The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 04, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Hurry! Hurry! t*-t —— Hurry! BIG CUT RATE SALE. OUR STOCK MUST QO —EVERYTHING AT COST Shoes. h ' Human'c Shoes at...... $3.00 Men’s Vici Kid Bale at • • 2.50 Men’s Tan Vici Bals at '. 2.25 Men’s Calf Bals at.... 2 -25 Ladies Ultra Boots at 2.75 Ladies’ Kid Lace Boots at -.25 Ladies’ Kid Button Boots at ' 22? Ladies’ Patent Leather French Heel Ties at 2.75 A LARGE LINE OF MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S SHOES AT COST. PALMER SHOE COMPANY. 116 Newcastle Street. " S THEATRICAL. •FIELDS GBJT.'VTFJJ- M IV.^TRELS. They Will Be Here Friday and Satur day Nigh t. Doc (Quigley, he of the eccentric mein and equally eccentric legs, ia with the Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels again this season and scoring heavily and steadily just as he always did. Many men can be funny in voice and jesturo, few can make their legs serve the same ends. Hoc Quigley Is one of the men ■who can, To see him across the stage would bring a laugh from a graven im DOC QUIGLEY, "With the Al. G. Field’s Greater Min strels. * ■■will tickle our risibilities again with plenty of new conceits "in the dancing line, something away from the ordinary and something worth seeing. Assisting him are Bob Keyes, Jas. Devlin, Dean Elliott, Billy Caw ley and a corps of other black face “Corpyss” who will give us genuine southern shuffles in all their plcaßlng variations. Dancing is always popular I anl the more so since artists like Doe ' Quigley haye, pushed It to the fore. It forma, as usual, one of the popular feat ures of the Al. G. Field Greater Min strels, who come sixty strong, including a tribe of mameluke acrobats to the opera house Friday and Saturday nights of this week. NOTHH. The parades which Al. G. Field’s Greater Minstrels will give on Friday and Saturday are said to surpass those given by many circuses. The Packard Opera Cos. wilt he here on tiie 30lh of this month. ——-i. i Don’t be deceived or humbugged by ipeopl who claim the discovery of some hitherto nn-j known herb or root in swamps, or on some mountain or prairie for the cure of kidney and bladder troubles, Any doctor or druggist will tell you that euch claims or fraudulent. Foley's Kidney Cure simply contains remedies that are recognized by the most skilful physicians as !eat for these complaints, so don’t be credulous or foolish. W.J. Butts. IS A GORGEOUSLY BOUND !Work of art has just been issued at an outlay of over SIOO,OOO, for which the publishers desire a Manager in this county, also a good solicitor; good pay to the right party. Nearly 100 full-page engravings, sumptuous pa per, illuminated covers and bindings; over 200 golden lilies in the'Morocco binding-; nearly 60 golden roses in tbo cloth bindings. Sells at sight; presses running day and night, so great is the sale. Christian men and women making fortunes taking orders. Rapid promotions. One Christian wo man made clear SSOO in four weeks, taking orders among her church ac quaintances and friends. Write us. It may lead to a permanent position to manage our business and look after our large correspondence, which you can attend to right at your home. Ad dress J. A. Knignt, Secretary, Corco ran building, opposite United States Treasury, Washington, D. C. Bad blood is a bad thing to inherit or acquire but bad blood may be made good blood by tak ing Hood’s Sarsaparilla. THEIBRUNSWAOIL TIMES-CALL OCTOBER 4, 1900 o'-* • f ~ %• '}( .Tt ,^OTT'n MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It ia certainiy gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Goughs and Golds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of tbia great -inedioine, and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless oases, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, and all diseases of the Throat, Chest snd Luflgq are surely cured by it, Call ou all drnggi its, and get a free trial buttle. Regular size : 500. and sl. Every.bdt.tle guaranteed, or price refunded. I’ure Whiskey, Harper’s. Parfeot- Wbikey, Harper’s. *Kvery h'>ttls guaranteed Harper’*. s3old byT. N ;w --man, Brunswick, Mother# must nut forget that Dr, McTTott’a Teothiua (Teething Powders) will cure their child. - /'■" V’-*. The Oldest and Bpst .S, S. S. is a combination of roots _ and herbs of great curative potyigH, and when taken into the ’circulation searches out and removes alt manner of poisons from the blood, vcdtliout the least shock or harm to the system. On the contrary, the general health begins to improve from the first dose, for S. S. S. is not only a blood purifier, hut an excellent towic, .and strength ens and builds up the constitution while purging the blood of impuri ties. S. S. S. cures all diseases of a blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheum atism , Chronic Sores and Ulcers, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Herpes and similar troubles, and is an infallible cure and the only antidote for that most horrible disease, Contagious Blood Poison. A record of nearly fifty vears of successful cures is a record to be proud of. S. S. S. is more popular today than ever. It numbers its friends by the thousands. Our medical corres pondence is larger than ever in the history of the medicine. Many write to thank ns for the great good S. S. S. has done them, while others are seek ing advice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention. Our physicians have made a life-long studyof Blood and Skin Dis eases, and better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner who makes a specialty of no one disease. We are doing great KN good to suffering humanity through consulting de partment, and invite you to write us if you have any blood or skin trouble. We make no charge whatever for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, OA. BIST PfflfJX . best goods, best trjatrncut-sag tlioso urn tbo tbreo jUlpyß which rule in this store iicHK; seasons of the year. My Is to give perfect aiuitfaction.” There la no reason why I should not; and if, at, any time, you get anything here which is not right, i ask that j ou tell me of it. ITEMS FOR TODAY: New Eyaprated Peaches. New Eyaprated Apples, New Francs. See Them. TF3S.KEANY GROCERIES* x Phone 11, • ’ 312 Newcastle Street. ELI ZISSIMATO, 3021 Newcastle St. Mii:.... CIGARS AND TOBACCO Ice ‘Cream Fresh LErer? iDaOlilkl Shake Soda Water Etc,, All Kindi of,‘Candy. OEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics, Country Produce —VegetabUMJc. Also Confection!^ MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK, fa A Gent’s Furnishings. Men’s Gold and Silver Shirts at 7 c and SI.OO Men’s Summer Underwear at Cost. Men’s Winter Underwear at Cost. Large Line of Guyei Hats $2.25 Men’s Stiff Hats, latest styles 1.75 Boys’and Youth’s Shoes at $1,20 A large line of half hose and E. &W, Collars at cost. Our line of Neckwear is swell and complete. Men’s Work Shirts all sizes at ; 65c Come and See Us, Lunch Basket Free I t-k .'•'■ ■ v* With every pair of boys’ or girls Shoes sold we will giye Free a Nice Lunch Basket r MRS. M. ISAAC, The Largest Dry Goods Store, 208 and 208 1-2 Newcastle St KIDNEY DISEASES are® the most fatal of all dis eases. i dll. I O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians ‘ ' tKg Best for Kidney and Bt Jfroubles. PRICE 504.0f7-.00. W. J. Butts, the O', Wist SHAKE INT^!_#- RUt * er i7 .afsyetle, Allen’i.DKit-F.aso. a powder. Item" smarting, nervou* Icet and Ingrowing- n • instantly taxes the stingont of corn- nrr * ’ ’ lons, it’s the greatest conifrrt dlsoovei aO. Allen’s Foot-Base mnkos tight shoes feel easp. It lsaoertain on*- ' Ing, callous and hot -irs.i ~o>s today. Soldi-' I y mail fojr. Louis N. Jones, of Wajorose, ia I Address ' LYTTo tbeoity. ....very, board, 1 Finest turnou 1 ' Tel. 97. , A * .UMit. Pleasant to the taste. Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. MEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Eliminates uric acid. The best emedy for Rheumatism and diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Ki ’ ..u company reo Tices that ooal cperarist*. had reaohed agreement; JILIN E CO. that will end the etri .-&BY WVWW -d, ThS'Druga-ist,. 3