The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 05, 1900, Image 6

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(§o©iety. MOTHER'S MADE TJE BED. When je’ve been a-poutln’ An’ the llh they wouldn’t bite, An' the boat was full of leak/ hole* Whera the j'lnla won't none too tight, An’ it aeeina as if the lucky waa all About as good aa dead— It's a mighty comfort when ye think That mother’s made the bed. The rain haatoaked ye through an’ through, Till ya're 'bout as vret as top, An’ yer feet ate white and swollen •he a juicy “gol! rwhop," When ye'rr getlin’ hungry an’ So tired frem foot to head— Oh, what a comfort then to thiuk That mothei’a made the bed! An’ wberfye ace her smilin’ faoe To meetysr at the gate. She tells yer pa haa done the chores . ’Causa ye are out ao late! Oh, ain’t ahe glad ter ace ye then, Her little Usher, Ted 1 An’ ain't ye happy when ye thirk That mother’s made the bed? - An’ ’en she makes ye change yer clothes An’ drink some ginger tea, ’Cause she says (an’ mother knows/ It’s very good for ye; Oh, ain’t ye mighty sleepy then, Aa up the atairs ye're led! An’ ain't ye happy when ye think That molher’i made the bed? Then she rolls ye up so close an’ warm, An’ tucks the corners tight, Au’, softly knceiln’, kisses her Wear little Ted goodnight; Ye drea a of ahtnin' angels; An’ the golden light they shod, An’ ye feel so snug an’ happy, ’cause Doer mother rnnde the bed. Mr. md Mrs. 13. 13, Robinson return ed to St. Simon yesterday from a visit to Brunswick. O Mr. Thomas Fuller is confined to bis room by illoess. Q Misses Joslo and FYaoc,s Smith letvo on ibe Mallory Line today for New York. Mr. and Mrs. Brewster Pi, lli, B Jit yesterday for Bt. Simon, from a visit to Brunswick. Mr. R. B. Everett couth uca tpilie ill to the rogra of ids friends, Mrs. Wm. Thomas sod litllu son FWIE FURNITURE. A Pages of talk on our furniture stock would give but half an idea of jTjjMpl the beauty and economy found here- Visit the Store and let the goods do their own talking and the prices their own saying? More than an entire train load of suits and odd pieces have been placed on these floors since last you were here. Set about it CARPETS, RUGS, MATTITSk Never were the prices on these high *.„de ar ticles so low as at present. Never have the pat terns been so beautiful, the quality so excellent the price so attractive. Each new season fluds this depart*^nt condition to fill your wants. The prracftfl. wte,. || carpet and rug centres have representation here. We are quoting Lower Prices Than Elver. H. M. MILLER A SON. Clarence leave tomorrow for their home in Ganlaesville, after a pleasant visit to the families of Messrs. George and D. W. Krauss. —b — Mrs Frank Scarlett ar.d children will return text week from Ft. Val ley, Mrs. Albert Fendlg eute tiined at tea on Wednesday evening, compli mentary to her guests, Mrs. Samuel Borcbardt of Tampa, ant Mr. Louis Fendig, of R- nssl li.d. Mrs, Win, Way is improving from a recent illness. Mr. J. A. Montgomery will return on the.flfteenth irom a vis.t tu relieves io Chicago. , Mr, and Ms. R, TANARUS, Rich are re moving their hou-ehold effects to Bir mingham, Ala., where he and Mrs. Hitch w 11 reside for the present. On aocrunt of the inclemency ol the weather, the Library boaid did not hold is meeting yesterday afternoon but postponed it until Tues lay slter noou at four o'clock. CAN YOU TKLL WHY You have constant headaches, arc nervous and sleepless st night and feel tired In tho morning? Your blood Isn’t carrying the right materials to your nerves and olhsr organa. Begin taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the-gicat blood cnricbcr, and you will soon realise a change. You will feel better and stronger, will relish your food aud CDjoy refreshing sleep, Naufea, Indigestion are cured by Hood's rills BRAVE MEN FALL Vio'ima to alt maob, liver and kid nej troubles, as well aa women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in lbs blood, backauhe, ner vousness, beadaohe, and tired. liatlese, run-down feellug. But there 1 * no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, ldavillr, -lod. lie laft: "Electrio Bitters are just the thing foramen when he is alt rundown, and sion’t care whether he lives o dies. It did more to give me newr strength and goed appetite than any-J thing l could lake. I can now ttn anything and have anew leses offl life.” Only 50 cents, at alt drug stores/] Every buttle guaranteed For backache use STU/KT’B GIN and BUGHU: Torturing skin erupt ions, burn* and arc soothed once and promptly luialcd by apply ing DeWHt’a Witch Hazel Salvetfbe known cure for piles. Beware of wurthl f ar conn ter felts. W. Jr Butts. THE BRUNSWICK IIMEvCALL, OCTOBER 5, 19C0. SOMETHING WORkH HEADING. Mr. J. T. Patmer, Macon, Ga • De-r Sir and Friend: -As a ”Doubt ing Thomas,” who has quite rectntiy emerged from the darknees of skepti cism ahd dis’iusi into tie n*ht of truth aod conviction, t am pleased to offe this Voluntary" testimonial to your ex cel lent oimpanr. \Vtun £rs* approached on f he subject of taking a policy in your company I was disinclined to g’ve the matter ter lous consideration, feeling that the in surance then being carr ed was ample, and that further investments along that 1 ne were not only unnecessary but would be unwise. However, in after weeks and m mtbs my mind frequently recurred to the wisdom and value of ttejnnuitv fca’ure; sod as I reflected upon the impor ance of making a pro vision for the maintenance of loved ones that would enjoy exemnt’on from the unce taln’ies that attend the admicistrst on of estates, I became more and more conyinc.d oi the we dora of the annuity feature, though still doubtful abcut your company be ing able to give me that CERTAIN PROTECTION which to me was the sine qua non of a policy. When you again approached me on the subject, I determined to consider your claims aod arguments from every standpoint and every aspect. This I did fer-swsoitti- dki*,--witt'iho- sasuit that I reached a favorable conclusion aod took a *1,200 annuity policy. . My investigations were so painstak ing and exhaustive as to leave me no further basis of distrust or apprehen sion; and I am frsnk to say that if I could not obtain another policy of like character, I would ~o> p t t with that which I have for m>ny, many time Us cost. That the ‘ annuity policy” is destin ed to be THE POLICY of the future ib as certain to my wind as that this is an age of tvolulion and progress, In which we are constantly attaining to higher aod fetter standards in things rout, da as well as in ail other realms. With assurances of personal esteem, and slno^re good wishes lor the pros per.ty of yourself and company, I beg to remain, Cordia.lyaod truly yours. Pres. Georgia and Alabama BMinces College. Mscon. Ga. Uo not get o*i-ed It youi heart trouble* you. Most likely you suffer from indigestion. Kortol Dyspepsia cure digest* what you est and give* the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that digests all classc* of foods; that Is why it ernes tbe worst eases of indigestion and stomach trouble after evety tlungelm ha* failed, it may he taken in all coqjlUlon* and cannot help but do you good. W. 1 Butte ■jf. Happened la a Drag Stcra. g lust v iauir a lay came to my dnn and ft.ked for a brand of cough medicine inn* mild not hare In alock," Mya Mr. C. R. l.ranffln, the popular diugglat of Ontario, N. V. **Bt|p nil disappointed u,! wanted to know w hut conah preparation I could recommend, I 9‘ikl to her itlut l Could freely recommend Übamb.rtain’3 Cough Remedy and that abe could take a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if aha did not And it worth the money to bring back the pot lie and 1 would refund the prioe paid, in the course of a. day or two tie ladg came back in company with a friend in > cod i 1 a cough medicine and adyiacd her to kny a Kittle of chamberla'nV Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recom mendation for the remedy." The remedy owea 11a great popularity and e\tenire sale m a large measure to the personal reoommenda tlona Who hare been cured by irausc. fl Is at I>r.'ltiho|i'a drpg stove. w a • it is \\ ellto know that He Witt’s Witch U arc I heal aburn, and atop the , aih at once, ft will rare erceina and <kin dlacnse-, and ugly waumls and aorea. it is a certain cure tor plica. Counterfeits maybe offered you Sec that you get the original lfeWitt’a Witch Itaiel Salve. W,J. Butts. RED HOT FROM THE GUN Wat tbe ball tbt bit G. B. Stead man, of Newark, Miob.. in the Civil war. It earned m rribie Ulcers that no treatment help for 20 years. Then Bucklsb'a Arnica Salve cured him. Cores Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boil?, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Beat Tile cure on eartb. 2scte. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. - — 1 Soother pills cawequal DeWilt's Little Kr- Ijr Klters for promptness, certainty and ellic ienry. W. J, Bulla. City court will evuveue MyuJay. Sen hotice elsowhere in this issue. Pyny-Pectoralj ■tA qVICJt Ct T RK FOR * Roughs and colds I i Very valuable Remedy in all < affections of ;Uo ] ; THROAT or #9gS! [ I-arg'o Bottles, as®-" ! j PA VIS & LAWHENCB CO-, Limited, 1 L I’rop't of Pwrrjr Daria’ Pain-Killer. J NOTICE. Those jurors who were in at’eadai ce upon the city court when last recessed and these whose names are as follows: Wm. Nusbaum, Louis Gill, C. A. Clark, R. M. McLaughlin, H. L. Dart, J. M. Madden, Sr., B. P. Lipsey, Chris Arn heiter, John Borring Davis, D. H. As bell, W. J. Peters, W. D. Miller, E. Bowen, Gee Tharin, J. A. Smith, J E. Dsrt, T. E. Smith, John Summerlin, C. W. Deming, D- A. Currie, P. Goelte, T. B. Goodbreid, C. H. Leavy, Q. P. Jaques, Moses Daniels and A O. Ander son are hereby notified to be on band at 8.30 o’clook a. m., Monday, October 8. 1900, to proceed with the business before the court. Take notice and govern yourselves ac cordingly. J. D. Si* arks, Judge City Court of Biunswick, Ship Notice. Neither tbe master, owners or con signees of tbe Austrian steamer Dorotes, will be responsible for any debts contracted by rba eraw of said steamer. Wm Johnson &Cos., L*td. Consignees. >- -SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master, oor owners of tbe British steamship Foylemore will be responsible for eny debt* contracted by tbs orew of teid •teenier. Wm. John*on & Cos., LVd. Agents. Dr. W. H, Lewi*, Lnwrencevllte, Va, write*.- ”1 *m uiing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my prae tlee among several cate* of Indigestion and find it tn admirable remedy.” Many hundred* of physician* depend upon the use of Kodol Dys pepsia Cqro In stomach troubles. It digests what- yon eat and allows yon to eat all the good food yoo need, providing you do not overload your stomach. Hive* instant relief and a per manent oui e. W. J, But:*. The editor of the Fordville, Ky.. Miecc-ilan eoua. write* a* a poMscript to a business letter: "I w as cured of kidney trouble l/y taking Foley’s Kidroy Cure,” Taka nothing else. W.J. Unite Our Greatest Spseialtrt Fur 20 years'Dr. J. Ncwtou Hath away has so successfully * rested chronic diseases that he is acknowledged today to stand at the head of hta profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery oureSTn 9iF-per tent, of all cases. In tho treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful- Dr. Hathaway's practice ts more than double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless By other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. . He makes no charge for consultation ofadvice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Rryau Sftrcet. Savannah, Ga FOR SALE. .* One tract t>i ind '•*o’n , n<r ft aerjp. 5 1-2 acres lu ffa- u*iliai,ou witujour room dwelling; .gogtl stable* fine fruit trees and grape vines, Gib son grtek, kjiowu as tbe Metis place Tht# (s a ttno place fgr truck farming; also for fiabuyg&nd catching and raising terrapin. It 1b a roo.t pleasant and bcalttiy pliee to live and is promoted fr0m..411 storms. Also one tract of 15 acres fine land with about SOO cords of wood and piling ou i', situated on the old Darien read 4 1-2. miles from Brunswick, a hue place for a dwelling and a most profit able place for the wood and piling that arc on It;laud good for farming. Sec me C. L. Park Lit, Cor. E and J ats. Brunswick,.Ga. QU ESiTION S r A N W FRED. Yes, August Flower still banAie largest salojof Rnv medicine In the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else .for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of apendlcltis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clem cut the system and stop fermentation of undto gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the’actlon of tbe ner vous and organic system, and that It all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green s au gust Flower, ln-llquld form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing serious the matter fwlth you Bsmple bottles at Butts drugstore or Rrown Drug C Should bain; every household mede cine Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Watkins. fife flf 3 plenty of Duffy’s Malt. Whiskey, Sill ■afiaeffT *nd take it regularly. Bythistime IS T-r! ' eJ® ‘ wll !ing to do anything far MKII te 'A t-j- wfea relief. Sothedearoidrnan,though /-/-Co - fcSSr Rf| VO fe® k* is not u whiskey doctor, oidered i, roe ’n >-uin at once with two table- YV have th*tt- epouufulans a dose every two hours \ 'ZX sand* of tr-iinio- and night, I did so, and imme- \ / niais front gro-- . Uiatv.y began to Improve, au-i now, \ iZthtfzpufiL / fill patVots wi;o six weeks from that time, Ijhv- I. : ~f p- j- tjj I e*n b-enthe K ’roosr a* Consumption Z.W* fid w wrc<tiM, and Ir.C sarsmy!ao23 by iluffv’s Pure >1 B My h-wjed, yj'hept .>oeßulk | 1.-voe in Aae yight Malt Whisker. &J 'iff Afe "ii-c. and thet the cuvfti. s are contracting. I Heutl-ii.-r.- T li.vl and.. not XVk.wi- lieiherG< and isi-oingto let rueget a tough for ii.i-.a- wCra-SM V ' ,c u ‘ T ’ fci,t 1 hunt lily trust- He will, and 1 grin ami not taking on beoetu that, under God. your Whiskey has myself. Iu April, tku. I hec*;: * _ savwl my iitsthns far, and If t (gsweak Iw', wtmlde to w .-k I k-A i*. < 3 P hnd Iwjuq a year ago I would W*A ex* mined 1. -’ - -oi --. . . Mb ft Sk L: ‘ ve i ' c<su tureil by this time, who tohl me I’ had 1W „ „ Resfn-etfully; :rl*ii. The-*.;- ied : * . ... © hj j g .•?. H. E. Uidi-lc, Aeno,S.C. H’ hV.-. Mrt.t Wi... >■ I 2is 6 Vsff M !>■>'< I’ww Melt WMdui I* so W?t*-r avail at v- -d. •■. T w . - . > a per* u.isv.<ia etiiaa t.” /”\Va.V , 1 Vr' - 1 ”--r- t. • t >. last osd msTr. ’ y , I '• *h last. Ij, ■, . f,r -w, cotje i'T.r-- ’• siU > . .illww* u i.-tfur U) .-t mi i-, t **.<. -* wi!> pi*i4Kt.*ry r. vv ui prfniLi* -.v.s very • , : ■ • l.offHu. • .... ,M.\a B .. lonyer. f>irt,,d jo. T . v .‘. Cm.. Mi. 1 ® I off. -'/ . .5. ••.-. io •; y in:.,, and' t< id §*t Sifafe iff £\ll' ue ,Ue w.. . t , -i le oue RrP?ISIMr Will hilt a trifle Is-f-r, !,„t !h t, 1 j,, nel . HB6l2N3>a6k W !t 1 .it- e wl.iie ;f I would take w|?f taSl'e?ilw ■ Ail dru.- l.ts :.d grwer- •rdlrert, wtiM paid. £1 a bcu’.e. Send for free medical bikiet.* CURES GOMiUPTION. j A* Jfcw Qn<it> <'*’• rrtrr,-rv for yf* ia-t.rr.chr’:>, rtc., f=ei f. fr**e to acy reader of thU paper. WALT V/HISKKY CO., Rochester, N. Y. fi IPAN ; S T4BUIES find s ?A Good - -a- - - Prescription t . for mankind • / -v £**" *2 D7**i*, Gokww laarag 1 '"V y : D— 5..1.k pu * ‘--t —f .nlMii Ijfi Oi* gt4* sfik' N, natter wh*, 1 , tib* utter, a, , r* *4_ TANARUS Maple. uU m, (*.*■■< ImO. dt r w, r* FOR SALE OX EASY TERMS. The following valuable building lots, oharmiogly situated in the resident portion of the city, are for sale on esTJ terms: 136x180, oo Union street, running back to Reynolds street. This piece of property can be divided into six lots, 45x90 eseb, thtee fronting on Union and three on R?ymM afreets, and i-situated tmmediau ly north of tbe residence of Mr. G tuber. Lo ! on tbe east aide of T'oion -tree', opposite tbe resljeoiie of Mr. John H. McCul lough, 90x180 feet, can be divided into four lots 45x90; two fronting on Union and two on Ellis streets. Lots ISOxISO feet, cornering on Albany, Albtinarle and Amherst street?, can be divided into eight lot?, 43x90 feet each. Abo lots on Gloucester street, between Al bany and Ambrrat streets, acd lots on Albany, between Gloucester and F streets; and ou Amherst street, be tween Gloucester aud F streets. To anyone wishing desirable bonding lots, either for their own residence or for rent, cannot fail to be satisfied with these locations. For further Informa tion apply to J. E. dcßioron. Second hand household furniture bought and so j ( j i also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. Cheap Rates Via Southern Railway. MACON, GA.— Grand Lodge. F A A. M. One fare round trip. Ticket-* on sale October 2i final limit November 2,1900. LotTHVILLB, KY,--Annual convention col ored Oddfellows. One fare for round trip. Tickttson sajc .Sept. ;f9-30, and Oct. I, final limit Oct 9. ASHKVILLK, N.C --Annual meeting Missis sippi Vallep Medical Association. One fare lor round trip. Ticket? on *aU*ocLfl-9, final limit Oct. 15. KANSAS CrrV.MO.-AceottJit of Nation Con vention of tbe Christian church, tlcheLnsvili le sold to Kansaa City, Oct. with final limit Oct. 23, at rate or one fare for the round trip, plus $4. CHATTANOOGA. TENN.-t h and ChniiHi ik>k<‘i National P-nk Commissi’>n. Annual reunion of the a ceety of the Army of tlie Cumberland. Confederate Veteran* shhJi; annual meeting National Association War Veterans- Ofte fain for the round trip. Tickets on sale Octoben t> and 9, with dual limit October 13, luof>. LKXINGTi *N. KY.-Kentucky Hoive Breeders* Association. One taro for the round trip. Tickets on ante September su, with final Itmik October 15, 10. ATLANTA. GA.— Southern Interstate Fair For individuals, one fare fot the toundtrlp Plus 50 cents ad.inssion to the fair Rrouud# or a ili tary companies and brass bands in uniform, twenty or more on one ticket, one cent per mil© in each direction per capita. CHARLESTON, S. C.—Annual Convention league of ArnerlcHn Municipali:ie. Ono fare for the round trip plus s2.ou. Tickets on sale December and ll,with flnallimitDe cember 24,1900. A M GA. — Grand Lodge A. F. and % Mawuis and Aniiliary. One and one-thii faies for the round trip. Tickets on sale September 30 to October 2, with final limit Oct* her 7, I*loo. LUMBER CITY, Ga.—Colored Campmei ting. One and one-third fares for the rouni trip. Tickets on sale September 2T and 30, with final limit October l, 1900, Bloodworth & Jones, New Liverv Stablest New Buggies t Fine Horses Prompt attention given aL orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St.