The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 04, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MSI MUD le City Court aid Mat tit Is Doing. * mimn\ facts Judge Sparks Tells the County Board of What This Court Has Done. At the meeting of the County Com missioners Tuesday the following was received from Judge Sparks of the City Court: Oct. 2, tj:o. To the Honorable County Commis sioners of Glynn County, O.orgia: Oentlemcn--! have been Informed that your Honorable chairman, at a meeting of your board recently held, made a statement with regard to the expenses of the City court of Bruns wick for the first halt of this year, un .•der my administration thereof as judge, and the first half of tho year 1809, un der the administration ot Samuel C. Atkinson, Esq , as judge thereof anc! that the broad statement was made that the said expenses of tbe court for ,Qie first haif of the year 1899 amount ed to $540.37 lees than for the corre- spoudlug time of the year 1900; thqt the jail fees pertaining •'** City iuc niai naif of the year 1899 amounted to 915,80 less than the jail fees tor the corresponding time of the year 1900. If my information be correct as to this statement having been made be fore your body by vour chairman and witheui going into the details, it is one J?"alHy J Never ?■ f ,. • experiment It is the high 1 quality of Royal Wujt SO .STL'S* iraport ? ll ‘ lished its great an article and world-wide . reputation. as tne Every house- I*— wife knows sh^hnjjJUl MM can ” Fc, y >'P on fnn/1 it; that it makes l" o * l * the bread and ' jle hiscuit more delicious and some—always the finest thajj be baked. It is economy andevep'*^ e better to use thtffflfefllHp*’ never work a 1 wavs tV a > ** taking calculated to, place me in an incorrect light and to do me -serious Injury, as well aa to make the "City court very un popular. In order that you may understand what the present judge of said court has been doing and whether or not the City court of Bruoswlci, as presently ran is costing the county more than be fore the present judge was appointed to the judgeship thereof, I have per sonally made a search of the records of said court for tbe entire year of 1899 and tor the first six months of the year 1900, and herewith submit you attach ed to this letter a statement of the cas3 disposed of for the entire year of 1899 and for the first half of the year 1900; from which statement vou will see that I ,by the end of the year 1900, at the same rate, the present judge ol th said court will have disposed of very near ly four times the business hi* prede cessor disposed of In the same length of time. This being true, from a com parative standpoint, the expenses of the City court for the first half of tbe year 1900, Instead of being more than for tho corresponding time of 1899, was nearly three times less. As to the jail fees, you will see from eaid statement that 1 have, for the first six months, disposed of .more cases than did Mr. Atkinson for the entire year, and tbiebetng true, had my pris oner* remained in jail as did his, in stead of the jail fees bohjg #15.90 more they would have been several hundred dollars more, In justice to myself and the other of ficers of said court, I feel called upon to submit you this communication and beg leave that you may allow the time-upmad. upow the. mi Quits ol your voatd. y Very truly yours, J KrKXKBOsb, Sl-AUK*, Judge City Courl Brunswick. Civil bmdasas disposed of in the City Court of Blutsswick, daring the entire year of 1899 by Judge S.C, Atkinson, Total number of cases disposed of, 42; as follows: - ; /• Verdicts , 10 THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, OCTOBER 4, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. t The Quaker Herb Ton ic is Dot only a bicod purifier, but a Blood maker for I‘a)e, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Ebeumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stolhach and Nerves soon succumb to its wonderful •effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend it. Price $l.OO. QUAKER PAIN is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in faot, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c 'and 60c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skm, acalp pnd complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEADING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, ecxema and eruptions of the akin. Price 10c a box. ~~ ~ FOR SALE BY ALI. DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. . Polliill's Drusj Store Judgments by the court £ 1# Dismissed for variorn causes —l7 Making . ..42 Criminal business disposed ol during entire year 1899 by Judge S. C. Atkin son. Total uutnber oi caies, 89; as fol low*: Verdicts guilty ... 16 Verdicts not guilty .12 Nolle piotequi 17 Discharged on second demand....... '2 Mistrials 2 Demand for indictment by grand jury 16 Indictment quashed..... ..•••• 2 Judgments guilty 3 Judgment not guilty.... 3 Pleas guilty. 16 Making a total of. .89 1990—Civil eases tried and dbpnsed of in tbe City court of Brunswick for of tbe year 1900 by Judge jury 5 Judgments by court 7 Dismissed for various causes ...It Making the total number 23 Criminal casts disputed of for tho flwt half cf year amounting to 143, as follows: ** Verdiots guilty . i ..., i,,. 1 9 Verdfjjis not guilty 20 Fie!! toilij.... v. . ........ k .23 Discharged ou second demand 6 Mistrial ... 3 Bound over lo Super&r court . ib Carried from Issue to <lead docket. ..s3 ,*“ ' i: Making a total cl 143 cases oh crlmit cal docket disposed of during the first two lerras of 1900 This does not include any business tried and disposed of since the Ist day of August, 1900. The above, 1 think, wyll be found correct, and upon being certified Irotti the records ihat same wt|l coincide with ibis state- Respectful.y submitted. Whenm need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. I'aWitt's I.ittlo Early Risers are pu-mpbpal auhle, pleasaDt, powerful, purifying little pills >' mitts Hare you a tense of tutlaessin the region of yonr Btotuach after eating? If so you will tie be net! ten by nsing Chamberlain’* Sioroaeh anil Liver Tablet!. They alao erne l etching and •our stomach. They regulate bowels too. Price2Sc. 5.14 i,y Idaho;)’* Drug S.oic. For sprains, there is "O’f "j* .0 good * I'MflfrialuV Pain Bata. jgßfd Dr. "hop'adrug store THE ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Brunswick Riflemen Will Give Their Friends a Good Time. Tbe Brunswick Riflemen will give their friend* a good time at their armory tonight, beginning at eigh< o’clock. It is' the opening of tbe company’s armory, and a very appropriate pro gram has been arranged, consisting of apeeobea, refreshments, a prise drill, and a dance. All who attend, are promised a good time. Btngngtben the tired kidneys and purify the liver and bowels with a few doses of Prickly Ash Bitters. P la an admirable kidney tonic. W. J. Botts, druggists. A Slight Attack of Cramp* may bring oo Diarrbcea, which is, in mi y oases, followed by Inflammation of tbe stomach and other dangerous com plaint*. All such disorders are dan gerou , and should in their infancy be treated with tbe beat known remedy. The merits of Pain-Killer are known, and it la r, cognised as tbe standard spec fl-i for cramps, dlarrbces, etc. Avoid substitutes. There is bat one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis’. Price 26c. and 50i, For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCHTJ: ' -■■■—■ " - Rubber Stamp*, Seals, Stencil*, Badges, Check Protector*, Numbering Machines, Steel and Brass Dies,. Steel Log Stamps, etc. ’ “ V A f aw, Agent. 31$ Newcastle street. > Tho Goravn bo ufi’pp;, 8 Get into, the b'Jviv' iiD.i un | coverc\;cry u-fiiik hence -5 so in an v fat alitii*a ,ift,er pco pic [ think, tinny jftu wcU ol La- K Grippe.. . , . I JOHNSON S CHIIL and FEVER TONIC l Cures La Grippe Cure* Hln day Gure* it Complotely And 1* *nf*i™ar<fjurairT4t the dan * ger which follow la Jis train. 8 USE y<)TftiKd,El9iK. f. Shccuts If U mi res; . H<A * <*rnt IT 1: does uot. K A. D. GMi-.VyjEAL), Sur'aana ii, Ga. ‘ OPERA HOUSE. Ti4o Performances Only. Friday Night, An [ 0 Saturday Night, (Jo 00 SIXTEENTH ANNUAL TOUR. lie fti G. M fireotef MINSTRELS. OLDEST! BIGGEST! BEST! ->o—ieopl e-30 AN ENTIRE TRAIN OF PALACE CARS The Mi st Expensive Organization of the Kind in Ex s ence 12—A TRIBE OF MAMELUKES—I2 The Old World’s Oreateht trrotuite, presenting the Orient*! Spectacle “IHB FETE AT MECCA ’ AL. O- FIELD. ARTHCR RUGBY. TOMMY DONNELLY. DOC QUIGLEY. PASCATEL. TBE NONDESCRIPT, The Man with a Hundred Form*. :: A Night in Paris Dnrißg tie Eipositicn” BERRY & HUGHES. MJ6T KEYS, Musical Mokes. Grotesque Athlete WATCH FOB THE BIG STREET PAGEANT PRICES, 50c 75c BDi SI,OO. 9 oo Drops ‘svi -~• •">;. _ AVegetable Preparalionfor As similating the Food andße£ dia ling the Stomachs andßowels of IINIVN 1S /1 HIL 1) Kh N Promotes Digestion.Cheerfuf ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Jtoa/K ofOUArSmaiPtTCIWI /M). .W- . j4bcSmtt*t * l RMLSg*- I ) A period Remedy forConslipa- Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. A t b moiilh-. old ,J) Dosi S - JjCl MS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. , Summer ' A bargains w F u rnitur^- A clearance sa’e to make room for new goods. I Parlor Suit, 6 pieces, worth $4O, sens 39. 1 Oak Refrigerator, w.rlh $2O. now.|3Hi. mm 1 Oak B'd Room Suite. 3 piece*, worth $25, now $l3 Bed Lounges, worth $lO, row sl2.™ Centre Table* 50 ceo's to $O. lee Creaui Frteasrs worth $2 .50 at $1.38. A large assortment, of Sideboards, Cupboards J|'[l Prices Below the Market. fSSm C. McGARVEY. |Pt I C.BBggmL | jg"g | ■-!—■■■ * ■■■ ■ —■■■■■-■ M.... !i! '■! -JSSS OPEN AGAIN. Jno. VeruKi wines, Liquor, Cigars, Etc. Is now ready for business, We will sell yon got(?> per o**ut less tnan orisrluai cost. 606 Monk Strict. igugf iiiii fill iriT '-AllWh -o lh*- liquids come from om| stuck. Wo carry such a fine Ituel^ "JY that It is impossible to find a brand WD r V* -'' which Is not pleasing in tome point, C AwH These ire fully matuied, , ,• <-'y’j£,*..*r kF have a fine rich tody and mellow Kxcelleut for family or any us?. ll|| R- V-- DOUGLAS, CUSTOM* j For^fenteaßdjChildren. The Kind You Have Always Bought | Bears the - £ j Signature //\xf jApT* Use V For Over | Thirty Years CASTORIA TMC OCMTAUN COMSkNY. NEW TOWN CITV, •