The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 04, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUMEXI.’ NUMBER W Mil AT mm ■ftsssiSs if levies Are Present. DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS Never Before in ihe History of the Country Has Such an Enthus-- iastic Politioal Gathering Been Held, Indfatfapolis, Ind., Oct. 3.—The na tional convention of democratic clubs which opened here today, is undoubtedly the greatest political event in the history tf Indianapolis. Though this is one of the chief headquarters of American cities for conventions, this meeting has caused more enthusiasm than any of the great gatherings here since the national a. A. R. encampment in 1893. Every prominent democrat in the state has been hard at work for some time, preparing for the event. There are about fifteen thousand delegates present, wfe-resenting democratic clubs from all over'tkv country- Resides theta- tirert* are about sis thousand visitors in the city The convention will be in session two days. Practically all of the ns ■Wonal leaders of the democratic party are here to deliver addresses. In addition to Mr. Bryan and Mr, Ste venson and President Hearet, of the Na tional Association, there are such speak ers as Bourke Cochran, Bishop Turner, of Georg's, and from the national dem ocratic coanittee, Chairman Jones, Sec retary Walso, Chairman Johnson, of the national executive committee; Sena -4 tor George Wellington, ex-Gov. Cliaun cey Black, of Pennsylvania; Capt, Pat rick O’Farrcll, of Washington, D. C.; P. E. Dowe and Augustus Thomas, the playwright. Clubs have been springing up in every slate, almost in every coun ty and now the aggregate membership ■of the National Association of Demo crat’c Clubs is sludendous. Organiza tion on suck a scale has never been at tempted in anv campaign. Hill in Virgin a Danville, Va , Oct. 2. —There was a red-hot democratic mass meeting held here today. David B. Hill, of New York was the principal speaker. There |Wae an immense audience. Woodruff In Watkins. Watkins, N. Y., Oct. 3.—A republi can rally and public meeting was held here today. Lieut. Gov. Woodruff and Col. Archie E. Baxter addressed the Joint Oebate in West Virginia. Hinton, W. Va , Oct. 3.—A joint de bate was held hero this Jtfternoon be tween Hon. A. B, White and Hon. John H. Holt, republican and democratic can didates for governor, respectively. They took turns opening and- closing. They will also visit Parkersburg, Grafton and Wheeling/- The committee are bearing Hie expenses jointly-/' White and Holt got along ftdrfcirably la debate, and have shown themselves gallant and friendly rivals.' ' DETER mN.KD. SUICIDE. Ad Aged Mau Who Eound ll'm-ielf in the Way-Tokos Hie Own Life - ' . Owensboro, Ky., Off 3.--oeurge Brocks, the oldest-farmer cf Wbites vtlle preamet committed suicide last night. He retired at 8 o’clock. Hs took off the feather bed, roiled it up, and placed it in the corner of the ro6m. He put a olean sheet on the mattress and olean pillowslips on the pillows. He dressed himself in his best suit, tied a white cord around his ankles snd took 35 grains of morphine. He then tied up bis jaws with a strip of white cloth. On being called for breakfast this moroing’jhis son found him with a note in bis Ungers which reed : "Today was my birthday. I am 85 years old. X osme into this world on this day and have been hero long enough. I am in the way and it is best 1 should leave the world.’, NEWS FROM. KEMPFF No Truth in Reports of the- Los of American Gunboat. v i Washington, Oct. 3,—The navy de partment has received tho following/ "Cavite, Out. 2.—There is no truth In any unfavorable reports concerning the VilDlobos or her crew. Manila papers of Sept. 88 published false report. “Kbmpitv.”' '; The Villalobos is the American gun boat recently reported lbt. MARKET DEMORALIZED, . -•■‘‘•J American Company and Arbuckioftros. Reduced Prices. New York, Oct. 3.—The sugar market is demoralized. The American company has reduced prices for redact! 15 pouts" Arlmckle Broß. have reduced their price list 20 points for fine granulated. This Is 5 points under the American and other refineries, and it is rumored that other Independent refineries are making reduc tions of 25 points NEGRO KILLED. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 3. R.C. O. Ben jamin, the colored author, attorney and editor, was killed by Michael Monohan as a result of a quarrel over the regis tration of another negro yoter. Benja min wat one of the leading members of his race. He was edit rof the Stand ard, a iournal for the negro race, and attracted attention recently by appear ing recently as attorney for “Tallow" Combs, charged as principal in the murder of Goebel. CHINESE COMMISSIONERS. Pekin, Sept. 28, via Shanghai, Oof. 3 -Prince Cbing has been informed of t the Issuance of the imperial ifsrtree naming Liu Kun Yi, viceroy at Nan king, and Chang Chi Tung, viceroy at Hao-Kow, as assistant commissioners to negotiate terms of peace, BRUNSWICK' GA. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1900. 11 818 A Wi ll HI m He Recei?- S4 IMF FOR I SILVER PLANK e*; . , v ’ • -/A- He Challenges' An Investigation, The Great Leader Has a Word to Say About Unjust / , Taxation. 'Y Portage, Wls., Oct. B.—A sp crial 'car rying Mr. Bryan and party ran down here from LaCroß6a last night, file, Bryan's attention was called to a state ment by Mr. Kingman that he received. *150,000 for iasietiiig upon the si! v*F plank in the KansaijjL’ity pl&VorapH and' It is charge of * mii&ifygif li'i** bekiJjiL* wf? : hi publican maybaye mi roaeoi| fot,ropea't ing tbfofeaiijfc |.will say that it is abso lutely ivory particular. No one ever off*’’cd, premise -Sh-ji,UTiTny other sum, for urging that plank, or. any other the Kan sas City platforiapor any other plat form. Ulo uot.A'Hbw.anythiiig of Mr. , ' Kingman, but fia siAbefii u cousin of Senator Uultom, Jidil jf'do : know some thing of Senator CUllOm. He should know whe'her his.bonsih 1 trustworthy •r- not, and tf Senator Cullom will state over his own signature that he believes what Ms cotisln says; and is willing to .represent him Jit ‘way Investigation of Vie charge, 1 vitrlil make him a proposi tion which will give gOu an Pt>por Amity to produce'evidence," Mr. Bryan ipok* hete during the morn ing. . in introducing ftlr. Bryan Mayor Jones predicted that* flve< months from today he would move the executive mansion in Washington. Whether that happy prophecy will be fulfilled will ‘depend (somewhat un your voices,’’ said Mr, Effyan. “But I’ want you to know, ib the language of the song, *1 am wilting to leaye my happy home for you,’ ” " Mr. Bryan took-up the question of taxa'ion, saying: ‘‘Unjust taxation is simply larceny by law; anil do you know, my friends, a9 1 have studied the government and poli cies of the government, I have made up my mind that atealing done by those in the peni entlary is not as great as scal ing done by an unjust law. You may think that a strong statement, but jult remember the number of men in the penitentiary is small compared with the population.'’ AN EARTHQUAKE Washington, Oct. 3 —Sol Berliner, United States minister at Tucriffe, Ca nary Island, reports to the sta e depart ment that an earthquake shock was felt there today. Damage slight. Mr. U. Verdery ooutmues to im prove. lii it lit : i it Eim V v . . , ' Dejnocrais -Estimale Their : lajorily at 60,000. PDPiJST TICKET BPRDNG On Acicount of No Opposition a Very Sinall Vote Was Polled in Many Countieß in the State . -K,/ ’ , .-...Wr5..., . Atlaou/Oct. 3 *-iThe genural election for state house officers, members of tbe general assembly, judges end solicitors of superior courts and county officers .Was he din G sorgia toduy. A conatitu- Mjtfal was also yotejd to The s ate shall gtMrV-poc sions lOfloAfgent widows wfCy.oftderfUe L L j- "■ ‘soldiers, Contests arcfttly iff counties Whore thjji populists are an-oogost. They had a ticket in the field, but the democratic executive committee say ‘Uo.vfruogJc&udlcr and the ticket will baPe a amjerity of HO OtHl. The voting wit not-TathV,. -v /-W Populist Ticket Sprung. 3.—The populists sprung a full ticket in Clarke oouuty today, ft was quite a surprise, Bur nett, (Dernv) will be elected, tenre tentative,-' but, there is Stone, the democratic senator of the Twenty-seventh dis trict, which is doubtful, may he de feated . ■■*'/. '*% f ft • MRS. DEAp. . s. -<Je j ■ A Passed Ay sy This Morning Af ! r a Week’d Illness, Mr. .fibhu, Ward , one of tbr'.gjdest residents of Brunswick, (HfdfKM‘3 -30 o’clock this morning at the residence of her daughter,'{Mrs. Samuel Cor nelius, SBS E street, after an illness of a week. t, . aft „ Jtfrq. Ward leaves a large family to mourn tier loss, her husband and five children, Mr. Thos. L. Ward, of Quinoy, Fla.; Mr. A. C. Ward, of At lanta, and MdSsrs. Ball and Sam Ward and Mrs. S;mu 1 Ooroelius, of this city, besides a large circle of friends. The funeral will take place this af ternoon at 3 o’clock from the B-cotga Advent church, The Timkh-Cam. m patby to the family of the aeoeased. > YOM KIPPUR CELEBRATION. Great Israeli e Holiday Began at Sun set Tuesday. Tuesday at Sunset the Israelites all over the world commenced the celebra tion of their most important of holidays, the Day of or, as it is called in the Hebrew, - is celebrated in accordance with tbe scriptural injunction (Numbers xxix, TANARUS), which reads: “And on the tenth day of this month ye shall have au holy convo cation and ye shall afflict your souls nud yeshall do no manuer, of work” All Jewish holidays are ob erved from sun down to sundown; Vom Klppur, there fore, lasted from Tuesday evening at 0 o'clock until the same hour yesterday evening, aqd all the Jewish business houses' remained closed during these hours, agd the time was spent in worship and-pTayef at tiie sySagogue. ALDBRMAN TUPPER. He Has B?en Svqrn lu b> clerk H. F. du Bignon. Tuetday of Glynn county Su perior oourt. Harry F. du Big.rnn, ad ministered the oath of office to sitier man-sleot, W. M. Tuppor. The oere mony took plaoe in City Clerk Bodet'a office. Alderman Tuppsr suooeeds Dr. Branham, and assumes the cares and responsibilities of membership on sev eral important committees of oounoil, the most-important being the chair Vitj* ■ „ mansbip of Sanitation oommittee* SATURDAY AFTEBOON. Wm.Tupper & Company’s New Tug Boat Will Be Launohed. on cjajuroay afternoon, about 4 o’clock, the Messrs. Win, Tupper & Company’s new tug host "Raymond” will be launobed. The Raymond is a very paetty little tug and was built in this m!j on tbe Mallory dook. jr Quite a number of Brunswiokians wjjl be present to see her launobed Saturday.' . BANKERS IN BSLQN. Richmond, Va. r Oot. 3.—Thdsessicn of the American BanJkera’ Association this morning was devoted largely to a call of the Statßß as to the conditions of business. Responses were made from three-fourths of the States, and tbe (reports were most encouraging. United States Treasurer Ellle H. Rob erts addressed the convention on the treasury and money market. INCREASE IN KATES. Chicago, Oct. B.—A meeting of the railroad traffic managers was held here today, to consider tho proposed increase of two cents In the grain rates. Tho question has not yet been settled, but it is the feeling in favor of raising the rate is apparently unanimous. hjhaOKH Pf Kurt W.-tb, Oat. 3.-The latest re water, pl.E thB 0 011011 d *“‘V* r ° bale*. The value** reoent n ° o<,f ,nJ $20,000,000. lhe loB< st 40U > o<,o sfJsKlk i* not lees than boot lllly i’entisj lyania'H shall. 0; ColuoH^ Howard, 12; Williams, :t r >; I rsintin,0; Vale, 27: ’XHB I’r.noeton, 10; Mtevens, Mc PRICE FI VE CENTS. ELEGTIONI Sf 01 Lack of Opposition Male EntAnslasin Useless Iflß OUT ONE CONTEST And the Nominee of the Demo cratic Party Defeated His ' Independent Opponent Very Easily. The eleotion in Glynn oounty yes terday was a very quiet one. Oo ao oount of little opposition, a small vote was polled. The only candidate who had a tight on his hands was sheriff W. H. Berrie, who stood for re elec tion. He was.opposed by Mr. John B. Dart. There was very little scratching done on the state tioket. Mr. H. 8. Lee led the ticket by one vote, Judgs Horace Dart, for ordinary, and Mr,. Harry dn Bignon for clerk of the Su p°rior court oatue next. Following is the vote u r ei, B ooun ty tioket: For Senator : J. J. Upchurch 55$ J. I'. Robinson 30 Upchurch majority K2H For Sheriff: W. H. Bsrrie 633 John Dart 76 Berrie’s majority 446 * For Representative: W. F. Symons ' 683 For Ordinary; For ClerjgfHperiojA' 'Wmmmmm H. F. du 81gn08...^.. Receiver of Tax Returns : J. E. Dubbarly 604 For Tax Collector : • W A fefc J. Read. .....578 For Treasurer : H, H. 599 For Surveyor: E. A. Peonifuan 579 For Coroner; G. A. H. Jennings 676 County Commissioners: C. D. Ogg 677 J. J. l.'Jtt 695 T. Newman 596 H. U. Raymond 591 W. R. " u?s J. B. Wright 694 Davis Dubberly 693 No returns have been received from the county preoinotr, but it is thought that only a small vote was polled at all of them ABOUT SETTLED. . Oo4. 3.— Acooiding to latest report* here ib* oral strike is II as good a‘ sejtled. Lehigh Naviga ■itf? njHNHfcp'Vived ad |g| tors and Mite hell ..-this afternoon 111 ,/ke.