The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 30, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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'Sreup-hcs Ac&Jjfeasajitfy Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. /resents in tAe most acceptable form the laurntiee principles of plants "■ An own to net most beneficially. TO GET ITS BUY THE GENUWE MANFB. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUf CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE • KY. NfWtDRK.H.Y for sale by druggists* price 50* 6EOR6IA DETECTIVE ASC’Y BRUttSWtOK, GEORGIA. Civil and crUßt-o*! cases atlessiad to business strictly cocfidenti?,:. Hn ■ qaires conducted with secrecy. L. tJ. LEAVY IVIe n**o!>sY Lo J. Leavy 6c Go Auctioneer?, Oemmipsion Merchants and Gener al Goilwethig Agents Consignment* *M&Hba and Prompt Rendered. Attention Paid to Col of Bents j. ULE W iN'E O -\r 1 O & pßhUlng, nenting, Repairing, 1 . Messenger Service u -'-el' Cleveland, Monareu, Crawford, Eagle. Elk, Dixie. _ Best of Wheels for the Least Money. ’ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests you eat. I* artificially digests t •• food and a Ida Nature in strengthening and recon structingthe exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest disobered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Heart burn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralg a,Cramps, and fit other results of imperfeetdigostioo. Precored by E. C. Letilll t. Cos., Cfj.-.ajo. V •/. Butts, the Druggist. NOTICE New milled rice meal, best milk producer aud feed for stock on the market. Ben Borchardt & Cos., \Vholeslie Grocers and Pro duce )enlers. INSTRUCTIONS BY NlAll Bood Positions ECU RED feßbllt Young Men W\c+iyojr^*ttic*l (pdrsf pI CMD S j 'TjjSl*' ■ 1 HBill ; lyPelaiosWoiicaMii Apa Mol UN ac! of mm Wliioh ‘May ‘Prove a Casus Belli Unless Immediate Apolo gies Are Made- Chihuahua. Mcx. ,Sept. 20.—The state department -ct Washington has been no tified fey the Untied States consul at this point, W. W. Mlife, that the Unit ed States Bag floating ever the consulate was tons down and trampled upon by mob amid crries of “Moerta a Los Grin gos, Viva Mexico, Diaz y Libertnd." Toe cause which prompted tho consul to throw his-flag to the breeze that it was the sixtieth anniversary of the independent of the United States of Mexico, an act on his part of pure oft.-* cial courtesy and im keeping wit it inter national etiquette. We get somelUiag new in aimaat daily ard wo can’t thiuk to teil you about it every time Ihiougb the p pere, hut we want all the ladies tc call and see us, surely buy, as we keepthing dean aud in viting. G. VV HaKI'KR, STite Hustler. Buy Your Silks, fCorsetf. ii dfr Notlons, Drers Goods, Trimmings, eta, At actual cott at the Bee Hive, We have just received a fine line o candies., bonbons,chocolates, etc. G W. Harper Phone 15%. BISMARCK’S IRON NERVE Was the rescit of his splendid health.' lndomitabie will and tremendous en ergy are Dot found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are oat of' order. If you tvtE* thea? x qua!itie and the success they bring, use l)r King’s New L'ver Pills, They develop every power cf brain and body. Only 25c f s , at all drug stores. tbe Aotual Coat Unit at the Bpe H:ve. DOES IT Pil’ TO BUVCHAKP A cheap remedy for caught Sea colds is ell right, but you nc! stn.e thing that wjj believe and cure tie n ost severe acd dangerous results n thrcat'acd lurg trouble, TM*i the dot t Oo to a wa r m(.r and miire regula climate? Yee, If possible ; il iOl po sidle for you; then ir, either cm tab tna only remedy that has ben iiilre luced in all civillved countries with success In sore throat and lucgtrouble.s Boechee’s German Syrup. It cot otny stimulates the tieue to dcs'roy the I germ disease, but allays In/lHn.atlor and causes expectoration, gives a good | night’s rert up’ - r-* the patter' ' Try ore (joule K lommend'-d maov vears by s all drutgirts ir the world Sample hottles at W. j. net. at and Hrowo 15run<* CV> Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap* ply to J. W. Wat Kins. * Agood many consumptive* wild be fired and the worst casee coiufr<*'l and rrlieved by using Foley’-. Honey and Tat. Suggest It to those affl.e-od. You cbouid.dc tut* ae a friend W, J, Butte. itfK BRUNSWICK TIMES-L’ALIi, SEPTEMBER 29, ikO. NOTICE. "This is the last week £ my sscnflte eale. All who desire to purchase any thing in the dry goetiU line t cost, should call at once. I also have aßi ray household goods for sal* cheap. Store I noyr cctfupy for rent. Tt. L. HARRISON A 00. Give us a trial on four next tßonth’S grocery fciM. Ring 158. Grder-boy Will corns, .’Sure please. G. W. Esixtbr, TheiHu'tler. • CantStes. Gandies of all deecriptiona at _ V .-. -*•: S. \Y sPßone 158 Attend the Actual Coat Sale at the Bee Eire. v i,-., ■ ■i- j,- r m " ■" i Ob,'•Willie! 1 do vwt you would go to Harper’s and see the fine line of oandtea tie baa just received—choco late bonbons, chocolate walnuts, ohoo olate cherries, chocolate dates. Tbay are eo<ir!ce. Any wili-do me. &WKETIIEAHT. - — ~ ■ 'We-nate with pleam re the coming in osr "3iid*t: df *ofe Stovall iSmith of Atlanta, who ha* taken charge of the drug store at the old Crovg-tt stand,and mi three months has worked up a nice basint si. Mrs Smith is a genial gentleman, who -elands at the heafl of hie profession. • v. 'el •tnd is full of the pluck and energy of Uie Gate City, ■\Van f everybody in Bransydck to ernne to ray ctore and seo-aaj lino of caxdles ~ ju,orived'v di!&-d cV‘t for get we are <h people to get Jnour fresds, np-to dfbe groceries from. G, W. ilAlt, Kit. The Hustler, The ■'-’dorrows -of datan’ company j will arrive this merning from feart n cah- . ■, at the •o a. . Bears vi* fae Always BoUtjht You will buy dry goods of ail ,klnd* at actual cost at the Hee Iljve, VonypnipeU if (-ougb,cotr, i sigh, ki,ka(C koiigp nr -*drh,d,Ut.Ulc only Y*i - :)y Nthat Tnickij' tod**- itJ*UnV Mimifftough Cure IV J Butte. '; t wiljl tvttjmfktj Sf tr.admjr at (tn Be Hive. .. ; . . * Mr. J. K. Abrsme bae fri nj a vie:’, t i hie family a< T)t mores'. Tor: most uraiyann cßticrm pills made arc lie Witt’s Little Eirfir E errs. Tiier are uue.-j (jualeo for nil livOranu bowel trpphlee.* Never j gripe, tv. J Butt;. j Blankets *► cost tt the Bs> Hive. I W.B. Cornet*, all stjlee, at^actual j c jflf at the Hive. When in need, call on ,J. W Watkins. He loans mo ney on persona! property. l ooT ball games. (fumes pissed yesterday resulted as follows: West Point, 6; Tufts, 0. Of net!, 6; Syracuse, 0 Pennsylva nia, 116; Lel igb, C. Harvard. 21; Wes leyan,o. Yule, 22; Trinity, 0, Mr. W. H D'V e is >n New Yoik. For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCIIU. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop* erty aud real estate. CASTDIIIA. feiarr the A You Have Always BongM *rr CONSUL GOWDY COMING HOME.f New York, Sept. 2!*.—John K. Gow dy, ounaul-gereral to Psris, >s ex- ( s peeled to arrive here Moudsy. IGre- i oen ly wrote to one of his ftiicds in ’ this c tin Ty that lie expected to ta’< 1 an active p rt in the campaign. ' i- —i He Bright’s Diaesse SUrto. IjuligteStfon. biliousness. ItUxxl pxisone<i with urea and<acic acid (which shtMW.,ha\'e tiecn drcrett! ! Sy the kidneys), ihcusiiitic pains in nerves end Joints, causing iirisatioivbr tke kid neys, then pains over the .small oi the hack, mark sure approach of Bright's disease. l>o not dly in taking KolryV Kidney Cure, for it makes the kidneys rielit. Vwko mj -tPUhstliute. W. <f.®utts. It your food dees n!||l|Mtfigest well, a f@w-ioses of Kriokly A h Ritters will set matters right. If etns the breath, strengtheea the ctomreh and dSgeot.ion, oreat-es appepitc and cheer f b’.ueas. W. J. Suits, jrowoic sack. *sfc eorgi a-tyroi ts*un ty. . *'CiujGr unAby virtae of i , |wwer <Watecou iMtiut il irt time' -oeirtam deed to .secure deed rrrnn Alfvect f, Tuuner to the American TiJuild iaig rq4 Tonttno Busings of -Menipbis. Ttimoeaw, which deed is recorded iu KerK N. N. t fetio, JST4 of the roc<4B of said tcouuty, refoi-oiiee M which <iee<l end record of •ssmo ia hnii ilfir L purposes, (the yaid Alfred dj*. Thpner tyivffifrtfermore than gix months de- J# < **l* 1 ln tfle dues and iaterewt which NWe-ijlTlis Stud to scame (Ifcot obligated \hfc%%9it to hay-) there will’ve, old before the door of the conik 'lnsuse in gniasvriok, liooniia, toevartsjn the legal konrsof sale, on the Hist xtawirtny in October, lilOO, ko the hiphont and ibOSt lddder lorcofll,: Thnt oertain lot oMand an Hruiißwiek.Georgia, and in that part ot said efty of Brnnswicktatown a* Town Commons; and bciuK the Western onetealfof Town Oovn mcne Lot Kumlier lie, (sd improvements) and in that. liloei. or lots located between •Wot: and Albany s’reots, in said o*ty, ,do itosole as ttio pivpertr \i said A. F Turn er .for the purpose <>S lajingthr indebtedness aifairl by laid <loe<t. prinoipal being kSW ZS, lamvdev interest, dues, fines, etc. riirebftser pajefar titles, This August til at, liKIO. ALCVKii F. TCUN'ER, Vy .Ameriran Building I.oan and Toiume .-‘atif>-3 Assocl.'Wa* of Memphis, Tennes see, Attorney iu Fact. A>. W.iiltAL'ijiJ, a : AUe'JUpy for aid. Aeaoeiatieu. ADMIXISTaATOK’S SALK. 4S#ttHlf.,rA—Cly un County. By virtue of an ordor.of the conn of Ordinary 08 said comity, will be soUlat pulilic outej yon tbe flrst/! uesday in October, luon, l.cfore the toeurl Itouse door in said oeunty, la,tween the iuannl hour* of sale, all that certain lot, tract rpnrcelnfjand lying and lielng in said state ntui county raid in the etty of Brunswick, nml being descr.l>ed according to the survey aud Ulan of said orty made by (.corse It. Baldwin, eivhengineer.hi 1887, at, follows, towit: ::2t-2 fept by 15 fed. *1 tlie eastern !-) of Old Town lot Muti!brrs!JV, having tlio tollov/ing conraes, distances and .Bsjaaurometxts: Coiiiinending at a point on the i.eatern line of C chrun aveti ue if. feet south of the southern lino of London street, end runniog theuoe sotttii ato. g the western iine of (iichran avenue 821-2 feel llienee l imning westerly at right angles 4.1 feet • tlienee running northerly at right iingies r,2 1-2 feet, and thence easterly at right nnifles 45 feet to the point of beginning. Said land belonging to the estate nt Amanda Hughs, of s*!*“ Administrator.LstaZo Amanda Hughs. Service By Publication, STATE OF GEORGT A.-CpWHy of Glvnn. Joivn lingers, ) In Glynn Superior Court, May v J Term. lwu. Hiiaie Regers. ) LIBEL FOR fHVOECE. To the Lainniiant. Susie Wogcrs: „ You are hereby cr.mmandcd to he juid Appear at the peceedher Term, next, of Glvnn Superior i tnlrk io lio liolden at tin: court houn: (o Brunswick, Glynn County, Geergin, on the First Monday tn iiecemiior, IfHiO, anti by Ton <10) <J l<(Ck of the forenoon of iid date, then ami there lo answer ton oompiaiSf of the plai,,- fltr itetio aliov*-slated cnso in hisWLioej tor Divorce; Witness the Honorable Joeepk W. Bennett, Jndge of the Slip- rior Court of Giyea Cuuoty. this the b’tli daj' Af,lnly. iron. “ . .. fi.T. duIHOSoBt. I - Clerk Superior Court, Glyuu, l . vitHty, 4>a. j i UUKlllty. n hgriftl. -fella ,T. ndmlnistraUix of ft'.Oifco \\ . Cal v\i) ' itt httr pen tto jilivi an<j eu-hf-riMf ©xi r'< •>1 ft. tliaf she ihtstfli p,if (,(., -,p tv Cnitiii’* e tiiieWHPwf hm 0 ** S "ml creditors, tv to shot,' cunso, ir any i hey c*n. why .aid adi 'qic;.-ir(rp should not be dl-chrged from , Tect ‘ ,ve ltters.of disrttf?.’ luoapn tbe^ivuMonday ,n December, dioo. UOBACK DAltT,Ordinaly. A iiM(N JgtSAl'OR’S NOTH K GgOßyj V—<Jlyna County. Nuune is hereby (freon to all cmiltois oi the estate of John Vhihoney, hue or Hiitsbr.r. V', n ' 1 deceased, and forinei ly oi liuin.vyick. Glynn county, Georgia, to reri ?n,f t V > .“ ,r to me within An iI n ! wrt , b 7 'V' froperly made out. And all persons indebted lontiil and a.,.,| r f'C'Uetfad to n.ake immediate payment to tbr undersigned. This August 2(. jitts).' WILLIAM MAIIOSKY. , Annuiusti ator of John Mahoney. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the of ordinary of -aid county for leave to sell land belonging to thp estate of Bridget Minehan fortlie payment . debts. Said anplibalio will be heard at the 1 regular term of the court of ordinarv for couinv to be held on the flr-t Monday In Octo- Uer.lPO UKSENDO TO It HAS. Artminl-trutor upon the Estate of Bridget Mi nonan. CITATION. GEORGI Glynn Conn ty rbanuK i>ar, of G !ynn connty, in said Stain has aupJied to the Ordinary of Haiti county of for exemption ofperaonnUy and sotting Apart and valuati'-n of homPHtoaU, and I will pass upon the s 'me . t JOtFclwk a. rn. upon tno J.'ftlj i!y of 4*ctob( r, 1900, at the court in Raid county of Given. This .September 22,1900. JKFFMWON l. hI'AKKS. J tin jrc Cl: y Court of Brunswick and pro liac vice >idinary GJyun County, Georgia. NOTICK OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. , 4 The public is hereby notified that a bill will le ofTerea at the next evasion of the k’Kinturo amendlnc the charter of the city of Brn nwica K. U, HOVKI v , Brunswick, Ua., S- pt. 27,1900. J ' J ’ gjiyftten i Beal Estate lor Bale. We have lot number 176 on A stretn nine lota on Wolf Btru. t, for sale chesf B. H Daniels & Cos. 810 NewcasU bt, sheriff SALES, nEoßGlAaGlyttt Coutoty; Will tic voia tho co\il*U\ou c o door m Bahi county, mt the ffi st Tuesday in October, 1900, w thin the legal hours of sale, to tho highest blkdoi for cash, certain property ol which the following is a full and jmpleti, de acriirtion, towit: That certain undivided one cighth interest of, in and to that certain lot or tract of land lying and Vlng in the City of lirucswi k, county of tilynn and State of Ceor iria. and known and designated in the plan of niiid town and city as the eastern enc-hair of Town Commons lor number ons hundred aud ilfty-S’X (IGObsH'd lot one hunoied and ttfty six being bounded as follows, towit: On the north toy II streii, on the eat l>y Albany street, on the south by lot number one humtied seven (157>, and ou the west by \\ c f street. ALo, a certain undivided one half of, in sn<l to that certain tract, lot or purcel ot lnnd aitu ated in the State of Gforgia, c-Mint y of Clynn. and City of Brunswick, and In that portion ol the Oily of Brunswick known as Town Lom i mons and described Jis follows, towit; Ihe western one half of Town Commons lot num ' ber one hundred and fifty-six (160) ”<* iw * ‘ nrovenu nts tboreon west of Cochran avenue. F'r. ... Bolt intnipgt nt. Als<\ a certain undiv idl'd one half interest of, iu and to that portion of.' 1 hat certain tract or parcel of land in the State cf Georgia and county of G’ynn, and in the City of Bruns wick therein, and known and designated upon the Town Coinmonomapof said city as tliat cer tain northwoavorn coiner section of Town Com mons lot number oue hundred and thirty (lot)) between Amhert aud Albany streets, beingrec inngui.ti ir. si;ap^ t hav*Dr ®nds thirty (39) feet and sides ninety iW)f et, which is more min utely bounded as ipllows,towit: Cnthc uorih by Towu Common lot uuml;er one hundred and twentv nine (129) ninety feet, on the east by Amherst street thirty leet, on the ’south southern portion of said lot number One hun dred aud thirty.nllioty feet, and on the west by the eastern portion o i said lot number one nun dred and thirty thirty feet: .Said property levied on as the property er it. T. Bitch to satisfy' aft execution issued from tho City Coun of Brunswick In and for said county in ravor of English-American Loan and Trust Company against said R. T. Hitch; said prop erty being in possession of K. T. Hitch. Levy made and returned to mo by It. 8. Pyles, depu ty sheriff. This September 5,1900. Also at the same time and place the following described property towit; That certain lot tract or parcel of land situ ate lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county of Glynn and state of Georgia known and described on Summons map of said city as DixviPe lot No. I, east of Gordon and south of Prince streets. Levied on as property of estate K. C. P. Dart, under and by virtue of an exe cution issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county tuxes due for the year 1899 amount of tax SI,BB with interest and all costs. Levy made and returned to mo by K. 8. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the some time and place, the following described property to-wit: That certain loL tract or parcel of land lying situate and being iu tho city of -Brunswick, Glynn Cos. Ga.,known and described on Baldwin’s map made in the year 1837. of said city as the West ern one fourth of Old Town lot No 411. Levied on as tho property of Lacy Crayton, under and by virtue of an execution issued by H. J. Head, tax collector for state and county taxes duo for the year 1899, amount of tas, $7.81 with Intorcßt and nil costs. Levy made aud returned to me by It. 8k Pyhes, deputy oher iff. Also at the same time and place, the following de-cribed property, to-wit: That certain Jot, tract or parcel of land Jying situ ate and being in the city of Brunswick, county of Glynn, fcftatc of Georgia, and known ami deecriheJ on Baldwin’s map or said city, made’ ih tho year 1837 a.s Old Town lot No. 479, Levied on as the prop erty of If. M Dirt and phildren under and by Virtue of an execution issue.?. ij * j * B©td,tax collector, for state and (•minty G nXOB for tho year 1809, amount of tax sol wilh interest nmUll costs. Levy made and retili J e(i me by R. fc. Pylee, deputy sheriff', Algo at the name time and d!hco the' Gilo*tea dnu-rjhod property to-wit:” ah ‘ certain lot or parcel of lam? situate and lying iu Hie city of Brunswick in the Evansville audition ihefeto and known is ertiXi 1 ffvlefl on an “£££ °f. rt ‘ fL Alston, under and bv virtue nf ■ execution issued by if. J. Jlfead for state and- tugiu, tax eu| fo^o , win“*dcs b cril!Sr,rTO“. 1 "* tmvoi P Tho teass AutxS? S p“‘ ' s i v,rl ",° ur an execu'loti hr n j Read, tax coliector, for state and ootii.Tv {Lea’ 4 (nl, "" t -of taxSS w’wUh H. H. UW ft ,!‘k k Z 7rt ! ini Clj)ttJ,l4 .Jo 111 f crefyt ajjid .21 co/l ‘‘ ’ 1 Also at tie r.imc time and place to the highest Mid best bidder, the follow-ng described real esiale and im provements thereon towit: The nnUvided Lnv-wja'i.. interest of. U. Dart. In an,"to that iitmnkiTv'i 1 ?, i V‘ r P?f n ‘ :1 J? <hsaiilcity t liuiuaw leb liM ltnown eon Baldwin,s Jmp of r PT 11 l" "sG'd Town lot No. lfii; .-.lid lot being bounded ou the north liv F v est I,',’“ lie”,’ “ml ' r 'P di ? a stieet,ugj)oi,’ the v. c.t b, lie; street. Levied <,Wki thc promtrty of .aid defendant, r. Da, t. Ui satisfy ■;tn evecnllon ""I "! ihe Superior ehuu of said CO t kv.drVen '*<!>• Ud ftjst. nnen notice of levy given defendant to.'o?l 1 l r T? i’ y ..'T' V" vv n,a " l ' Bn<i returned to me by 11. . x’ylei, deputy BherifT. L 1 W.H. BERRIB, on-riij Glynn County,Ga. Also at the bnmc time and place thaf ccr tnm other trut or parcel of land in the Town Commona of Brunswjdk, Georgia, and known aa the western one ball uf Town Commons lot 7T inoVff! ( f A . v i lern lot containing 715x100 feet facing on Jon?on street in Paid city. ff.Y'S; 1 ." h n ' ,t ' ! r “"r"' or r>. D. . ameion 10 satisfy thst certain mortgage fj. fa. | n favor of George lohiiaon for i.rnirmal braider intere-ts and costs Written notice or m e given defendant us required by H v i.,' S*eb°enff , ' Hnr,wd *° mv b 2, k i, R -Vh's. depa iy shot to. I, n uEltltlK a/ivrjJT Giyun County,Ga. BHKRIFFM SAXE? tlmcitv'o/Hrnnsu L f' l ?f® ft ' ,r( fe>se dooi in hours' of??!e "ujtl i. ®riult irict G. M . Glvnn raui tv, Georgia .? i‘ Uls ' as a part (and Co': nel - 1- and conS2 £ a '™ n,if boon , , l, ■.r’ftSi'.'i 1 r !t" -sol ■: n W6?gk„. bock river, am . i-d -uv haMMK"** cy bluff creek:.-® " ~ i f"l •>y of u,. I'gSMB ... r ' m.d, 'fi ® i eralof Georgia in favor of G 1 vntPRHHPfr $Ni! S.'i taxes due for lstm. and against btSSHTii way company. This oeptembei n. isoo. W.H KEKBU:.Sheriff. CITAI f'<V. Gesirgia—Glynn County. TANARUS, il whom it may conrern: Henry i.Cnr tis having in proper form anmied to ,ne for ferinannntletiers of es ,t„ of Unmuel Cm tie. is is to olio all and *lng|ij(Bi jfrr and ex*, of kin ' -I, e.v: at my office th|T*YHBr.P. J bylaw and ahow can-, ‘f .wclbH,, perrne hoot adroinmt t.ion iW ■ granted to lfenry G. Onrtis on, f Nunmel Curtis. Witness my hand and oQlelel elguature tide Kb day of September, 1900, HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn County, ua Souttiern Railway Cos. Office of General A gent, Bruns-wick, Ga. N SCHEDULES. —<e * For SavWinati, Washington and New fork. I.v Brunswick.. .. 040 am 05pm Ar Favannali .WHOam 1959 am Ar Waelilngum. TSi am g P m Ar New Yerh -'<oo pm A 23 am For Jacksonville. Lv Brunswick. .500 am :i SB pm :i or, pm Ar Jacksonville.. H Main J_4o pm 180 am For Macon. Atianla, X onisvillc and Cincinnati. Ar Atlanta 8 50 pm iS?”' A r Louisville JMam Ar Cincinnati T 41 am < 40 pm From New York, Washington anil Savannah. Lv New York ... 880 pm 12 15 am Lv Washington..l.'O pm 11 15 am rf _ m Lv Savannah 8 pm 620 am ■> 00 um Ar Brunawiclt.. 0 2:. „i Sosani s 3., pm F:om Jacksonville. I.v Jacksonville. l 35pm Ar Brunswick . , 025 pm i< ioui .Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and Macon. Lv Cincinnati 8 30 am 8 i —in.. .A * 45 am 4.) pm Lv Atlanta Itnio pm 1205 pm lv Macon ■ 1 00 am 2 30 pm Ar Brunwwick * 10 am 8 35 pm Wall Paper AT THE PAINT STOF > E 502 Monk s . W.H.LY TLE propbiet' Jn crt . Hi," WHAT IS BECOMING j C&H l 8 f unJ in on. .!j 8p )g r XiA'i'S or . qlll y. k . ‘Lvekifod |„ oTIr jiiiaiM irora the Inrire end beautiful ® (> ' :Va * inoUr -idllinere of artisde is!cs and deft produce bats wtnob K/uaJin ttyle and attraotiver eas many of the nib priced imported nindei.. Our prices are not rhe least pleasioir part of our offerings MISS KATE SLATER. 504 GLOUCESTER ST., \ , at KESSLER’S Cor. Monk aud flrautSts] Bloodworth &Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given all orders. Dravage a spec ialty. Ph ue 24-3. ESt. , URE YOURSELF I ?** iBgO fr unnatural ;IjurM#d,iijUurmiiotior.. tatioun or uloerationi iiil'fetlStSS; Sfitakieonuus. *>jr (rramoia. <dw seat on 9