The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 04, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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- vfl^V. f Afc:3oM®S^ 40 • ’■&£ l-W. >' '/.. - ;'■'.' 'SrRUP.riGS ActsfAwj/if/y asidffompt/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually wlien bilious or costive. At s *?* At Ate most acceptable/arm the laxative principles of plants An own to act most beneficially. TO GET ITS BUY THE GENUINE MANED. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUiSVIUE , KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. _f or s * f * by druggis/s - price 50* per botfly. GEORGIA DETECTIVE AGC'Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business strictly confidential. Fn q liras con ducted with secrecy, L. <J. LEAVY IVlfi neor —■■ in ■—— ■ ■' ■ ■■■■ ■ ■"■■■ "W ■_. '■'■ ' 1 " L. J, Leavy Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agents Consign ments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered. special Attention Paid to CeG >ction of Want® WI OLEWINE fßi cyles YSeiltSf 1 , Keating, Repairing, ■ A . Messenger Service We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawlord, Elk, Dixie, Best c Wheels for the Least Money. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache.Gastralgia, Cramps,ana all other results of imperfect digestion. Preoared by E. C. DeWltt ACo. Cljlcajo. W ,t. Batts, the Druggist. NOTICE - New milled rice meal, best milk producer and feed for stock on the market. Ben Borehardt & Cos., Wtylesale Grocers and Pro* duce Dealers. IgcodPositions" i Young Men' v OWEN >lcur jwicbcai j *nT '-^^S^Busiiiess^iJrsß Of “7;s?*r | ficollege: ( INSTRUCTIONS BY MAIL Hi COUNIY ill HI Foil Democratic Ticket ProMbly Electei GHARLION NO! HEARD FROM. There is No Doubt About The Election of Mr..Up church to Senate. The Times-Call received very er ooursging news from Csmden oouoty last eight, and it the report is true, Camden has roiled upa large majority for the democratic ticket. Charlton county was the scene of a warm fight, but it ib safe to say Up eburoh will gel a good majority in his home county. With Glynn’s vote, the repub.ioan candidate for the senate is defeated overwhelmingly, and in the other two counties as well as this one. CURBS BLOOD POISON. Scrofula, Ulcers, Old Sores, Bone Pains—Trial Treatment Free, First, second or third stages posi tively cured by taking B, B. B. (Bo tanic Blood Balm kills or destroys the Syphieilio Poison in the blood and expels it from the sys tem, making a perfeot cure. Have you sore throat, pimples, copper col ored spots, old festering eaiingIsi>res. 1 si>res. ulcers, swellings, scrafula, Itching skin, aches and pains in bones or joints, sore mouth, or falling hair? Tbek Botacio Bicod Balm will heal every sore, stop the aches and make the blood pure and rich and give the rich glow of teal hto the ikin. Or r 3,000 testimonials of cures. B, B. B. thoroughly Jested for 30 years. Drug stores sl. Triel treatment of B. B. B. fres by writing Blood Balm Cos., At lan'jpCa. Dtscribe trouble anl free medical advice given. Don’t despair of a cure as B . B, B, cure? when all else fails. A Minister’s Good Work. “1 bad a severe attack of bilious colic, (jot a j bottle ot Chamberlain - . Colic, Cholera and ! Diarrhoea Remedy, took two dose* ami wat en tirely cored,” taye tier. A. A. Power, o/ Empo ria, Kao. “My neighbor across the atieet was aick for ovei a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. Ue need them for three or four .lays without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, ao discharged him. ] went over to see him the next morning, Ue said hie bowels were In a terrible fix, that they had l-een running off to long that it waealmoet bloody flux. I asked him If he had tried Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and he said, ‘No.’ I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take .'another dose in fifteen or twenty mln ntca if be did not find relief, hut he took no more, and waa entirely cured. 1 think it the best medicine I have ever tried " For sale by Dr. Bishop’* drug store. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop* erty and real estate. oastohia. Bean tbs _/) 1,13 Kind Vod Hare fJwap Bongtit TANARUS" “I have always used Foley’s lioney and Tar Cough medicine and think it the best in the world,” says Chan Bender,a newsdealer of llr.e, Pa, Take no substitute. W J Butte. aHE BRUNSWICK TIMES-UALL, OCTOBER 4, I9io. TRYJT troubles cannot Jnen and delicate organism of woman. What thq sufferer ought- to do is to give a fair trial to BRADFIELD’S Female Regulator which is the true cure provided by Nature for all female troubles. It is the formula of a physician of the highest standing, who devote/ his whole life to the study of p’Viils tinot ailments peculiar to ers, wives and daughters, it ts made of soothing, healing, strengthening herbs and vegetables, which have been provided by a kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses, Leu corrhoea, Falling of the Womb, Nerv ousness, Headache and Backache. In fairness to herself and to Brad* Field’s Female Regulator, every suffering woman ought to give it a trial. A large $t bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggists. i m 9 Send foe . nicely lli.filr.ted free book on the (object. The Bradfleld Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Service By Publication. STATE OP GEORGIA.?-County of Glynn., , Jolm Rogers, 1 In Glynn Superior Court, May v*. S Term. 1900. Susie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR I>l Vt)RCR. To the Defendant, Sutfic Rogers: You are hereby commanded to he anti Appear at the December Term*next, of Glyfiii Superior Court,to he iiolden at the court house in Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, on the First Monday in December, 1900, and by Ten (10) O’clock of the forenoon of said date, then and there to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above stated case In his Lloel To* Divorce. ... Witness the Honorable Josefm W. Bennett, Judge of the Sup- rior Court of Glynn County, this the loth -tuy of July, 1900, H. F. duBIGNON. Clerk Superior Court, Glynn < ounty, Ga. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION CiEOUGI A—Glynn Couuty. Mrs. Mary C. Repmird vs Jefferson Levy, The National Bank or Bruiiswidk and the May or ami Council of Brunswick.—Petition for par lion of realty in Glynn Superior court, De cember Term thureoi, 1900, To the efundrnt, Jefferson Levy : You are hereby notified that the petitioner in the above slated case will apply for a parti tion oi tluit certain real properly iu the state of Geoagia, county ot Glynn and city of Bruns wick, descrilnwi a* follows: To Northeastern portion of what is known as and called ih* "i hirty Acre Trad” or “The Wells Tract;” baVinetiH 1 following courea and Distances, to* wit: Conunerrc'ng at the centre of the fcoutlr urn line of Union si reet aud running thence fsouHnvarritv feet; thence running ,Fuat wordly me reel ; thence running Northwardly BJOfeet; thence running Westward!? 655 feet, except three certain small tract- heretofore *old by the ownera; Mich application for par tition of Faid 'and will be male at the next term of Mini com t to bo held ‘ on the ilrst Mon* dao iu Docember next-, ,;*.**, , r T'hHknotlcC given m pursuftnoW' of an order granted fSeptenß*** 1900, by FTon. Paul Jfi. feeabrook, ylivlge. of *ai<t court presiding, the Honorable JotH-pii W, Bonnet being disqualified in 'id WHues- tin: Honorable Paul K. Sea brook, jmigeAif said court ta-esidiwg* ihia October i, 1900. a I , C lerk buptrloi-'f'oiin! .SPAHK* isrirw jttv, Pctit4onr*.v Attorneys SERVIC* -BV PUBLICATION. (*tn(e of Georgi ti~ cbfifity uf.uivue. Wra.Ulia Markham Libel fordivorcc; In the Superior eonrtof oiyng VS. comity,May term, fiKifi, Marti* B. Markham IgraiS&a auala teric^ 8 TANARUS, the Defendiltt, .Merlin 11. M-irkA* . Vou are hereby required. In person ort.y at torney, lo be and appear, at the Decdsbur erni, WOO, el Glynn Superior court, to he In,id* en in ami fur said comity's! the court liOuse.ut- Brunswick, Glynn count',Gowgf*, oh theflm Mondnvin December, - *WV, and you will >„• there by ten in ocluck,ot Uie f.u>tno,,no,f ij day. then and there to answer I lie fomtdidßtvjf - the plait,til! Mrs. Ella Markham, in the niiet'e stated ease, in her libel for divorce, ■ vvituesa tlie Honorable Joseph'W. Rennet, Judge of the i-mpt-iior court of Glynn county, this the rltb day ol August, Iv-00, „ , , A. O.TWJIBENO, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Douru GI .nn County. Georgia, BUSIEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. bt it VICE l)Y PUBLICATION, state of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs. Edna Wylie Libel for divorce; In tbe Superior court of Glynn vs. county. May term, fwo. order to perfect service. James W ylie. granted at ald term. To tbe Defendant, Jamas Wylie. Ton are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to tie and appear at the December term, 1(UI, of Glynn Superior cou-t,to he hold en In and for said county, at the court home, in Brunswick, Glynn county Gotrgla, on the Aral Ity day In December, JISJO, inti you will bn tin’l l iy teu (10> o'clock of ih forenoon of Bald (Jay. .ben and thine io an wv.r the coiri- Plaint of bo plaintiff, Mra, Run a Wylie, In the above stated cage, iji her libel lor ivorce. wiinegg the Honorable J-sephW. Uenmt, .Judge of the Superior cubit of Glynn county, this the li b day of August 1900. r , A O TOWNSEND Deputy UJerk of the Superior Court, Cuycr County. Georgia. KRNKpHT dakt. Attorney for Plaintiff. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Mrs. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Re turnable to December vr. Term, 1900, of Superior Court of Glynn coui O, J. Freeman, ty, Oor ia. To tbe said defendant, O. #J, Fireman: You an; livrebf nqui ■ it Houally or b> attorney, to be and appear at the next Jafcm > i the Superior Court of anid * untv, * otijShn , on the flr .t Monday in Di e* n> •. MM), tnm\ and there to answer G e plaintiff Clyde Freeman, upon the merlin of her petition f<r divorce filed HKamst you; osludefaur of kucli appearance the Court will proceed an to justice shall apper tain. Witness tbe lion Joseph W. Bonnet. Jod*o of said Superior Court, ibis 22d day of August,J9oU. A. O, TOWNSEND, Deputy Ole* Superior Court. Glynn Cos., Ga, I>. W.KttA(7S9,FltffV Alty. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION, gtaterof Georg!a—Coanty of Glynn. Mrs. Lizzie Long Libeldivorce; In the Superior court of Glynn VB, county. Mav term, 1900. Order to jierfect service, Thomas A. Long, granted at said term. To the Defendant, Thomas A. Long. Yon are hereby required, in person or by at tornevvto be' mod appear, at the December term, JiHJo,of the Glynn Superior court, to be holden in and for said county, at the court house ill Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, on the first Monday m December, 1900, and vou will lie there by ten , io> o’clock of the forenoon of said day, then ami there to answer the com - plft*ntof the plainti il.Mrg, Lizzie Long in the above stated case, in her libel for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennet, f U i >e f °,‘ court of Glynu county, this the 24th day of August, 19( 0. TANARUS, , , #ll a. o. Townsend. Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn County, Georgia, ERNEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notice is hereby given that the following bills Will be introduced at th • next session of the General Assembly of Georgia, towlt . A hill to be entitled An Act to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue in the county of Glynu, passed in 1870, and the At ts amendatory thereof, so as to provide and fix the compensation of the chairman of such board; and for other purposes; Also a bill to be entitled An Act to amend the Charter of the City of Brunswick, and lor other purposes: Also a bill to be entitled An Act to amend an Act to estabish the City Court of Brunswick, iu and for the County of Glynn; to define its jurisdiction and powor; to provide for the appointment of a judge and other officers thereof; to define the if powers and duties, and for other purposes, Approved December the 9th, 1895, si as to prohibit the judge of said court from practicing law, and to fix the salary of such jndg'e, and for other pur poses: Also a bill to le entitled An Act to amend the Charter of the City of Brunswick, and for other purposes. This October Ist, 1900. CITATION. GEORGI Glynn County Orbapus Dart, of Glynn county, in said State baa applied to the Ordinary of said county of Glynn for exemption of personalty and Betting apart and valuation of homestead, and I Will pass upon the R ime at 10o’clock a. m. upon tho isth day of October, 1900, at the court house in said county of Glynn. This September 22, 1900. ’ f JEFFERSON SPARKS, Judge.Cltv Court of Brunswick and pro line vice ordinary Glynn County, Georgia. CITATION GEORGf A —Glynn County. Lofeila Tumor, u ife of Alfred Turner, has applied cor exemption of personality and ecu ingxjiart uiul valuation of homtigtuiul out. of his properly and I w ill pane upon the aaim at 10o’clock a, in., on ihei*n-l.Uy of Oeiotjer.liaKi, at my ottleo. Tbii Bepctnuber 2Ht!i. Kimi ItOttACK DAKT, - Ordinivry Glynn ( ounty, Gn. , CITATION. • Georgia— Glynn County. Miij, tannle A, Smith has applied for c xprpi)- tfon or poraooatlly and tlm souing npait anti valuation ,-f homeatead out of the oatate of 11. C, Smith, decea-ed, late of eahl county and statu, and I will paaa upon tho hhiuo at ten o olOcl a in., on tho 22nd day of Ocioboi, lilco at my office in the court houauof said comm' and atatc. } IIOIUCR DART, Ordinary Glynn County, Ga. CITATION. GKORGIA—GIynn County. \\ hevoas. Ella .1. .fenniuga, admlnlatratria of George V\. Calvin estate, renreaenta to the court In her petition, duly (Hod and entered on record. that aim has fully aduilnlstered Georgo tv. Calvin's eatate. This ia, therefore, to cite all peraona concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they cnn. why raid ad unu .tratrix Bliould not bo discharged from administration, and receive letters of diamia aion on the lirat Monday in December, Woo, HORACE DART, Ordinary. NOTICE OF LOCAL I.EGIBLATro,\',W The public i hereby notified that n I.IU ' ; Bsfi lie offered at the next session of the lea■l^tatolT , amending the charter of the city of Brunswick K, 11. HOI KINS, Brunswick, Ga„ Sejjt. 2;, mo. Administrators Notice, All persons having claims against estate nt •> G. camotgill Will present them to the under - signed, and all owing said estate will 1 lea c pay thcl 1 accounts to J.J. BREAKS; Adin’r. Estate J. fa. Campbell. W^icoii*! C n be found in nnr display Trimmed BAth, or quickly developed in our work rooms from The large and heauniol assortment of Millinery Goods -nour stork. .Milliner* of artialio tastes ar and deft flngvra produce hue which equal in style and aitract’ver esa roat j of the high priced imported rnodeinr Our prices are no’ me least pleasing part of our offerings, HISS EAJE SLATER, ST,, BCURE YOURSELF \ B#e til for unnatural uischaff ißJofikiiiDiatloini, iintatlous or ul< .rations of iuu'.om* ni*-uibr r..;#, I*ttinb’Fs, uri'l not astriu 0t gent oi :* ivui, 3 ftoid V/.r PIIL-gUto, "or erut in plain •.* raj.po. by r’repairf, fot tl.f-i, Olt.'tflo*. 92.7 ft. tjirculfir !(, <*i ravni(.*f Real igstgiG for Sale. We have lo’.jHer 176 on A street nine lota on Wro[ gale cheap B. H. Daniels & Cos. 810 NewM.aU bt, WINE OF CARDUI How a Woman Suffers. — J Howell, livd., Not. 28. / I will always praise Wine of Cardul. It / T has done me more good than all the medi- / Ii / 1 cine I have ever taken in niy life. Please / \ * I lr 25 send a book about female diseases to the / V Lj ladies whose names I enclose. Mrs. MINNIE STODGHILL. * MneTcir^ 1 It Isn’t necessary for a woman to give particulars. When she says she has “female troubles”, other women know what that means, it means days and nights of endless suffering. It means headaches which no tongue can describe. It means that terrible bearing and dragging down in the lower abdomen. It means agonizing backache, and shoulder ache, and arm ache, and aches in the lower limbs. It means nerves on edge—the blues — despondency and loss of hope. It means debilitating drains that the doctors call leucorrhoea. It means martyrdom—some times even death seems preferable. And still Wine of Cardui will utterly putthose diseasesand pains to rout It has cured thousands of cases n oaftes requiring special when nothing else on earth would. To the budding woman, to the Chattanooga, icnn. bride, to the wife, to the expectant ■—— ’— 4 mother, to those going through the Change of Life, this Vegetable Wine is a blessing. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. WINE OF CARDUI jm%v4V EH DR - MOFFETT’S ■ Allays Irritation, Aids Digestion, .|f girrTll I1! fVi Regulates the Bowels, ItLB IS I N Makes Teething Easy. ®* s afl6 - i JL (TeethintS Powders) X-E. TEETHINA Relieves the Bow* Costs only 25 cents at Druggists, Troub ANY age**" * ■°U 2-1 Ceuta to C. J. MOFFETT, M. D..ST. LOUIS, ff Con ey& Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Phone 18- 525 Bav St. !flipllilX-5S=Ss Kindlonlns"l^ 0r * Primary. AuaU-tiiio, M unio. Art. and Busuipas oonroen. Small olaooen. In.Lviduai w„rk. New iVJt.rfu , Ruptls enter Vmr, Wellenlcy find K,n<l Ipb-Maooa Ne*t oeooion bsgino Saptnmber oth. For illustrated catalogue Mrs. W. t uamiler. Principal, Llewllyn D. Scutt, Areooißte Principal J. J. LISSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and \ AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. Street, Brunswick, Georgia. j • - v CHEESE RESTAURANT, ’ V V ESTBLIBHED 1889. CHUE hhALL, Proprietor Youjean get the beat the market affords by eatimr here 2ISQRANTST. Wall Paper AT THE PAINT STORE, 502 Mouk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR, SSOO R*%'rfi . 5 ■ will pay the above re\MKl,. ~ y ~H KC of L ; .er Complalat, > ’ -pnpaiaTW ;t s*ch u ' Indigestion, ctmatip ion or ■ M * cannot cure with TJreraai, the t,;1.t0 D-,c ■ IJtMt Liver I ills who* the rtire-’lo num, strictly complied v itli. They urn n.uvly ~.d“ la'-lea .. ntsvei fall to give satisfaction. V l '- boxes contain 100 pills, uslboxea coniata * pill , Ic i oxesc .ntaln I6llls. it,ware oi an(>■ elitute* au-i imitations. S tby no 11. Htanma taken. KBit VITA MB Dl< I GO., ,;or. Clin lon and J'ckon sta Glue i.-d. 111. Foi sale by Brown Dreg Cos. Bram vie STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, ibe stove doctor, m airs . t kir.ds or cooJt stoves snd rauiros, buy and sells second hand stoves, 414 Hoy street. Southern Railway Cos Office of General Agent, Brunswick, G . BCUKOULEB. i'or Savannah, Hah igton aud New Y;>rk. 64ocm 9 05pna Ar Savannah .10 ft* am J‘i 50 am A r \v aehwgton 7 86 inn h 50 pm Ar New York 2 0:i pm 6 23 am For Jacksonville. Lv Brunswick .. r. oo am 8 :r* pm 0 o:> pm Al* Jacksonville.. 92 am 740 pm JJOain For Mccon. A anta, Louisville and Cincinnati. I.v Brunswick ( '<o.irn 905 pm Ar M icon . i .. r < p<u JOcain A r /itfanfu 3/>o pm 520 am Af 1-ouinville 750 nin 7 pm A/Cmclnn •• i ir. am 7 40 pm Vrono /vew York, i-.Whg' n .tod Savannah. N'.w Vo pm '* kin kv Oh-Kion.. v -5 1 m 11 lf> am -f? { >*?<n ifiah .a. pm 620 am 500 pm *r Brun*wicb . o2c *n sO5 h 35 pm From Jacks rnville. IjV Jacksonville i Ar llrun^w; * Atlanta and Ar 11 run.wick ./ b*i{J£ 7