The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 04, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 --Wedding Presents r In Cut Glass and Silverware. Nothing Richer, More Lasting and as Much Appreciated. CALL AND LOOK ! KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Outician. 115 Newcastle Street, Inspector ol Watches for Southern Railway. Time by Wire daily from Washington Wj|ll. BOWEN. J, N. BRADT. BOWEN & BRADT, CD o nr f=? a cu t cd as AISIO BLJIL_ragTKjS| Of Stone, Brick end Frame Building Manufacturers of Cement, Tile und.'Arttticlal Stone. You Boys_ - v t Ip one of our windows we display today a com plete line of articles for Boys’ use. The school season will soon be here and the fitting out of your BOY for school can be made easy by inspecting our immense assortment 6t , Suits. Shoes and => v • Furnishings..^ LEV Y’S THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, OCTOBER 4, 1900, A NEW PLACE TO BUY DRUGS. Smith’s Pha macy.'torner Newcast : e and MO4 Streets. is n'-fr well t<j*iij>ped fyith a fhwh and w‘JI &e! ete<l pySv Drugs. Soaps, Perfumes _ and Aii ToTet Articles fmuul iit a Urdt < j ti. -to-i Ate dtu£ Miore VoprT*re*tfij.tfoa# *i-m iha attention of a gr*d u*4,* t 0 ptartmu-y of *cuy yenra- pxjpUci jfou will enve. money, fret t 1 .beet attention and your trade will b uprreutaio’i. SMITH’S PHARMACY, CUR. NKWCiRI’f.E AN-f) MONK STB, MEXICAN MIXTURE For Men. For Nervousness, Bark-Ache.” Itrapondency lu*omaela,SexujJ Jinpotauey, an J all UieeaeM resulting from Early Error* ard Later Excesses Oyer-\Vork and Worry, which if ueglectad, com pletely undermine the system, often resulting in INSANITY and DEATH. If yon hare any of the above symptom* MEXICAN MIXTURE WILL CURE YOU lT.flue KO KQF*L. Develop* Youthful Strength and Vigor to ever* part of the body. Avoul quaok doctor*. Refuse substitute*. Get MEXICAN MIXTURE. Im mediate effect*. Permanent roaalt*. Recent discovery. I*becomenai sucre**. Hu ndred* testimonials. *I.OO per hog. ctbrAgfc-. 4'ogl ti va guarantee every *s> o-rdey to rofond the money If cure i not effected.- ftg stimulant, but a ret- etlrier. Try it ao#”li*. eon viuced. Send stamp Sir pamphn.dAbj^kgV Brown. Drug Soll^Agik * ——jr* SgS- -— iJ&Zi—.'- •Thfa.i- to advlw.'Rfftt On tJWfatti-* ®riuiow" *Sth aO-pa-“*-rigif will tie carried- iratnaNitbe Riant Syeke-n. :: *% ' • .dSHB *, ", Dlrlaion ‘ CHEAP AlriMT CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisement* in tbi* colmaawllUiStnsr ti ed, at the uniform latent Ope CentT Wardtfcn* each fneertleo. No advcriiemeut,iiow. vSV mall, lea* than !iQ cent*. Cayh in udveuee. ——- ‘ig . '*POR#AX' R -!? Thrc6m!lk foNjf: Oi * ■ ■: SALE.—N ice.. ilwelting house ■Bd lb’. OR C„stre*t, cheap foroasb. Apply to Abe'Rotobild. Hustling young man nan make teo per montC end expense*. Permanent pOfitio(l.-4‘ Experience undecennary. Write quiok for partioulare, Clark A Coev frtli A Locas Street*, PbiladeU "WANTED,-Ctariatian man or wo man Willing to qualify tor permanent position of trust, b#re orjo home ooaniy. SOOO $ early. Bollbse self addressoi stamped envelope to Secre tary, cars of TiMKb-CAL*.. * E.—Uillery Island,- sit uated on Turtle fleer, containing acres of high land, suitable fer truckf ing or poultry rai*ing:.'ftiont 15 acres cleared; good fishing and oyatrf beds around tho Island. Ako, Island View, oontaing 50 acres, more or leas, sitn ated on Gibson and ferrites creeks, six acres of which Is under new wire fence; 75 to 100 pear trees, and im provements on same. For further in formation, apply to F, Jos. Doerflin ger, 316 Union street. OASTOniA. Bnn the Kind Vim Hate Always Bought YES. AYE HAVE IT! i i FOR BREAKEABT. FOR SUPPER. Cream Whe|t. SHPr- Libbey’s Veal I.naf. ! Heoker’s Oat Meal. Libbey’s Ham Loaf. | Hooker’* Farina. Libbey’s Beef Loaf. Shredded Wheat Bisooit. Llbbey’a Cottage Loaf. Shredded Codfish . And many other good thing*. Large Fat Mackerel. I RING PHONE 158, SHORT BUTSPICY CITY NEWS NOTES A Days Doings as fiaftsrei hy The TfcCall Reporters MATTERS PERSONAL AND GENERAL BRIEF STATEMENTS OF THE MANY THINGS THAT MAKE UP THE SUSY ROUND OF LIFE ■ new Ca;bt) T lo canvißt. i ad< - oided succres. i Mr. IV O. El euwocd is back in the Ojjlobcpe’bar. - Mr. J. V. Sparka, of Rome, was lo 1 tbe city yesterday. Mr, W m. SrowPi of A lati!*,‘is a gueal at tbe Oglethorpe. Mr. 8. F. Floyd, of Waycross, spent yesterday in tbe otiy.- Mr. U. W. Clina ta'ouL after i o ill nees of several days. Gentry’* Dog and Pony Show will visit Brunswick shortly, Mr. J. A. Foster," tf Satilla Bluff, was in tbe oity yesterday. The Labor union will bold an im portant meeting fenigbt. oti * largs number ot country oit- U-NWMSp* }n to vote yesterday. *L'lluian, of Cicctnnati, some’im'! to the city. '■wPc'2- K. Akin, of Mf. Pie&sant, ia ; with bis many friends Haralson, of V^STymroag, *7. ..Jr. 7! Sr -r. .. ww Among the srrival,.iß tbe city Tsur£*j. % IX Tunstall. I '#prominent fietef man of nor A large-ethmlmr-Of folk will attend the Field minstrel tomor row and Saturday night*. Ju*treceived, a fine line of ready tO-wg|r Hat*. Mist KA*Atjtter. You r:m koegh orkajiga, At t£, mt# h;.nrf(cjw remedy tbt quickly suras It Ix’OgaMlaotc taragk Car* w j Bull.. 'JBReTIE Just rec■ fine line K ta - Slater. - * -•——- J - ,-y . ' TANARUS" Get outpour winter clothing no# and baveiaput In urU-r by Jim Carter. I 't i;-'"— '''■ . C#.; I'.; ■% , Just received, a fine line of ready to-wear Hats— Mt&s Kste'Sia.qr, ' ; S/co nd hand household furniture bought anti sold; alsti 'pianos, organs, trunks, etc. J. W. Watkins: Inst received, a fine line of ready tc-wesr Hats. Mrs* Kate Slater. Have yonrolOtVes cleaned and presa ed by Jim Carter. Call and eea the new line of up-to date, resdy to-wear Hate. Miaa Kate Slater. AT THE OGLETHORPE. Win. Brown, Atlanta; H W Sey mour, New York ; S F. Floyd, M X. Mac re, W ycrosr; J V. Spsrke, R >me; V. L. S r :cp, L N. Jones, W. W. Bar 1* R, \V ycro.s; B. Ph U ps r and Wife, S S mo*. ; w. D. TuostilXFe iatk‘. Fa : A. r Barr, Day tens, Fa.; Wn. Ribrsjr, Savannah; 1,. R A'k-'b. M' Pi aaan<; P, Martm", At l'a C H sod ee tt) • n*w Iron of up to date. rr*dy-to wear B*t*. Miss Kate Jjjh-t •• r, N'oties.. X ether the in Vs ter,* or oeo s’goe-.k c.t u : > AuVrtan ateamer will' he responsible- for any ijoB& coutrae’fd by 'he crew of said stegrucr. V. m. Johnson ifc Cos., L'ld. Consignees. €>U and see the new line of up-to date, teady-to wear Hats. Ma< Kate BUter, Disinfect Your Homes Choloro - Naptholeum, A Safegua T d to Disease, We Sell ie Any Quantity. W J WTS, The Druggist. “On the Cerr." " 1 WELL, I DON’T THINK! You have tried all of Oar Special Flavors of Cold Soda Water. There are set oral of them that will refresh vou In any old weather. For instance, baye jou ever tried our new drink, If you have you know a good thing. If you haven’t, there is a real tteat yet in s ore for you. Our reputation of hating the best h da In the eltv must be sustained, and that is why we use only the pure [rail iu Ces for our syrup and why we are never just out. Its served oight and cold as ice can make it. '” k tok Nunnally’s Candies BROWN DRUG CO. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND VOX CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF- KENTUCKY Whisky. SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLOP — not made by a trust- I- Trager & Cos,, Independent Distilled Sold Exclusively in Braunswick by ) m 5 .V. O O I A5 , 206SBav Street. TO BEGIN BOOK. C- 1. C. P Goodjear, who has re ceived the contract for deepening the Fernandioa bar, will get to work as soon at po s’b’e, and uoless ail -igns fail, h<> will begin within tbe.n = xtfew weeks. MAY BE RECALLED. Xondat), Oct. 3.—lt u reported here that Lord Curaon, viceroy of India, would b retailed aod tendered iba portfolio of foreign sfftire, BRinsu dEkeatbo. Durbit-T JSatrl, Out. 3. U-porta have r*ch*d ( L-eia tlit :be B erg hive defeated the Brin*b tf er tie, per ate lighting. Wanted, Arrestau well* fo drive at $250 esdl Ki- end espaetty guarautaed will also guarantee to complete wells in 15 days. Call on or addre** A. H. Baker, street. Cali aod see tbe new line of up-to-v date, ready-tt-wear Hate. Mi*g Kate Slater. '