The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 05, 1900, Image 2

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HI ■ i ill n is Usual (far Forest City Desires Mdu. SOME VERY POOR REASONS A Military Man Tells Why He Thinks It Should % Go There. The Savannah News of yesterday prints a lergthy interview with “an officer of the regiment,” telling why the major of the Third battalion should be a Savannah man: Following Is the statement: “There seems to be some prospect of the next major of the Third baitallon of the Fifth Infantry being a Savannah man. Maj. Dart has resigned, and an election is soon to be ordered to., fill the vacancy. Capt. Frank A. Dunn, of the Brunswick Kifles, lias been men tioned in connection with the position, but it seems that some opposition nay spring up. “Three companies oomprise the Third battalion. They are the Burke Light infantry at Waynesboro,' ‘the Kell Hines at Statesboro and the Brunswick Rifles town companies of the regiment. “Last February, upon the new m il iary law going into operation, Maj. Dart was elected, and there was then id talk of cppositicn.for it was thought proper that the majonhip should go to one of the places at which the out-of town companies arc looaied. “An officer of the regiment said ye-s --lerday that It would be to the Interest of all three out-of-town companies it the rnajjr were a Savannah man. The administrative work of the battalion .could be conduc'd ftr more satisfac torily if this were the c-se. Not only would the Waynesboro a States boro companies be benaSttod by the re moval ot the oat-al on headquarters Trom BrnatiWlek to Savannah, but the IV.flis filso would boas aslsted. "Bii'.t'Uion headquarters 3hould be in The Quakers Are Honest People. tTlie Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys- tem. It is a medicine far weak women. It is a purely vegetabli medicine, and can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Nerves soon succumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend ll. Price |I.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Baokache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all ■pain can bo relieved by it. Price 2-io and 60c. QI’AKER WHITE WONDB*6OCU > . medic Wed soap for the skif, . acalp and complexion. Price 100 a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, ecxeraa and eruptions of the ALL DRUGGISTS. ■tLIXGBAM, Proprietor. Store the same city as those lor the regiment. Considerable delay would thereby be saved in administrative work, records and communications of a 1 kinds being readily at hand. Under the system that has prevailed daring Maj. Dart’s tenure of office it has been necessary to send a communication destined for the Waynesboro or Statesboro com pany to Brunswick, whence it had 10 return, after passing through the ma jor’s hands, to the command for which it was Intended. Similarly, communi cations from those companies msst first be sent to Brunswick and from that city to Savannah. Confusion and de lay could be avoided by having the major stationed at Savannah. I “The officer discussing the matter did not desire to In any way discredit the abi.lty with which Maj. Dart has conducted his work. The same objec tious to a major being removed from the city in which the regimental head quarters are established would apply if Statesboro or Waynesboro were in question instead of Brunswick. Nor was the officer moved bv~any desire to get everything possible in the way of honors for Savannah. He is convinc ed that it would be to the best Interest of the companies not in Savannah to have their major in this city. “Another point made was that a Savannah major of the Third battal ion would be well qualified to look af ter the oomfort and oare of one or all of the visiting companies in the event of their ooming to this city to partici pate in a parade or celebration. Ths same would apply to the companies' visits to the Stvannab_rj£g' range for, t>FSofio3:Two of them came here du ring the past season, and it is prob able that, unless they establish their own authorized ranges, they will come again. Their battalion commander in Savannah would be of value to them on such an oeoaiiQD, * “Wherever the headquarters of a battalion may be, there, too, the battalion adjattnt and tbysJ| ge&nt major. Thus, Brunswick Wfi? bad the msjop, tbe adjutant and the sergeant major. If Wsynesbpfo or Statesboro should furnish tbe major, tbe same would be true, as thmace would have the three positions; The companies In tbe three places may not decide to give up W# positions that might go to one of tbe* in order to bestow them npdtfUdfsanoab, but the officer believes f would only con sult their best interests in doing so. “No Savannah for the- oontest. No could be found in securing a "iood effioet, however, and it is possible that” the out-of-town officers may consider tbe matter. They have tbe nomination of tbe major, t n( j the offloers of tbe other battalions win concur in whatever de cision they msy reacb. That is tbe unwritten, law that baa governed elections of battalion commanders.’’ Capt. Frank A. Dunn, of the Bruns wick Riflemen, is tbe logical man for the position, but Allowing its usual custom, Savannah wks{a everything in sight. Mr. Ptfcaojs the ranking cap tain, ie an excellent military man, and as the former major was from this city, it IQfe|R justice that a Rrunawick ' be named. you a sense of fnllnessin the region of four stomach after eating? If to yon wtu be benefited by using Cbamlwrlain’t Stomaoh and fiver Tablets. They alto core belching and tour stomach. They regulate the bowelt too. Price aco. Bold by Bishop’. Drag Store, For sprains, swellings and lamemeaa there la nothing ao good at Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Try It. For sale at Dr. Biehop’a drug store. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, OCTOBER 5, 1900. Don’l Hesitate. There is just one thing to use if yonr stomach is "out of order ” and that "one tong” is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The supposition is that N* you want a prompt ff • j cure and a lasting . cure. That is why the "Discovery” ts Jk recommended as the one thing for your condition. It cures promptly, w perfectly and per- fißßßcf manently, dietrasi's >fSwajK|3g|||jr of tire stomach and ygKPxiii&i^f organs of digestion and nutrition. It's sure to help. It’s almost sure to cure. ■g£g|Sgg| It has completely cured ninety-eight jKp&ppplf per cent, of all i those who have ggfejl given it a fair and |bmh Warn faithful trial. ■gg ’33j| "Alinut ten years ago Y 1 began to have trouble aH ■■ Willi my SoiMffc.* HM at^B writes Mr. Wm. Con trolly, of 533 Walnut SB St.. Lorain, Ohio. -It M trot so bad that I had JBH| pIS to lay off quite often IKS two anil three days in - 888 a week, my stomach ME would Moat, and I would belch up gas. and was In awful d&tMM at auch times. I haw been treated by the beat doctors in this city but got no help whatever. Some said-idled- cancer of the stomach, others dyapep-ia. I have bought and trieJ every thing I saw advertised for ays* popsia and atomactr trouble, but continued to g.-f wore* alt the that-. About twelve mouths ago I was itf such a dominion that ray friend* had some fear about my recovery. It was then I wrote to you for advice. You told me that by my symptoms you thought I had liver complaint and advised the ue of your ' Golden Medical Discovery ’ and • pleasant Pellets' in connection These medicines I have taken aa directed, and am very hsppy to slate that T commenced to get better Irom the start and have not lost a day this summer on account of ruy stomach I feel tip-top, and better than I have for ten year*.” Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels and stimulate the liver. CURES BLOOD POISON. Scrofula, Ulcers, Old Sores, Bone Pains—Trial Treatment Free, . First, second or third stages posi tively cured by takiog B. B. B, (Bo tanic Blood Balm). Blood Balm ktflo or destroys the Syphieltio Poison in the blood and expels it frem the sys tem,' making a perfect oare. Have you sore throat, pimpleff, copper col ored spots, old festering eating sores, ulcers, swellings, sorafula, Itching skin, aches and pains in bones or joints, sore mouth, or faHVUg hair? Tbek Botanic Bleed Balm will heal every sore, stop the aches and make the biood pure and rich and give the glow of heal hto the skin. Over ■PO testimonials of cures. B, B. B. thoroughly lested for 30 years. Drug stores fl. Trial treatment of B. B. B. free by writing Blood Balm Cos., At lanta, (3a. Describe trouble and free medical advice given. Don’t despair of a cure as B. B. B, cures when all eUe fails. - - - :—8 Strengthen the tired kidtieys and purify the liver and bowaia with a few doses of Prickly Asb Bitters, it is an admirable kidney tonio. W. J, jEuwl-droggi sts. A Minister’s Good Work. “I had a severe attack of hi Hone colic. got a bottle of Chauiherlaln'a Colic, Cholera and 'Diarrhoea Remedy, took two Joses and was en tirely cored," says Bev. A. A. Power, of Rmpo ria, Kan. "My neighbor serosa the atieet was sick for OTer a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief, then called In another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, to discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning, Ee said hla bowels were in a terrible fix. that they bad so long that It was almost I asked him It he had tried Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrbcea Remedy, and be said, -No,’ I went home and brought him tny bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take ;another doae iiysiteeo or twenty min utes if he did not find relief, -but he took no more, and was entirely cured. I think it tbe beat medicine I have ever tried.” For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store. When in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. This ie the reason ItfcjK||||Uiers are alarmed on account of cronJa-'T. s ,.wr<jtchly cured by One Minute Uongb Curb, which chlldien like to take. W. d.Bntta. SCHOOL, NOTICE. Aliases Gale’s private school will open Oet. 1 at their residence, 708 E street. Thorough instruction is given in primary, intermediate and collegiate departments. This institution of learning is of seven years’ standing, and the teachers are progressive, em ploying all the new and improved methods of instruction. Farmers, provide joursaif with Pain-Killer at this season of the year, when colic,cholera morbus,dysentery, diarrbfes, &o , may disable your bands —use it in every oaie of the kind, but be sure that you trust to no other remedy bat the old, long tried Perry Davis Pain-Killer, which oevsr failed. Avoid substitutes. There is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis’. Prioe2sc. end 600- TIMES-CALL JOB OFFICE. Those who want the best work, at the luwest figures, should bring it to this office. On large dodgers, onr prices and work will make you a coo tsnt customer, tf ycu will give us the first job. Ring up 31,- and a solicitor will call. The best method of elesaaing the liver is the ass of the famous little pills knows as DeWitt’s Little Early -Kisers. Easy to tako, Jfever gi l,*>. W. J. Bolts. For Diabetes use STUART’S 01N and BtcHU: RlSlber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Badges, Check Protectory. N(ipSerin g Machines, Steel and Brass Dies, * Steel Log Stamps, etc. Will B. Pain, Agent. 312 Newcastle street. f... oa;i>p& t> L is.: - J t:W ! L.;y itt.i utl etiicfev;:: y ,wv“l. ijkk ; I'.eiit'C 'mi mtitty- i. titijf!'.-- .sfier people tiiink ti.t y stry vseii of l„a- Oripp--. .- . . JOHNSON’S CHILL anJ FEVER TONIC Cure® La Grippe Gurcts It In a day Gur®-1t Completely And Is a **ieguvd wtsinst the iau gera>hifh folsbw In Ha train. rjw g&tmiiti ms. ■ nUktfrtvnr,*; Mot a cent If ll docs not. A. B. GIKAROBfUJ, Savannah, Ga. <* OPERR HOUSE. Two Performances Only. Friday Night, fU| j* A Saturday Night, Uu|. 0 Uj SIXTEENTH ANNUAL TOUR. lie 116. Field Mid MINSTRELS. OLDEST! BIGGEST! BEST! So- People—3o AN ENTIRE TRAIN OF PALACE CARS The Mi si Expensive Organization of tbe Kind in Ex's'ence 12—A TRIBE OF MAMELOKES—I2 The Old World’s Greatest Acrobats, presenting the Oriental Spectacle THE FETE AT MECCA ” AL. O. FIELD. ARTHUR RUGBY. TOMMY DONNELLY. DOC QUIGLEY. PASCATKL. THI NONDESCRIPT, The Man with a Hundred Ft rme. “A Night ill Paris Dnriog the Eueritwi" BEftRV A HUGHES.* ROBT KEYS, KfStleal Mokes. Grotesque Athlete WATCH FOR THE BIG STREET PAGEANT PRICES. 50cM5e and SI.OO. CASTORIA The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signntnre of y ■—and has been made under his per (S. ~ . sonal supervision since its infancy, ' Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Juxt-as-good” are hut Experiments that trille with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castor!a is a harmless substitute for Castor 03, IJnre-,-_ gone, I>rops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasanti- It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm* anti allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. T™* CEUTAUW CCMUNV, f* WuBBSI *T*CC?, KtW VORH CITY. Summer * bargains A clearance sa'e to make room for new goods. l Parlorffuit, 5 pieoee, worth (40, now $29. Jfl 1 Oak Refrigerator, worth S2O, now sls. jifS asHitf, II 1 Oak Bad Room Suite, 3 piece*, worth $25, now $lB Bed Lounge*, worth sl6, now sl2. Centre Table* 50 oeots to $6. loe Cream Frtez-rs wor:b $2 .50 at fl 9S. __ IfIJ- HI A large assortment of Sideboards, Cupboards ffit’ ‘il and Chßirs. - Prices Below the Market, fggpl’ C. Mc&ABVEY. OPEN AGAIN. Jno V erulii wines, Liquor, Cigars, Etc. Is now ready for bueinese, We will Bell yon gocci - • per cent less tHan original ccet. 506 Morffc Street. * Sotisiociion mi M. WlmllmmmZ/SL When ih" liquid* cot.c from our stack. We ca ry sucb a fine line of APL that It is impossible to ficd^^ktuL V X ~ iff which is not pleasing in some nf BL T jjHi Theca goods are fully matl^^Bj have a fine rich body and nieliow for family or an • use. * ■'%' a " V-cI>OTOIA^