iel. Bor sale b jW. J. Butts, tbe druggist. Ki-ua Ki-na. tbe Tastelesa Quinine Tome, cures drills and fever—ilc a bottle. Stops the Cough and works off th- Cold. Laxative Tablets cure scold is one day. No Cure : No Pay. Price 25 cent® Editor A. H. Leavy, cf the Times- Call. epent yestfrday at Fl’xbugb, Fla. Most everybody knows something about Old Virginia Cheroots^ as 300.000,000 of them are being smoked this year. Ask anybody about 1 never smoked them 1 yfSralf. They have made their , ! own reputation and their own place 1 in the cigar trade, wholly on their l l merits. Three # gpod smokes for five.] | cents, and no waste ! j . TVrce hundred million Old Virginia Ckeroots smoked this jut. Ask jour own dealer. Price, 3 lor 5 cents. e j WEDDING PRESENTS. Big cut In all lines of silverwares for the next few days. To be sold at sue tual cash. A. Rothschild. At no Time is Man Secure from At tacks of such diaors of ibe stomach as obolera morbus, cramps and diarrboe ; but these comp nints are common du ring tbaUeited term, wli a d it is dan gerous to neg'ect the n. Pain-K Her i: a remedy that has never failed, ar.d !hee:verest attacks have been cured by it. Avoid substitutes. There is bul ! one Pin-hi ler, Perry Divi.V 25c. : and 50c. Hon. William G. Brantley epent part of this week here mingling with i bis ctftiitituants. The people of Ap ' i p'iog pm tbe.r faith to Mr, Brantley, land be alwajs receives sa oration when he comes to court.—Baxley Bsn- I ner. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 30, 1900 . ...i, t iVit*' ~ WANTED. Artesiau wells to drive at $250 each Rise and capacity “guarantaed will also guarantee to complete wells in 15 days, Call on or address A. H. Baker, 205 Gloucester street. Poisonous toadstool* resembling! mushrooms bave caused freqw?nt deaths thifiy&U> Be h ure to use only tbe genuine. Observe the same care when yotTask for DcWltts With Ha2el Salve They are, poisonous counterfeits. lie Witt’s is the 01117 original Witch. Hazel Sulvf. Itis'sftfe and certain cure for p!Unhand all skin diseases W J Butts. O 'j£m tori" A . Bears the | HARPER WHISKEY RECEIVED GOLD MEDAL. Paris, Aug. 25—(Bpscial dispatch,)— American whiskies received tbe offi cial approval of tbe exposition today, hev gold medal was awarded to Bernheim Bros., Louisville, Ky„ on their I. W. Harper, whiskey. Sold in Brunswick, Ga., by T. Newwao. CHEAP BATES PLANT SYSTEM Account of the annual meeting of the National Association of Spanish War Veterns at Ohcttanooga, Tenn., Oct. 9 to 11, the Plant 8y stem will sell tickets from Brunswick to Chattanooga and return at one fare for rouod trip. Tickets on sale Oct. 8 and 9, final limit Oct. ‘.B. Account of the Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders’ Association, Lexing ton, Ky., Oct, 2 to 3, the Plant System will sell tickets from Brunswick to Lexington and return at one fare for ibe round trip Tickets on ale Sept. 30 to Oct. 1, limited until Oct, 15. STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove doctor, repairs al kinds or cook stoves and ranges, buy and soils second hand stoves, 414 Bay street. 5c Prints now 4c yard 6c Prints now 44c 7c Prints now sic Brllliautine worth 65c now 41c Poplin worth 85c now 65c Henrietta worth SI.OO now 80c Blue Brilliantiije worth 75c now 51 Camel’s Hair worth 65c now 42c Camel’s Hair worth 2'o now 121 c Dress Flannel worth 25c now 15c Dress Flahnel worth Hoc now 21c Blue and brown Henrietta 15c now 9sc Henrietta ass’t colors worth 25c now 17c Serge Dress Goods worth 05c now 42c Imp’td Dress Pattern worth $1 now 65c Imp’td dress pattern worth $1.25 now 83c SILKS Taffeta Silk worth 95c now 02*c China Silk worth 50c now 38c Big lot Silks too numerous to mention. Liberty Satin former pric%Ue now 42c Dress Silks former prieatMJS now 83c Black Satin former prio&lSsS now RSe Black Satin Duchess fonfiV price $1.25' now 72c Silk Velvets, all colors, former price SI.OO now 72c Silk Mercerized in colors former price #OC now 23#e Ladies’ Colars, former .price 10c now 7c Ladies’ Cuffs, former price 15c now 11 i Skirt Denime, former price 19c now 134 Creaton; former price 10c now 7c Table Linen, former price 50c now 30c Allover Lace, former price 90c now 60c HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND 2 BICYCLES FOR SALE,. We Will Also Rent our Store to a Good Tenant OUR STORE FIXTURES FOR SftLE, SHOW CASES. MIRROR. DESK. IRON SAFE, CASH CARRIER. Etc No Goods Taken Back Or Stamps Given During This Sale. YOURS TRULY, R. L. HARRISON & GO. Merchants Will do Well to Call and Buy This Stock. SCHOOL NOTICE. The ninth term of Miss Josie Smith’s school will open Monday, October Ist, and will be taught by Miss Elizabeth Nightengale until the former’s return from the north. For bladder Troubles use STUART’S SIN and BUCHU. -Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also piano{s||feanß, trunks, mirrors, CarPirl etc. J. W, Cheap Rates Via Southern Railway. MACON, G V.~ Grand Lodge. F. <fc A. M One fare robn'd trip. Ticket *on sale October 2b final limit "November 2, 1900. LOUISVILLE, K Y.,--Annual convention col ored Oddfellows. One tare for round trip. Ticket# on safe Sept. 20-80, and uct. I, final limit Oct. 9. ASHftVitkE,H 0.-Annual mooting Misste flippi Vallejt Medical Association. One fare for round trip. Tickets on sale UCt, 6-9, fioul limit uct. ID. KANSAS CITY, MO.--Account of Nation Con ventlon of tbe Christian church, tickets will he gold to Kansas City, Oct. 8-10, with Ana! limit Oct. 23, at rate or one fare foi tire round trip, plug $4. CHATTANOOGA. TENN,—■Cbicamauga and Chattanooga National JPark Commission. Annual reunion of tho Society of the Array of the Cumberland. Confederate Veterans Sooth; annual m eting National Association Spanish War Veterans. One fac for tbe round trip. Tick ts or ga'n Ootoben 8 and 9, with final limit October 18,1000. LKXINGTON, KY,—Kentucky Horae Breeders’ Association. <’ne lare for tbe round trip Tickets on sale September 80, with final limit October 15, 1900. ATLANTA, GA.—Southern Interstate Fair For individuate, one fare for the round trip plus 60 cent# admission to tbe fair ground*. For m ilitary companies and brags bands in uniform, twenty or moro on one ticket, one cent per mile in each direction per capita, - m CHAItLKBTON, 8. C.-Annnal Convention Le.igue of American Municipal!tiah. one fare for the round trip plus fk.oo. Ticket* on. sale December 9 and 11, with Anal limit De cember 24,1900. y, AMERICCS, GA.-Grand Lodge A. P. *nd *• Mason, and Auxiliary. One nti one-tblr'l fares for the round trip. Ticket, on Hale j September so to October 2, with final limit October TANARUS, WOO. LUMBER CITY, Ga.—Colored Cati.pmeettg#. I 1 Ono and one-third fare* (ortnw_ou,i. trip. I Tickets on aide September 81 and TO, wMi I final limit October 1,11100, -*r*i > 500 Bolts of Ribbons All Colors and Widths Going AT COST. All kinds Belt Buckle and Ribbon Pins One $45.00 Music Box for $27.50 One $25.00 Music for sl4 00 A lot os Ladies' Wraps and Jackets White Table Linen worth 35c now 21c White Table Linen worth 60c now 39c White Table Linen worth 75c now 56e White Table Linen worth 95c now 66c Waite Tabic Dincn worth $1 now 82 *c Jeans worth 20c now 1H Cottonade worth 15c now 9c White Pique worth 10c now 71c White Pique worth 12*o now 91e White Flannel worth 40c now 27 l-2e White Flannel worth 25c now 16 l-2e \v hi io y.'oi'tb 35c iiow 14 l*2c Corsets worth 50c now 37 1-2 Corsets Worth 75c now 59c Corsets worth SI.OO now 75c Comforts from 70c to $1.50 each Blankets from 40c upwards White Linen worth 50c now 33c A lot of white Lawns, Swiss, OtgandijW Mousl in tie Soire Towels, Damask, Scrim, others too nu merous to mention Boys Pants 25c now Me PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. BKAD Doft'N _ , lihAIJ Dp : ffjpr-iT. so. so Tim© i ab:© ko. w. —.. . rassenger I Mixed NO. 35 * 'Passenger J Mixed _ " Daily, Uaiii Daily. Daily. t ....■7 15am.... 500 pm... 1? Brunswick r 'll fiopsi..., 10j5.nA. oi.Vhu.... vOO pm... ar v.'aycroea !v i BfiOPai....! .... • > .... S pm,.-. }OBO-pin... Iv Waycpose ar ■ ; 4Sum... I 6 Warn... ■ i. 210 pm 4 Wain... ar Albany I, ’ 4 ilium... 2>-fiui... ar Charleston iv I . ....11l Won, ■ .-. !12 50 a . 10 80pm... ar Jacksonville iv I 7 45pm ...! 5 Mian . • •• ;10 OOpin. ... 6 Vm*u ... ar Tampa 1 v V 30#Ui .1 7 05pn ”">H' 1 —, ! -kte via w across & Montgomery. | 7ID am,. 5 00pm.... Iv Br-nnwlck, ai 11 Bfl am... 110 15 am. j - ll 69 am... ar Birmingham Iv 8 4*/ am.. 4 or. jin ... ' 6 60am ... 710 pm... nr KsHOvUte iv 221 am.. 900 am... * .. .. - ... via Savannah and charleston. |7 ID ay).. r /& 00 i.v BrunawfCk Ar 11 opm T7o"Ts~iim ; .T..7TTTT 11.89 am.. f2 10aui t >‘ Ar Savannah Lv o 00 1 m s •< JDara - Ar Charleston Lv jll 15pm 8 2lam,. 108 am {Ar B ill! ore Lv 1 4ft pm ! 256 am r, Direct connection made at Wav cross with Mirour; • . fie , lng t’art for Savannah aad^aUw§nt5 3 West^jSK- Bt * ft!b ° i0: WoUt ointr > :irminha , Nuehvllle, Bt. Louia ca * bePlreen Waycroaa and Monigomerv via Thomabyille. L —r~ — Between Port liy West and Havana. GOING 1t:.,.'., fi” |*(fSepn 11 oil pm Mon. Tlnm, Sat'SUP i Ar Key Whst(i > p.c Turn. Frl. ’ Lv Key West ll UO pin Tufts.. FTBaafidaV \r Hsvsna 0 Oi am Wed.Bst s W.B. DEUB AM, (in. V'.flOlT,, N. W WRBNN General fiupt Dtrtakm Pas Agent. Pass. Traffic Mkt BAvauuah .Ga Brunswick, tiavannah'G* ■W. _ Villi. BOWEN. J. N BRADT, BOWEN & BRADT, 1 roRB IKWIID. Of Stone. Brick and Frame Vxllding Manufacturers of Cement, Tile aud’Artlficial ©tone. Boys Pants 50c now 371 c Boys Suits from 05c and upwards Ladies, Children and Gents of all de scription Oil clofh worth 35c now 19c Gents Shoes world) 1 35 not 95c Gents Shoes worth 3.00 now iso Gent’s Shoes worth 3.of* nor. 3.25 *• Boys Shoes worth 1,60 Gent’s Clothing worth 5 00 now 2.5 ft “ “ “ 7.00 now 400 “ “ “ 990 now 0.60 ,* “ “'ll 50 now 7.50 “ “ “ 950 now 6.00 “ “ “ 12 00 now 800 “ “ “11.00 now 7 25 “ “ “ 10.50 now 725 “ “ “ 14 50 now 10 00 “ “ 13.50 now 8.90 And many other Suits too numerous to mention 500 Gents Pants A lot of Gouts an cl Boys Hals and Capa A lot of Gents Underwear of all kinds Collars, Half Hobc Jewelry, etc 0 Gents 25c Neckwear now 19c Gents 50c Neckwear now 38c 12*c Sea Island Percale noW 10c 10c Sea Island Percale now 7jc • |I.OO Ladie> Shoes and Slippers isow 75c ■81.35 ladies Shoes and Sippers now 95c $1.50 ladies Shoes and Slippers now $1 A lot of Children and Misses Shoes space not sufficient to name prices. fRSHH Ladies, Children and Gents Rubbers RETURNING Lv Havana 2 ROpru Moil. Wed. and Sat Ar Key West 9 00 pm Mon. Wed. ami 8at....... Lv Key W-bt 10 0 p. in. Men. VVcd. and 8at..... Ar Lwrt Tampa 2 80 am Tu*< Thur. and Sun.. 11