The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 30, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 NEW “ADB^ The Merchants Are After Buxine*. Many new adrerfUem'ntt will bv found in the Timk Caix '.his morning. , Tbe fall has star ed in eat neat, aid the merchants seem 10 be after the trade. A Katscr & B o. have a two-page ad. in this Issue, announcing tbe arrival of tbeir fall stock . They claim to have the pieuies'. line of goods ever shown in the city. Fleming* Waff, the hunting youog book firm, announces in a page adi, that they are ready to supply the school children with school books. They have all ibe different k'nds that are to boused this year, and are selling them at rea sonable prices. They aleO advertise a full line of weddirg presents, pic ure frames, periodicals, cte. The Brown Drug Cos., the ever popu lar druggist, alto have a page, telling of what they have in this line. This pop ular drug store always carries a full line of everything pertaining to their busi ness. Notice Is also directed to the new ad. cf Smith’s Pharmacy. Mr. Smith is a new-comer to onr city, and bat ju t put in a complete line of everything in bis line. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCII. The usual services will be conduced at the Presbyterian church today by ihe pastor. Subject for morning sermon “Christ our advocate.” . u-.i faeA Uwit the Sunday school will meet at 4 o’clock In rte and of 4:8(1. Duffy s Matt \^g|/ Whiskey No Puscl Oil THE WORLD’S paMous CON SUM PTTON CURE iWa'ttfe^AiiispfffSsaßSßrf wnrrrs MALT WHISKEY CO., Rochester, H.T. FINE FURNITUfit. |g| Pages of talk on our furniture stock would give hut half an idea of m ' 9 S the beauty and economy found hero- H Visit the Store and let the goods do their own talking and the prices their own saying? More than an entrS train load of suits and odd pieces have been placed on these floors since last you were here. See abort it- CARPETS, RUGS, MATTITG; , . Never were the prices on these high grade ar ticles so low as at present. Never have\the pat terns been so beautiful, the quality so excellent "ot the price so attractive. bach new season fiuds this department in better condition to till your wants. The principal fdfeign carpet and rug centres haye representation here. We are quoting ~- lower Prices Than Ever. 07 MILLER & S# WPEera&f $ STRENGTHS : THE STTOftf ACH 1 PURinB THE BLOOD| \ HEAIS Wk-AK LUNOSj CHANGE OF SCHEDULE Will Be Made on tbe Plant System Tomorrow. System announces the following change of schedule after 13 o’clock tomorrow: Train 87 leaves Brunswick at 8 a. m. Tia ; nßß leaves Brunswick 5.45 p. hi. Train 00 arrives Brjiocwick i&v m . Traini 88 arr ves Brunswick 5 p. m. Oared of After 30 "*mi/fci •folmS. rtnWm. lent alien no much lime and money nadjitilfered ho much that X had given tip atipiope. otl oaov ery. I wa o fSohlc from the effect* .tdlfbedlai., i imeatuai I could do no kind of Ivhor- ihfn not even travel, bat by accident I waa peg anted to Bud a bottle of C’taamberJaU'a Col and.piarrh ea Uemedy, aud after halting sev eral abttlea I am entirety cAred of that tfou b'n. |%m HO Bjvftsod with the rfiijiUjUi.lUj am vwfluua timUthe In roach oflitt who suffer e NfC'IVo." ffbe'- n|e ly Bishop'* drug st'ire. | Xho emergency li tgs sent liyclnirciS,jd*#atioa to Kansa* Mildierain the PlilllppliK* ContAjpcd among tbo necoMitieseh box o( D.> Wltt'i Witch lla*el Salve, the woH knowh,Hire for pUea, in- Juries and sklu diwases. laoiedlttjk cap uioiitnln thfiorlirlnul -lielvitt'* VVt|ch Iln/.M Salve, knowing that alrttho, ouuatffrMt* are worthies*. W.,1. Bjkrts. t THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER SO, 1900. SHIPPING REPORT. I Corrected Daily by Oapt. Otto Johiacoata ? Port of Brtmi.iek, Sept. 2t, 1900. Tbe schooner Mary E Morse, before reported arriving here waterlogged, had tv;r deck load of timber discharged She left today in tow of thy mg Three Friends for Jackaopvi'.le, **■ AttKIVJtD Schr. Ancle BarteT, Bo ton . l CTKfK*U Bark Rimfaxc, Nor , Spinanger, Hull.! SAILXU Str.iftemlr.oTe, Bears#, Boston. gehr. Jennie Boca wood, Cookson, to James Judge, tr.dse:, New York. Thu progressive nation* of the world are the great food consuming food wal digested g vei atrattgth. If you cannot digest all yon eat, you need Kodot pyspepeia Cut e. It digest* wliat you oat. Ynh neon pot dirt your- Xteontaluaall of the ifigeHUnt-, combined with Ihe lieal known tnaidJ and reconstructive* tt will even <tets all elatses of food* In a tie. No other preparation wfllido this, ft In sfantly relieve* aud caras aii *tojet>c!t trouble* W.l IJutU . . -V-■ ■■ A Miauter’* Gooff'B , rk. ‘I had a tevore attack of httfou* colic, got a buttle of Chxghcrlaln s Colic, Cholera and -.Dlarrha'.-i Uemedy, took Wt doaea and waa en tirely cured." say* Itev. A. A. Power, of Kmpo r!, Kan “My neighbor aero** tbe stieet w* atek for over a week, had two or three bottle* 0 medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for *ome day* and gave him no relief, so dlteharged him. 1 went orer to ee him the next morning, Me said his bowel* weiti in a terrible fix, that they liad been running off o tong that It wa* almost bloody Box. I asked him If he had tried Cham berlain'* Oolle, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Uemedy, and he aaid, ‘No.’ I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one do*e; told him to tike another doeo in fifteen or twenty min ute* it hff did not And rellM, hot he took no more, and wa* entirely cored, I think tt the host me;! loiws t have ever tried " For sale by nets' extreme heat this acmmer, and doctor* declare (Jfcarly alldhvi piiwtvatjonawere luduced hy dte- Orilers of the tomach. (i&*t health follow* giHjhfdigretlnh Kodol Dyspepsia Our* digest* what you eat. If you have Indigestion or dys pepsia it Will quickly relieve and permanently cure. yell. W. J. Butt*. LOW HAT Its, Tn tfearglu Stste Fair't VwldoSte, Oetolwr S9th to November th,vja .plant System. One fare Jrom point* in Georgl*, nnl Aln i'bbw aUilMtoyiai lor admission MiPUrygSW i oout per uflle each dtrecpSfi.YO a eMjjpp ticket. * ' B. W. WRENV * ** PuwieiigerTraflic Manager... CASTOR IA For Infanta and Chiidrexte^ The Kind You flaie Always Bojpl “I. hod a running tore on my Isg fur seven year* ’* writes Mr*. Jame* Foren of Cheppcwa Fall*, Wi*., “and spent hundred* of dollar* In trying to get It healed. Two boxes of banner ftaii'e entirely eured it.” W.J.tluu*. TOTUK PUBI.IC. Tins i ■ to advise that on and after Sedtemhor tilth no passengers will be carried oa freight trains of the Plant System GKO. W. COATES, Division Passenger Agent. To prevent consumption quickly cure throa and lung trouble with One Minute Cough Cure WJ Butt*, ! noFicb! The great revivalist. Her. T. Utr thnttii f)f>herc\ an J will prcaob at S'. l’AUl’a A. M. K. church Thursday night,and next Sabbath. Publtg^TsSnvlted. I*. F. Citiuiy, B. D., P. C. >Ppj#icsraii A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS \ Very vaii:;.Mo Remedy M i:T c J k ettefitiou* of tins a i THROAT or LUNGS 1 Lor; j Bottles, ate. J I'AVjS ft T. UVtSi 'fl i4 ok, limited, a I' , '*l"‘ of: ■ ny,[.vi*T*am-Kli v. J Ease your burdens § BY USING GOLD DUSTf WASBiNG POWDER'-iAlMdar/ “Housework is hard work without Gold Dust.” cheap Bateri again. For tbe Of those citizens of Brunswick wbo desire tu spend Sun day witfeibeiri fiends in Havannab, tbe Southern railway will restore the cbaJ> exonfWr.n rates to Savannah and return on the two remaining Son days in tbis monthl Tickets (fritt be aold on Sunday'morning. Sep'ember 33rd and 30tb, to ttarannah and re turn, at rate of,lS)0 for round trip. Ticket* limited to date of sale. A NEW PLACE TO BUY DRUGS. Smith’s Pha macy, comer - - - - jt *it now well equips wiih i fre*ii n f well Rioek if pure -A Drugs. Soaps Perfumes and All To’fet Articles fouhd In a flr*t ci**y au-w-4*te drug sjeife Tour i-ipsanot will rwattfe the peTaoual •ittcDtlcto Of a graduate n* tacy'of many yearn practical axpvrteace. Von" win save money..el th- l-e.-t ywur trade will b* vpiine atd.' SMITH’S PHMMACT, , *:R; nkwoasti.b aw sts. FOR |S A1,F, ON KA*Y TRRHS, The fo 1 si if, .sluable building ntg ohsrrnirg y emitted m tbs resident porUohfof *he tit y, are for sale on easy rprm*: 135x180, on 1' nmn_jg'reel, running "ask to K yui Ms streets This piece of property can bed Tided ioto aix lota, 46i90 rscb, thiee fronting on Union aid thiee in Reynolds afreet*, and is situated Immediately north of the residence of Mr. Glauber. Lot on the eaat aide of Union street, opposite tbe residence of Mr. John H. McCul lough, 90x180, can be divid'd into four lot* 45x90; two fronling on Uoior and two on Kills streets. Lots 180x180 feet, cornering ou Albany, Albemarle and Amherst streets,.can be divided Into eight lots, 4690 feet each. Al-o lofsoo Gloucester street, between Al bany and Amherst streets, and lots on Albany, between Gloucester and F streets; and on Amherst street, be tween Gloucester aud Fetreete. To anyone wishing desirable building lots, either for their own residence or for rent, cannot fail to be satisfied with these locations. For further Informa tion apply to J. E. in Biunon. ;• -'• J/'- •' ; ;a, % RIPANS tabuies find . -tA. Ciood-# # Prescription j iMJr maiiluiid wi v - / 4 I ... IT *" *" Knnl*., Ov~n. bnnm .*4 ** Jfwa-lmad*. (wDrral Stoic **4 fcXn ?Pf-H Tu —pi*, eg -* c-f t> W4rn*)*mfb~mul cfSfno* f Coney & Parker I)E \ I,KBS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Phone 18 ' 525 Bay SI. Siiii [fT Use liny-of my brands of WtXEf* AM) 1 yj LIQUORS and nature will l* greatly asaiatcd in the work of recuperation. G -> \ \ • My goods ara of excellent quality, and v it Vji have been bottled aud matured under I I our immediate supervision, Bach 5 brand has been ael* cted because of *mio j '’l special merit. Fiud out which salt*. J \ PRICED TO ©UIT/ HHpk I\ I T. NEWMAN, itlfr f V l ( viijL { i t >mwi_ ~-A i H 1 OPEN AGAINST Jno Veruk? wines, Liquor, * Cigars, 'Etc. now ready for business, We will sell you good* a p cent less tnan original cost 606 Monk Street, | \