The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 30, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin is the seat of an almost end less variety of diseases. They are known 5y various names, but are all due to the same cause, acid and other poisons in the Wood that irritate and interfere with the proper action of the skin. To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The many preparations of arsenic and potash and the large number of face powders and lotions generally used in this class of diseases cover up , for a short time, but cannot remove per nfanently the ugly blotches and the red. disfiguring pimples. Eternal vigilance la the price of a beautiful complexion when such remedies are relied on. fch Mr. It. T. Shobe, 2-14 l.ucas Avenue, St. 1 ,ou 1., says: ”My daughter wavatßicled for years Bf* til a disfigvfutg eruption ou her face, which ■naatedTsU treatment, she was taken to two Beiebreted health spring?, hut received no bene- Kt. Many medicines wete yre.-a-rii-ed. but with out result, until see decided to try s. S 8, and by the time the first bottle was finished the emotion began todtsappear. A doien boitles cuted her completely ana left her -Cm perfectly smooth. SheU now seventeen year- old. a 1 not a sign of the embarrassing disease has ever returned." S. S. S. is a positive, uu tailing cure for the worst forms of skin troubles. It is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely vegetable. Bad blood makes bad complexions. dUh purifies and invigo- v rates the old and makes new, rich blood that nourishes the body and keeps the skin active and healthy and in proper condition to perform its part towards carrying off the impurities from the body. if you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough and pimply, send for our book on Blood aad Skin 'Diseases and write our physi cians about your case. No charge what* Kcer for this service. BkmiFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, SJL r ’ .YORK M A!*& SiBKIINU. Set' —The Anti :v%if New V rk w'H f u>n < toper Union here MonuSiSSajlfiit. Anson Phelps Btoke*, p Ofideot of the rational ssso oiatioo of anti-ipipsriahst club*, will preside, and Carl Scburz will be the water of the occasion . fiEUMATISM— CATARRH, ARE 000 DISEASES—CURE FREE, .t it tl? yjaep-ated obstinate oases C*U.r':i or Rbeomatlsm that B. B. }> Botanic Blood Balm; oures. if Kootora, sprays, liniments, medicated Hsw, blood purifiers, haved failed, B. ■ > drains out the specific poison in ' utrtfTtfeFAat causes Hbeumstism or Yarrh, making a perfect cure. If ■fcUtf ** or •f'h fn I" >ooo loinfß swollen glands,tainted breath, *ba head, discharges of mu of the membranes, ■ bin, get easily tired, a treat- B. B. B. will stop every Him by making tbe blood pure Wnoricb. Druggists sl. Trial treat* trient free by addressing BLOOD JJALM CO., Atlanta, Ga, Describe ■rouble, and free medical adviee given. IT SAVED HIS LEG. P. A. Danforth, of LsGrsnge. Gr., suffered intensely tor six moo’ht wiib a frightful runoiog sore on ' le, but writes that Bucklen’s Arnica Halve wholly oured it in ten dais. For Ul oera. Wounds, Burn-, Boils, Pain or Piles, It's tbe best salve in th world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25a'. Sold by all druggists. No Relief for Twenty Yeara. “I had bronchitis for twenty years,” said Mrs Smith of Danville.lll., -and at times dßre boen bedfast. I never #Ol relief until had taken Foley's Honey and Tar. (t !■ pi,..- *tU and gives quick reliefy an<l Is h ur© cure tor throat and long diseases.” Take nothing lae. W. J. Butte. Our Greatest Specialist For 20 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chronic . diseases that he is acknowledged today -to stand at the head of his profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ana Htrictnre without the aid of knife or cautery cores in 00 per cent, of all cases In ihe treatment of loss of vital force.' nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, ramlysis, blood poisuniag, rheumatism, catarrh and dUrax.:* pern I iar to women, he is equally socsoewiful- Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more'ha i double that of any other speeii.list. Oases pronounced hopeless by i.ilier musicians, rcadilviMjjlgMWn' 11 v Hfoe. no ebargi t r or advice, either at his by mall. NEWTON HATHAWAY. M 1) w r 28 Bryan Street. Savannah. Os Put your stomaob, liv-r ard tdx> and in healthy condition and you cn iT-fj : disease. Prickly Ash Bitters is s 1 eucoessful system regulator. W. J. Butta. Nervousne-s la eured by the blood rtcb and pure with When yea want a good medicine gßfaood’e. THINGS THEATRICAL, Two facts should be borue In mind | in connection with Mirle Corelli’* “Hoironsof Hatao.” Win. A. Brady's elaborate production, whleh i* to be given on Monday night In the first place, in touching on religious matters It do, sso in 1.0 irr verent way. No' one of more than a million people who have read the remarkable story in this oountry needs 10 be told that it could not offend the most sensitive of tbe de vout. Qn tbe other hand, tbe general theatre goer who has no settled relig ious convictions need not fear that the piece, on this account, lacks dramatic interest. No book of recent year* has been so filled with the theatrical ele ment of 2 u’■prise, er tendency" bed until be has finished tbe final page. Asa drama It Is said to contain situa tions of an absorbing interest never be fore attempted, and it can teadl y be imagined that a plot dealing with the devil's arance on earih aod suc cessfully playing the part of a leader in modern Lind me smartest gocltl ret would arouse cunosiiy and ho and atten tion; that a fascinating Satan, who long. to be good and is worshipped by beautiful women, would piovo a mati nee hero of lb > most prom unced kind; and that the electrical effects, from wblel) he cannot altogether rfd himself even In his human gul-e, would dtTgbt the gillert. AL. G. FIELD. Al, G. F.e d’s griater minstrels will bs here two nights, Friday and Satur day, Oc obi r 5 and 6. Field’s parade will be treat, and no mlnetrei etreet parade has ever approached for novel ty ard magnitude the pageant which he puts on this —-a o t— horsemen nnl foot non, sail* uui i-i'.ne-i b.ii tin. ii vaviur p uiti-t ui.J bum, rs miusL- Is and manosluko-, all bl nil ia on- tin . tin inspiring siiectacln, which giver a idea of the pe forinance of the Al. U. K eld grraier mtn-rela. Tb i head of itie co urr n is lake.i by iwelve swarthy m-mat uses, mounted on superb Arab ian horses nod bedecked in the gaud and | Iclur. sque costumes of*ihi f.r away or ent. During ibe they un eth-b ti n of i heir curious s y l.j lof horfemtnshlp. wl 1-h In itself it well woith seeing. Iteh nd come the minstrelr, headed i.y the big band fur the;brunswjlck times-call. September 30,1900 nlshlng the mue'cal inspiration. The' band is always a feS'tire with the Al. G . Field companies. This/year their music is up to the sama high standard. "Jr The daily parades are made a feature with this oompany. At 11 a. m. the big parade starts from the theatre, A band concert is a feature of the parade and thousands oongregate to Ln arlhe band each day. NOTBS ‘‘Sorrows of Ha'an’’ wi 1 draw.ft big house Monday Dig hi. The play hits nothing in it to offend the most exact ing. Heats ■ for AL- tl. tin vat. night’s OhambsrlaiD’B Oongb Remedy a Great Favorite. The sdotlitag and healing qualify* of this remedy, Its pleasant taste and inpidnt and per manent enres have made It a gr-Saf favorite with people everywhere, [t priced by mothers of small children for -fl-V, croup and whooping cough, as'it always feordu quick relief, and as It contains no op Idm or other harmful drug, it may hegiven as jpnflG-mtly to a baby as to an adult, Tor sale 1y 1 whop,s drugstore. v Jt ' or ohstlnste sores, sedUp and piles quickly cured ty iianrer - Salve, lift most healing medicine in the world. W. J. Butts. FIRST BAPTIST CBURCH. Rev. Waller M. GUmore, p stor. Ser vice, Sunday, 11 a, m. andß p. m. Sun day ecbool, 4 p. m. Young people’s m etiog, 10.15 a. in- Avery interesting urogram baa been arrsng and lor this evening service, in which a number of the children and young people will take part. “The Rainbow” la the theme or the service. All are cordially Invited. September is Malaria’s Own Month. M.tViria Id la l enough; iu children Are rorj*e; Dengue, Hemorrhagic, Typhoid Fevers Cared By m JIISOII'S CHIU US FEVESISE KltOM A MJICMKK &OLIHJSH. “Soldlein comprehend the horrors of a Fever .Stricken (’amp mile* away from the haec of Aiipplp H. In Mich pltee* Johnson's Chill find Kever Tonic came In. You needed no Quinine or Calomel; use .Johnson's Tonic, and you would pi.II through.*’—(Jitah, Y. ItuPlit, Kverett City, it a. USE NO OTHER. IT KEEFBiYOU WELL A. B. (i LRARDEAU, Bole Manufacturer, Bsvannah, Os. Royal Baking Powder i Makes Royal Baking Pow-; { Wl n der possesses pecu -Ihe Food liar qualities not \ More found in other leav } Healthful SSS? j rior fitness, puffE^r and healthfulness of its ingredients. Royal Baking Powder leavens the food perfectly by its own inherent $ power without changing or impairing !any of the elements of the flour. Thus tlie hot-breads, hot-rolls and muffins, and the delicious hot griddle-cakes raised by the Royal Baking Powder are wholesome and digestible, and may be eaten without distress, even by persons of delicate digestion. \ Alum baking powders are low priced, as alum costs but v : wo emits a pound ; but alum is a corrosive poison and \ 11 r enoers the baking powder dangerous to use in food. J noyai. baking powder co.. too william st., new York. BIST M best goods, liost iijatmont— thnsfi urn tlie thruo rulus ■vrhirh'rnT'' In.Jlns ttoro iri aTT' aeasous of tho year. My aim is to give perfect saiisfuctioo. There i oo rcaaon why I Bhould not; anti if, at any time, you get htlything horo ,! which is not right, I ask that you tell mo of it. ITEMS FOR TODAY: New Eyaporatcfl Peaches. New Eyaporatefl Apples, New Prunes. Sec Them. THOS. KEAN Y aRtfSKIES Phone 11, 312 Newcastle Street. ELI ZISSIMATO, 302i Newcastle St. in id:... :.:. untie nt CIGARS AND TOBACCO lei Cma hart SrirrlDiVKilkiSlukt Soda Wats? Etc.. All Kindi* of (}iaity . \ OEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics Country Proouco ^—Vegetables etc. ■* Also Confoctonory^ MONK STREET. BRIUSWICCjaA ANOTHER LOT OF_A TiHiffes' 1 Silk Lined Lace Curtains worth $1.25 at 79c per pair. Lace Pillow Shams worth 79c at 49c per pair Table Oil Cloths worth 30c at 15c. Bureau Scarfs, Center Pieces and Table Linen Gre"lftly*Redu ce y -' —— r% • All thfe latest stylos in Millinery just received. Every Hat Selected while in New VoffT You wlNdje convinced by examine our stock that we finest in the city. r - MRS. M. ISAAC, The Largest Dry Goods Store, 208 and 208 1-2 Newcastle St. BIDHEI DISEASES are f/ (he most fatal of all dis eases. pni PY 5 C CUBE Is a iULI I u Guaranteed Remedy or moflwy refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. O W .1 llutfcß. the Dr.ugjrlUt v SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. A lien's,Knot-Khw. • powder. ?t cure* painful, smarting* nervous (cct nod ingrowing instantly takes the sting<>’ of corns and ions, t’n the greatest condyrt discovery <f the aae. Allen's Foot-Kane make* tight or new] shoes feel cusp. It is wefitem cute ioy Ings callous and Im*L tretU*- i v jfct. Try >V today. Hold by ail r P r Ahm< stores. By inall for 2T, c in at* Free. I Address Allen H.OnnMcad N. Y. MITCiIKIJ. ac THOMAS. Livery, Lioardlnr and sale stables. Finest turnouts In the city. 4. 97. Newcastle Bt. You don't need the doctor for every little trouble, but you do need In the house a trusty remedy for times of danger. Thousands are saved by having at hand DR. J. H. [MEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY RALM a certain cure for disorders of the Liver, Kidneys and Blad der. Use It at once for lama back, furred tongue, lost ap petite and changes in urine or bowels. II • bottle, •! druooUtt THI DU. 4. H. McLEAN MEOICINt 00., fT. MHJia. HO ****** FOR BALE BY o****** BTT IM'M, Tr* f MEXICAN MIXTURE For r.o.k - Ache. I> hpointeiuy 1 i BOinai in, Sexual linpotcucy, aiul all <liHHat>sa reHultinfi fiom Early Kt rors aud Kxcoßbes Over Work ami Worry, vvhi.h if uck let ted, com- PlcteLy umToriniiie lhß>>tein, often in INSANITY ami DEATH. If you have any of th above hj mptom* MEXICAN MIXTURE W il l. CURE YOU IT .HAH NO Kgtl AL. DovelopH Youthful Strength anti Vigor to ever part of iho body. Avoid quack doctors. Refuse HubstitutUH. (Jot MEXICAN MIXTURE. Im niodiftto <ff. els. Permanent roßulta. Recent discovery. Phe.rouienul FUCrets. flu ndreds leßtlmonials. iM.OUporbox. fl for $5.00. Posi tive guuninlee with every $5,00 order to refund the money Retire ih not effected. It is not a Htimulant, but a rebnlUler. Try it and be con vinoiHl, Send Htatnp f.*r pi>tnphlt.dA ederss brown Drug 00., Sole Agts brunswick, Georgia. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Curo lmpotoncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Meta* orv, all wasting diseases, r—■ —- JpMk all effects of solf-ulmse or Ct and iodise rot ion. SW'wfl A nervo tonio and PILLS Iwaf >ul.blood builder. Bripip tlio pink glow to pale W AV y SIWS cheeks ana restores the fi rn of youth. By mail ctsj ap"soc per oox. 6 boxes for*— ■■■ with our bankablo au ran tee to cure or refund the money paid. Bend for circular and copy of our bankable guurauteo bond. Nervita Tablets (TBLLOW LADE 1.) Positively gtmrnntnml rnro for Ixws of Power, Vurlcocoln, Uiiilovolopmi or Hlirunkeu Organs, ratimin. Locomotor Ataxia, Norvous Prostra tion, Hyetoria, Fits, Innanity, Paralysis and ths (losnlu of Exccs.ivo Ueoof Tobacco, Opium or piurtr. Bv rnoil/in |,l-in packaga, *I.OO a box, 6 for $6.00 With our bankable guar to-jeure in 80 days or refund money paid. Addrnna NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by Brown Drug Cos., Brunswick, Ga, H HAIR*BALAAM > au>M> .na l-.iuirm, Ih. J mrrMitwM ft luyuriai.t Kinvth. Never FbUb to lU*or* llslr to Its Toothful Qo\(jt. PrvnU iMiulpufr suml jn^EsJltnM —g”j3iAi“*i ‘''3WKr* 5