The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 30, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Brunswick Times. Established 1189. The Brunswick Call. Established ltdtt. Be Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED lIKIO, Tubllabed EVKKY MOKRJMS KXCEIT MONDAY. ■ ~ ll AKTHUK H. LEAVY ..... Editor EC LAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager nvrn K l in Oglethorpe Block,2llF Street tsvrics I no si. TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers are requested to notify tbe ofllco When they fall to get any laaue of (lie Tlmes- CaU. Attention to tbix matter will tic appre ciated by the publishers. The Times-Call will be Delivered by Carrier or mail, per year. *5.00; per week 16 teat*. Correspondence on live subjects •elicited. Beal name of writer ahonld ac company >ame. Subscription* payable in advanoe. Failure to receive paper should be reported to the business office. Address all •ommnnicationa to TH IS TIJIKS-CAX.L, HrunesMck, Ga. TWELVE PAGES. Local Democratic Ticket. For Representative,’ W. F. SYMONS, 1 OhiU>*ry, HORACE DART. Cleric of Snperlor Court, H, F. DU 810 NON. • Sheriff, W. U. BKKUIE. Receiver of Tax Returns, J. E. DUBBERLY. ' Tax Collector, H. J. READ. County Treasurer, H. S. LEE. ; County Surveyor, E A. PENN I MAN, i Coroner, G. A. H. JENNINGS. Commissioners ol Roads and Revenues C. D. OGG J. J. I.OTT, TOBIAS NEWMAN, 11. O. RAYMOND. M AV. R. TOWNSEND, DAVIS DUBBEREI* J. B. whightX The foo'.ball hair is beginning to •prout. Kemembcr the Chamber of Commerce meeting Tuesday. ii- - Ll- "* li " *> Claims for indemoliy against China aro pitched to the territorial key. The north polo has decided to slay un discovtrtd uutil the next century. In the death of ex-Muyor Collier At lanta and the stale of Georgia loses ono of their best citizens. Every democrat in Glyuu couu'y should attend the democra ic me ting at the city hall Tuesday night. The Atlanta Journal remarks that we sow control one five-hundredths part of the Philippines and that at the same rate we may control al! of it in seven or eight centuries. Mobile, the noble, has contributed to the Calve ion fund the iato of 25 cents per capita. tuc whole popu latloo of the Uaifpri Bta'cs given as lib erally the •’orrvf b * r riCc scar* soon be obliterated, therelv assisting time to hastr-y, t y, c RWU ging' Xf B t!ef is Uie hearts Icfy bleeding by u ® * OM -4ear out*. \ THE,CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Remember the organization meeting of subscribers to the Chamber of Com* merce movement at the city hall at 12 m. Tuesday next. It is an earnest eflort to unite all well wishers of Brunswick in every move ment calculated to build up her business interests, to encourage all legiti mate enterprises, to have one meet ing ground where political differences and conflicting personal interests shall be excluded, where there shall be but one platform, with but one plank, name ly, ‘•Brunswick’s best interests,'’ upon which every patriotic Brunswick citizen can stand, giving unity to honest effort. Tais meetlnaf should be attended by every subscriber. With the earnest de termination to make this movement an inspiration and a blessing to Bruns- will come harmony In organiza tion, uni'yof effort, persistence in every moyement for Brunswick's improve meat. The list will be circulated again to morrow, and will be at the city hall on Tuesday up to half hour before the meeting. SUBMARINE BOATS. The recent naval manoeuvres of the American Ironclads bayo demonstrated what the French have for a lpng_tim© claimed, namely, the efficacy of the submarine torpedo boat for defensive purposes. On the occasion above mentioned tbe Holland boat went out to sea seven miles, ever and anon taking a peep on the surface of the water like a monster porpoise at the blockading fleet and then, presto, disappearing under the dark and murky waters, fortuliiog and eluding the penetrating rays of tbe electric saarohllghts flashed from the warships. The saucy l.ttle submarine destroyer, had she taken part in bona fide Instead ol purely mimic warfare, woild. have proved to the latest addition to cur navy, the first c’ass battleship Kear agc\ a greater surp Re than Ronoador ,reef was to her old wooden namesake, for, in addition to being rammed, pyro technics burled from the bottom of tbe sea would not have left aves Ige of the sea monster to be tossed about (be next morning on the Atlantic’s wave crests, Tfe French government, reaKatgvg the importance ol this new auxiliary to her navy, after repeated auccessful ex periments, has an Impos ing ijb't of the same, theclastave Zede b ing ike model selected. Ita typs c osely resemb'es that Hjllaod boat. SUNDAY THOU6HTS. Stephen Elliot* What are your habitual trains cf tboughs? What classes of ldras lodge w.thiu you? and wha> classes mefely come aud go as visitors of duty or ne cessity? Is the rone of your mintlspir ilual? Have you permitted yarn thoughts lo take possession of the heart which belongs to Christ and to him out? Are you mingling in such scenes as foss ter vain thought? Here lies the whole philosophy upon which turn Ae objec tions of the ministers of O iff to the lit diligence of his people in the pursuits tod amueemen'S of the world. Too much Kb_orbtlon in anything not -I'-' - Easyfo Mk: Easy to Op&r&ic, Because porOy vogetable-yet thor ough, prompt, healthful, satisfactory— Hood’s Pills THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. SEPTEMBER 30,1900. spiritual creates and cherishes the trains of thought which interrupt prayer and communion with God. The Christian man who hurries ardently into politics, or literature, or business, or amusement; the Christian woman who spends her nights in pleasure and her days In the routine of the world, will find alike that vain thoughts are rapidly lodging with in them, to the obreuring of Christ’s image, and the destruction of their own spirituality. We esnnot be too watch ful of ourselves. Even the most legiti mate pursuits may be jSuHqd into thoughts that shall deface 3r spiritual character. Bence the constant warning of the Bible against llp-eervlee, against the chambers of imagery, against idola try of the heart. ‘Search rjw .0 God, and know my heart; try me, aud know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me.” Herein, likewise,, lies th# philosophy of Christian education. While these habits of thought are forming, while tbe < uncorrupte’d heart and the unoccupied mind are weaving their Associations, how essential that morale; and religious ideas should form the materials of these associations! How purifying to impress upon the fallen nature, ere yet the germs of evil have sprung to life, and gained dominion over the aoul, that the eye of God is ever upon his creatures, geaing in the depths jnd in the darkness even as in the light of day! Hdw con soling to bo taught even in the first struggles against temptation and sin, that a Savior has died to give us tbe victory: to be esrly strung with the hope that we sbail one day be “conquerors %nd more than conquerors through him who loved us and gave himself for us.” If such thoughts can be made to lodge within us In our early days, they will go far to prevent the domination of the vain and evil thoughts against which the Prophet warn# us Higher thoughts will become the basis of character whilefAll else will be entertained only aif may be necessary or useful or ob ligatory. And when the time of strug gle comes—the time of temptation, of trial, of adversity, of death; these holy trains of feeling will rise up from the depths where they may have begp overlaid. And Assert their blessed su premacyt , public school opening. Tbo pybl.e seboo’s of will open /or the next eereion ortHpll s day, jpetober lit. Each day oftb* week beginning Monday, Sept. 24. b, and ending Baturday, September 29,h, from 9to 1 o’clock, I will be found at the Mansfield street tchool to enroll new pupils. Lut all prospective pupils come during that line. The teachers will meet me Friday, Sept, 23th, at 9 a. tn., of which this Is tbeir sufficient notice. G. J. Okr, Superintendent City Schools. -Wedding Presents-- In Cut Glass and Silverware. Nothing Richer, More Lasting and as Much Appreciated. CAUL AND LOOK ! KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. 11l Newcastle o*et, Inspector of Watchot/or Southern Hallway. Time t>j Wirt dad; from Washington HOW’S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any csss of Catarrh that can not be eared by Halt’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Cos., Props., Tol-i do, O. We, tbe undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 year#, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and fioarcially able to oarry out any obligations made by their firm. West A Trusx, wholesale druggie’*, Toledo, O.; Wslding, Kinnan &M.r vin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon theblood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Brice 75c. per bottis. Sold by ail drug gists . Testimonials free. Hail’s Family Pills are tbe best. GoJdthwslte A Son, Troy, Ala., wiote: Toetb - Ina’s speedy care of old sores tni eruptions upon the skin have been remarkable. sourrfEßN cheap rateb-sa VANN AH, GA. Sunday morning, September 23rd and 30. b. One dollar for the round trip. Tickets limited to date of sale. Train leaves at . m. A CORRECTION. It was stated la yesterday’s Tudes- that Sol Winfield, the negro chargelT with th#fil lng of Ph'nniS Hart, was bound over to the superior court by Judge Lambright. This was’an error. The case was tried by Judge J. W. Cjnoley. Every woman Vt the country Mother Vfrf end Those who do know about it wonder how they ever got along without it. It has robbed child birth of its terrors for many a young wife. It has preserved‘her girlish figure and salved her much suffering. It is an external lini ment end carries with it therefore, absolutely no danger ivt upsetting thq system as drugs taken intern- are apt_ to do. life to be iu obeii into the abdomen fu saraat and Strengthen the niu.-tle* which are to bear ho stw; q. . ■■This means much less j .u'n. It snip prevents morning sickness rani J*of the other discomforts* fW Vnvv; y, A druggist of MacordGa., says: ”1 have sold a Urge {quantity of Mother's Friend and tsaVe never known an instance wbefajt has failed to produce the good results claimed for it.” A prominent lady of Lam berton, Ark., writes;" "With niy first six children I was in labor from 24 to 30 hours. After using Mother’s Friend, my seventh was born in 4 hours.” 4*t Mother’s Frlfjul at th*' drtur fttorn, 11.00 i>rr hot tic. THE BRAOnCLD REGULATOR CO. AIU*TA< GA. WrU* tor r free BJu*r*!<*l book, "BETO&E BABY IS BOBS.” WINE OF CARDUI , i. THE LINK THAT BINDS. W Jacksow, Taira., Not. 2S. 7 I was subject to miscarriage for three years, and suffered constantly with backache. I wrote to yon for advice, and after nslng three bottles I of Wine of Oardnl, according*© voardirections, Itrttmb” 1 **” 4 W * U ’ * B<l th * moth ' rol * fln * „ Mrs. E. N. JOWEB*. WseTortW" There Is no use talking— l baby in the house is the link that binds husband and wife together. Nothing is sadder than fruitless wedlock. The prattling and cooing of the little ones offset a thousand times the occasional worries and trials of life. When a wife b barren, there is a derangement somewhere in the genital organs, mused by one or more of those common disorders known as “ female troubles”. Wine of Cardui Is the remedy, it puts the organs of generation in a strong and healthy condition, fitting the wife for the sacred duty of reproducing her kind. During the period of gestatioij the entire system of the expectant mother is built up to withstand the ordeal of labor, aad when the little one makes Us advent it is lusty and tunty in perfect health. The For swi rto In case* requiring gperikl ** : geKMS**SESs trial with htue pain and no dread. axsicmco, C£Knoog, Teao. Wine of Gardui is truly a wonder- —— 4 ful medicine for women. Large Bottles for SI.OO at Druggists. WINE OF CARDUI Advertisers lways PPRECIATE ■LEAPING n iCH lleturns A.IVJC3 Tl —l/VT IS Tl —IS fIEGULAR -Kjeturns Heported By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. {nastily ati {unity of Circulation {aastity and {ualitj to Advertisers And WejSive Both A WE ALSO ——. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND AWAY FOR :i\ ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILLHEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE. IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. Times=Call, 209, 209|1-2andl2llF Street.