The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 30, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 II Mi MI Kill Dr.Hu£li Burforfl ffritessn ,118 Siict. H OOOD CLIMATE FI II — 4 — He Says the Soil and Cli mate Here Practically Adapted to its Growth. Edjtob Times Call:—' Tbe writer baring been present at tbe recent ciU isent’ meeting to disease tbe erection of a itarob faotory In Brunewiok by capitaliits in conjunction witb oar citizens, and baring some personal observations as to tbe growth and manufacture of the plant, at the so licitation of Messrs. Brobston, Fendig A Cos., I herewith submit some faots and figures upon the sub.ieot, 1 became deeply interested in tbe discussion of this enterprise wbicb portends so much for our city; espe cially of interest at tbis time is tbe contemplation of tbe cnltiration and manufacture of tbe fareuacious root • into starch and other marketable pro ducts to our seotion of country, now being exhausted of its lumber aud naral stores resources. The lands made vacant by timbering and turpen tining offer an ideal soil for tbe euc cessful growing ef cassava. Tbe far mer and land owner whose acres have given him no returns for h<s taxes an nually, can, by planting every aore of bis arid soil, secure a handsome rev enue In return for his Investment and •xpenae of cultivation. An area of land within 60 miles of Brunswick will grow tbe crop to a high state of perfection and find a ready market at $4 per too {a mini main price) delivered factory, at that price returning owr 100 per Dr. Hathaway r Treats All Diseases. Ills Method Invariably Cnrest All Catarrhal, llronehlal.l.unir, aeh, Llvor, Kidney and Other (hin plaint*. as Well ns All lMsrnvei and Weaknesses of Women. " 1 * r ‘ Dr. Hath.' rays most extensive practice, eov t-rlng a n-i lot of more W ' m U... 11 c(: .r-.h" bos been jnlb flfc n called ujion to uoai i!t |P~J ,7 inaunor of diseases of Si J ineu and women am, UKd/ along the w hom hue of ■Ks‘'vSr human allmeuis ho has been untturtuly sue thod of'treatment pel-. ■ directly at tl.o seat of Purifit-* the trouble, purifies the blood 4Km tones up the •rhole system and mo uioou. poutralizos the iwisons whlel; produce the diseased conditions. Alt Voarly tie restore; to perfi.-i " w.l .*?** health thousands of sufferer. Teuton. from Oatnrrh. Bronchitis. thma. Hay Fever. lam* Complaint*. Stomach, liver and Kidney Diseases. Piles. Tumors, Con -eers, Eczema and all manner of shin affections n, .. Dr. Hatha<ray also trout- > h Wseascscf the greatest success all. Ihose women many distressing weaknesses and diseases by which so many women are afflicted. -._ . ... Dr. nanta;’|S??*wflttrd * u " *“ th '•■‘"l eleclrlea! and Appliances, other appliances. In the use ol varhlch. ss well as the microscope, lie hl world wtd- 'sine as an expert All of tho medicines used of Dr. Hathaway aro compounded In hla otto litlK>raurUfi, nndt*r his pr**Ttial direction, •nd special remedies mb prepared for each in 4trldual case a<x\ rding to its requirements. 5.i„,1..,l |r - Hathaway has prctxired a all / ’ seriesopsett . vaiiilnallot.Manks Blank*. applytogtothcdlflercut-hseksfll which he sends free on application: No. t, for Altai: No, for Women; No a, for Shin Dtseasoti; .H0.4,10r Catarrhal Diseases; N0.5, for Kltim ft Dr. HaUiawny makes no chare. watanauiKt for consultaiien at either hi! .. rrw*. office or by mall. r r J. ACWTOtV HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hatha way A Cta, M Bit an Street, Savannah. Ua, JUS ST to.s THIS ParKK THU t-WTIMUc cent profit upon Use cost of land and cultivation. The establishment of the factory will .give employment to hundreds of people and circulate money, bring ing general and oocatant prosperity; indeed, settlers to purchase and culti vate our wilderness of <wild lands. 1 brve personally observed tbe cul tivation and manufacture of tbis hardy plant. During tbe late war it was tbe oustom in Florida to .grow several rows of cassava in the garden for do mestic purposes. A beautiful white starob was readily produced from tbe root by reducing it to a pulp in a wooden mortar and then working it out in clear, soft water. One of tbe features of cultivating this crop ia if* luxuriant growth in sandy soil, not being affected jby drouths or excessive moisture in any degree, and requiring iittU or no cultivation. Asa stock food it ranks high. By eomparuou witb oorn, tbe following figares wilt demonstrate its money value overtbat oereal: Cassava, ten tons to aore (lowest estimate) at ft per ton SIO.OO Corn, one ton per aore (lowest estimate) at 60j per bushel— 18.00 In favor of cassava, per acre.. 522.00 1 am informed that plans and speci fications have been prepared for a com pletely equipped plant at a cost of 1300,000, $200,000 to be furnished by capitalists and tbe balance to be sub scribed by our citizens . Sorely this is an opportunity for Brunswick to grasp. Let our representative citizens get together and organize tbe move ment to looate this factory here, for its successful operation means a de mand for overy aore of idle land, and an unsett.ed oountry will grow In wealth and blossom like a roae. H . Bchfokd, M. D. ‘•Quick lunch’* is one of the coiumon#W( city signs. The nigjiUousn't say “ healthy lunch of goop food—the character of the food atHpurttftfy is not considered. It’s just n quick lonch—ont nd get n e ny. Is it nny wonder that the stom ach breaks down? Food Is thrown at it, sloppy, indigestible and lunntrltlcus food, very often, and the jitomach has to do the best it can. Nor mally there should be no need for medical as sistance *or the stomach. But th*r average' method o life is abnormal and while tills cOn djnucs there will always be a demand for pr.f akdt't l.etcU.? tsdicnl Discovery. It lit the ‘ ichesn to railed on to Cure orhu stomach end other organs of (11 ijfstiOH and nutrition. It Is not a cute all, It is t medicine designed for the stomach, and to cure through the stomaeli remote disease* w hiel. have their cause In the dersngf meat of the stomach and digestive and nutritive ay* tern. It cures when all else {Alls. Second hand *housbold furniture bought and sold; also piano?, organs, trunks, mirrQja/ J. ’Catkins 25a quality (Tksbmtret, all color*. 19j yard, at the Bee Hive. QUESTIONS ANYVEKID. Y r e*, August Flower still baa ihe largest ,-alt [of any medicine In thenlv lllzed world. Y’our mothera und(;rand mothers never thought of uetoc any thing else [for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors we.-c scarce and they seldom heard of apend'.cllls. nervous prostration, htari failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation pf undf* geeted food, regulate the action Of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, and that It ail they topk when feeling dull and bad with headache and other acues. You Oftly need a ftsw dose* of Green e Au gust Flower, la liquid form, to make you satisfied there it. nothing serious the matter l*rlth yeti Simple fcottles at Bulta drugstore or Brown DmgC fthoUld be ln[ every household made dine chest. It a|foMts rerUtr rePe* When j-ou want Spirant phyaic tij> tbe new remedy, Chamtirrlalrt Stomach Tablets. Tscv sis.easj to take effect. rrtco.c. Samples free at RtsbepH (Vrvg .tore. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 29, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. tTh;Quaker Herb Ton ic ia dttot only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak add Debilitated people wbo have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and I tone to th# nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It ia a purely vegetable -medicine, and can be taken by tbe most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of tbe Blood. Stomach and Nerves soon succumb to its wonderful effect -on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend it. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALSMUthe med icine that the Quaker Doetiqlbade all of his quick cures witb, IPs anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Fftin in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 2.71! and 60c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price Idea cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tettef, eczema and eruptions of the skin. Prioa 100 a box. , FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS F. A, DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. PoUullTs Dru Store STORY OF A-SLAVE. *' - -i To be bound band anff,tet for years by the chains of disease M the worst form of slavery. .George"!). Williams, of Manchester, Mich /tails how such a slave was made free. He sjys: “My wife has been se helpless foY'five years that she could not turn over in bed elone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to db her own work.” Thie supreme remedy, for fe male diseases quickly cures nervous ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head ache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle-working medi -01 no ia godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaran teed. Only 10 cents. Sold by all drug gists. 85c quality Taffeta silk, all colors, 68c yard, at tbe Bee Hive. AFrgR riFTKEN rK*RS. Cuthert, Ga.Seps, If, 1900.—J. R, Kfcliardsou, Jr,, of thie piece was for fifteen yeers troubled with a Mood disease which whs called dry ec sesta. He took a great deal of medicine with no permanunt relief and finally was ad vised to try Itood’a Sarsaparilla, He now has no sign of the disease, ’havfbg been entirely cured by ! msaieitw. He says It is the- best medicine on earthy . •* . e-r—w—.. -■ .sik Ins When We say ‘‘stooat” you know we mean it at tbe Bee Hive. ,■ You buy cheap enough when you buy at cost at the Bee Hive. The Remedy for Stomach and Bowel Troubles "I lifivc.beeu in the drug business for twenty ye*fi, and have sold most all of the proprietary tuediclncs of any note. Among tbe entire list I have never found anything to equal 1 Chamberlain’s ColUm Cholera aqd Diarrhoea Rcmcey foTjljp stomach and bowel troubles,” says Q. W. Wakefield, of Coluarbus, Ga "This ; remedy cured two severe cases of cholera *•9 _ morbus in my family, and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of It'to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and su.e cure in a pleas ant form. No family should be without it. I keep it in my house at all tirnts.” • For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store, 4 ] 650 German HscrioTta clo'b., 55c yard, at the Bee Hive. PREVENTED A TRAGEDY. Timely Information given Mr*. Georg* Ling, of New S’raitavilir, Ohio, prevented a d'esdful tragfd.v and savid two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake ever) night, fllvf'bsd tried many ran die* gnd doctors but steadily e - worse until urged to fry B*- K i g'* New D.seovery, On* lTottlc w .oil? cured, aad she writes this marvellou- merii* ein* also cured Mr, Lo.ig of a j*vre attest? or Bitch oures are positive proof of th raatobtess p.erit of tbit grsnd remedy tor coring ait throat, chest and iuug troubt-s Oil} 600. and SI,OO. Evjry bottle guar antied. Trial bottle free, at all drug •Raises. W. B. Corsets, all styles, at actual ooat at tbe Bes Hive. SCHOOL NOTICE. select private school will opee Oct. 1 at their residence, 70S £ street. Thorough instruction is given io primary, intermediate and collegiate departments. Tbis Institution of learning i# of eeven years’ standing, and the teacbere are progressive, em ploying ail the new and improved methods of instruction. A ■=’ - Buy Veur Silks, Corsets, Notions, Drees Goods. Trimmings, ete., At actual ooat at the Bee Hive. , DeWUt’s Little Early Kisers are prncnpLpsl atalite, pleasant,powerful, purifying little pills W. J. Butte —V— : —- •' W. B, Corsets all "styles, st actual cost at tbe Bee Hive. Ship Notice. ■£*•: Neither the chaptsin, owners or con *igW|||pf the British steamship lofit more, wllhjie responsible for shy debts contracted by the crety of said steam ship. W • M. Johnson fit Cos., limited, age fits, OPERA HOUSE. isd, — ■■•. '!'■ Monday, 4-1 October lUi WM. A BRADY’S Magnificent Scenic Production of the Marvelous Melodrama of Mys* ticism, the Story of the Oivil on Earth, the taws ol Sol Dramatized from the Famous Novel of • MARIE CORELIT prices : Oughestra, sl. OQ| *- - Dress Circle, 750 * I "balcony, SO I. \ ; Gallery, 25c. . . i Seats at Butts store. IpQPEKA ROUSE. Two Performances Only. Friday Night, r A Saturday Night, Uu 0 3 SIXTEENTH ANNUAL TOUR. nt IIG. Fii Mir MINSTRELS. ! OLDEST! BIGGEST! BEST! So—l ’eoplc— “o AN EHTIfiE TRAIM OF PALACE CAES The M st Expensive Orflanuation of th* Kind in Ex s ence 12—A TFtiBE OF MAMELDKKS —12 Tbe Old World's Greatest Acrobats, presenting the Orients' Sped* le “THE FETE AT MEJCA ’ Ai. g field. Alt liUR RUGBY*. TOMMY DONNELLY. DOC QUI LEY. PASOATEL. THE NONDESCRIPT, The Man with a Hundred Forma "A frtfA in Paris Dnricgthc Eiposition” PERRV & HUGHES, ROST KEYS, Musical Mokaa. Grotesque Athlete WATOB POF THE 818 STREET PAGEANT PRICES, 50c, 75c end SI.OO. CASTORIA Tlic Kiwi You Kaye Always Bought, and which has beea in use ftr over 30 years, has home the signature of —— antl ha been made under his per- { jf . , sonal supervision since Its infancy. ajj ow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Evperiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Inthnis aud Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castor ia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains, neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotie subs lance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and Hatauri sleep. Tbe Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TWC CCNTAUH COMPANY. Yf M’lftnAV •TRCCT. NEW YOUR CITV. Summer ar S a * ns in Furniture A clearance sa'e to make room for new goods. 1 Parlor £uiT,ti piece#, worth S4O, now $29. safe, 1 Oak Reorigerator, worth S2O. Dow sls. jW?' ” # 1 Oak B*d Room tjui'e. 3 piece., worth $25, now $lB OTf . 1 fs Bed Loung-s, worth sltt, now sl2. ';^L Centra Tablet 50 cent, to $6. tea. aod Chairs. Prices Below the MaiKet. tgj C, McSSRVEY, flfl DR. SOFFETT’S ft Ailaj* irritation, Aids Digestion, f** HTCTUI M/a ReS“lt* the Bowels, taf 8 tt I HIN /\ SSrtsSSS f J (Teething Powders) jL_ftL TCFTHINA Relieve, tht Bows . AS*' J- (■ , . . _ , Troubles of Children of Mfcrp Mists only 25 cents at Druggists, any ace. ft tlrwstl C. J. MOFFETT, M.O..HT. LOUIg. f.~- i .1. i.l ..I ■ i ■ m V iitai 1 IHII SEMINARY Macon autl Uamniore lonian’s College Primary, Academic, Music, Art, Elocution and Buames* course* N,ntll classes. Individual work, Ne< hol'd ng. Hom*‘lf**. Pupil* en’er Wellesley and Ksndolph-Maoon on cernrtrat-*. Shxtcession begin* September 6th. For illustrated catalogue ddress Mrt.W. X Handler, Prjncipa i.Llewllyn D. Scott, Associate Pri ocipal A WISE PROVISION—.Nr v er oe without some of our Wines and Whisky ia the house. It is me best for health and hospitality. The doctor prescribes it and friends approve it. Pure, rich, mellow. V- DOUGLAS,-^— 206 Bay Street. f\