The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 02, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 40, OPERATORS AND / / Hljllll ’ Hi Important Citace Yeslerflay All. \ END OF SHE IS IN SIGH! It is Thought That the Trouble Will Soon End—President Mitchell Talks. Wilkesbarre, Oot. I.—Tbe operators and general superintendents of Big Coat Company and Lackawanna Com pany met this afternoon in important conference. It is believed tbe officers Will decide when they will issue an order for settlement to strikers, ThU -will likely be done today and tomor row. Mitchell said this afternoon: •“We will consider no propoetion of any settlement whatever, wblob dors not include a recognition of tbe United Mire Workers.” ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING. Votim|of a Painful Acsideaf. Wtun oflloer Isaac Smith dismounted (lie wheel at the police barrack* yester day. bu pistol dropped from bis pock et and was discharged. The ball en * unfortunate effioer’a ankle, and although not serious it is very painful, and wilt lay him up for some time. IN BItYANS HOME STATE. Aubu-u, Neb., Oct. 1 .—Go v. Uoose* valt and party arrived here this morn ing. This Is the first stop in Ncbrasna. He has invaded Bryan’s home state, to try and upset the Idea lhat no one but Bryan has popularity and strength in this s‘ate. lie will make forty ebeeches in this section in four days. Today he will visit Tecumseh, Hastings, Beatrice, Jlindtn, Wilbur, Itoldredge, Crete, Ara pahoe, Fairmount, McCook and Sutton, and wijl speak in all. Demonstrations have been aaranged for him in both Omaha and Lincoln. The night dem onstration at Omaha will be one of the dDest ever gotten up ihere in honor of any candidate for office. • IN COMMISSION. <9 Washington, Oct. L—The LTA.'d dates Uatileship Alabama was put in lommission today, after which she will start on a long cruise- The Alabama | at'llned * a peed of 17,09 knots an hour | ahe can easily maintain a speed of ;8 1-* j knots, when loaded to the mrsimum,! which Is precisely the rale adopt , and byj ;*;; and •'' tr. when drawn four y.srs ago. Oat out y ;ur winter clothing tow and have if put in order by Jioi Carter. CONFEDERATE CONVENTION Georgia Division to Have a Grand Annnal Ileunion in Augusta. The following general order has been sent out from headquarters of tbe Southern Division in A'linta: “To Commanders of Camps and all Confederates: The announce ment made to you in orders and circu lars during tbe last two months oon oernmg tbe great annual reunion of ibis division at Augusta, Ga., Nov. 14,1, and 16, are here repeated with tbe rrqueat for you. special attention. Commanders please fill up and return at once tbe blanks for lists of officers mailed to them tome time ago and send to tbia office before Nov. 10. Eaob camp should adopt a .badge and bring a banner or dag to tbe reunion. All Confederates and all Confederate or ganizations are invited. Railroad fares are lc. per mile trav eled. Special information oan be bad by writing to Capt. B. H. Smith, sec retaey, Augusta, Ga. Brigade com manders will send in their reports to this office by Nov. 10. Ci.bmbntA. Evans, Major Osherjl. John A., Adjutant Gsneral.” ELECTION TOMORROW Democrats of Glynn Will Folia I.srge Vote. TWstate election will occur tomor row and tbe Georgia democrats bare not had an easier wslk over in many years, In Glynn an t tTjrt will bs made to poll a Urge vote. Considering the methods of tbe republican candidate who is opposing Mr. Upchurcb the democrats of tnie oqunty should get out and do a good day’s work. ENGLAND’S ELECTION BEGINS. * London, Eng,, Oot. I.—The polling in tbe general election began today, and will end on tbe 15tb. I‘opuliren thusiasm is singularly missing. The House just dissolved was oomposed of 39# ministerial#, and 271 opposition, giving the Government a majority lot 128. Conservative organs are confident that the ' Knaki issue” will give them an inoreas-d majority. The Liberal and Ksdical organs on tbe other baud, are not at all confident. The followers of Mr. Cbatnberlaln believe that the result will show him “to be the un uncrowned king” of England. COL ER—STA NCH FI ELD STUM l*. Buffalo, N. Y., Oc\ 1 —Mr. Stanch tl Id, democrat c nominee for governor j.f New York, and Comptroller Coler, Jof New York city, who are on a joint rfmoping: tour of the State, devoted '•■day to thi* city. The combined tour ha remarkable, became 1 Coler was •StancMDld's or rope tit or for the ■ - cr ■ I nomination,end fte light was ■.l v .y ■‘■‘■•tr and hard-fought one. CO>L SUl’l’LY SHORT. | Ni w York, Oct. f-n.'-dy oi | coal Oil ha. and i er. is very limited. It is Estimated that it will hardly lint ten days. BRUNSWICK, GA. TUEBDAY.MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1900. pm nraurn vcmnnnv uimu iLOnnum Tie Eirollnt Oie of tie Largest in History. WORK WILL BEGIN TODAY Graduates Will Be Unusually Large—Twenty-Four in the Grade. & / 3* The public aobools opened yesterday with an attendance as follows; iligb school, 95; grammar school, 184; pre paratory, 180; total, 459. Tbit is tbe largest opening ex cept one tinoe tbe first organization!)! tbe system. At tbe Rirley school tbe numbers ran close to 400, though tbe exact figures have not been reported w yet. Every room at the Mansfield street eohool is well filled and tbe same is true of tbe primary, rooms. Tbe classes are better divided than usual so that there is crowding ifl only one grade as yet. The prospects are that tbe number will run beyond BOD in a week or two and It may be that children will be turned away un less anew ' teacblr irenrployed. in the event of there being an ovinflow anew teacber in ill be needed and will be engaged. ' ” . Ofie very- important change has bsen made to tbe High school whiob will greatly.incriase its efficiency and thoroughness. The fourth and fifth grades have been combined Into one and thus twenty-four pupils will be graduated' next sjlihmer. Hereafter ' *9sH**y. r y*>- the Course will consist of on y four grades instead of five as fcnuerly, making the currioulum lead up ex actly fo admiasjon to the Freshman clsesat Micon, o¥,|loiery or • the Uni versity of Georgia I but Ureoit. ■ The eourst asnow trranged will & inis. Hereto fore-it went tbs_ requirement for admission Mr the' , v:_f vJPfY* Freshman but not Isr enough fortbe Sophomore. This change has been made after months of consideration. The offer of a eash price of $25 in gold holds good for the class of this year and msy be won by eyery member of the class who will work for it. Mi,*s Bingham’s ie the only grade that threatens now '.o be overcrowded. Thfl next thing in order is for the people of Brunswick to turn out and visit the schools daily. Till they dj this they have no right to utter a either a word of prates or blame. Eye witueeaea only ar- allowed in * court of justice. L'.t all parents go to tclnol sin! , e> . for t hsmselves '•what.-lb.' ch’ldreo do every day. itgh;ir that, ever bs'or* . Mr. (1 K. K. To’SP'O, of W-yeio;s, was among tie visitors to the city . es crday . Mini Mine iVAinoi/ imm u ohm Clamber opwee Will Be Orpnizefl. BIG MM PROMISED If Possible All Those Who Signed the List Should Be Present. The Chamber of Uoranierce will be organ-a-d todKy." The oitiaeebtp of Brunswick his, to an Übinbat extent, responded to tbe ajtsds of tbe welfare ■ r of our city , and with so much of pub. ' ■€'* *" ■ lie spirit behind it, tbe movement can -v^ Jlli be of tw gteatest benefit our community. Avert largewinnber of our beat- citizsps have banded tbem selVes together to the effd that, laying all strHhtly personal benefit aside, they Will harminiously work together for the good of all our people, and tbe up building of our city, whiob, with so many latent elements of prosperity under,elijpod, should, with the properly developed aid of this Board, leap for waedj riding the waves of adversity to' a sesix-e anchor in tbe harbor of assured progress. In order that the movement should accomplish the good that must rightly be expeoted of it, it is absolutely nec essary that it should b properly Inau gurated, and that proper clQcera should be put in control of the force it gives, that this force may be directed to the ecoompliehment otail the public good such a (pros should yield,-. The organisation meeting will be held tod y at f# ms, sharp, at 6lty hail, >. , tjsce.are sure all the subscri bers wiilrsnl.ze.the Importance of {'- meeting, and seeing that this f'it put in proper hands and properly directed in its initial elfurts. ,Aliy citizen who may have been over looked in the burry of working up the organization, and who Is sufficiently intereetttf in Brunswick’s welfare to give bit mite of aid thereto, will at that time and place hare an opportu nity of subscribing to the Bgretmoot for the organization and mprntetrtinoe of the body. All good citizens wish for’tfce meet ing t)dy & harmonious end Srooesisful organization FOU BALK. vjp' One tract ol tend conning 6 acres, C 1-2 acres Iu fine cuIIL/itioo with four room dwelling, good- n'jnlvn Olid ;rye.t trebi and gra,.c vines, oHB or> creek, known as ikf Mott* place This is a flue place for truck farming; ai m for fls .log and'edohint< indieLing terrapin; It is t ire t pl.iuapt and h :a!lhy piece to llvoaud it pio noted from all ttmuis. Also uoc tract £| T m roe nil - land wiWaxut 800 cprcte’jjf wood t un piling ou i>, #itUut-;U* i et?"oid DaeicurraO 1 12; laHos place ,t|yvi>llirjo ■*o a m ■ r li able place Kir‘lie w?rvi ■ -m"! . , rr-?n if-, tar;! jood i-c .‘armrtifc, bee tnc *- ■ ui' | C i h>u I sts, W •***■ THE SORROWS OF SATAN. It Was Presented at the Giard Last Night. A good house ehj lytd Wra. A. Brady’s production of the “Sorrows of Satan,” a drama tn four acts, at the Grand last night. The scenery was in keeping with the p’ay. Edward R. Mawson, as Prince Luclo Rimanez, and d.yery well, arousing the enthusiastic plaudits of the house, when, as be reached the dim®] of the first aot, he drew himself his fuil height, the ‘ glfcfs of the in candescent liglSf'lrosting • from the wings and toying over his sardonic features and fine physique, adding to the supernatural tableau, he exclaimed, his hand pointing to the heavens, in a most dramratic manner, “Even satan himself was an angel.” the end of the third act he shared In a cur tain call with Emily Todd and W. R. Seymour. The first named, as Sybyl Elton, proved adapted to the role. Her passionate enacting of the scene appeal ing to the prince for his loye, entreating him to yield if but for an hour; his ■Vehement rebellion to same and finally, whou about to divulge "his name,” at a movement of bin hand she fallß at his feet dumb, ballling the husband’s eager ness to catch that—name. W. R. Seymour, as Godfrey Tempest, was fine. Edmund Hogan, as the Earl of Elton, Rea, as J)iaua Chesuey, kb AmeHcan girl, and Julian lleeu, as thc*lsuke of Launcester, amused the tbeir comic love scents, The balance of the company's efforts were passable. ARMOR PLATE BIDS OPENED. Washington, Oct, I.—The now Mds for supplying armor plate to the govern ment were openud today by the secretary of tie navy. There were three bidders, as before. It ie almost certain that the Millville Steel company will receive a portion of the work, tu case tbo secre tary decides to let the contract. 'I his will be duo to an agreement with two other companies, in order that the Mill ville concern may not agiin enter the race as a formidable competitor of Car negie’s Bcthlcmem company for the heavy or Kruppized armor plate. 0T ' OPENS IN AMERICA. New York, Oot. I.—Mile. Ida Brassy, a French actress, who fcai came to Aruerioa under oontnet to K.chard Mansfield, will make her debut at the Garden theatre tonight, as Princess Katherine, in “Henry V.” She speaks only French, or English with a decided acoent. A SMALL OVERCOAT SALE. The El’feswtek merchant will sell but very few >jeoats this year. The sound thnihlng'Mran has found that “there Is mneb eoooftmy in having the old coat relincd, clgaped and pr or anew by Jim Car; r at (he Brunswick Cleaning and Pri deg Cos., 6U4 Modi sirs.,!. a 4 ... ¥u lnummw j : tr:wn on, h rst ir.. i to porliaroeiitshnw the f.iilow-I - • . *■' .‘C pi■* o r v s!. ive r r ei^ JMi'-.rU and two|^| PRICE FIVE CENTS. BOW NOW GONOENII Von WaltaßG Hay Yet Do v SfllFifc. BUTCH Of CRI NEWS Reported That Thirty Thousand Boxers Are Gathered Together Near Peuin. Rome, Oot. 1 .—A cable reoeived here eajs that twenty thousand Box ers are reported concentrating North of Pekin. There are now thirty thousand of them assembled west of that oity. The foreign offioe here has submitt ed to the powers tbe suggestions that several provincea of the Chinese em-. pire be oooupied. Report Untrue, St. 1 mersoui*, /v . dared that “all reports of ation of the Chinese proved '®f oburia by Russia are devoid of foun,. dation.” AT THE OGLETHORPE. A. 11. Robinson, Msoon; J, S. VfyJ ley, Savannah; W. J. Danga^JfeßHßn minglmi! i; *-^*§'l W. C. Taylor, Mobil-; fjjl Wayoross; D. L. .lones, R, E. Hearst, Augusta; Louis Lesser, ” New York; H, Cohen, Corpus Christi, Texas A, R, Stewart, Columbia, 8, C.; J. C. Hart,. YMorris, E. R. Mar son and wife, Miss A Reed liob-rt I> n-y.Nzw • erk; V. f ; | 1 Atlanta, ii. M. Anthonyl^® Joe Uartii: 4 W, Al G. Field’a iffinrel; W. .F. Combs, Mioim ; R . Hecht, New York; W. F. Troydon, Philadelphia; G. R. Thigpen, W. W, Haralson, Wsycrosi; J. B. Mills, Miss Georgia Dixon, Mrs. J. B. Mills, Moultrie, Ga.; I. Lehman, Philadelphia; R. L. Car ter, Chariottsvills, Va.; K. B. Rep pard, Ssvannah; V. H. Bakw, Ker nandios. 2,000 CHICAGO SALOONS CLOBK. Chicago, Oot. I, About two thou '•‘uid saloon keepers closed tbeir doors with the coining of this month. Most of these were of small ssioons who depended on the sale of beer by - nl r auy prnfi-, eince the rise iu the P-.ns-of !>ser. 'the Prohibitionitare rrjuic.og, bu there- are early 5,000 sail-ups Mitnpen. Vhie means a fall wW ! ‘ r '’ ■ r - EY— By having the old Mun.Carle.- is the man