The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 04, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 <§o©iety. SCHOOL AH A IS. What Miflafu! pec the city hold?, And thankful mothers eay Once more Unit school (end safety) folds Each little flock away; To flying earn no anxious looks Turn now; there’s comfort when Thoe daring V>oye with lunch and books * Have gone to school again. No Indian war whoops pierce the air. No tortured shocks have led {detracted women to declare Some child Is nearly dead; King in, ye blessed bells of nine, A reign of quiet, then Then these noisy boys with sigh and whine Have gone to school again. The neighboring cats bask In the sun, A feathered chorus sings “Birds, aren’t yon glad that school’s begun For bojs with deldly sllnga?'’ But at my door lies Hover auinb With grief beyond my ken, liis master, nay, his friend and chum, Ha gone to acboo) again. Trapeze aud bars deserted wait That busy sand-lot oorph The swinging, squirming, squealing freight Those rings and ropes upbore, Hits silent, caged (you might lielieve) W ithin some prison pen. Those athletes,(meekly though they grieve), Have gone to school again. Young eyes that smile at sun sky, Frown hard at black and white, As hours like days golaggy by. While four walls spoil delight Of outdoor fun, of merry noise Of glad vacation, w hen# Life’s happiest creatures were these boys Just.goue to school again. At seven (.’clock yesterday evening Ibe wedding if Mr. L. A Robinson to Miss Sophie Morton oocir..d at S'. Mark’s Episcopal churoh. The rhanoel was decorated with pslms and cat flowers, and soft lights oast a lustre over (be many friends Duffy’s Malt ' Whiskey No Puml on. THE WORLD’S FAMOUS C CONSUMPTION CURE has no equal. PrneribOd by leading doctOtf tar hair a century a* the only absolutely pure,litvliroratM' Stimulant ana tonic. All druggists and grocers or atgget #I.OO a bottle. Write for our free medical booKfat. mnrrra malt whisket co., Rochester, k.t. FINE FURNITURE. A' Page* of talk on our furniture * stock would give but half an idea of 'L the beauty and economy found here- Visit the Store and let the goods do their own talking and the prices their own saying? More than an entire train load of suits and odd pieces have been placed on these doors since last you were here. See about it CARPETS, RUGS, MATTITQ, Never were the prices on these'high ticles so low as at present. Never have the pat terns been so beautiful, the qual’to so excellent or the price so attractive. *> Each new season finds this departmeriikn better condition to fill your wants. The princifwp&reign carpet and rug centres have represenkfetion here. Wo are quoting Lower Prices ThafiMSver. nr m & M assembled to witness the sacred cere mony. As the alraioa of tbs wedding march 111 ed the air, the bride entered the church accompanied by her father, Mr. John It. Moro-, and preceded by lbs maid of honor, Mi-s Carrie Bailey. At (he chancel they were met by the groom and (be best man, Mr. 8. C. Littlefield. There is the beautiful servie a o( the Episcopal church tbe sacred words were pronounced, uuitiug forever 'he lives of these two you g people in tbe bond wb cb can never be brok en in this life. During the ceremony the organist, Miss Helen O’Cooor, played softly ths sweet and cltsaio a'rai is of “An Idyll*." The bride’* dress was of white silk with a bodioe of chiffon and she ear ned a large boneb of brides’ ro*ee. Her vc l , whiob was of real lace, is a b-irloom and was worn by her grandmrttier aud her mother when they were married, was fastened with a diamond pin, 'be gift of the groom. The maid of honor wore white or* gand e over while taffeta silk ard carried a bouquet of white cams lions. Immediately after the oeremony the bridal party drove to ths residence of the bride’e parent’, where a repast served, the young ocuple leaving at once amidst the congratulations and beat wish,s for a tour through the East and North. The ceremony was performed by R-’V. W. H. Uaeney, and ths uaher. were Mr. E. L. MoGougan and Mr. E. L. Htepbena. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will reside for a slidrt (line with Mr. and Mr*. Mor on. Misses Nelli* and Lola Calvin left yesterday afternoon, to spend some time viaitirg in Hu rlb Georgia Mist Marie I),iVoe I* Improving from her recent illness, to the del’ght' of her many friends. Masters Tuumasand Ford Fuller and xjE S . _ • m #fc\' Frederick I’enniman have returned to orter college at Charleston. * . |l —o Mfs. Moses Hirsch left last week THE BRUNSWICK TIMEvCALL, OCTOBER 4, 19c0 A TRYING JBR position Jjmm “My position is a trying one’’ was fashionable be reaching and JU after hour from morn until niglit. And is a very meager UVI Mr ll outline of a busi- ™ ' ness woman's day. With many such women tbe ordinary strain of labor is intensified and .aggravated by a diseased condition of the delicate organs, aud they become victims of that terrible backiulhe, pr blinding h -adache; which is so common among business women. If you are liearing this burden, bear it no longer. For the backache, head ache, nervousness and weakness which spring from a diseased condition of the womanly organs there is a sure cure in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Half a million women have been per fectly and permanently cured by this wonderful medicine. /“ My niece was troubled Wills female weakness for about four years before 1 asked for your advice,” write’s Mr. J. \V. McGregor, of 6ad .St and Princeton Ave., Chicago. Ills, ” You advised her to take Dr. Fierce Favorite Prescription which ■site did faithfully for nine months, and now we must acknowledge to yoa that she is a u/elt ivoman We cannot thank you enough for the cure." Sick women can consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. Address, Buffalo, N. Y. for Dillas, Texts, which will be her future home. Mr*. K. E. L, Burfortf sml little daughter, Liis, cima op from Quaran tine on Monday, and will remain per manently, • # Mi* Blanche Forsyth, of St. Simon, has returned from a pleasant visit to friends in Brunswick. Mr. Burden Brantley has accepted a position a* salesman at Krause' bakery. Mr. and Mrs. H, M. Robinson, of St. Simon, oarne over yesterday, to at tAod Hip Robinsoo-Mortun wedding. jgr Davenport has return ed to Washington, to attend school. Mr. and Mra. R. M. Stevens and lit tle daughter, of Wtllaooochea, who hive been tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs, j. R Morton, leave today for a trip North. •■“~o Tbe condition of Mrs. J. L. Beach, who is seriously ill in Atlanta, is re potted to be a little improved. Mr. and Jtos?fl||w-aUr ohildran, of hV Simo, cirne oirr to be present at the Rub*. Hi MSn-3d orton wedding. RED HOT FROM THE GUN Wat tbe ball that bit G. B, Stead* man, of Newark, Micb., in the Civil war. It caused Inrrible Ulcen that no treatment help for 20 years. Then Buoklen’s Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cute, Bruisps, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Beat Pile cure on eartb, 35cte. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by ail druggists. HT* Money loaned on personal property estate. Ap ply to J. vf. vVatKins. _ | ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND ' rPditvKftWv: I There Is no kind of pain l | or ache, Internal or eater- 1 Jnal, that Pain-Killer ;wll|i 'not relieve. i | LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS ANOjAj .STITUTES. the genuine botM .BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS A SON. ] SHIPPING REPORT. Corrected Daily by Capt. Otte Johanneses Port of Bruns#iok, Oct. 3, 1800. AASIVED, Schr. Samael B. HubbarJ. Coverdell, New York, BRAVE MEN FALL Vie'ime to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles, as well as women, and all feel tbe results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, ner vousness, headache, and tired, lutless, run-down feeling. But there’s no need to feel like ibat. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, lad. Be says: “Electric Bitters are just tbe thing lor a man when be is all run down, and don’t eare whether fce lives o die*. It did mors to give me near strength and goed appetite than any thing I could take. I can now eat anything and have anew lease on life.” Only 30 cents, at all drug stores. Every bottle guaranteed The editor of the Port rills, Ky„ Jtiscallan eoos, writes u a postscripts a business letter: “I wascuysd of kidney trouble by taking Foley’* Kidney Cure, ’’ Take nothing else, W. i. Uni is Our Oreateat Specialist For 20 years Dr. 3 Newton Hath away has ao successfully 'reated chronlo diseases that he is acknowledged today to stand at the head of his f rofession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 80 per cent, of ail cases. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, eatarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful’ Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your cash. He makes no charge for consultation or adviev, either at his of floe o'r by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 26 Bryan Street. Savannah, Oa CAN vor tkLl why Yon have constant headaches, are nervous and sleepless at night and feel tired in the morning? Your blood Isn’t carrying the right materials to your nervoe and other organs.. Begin taking Rood’s Sarsaparilla, the great Wood enriclx r, and you will soon realise a change. You will feel better #ud stronger, will relish 1 yotii food wl enjoy refreshing sleap. Nanraa, indlgcstinn aro cured by Hood’s Pills Poisonous toaostoobr resapiblmg umsbroonn have caused, triaiucnt deaths Unyo.(r. it* sure to use only tho genuine, ohaone tlio same care when you ask for Ito Will’s With- Masrl Sal** They are [lelsnnoue coumerfrits. D Witt’s is the only original TVitch Il4zl Shtvo. It lirsafe and cci isin ruie for ptles enit all akin diseases w j nutts. -j - ; "’ T." - Large sun spots, agyotmirupi say, caused the extreme heat this summer, and (looters destnre nearly all Uiept<*tration were induced by dis orders of the stomach, ttjjbd biutltli follows good digestion. KodblOyapapsia Onre diteals what yon eat. tf yon haCa HBWgistlon or dye pepsiwit will q >l. kig islieve sad permanently curt-you. W. J, liuUi>. I, . * For Hackachc se STUART’S (iIX and BUCHU: FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. The teiWwifig njiliable building lots, charmingly situated m the resident pcrUnv&ttfc* city, are for sale on easy terms: 133x180, .Union a’.reef, running baok to RVyholils atreet. Tbn piece of property oan be diTided into aix lots, 45t90 each, tbxee fronting on Union and three on Reynold* atreetv, and ia situated immediately north of tbe residence of Mr. Glauber. Lot on the east aide of Union street, opposite tbe residence of Mr. John H. McCul lough, 90xlS0 feet, oan be divided into four 10t545x90; two fronting on Union and lwo on Kllis street*. Lots ISOxISO feet, cornering on Albany, Albemarle and Amberet streets,.can be divided into eight lots, 15x90 feet each. Also lots on Gloucester street, between Al bany and Amberet streets, and lots on Albany, between Gloucester and F streets; and on Amherst street, be tween Gloucester aud F streets. To anyooe wishing desirable building lots, either for their own residence or for rent, cannot fail to be satisfied with these locations. For further Informa tion apply to J. E. dcßignon. With a fine effervescence and rich I’nFH Cr< ; a ™Y oam: combining perfect ■fffl lffpl| brilliancy with rare keeping quale fW * flHf ities ’ having a most excellent hop MSB# HU taste and aroma— ■ ■ ■" Botttodß * r ” I has proven a benediction alike to I ’"Ywif budding youth and declining age, ■ a revelation to every critical B To hundreds of thousands of I ■ families it has become a household Ii • *fl nCCCSsit Y' Ordar from * • RTPANS TABUIES find A Good r -s9 Pres cr iption ■> for mankind CM, At ftnogfigt* Or****, tettesrar^, g . f"** General Storm ami Botrfoem Pm rmEmil Km metter wht*t tW autCar. u will F* Tm mnplm utrf <m rinf trH- PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT.' kSadl down ‘ ~ SladiUp i no. 8t 50.89. Time oable . * no.'o. Paaamcnr! Mixed NO. 35, r-aenger Mixed i.;::;""" Di!v. Dally. ' Da,l y Daily ’ !•••••' I Sropm... It IJrungvr • k X r - 10 lr.a . t 9 W*® —s oo pm. m WaycrcwH j< t q r.oi*ir. 7 i-,J ....... J 45 fVTO .10 SO prrt... It Waym** at 1 7 4Sptr>... !fi ton *t . J2ilt... 145 a-w r TfU>ft lv &|5p0.... 2 16. u.. - . 12 fti* am }lO HO pm. Jol kHOBTille It 74‘>prH.. . u (Oa - . "v”: ; Ii J __ . _ Jl'’ Vi A WATCEOSS A MONTGOMERY. T 16pm ... 720 am... ar St.Lcuis Iv 928 a m b 65 pm VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. | 15 am. 5 lib pm . fLv Brunswick - * Ar ill 30pm lO lS am I 4 S*" 1 • 1* 10 am :Ar Savannah Lv 000 pm I lsam | ' am.. Ar <.harleat,,n Lv 'll Upn * sm. 7 2Sptn Ar Richmond Lv 848 pm 906 am 1 151 m 853 am |Ar New York Lv jSMamj 925 pm n'iijeej connection made at Wavcrosa with thronan Pnllman Bleeping Car. for Savannah Charleston, and all points North; also for Montgomery, Rirmingha ■, Naalivllle, St. Loui ud all point* West, Heeling ©baircaa* between Weyeross nd Montffonaery vie TbomßeTilfe. Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. . . GOING. | RETURNING Lv Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mo*. Thurs. Sal. |Lr Havana JiwpmMon.Wed and Bau Ar Key West* 01 pm Tut. p’rl. Sun. |Ar Key West OO pm Mon. W*d. and Sat. I.v Key w eat 9 00 pm Tuea. Fri, Sunday . | Lv Key Wcat 10 0-. p m. Mon. Wed. and 8at..... Ar Havana 5 00 am \\ ed. Sat Mon | Ar Port Tampa 2 30 am Tues. Thur. and Bun.. W'.B DENHAM, GEO. W, COATXB, B.W. WRKNN General Bupt Division Pass. Agent. Pass Trafflc Mgr Savannah, Ga Brunswick, G. Savannah.A