The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 05, 1900, Image 8

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You have Watches, Clocks or Jewelry broken, bring them to me and I will them in first class order, at the very lowest price consistent with careful, first class work. Our 20 years’ experiencefit us for the finest and most difficult jobs. All work is fully guaranteed. We also fit Glasses to any and all Eyes, and guarantee a perfect adjustment. We carry a fine line of Jewelry and Silverware of all kinds, and your inspection. KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Ontician. *ls Newcastle Street, Inspector of Watches tor Southern Bailway. Time by Wire daily from Washington WJH. BOWEN. J, NfrUKADT, BOWEN & BRADT, •V #j.v *** AIVJC3 E3l—ll L_ CD ES-K.SS . Of Stone. Brick and Frame Building Manufacturer* of Cement, Tile aml,‘Artiflolal Stone. . . ™ . dp. . BOYS’ SHIRT WAISTS - - r: ™ ■' ' r_ '"' ' '■ jjfr' * Another lot Boys’ 75 cents and SI.OO Laundered Shirt Waists —one week 48c. New Line Ladies’ Skirts, LEV Y ; 1 f tiie; Bsrxswicic thies-call. October 5, 1 m A NEW PLACE TO BUY DRUGS. Smith’s Piracy, corner Newcastle and Mo de Streets. i& now well equipped with a ;ner, frech anl well selcted stock of pure Drugs, Soaps, Perfumes and All Tolet Articles found ip a first clea-, u, drag store Tour Prescriptions will receive the personal attention of a graduate in Pharmacy of many years practical experience. Ton will save money, tet the best attention and your trade will he appreciated. SMITH'S PHARMACY, COB. NJCWCAST).B AND MONK STS, YOUR FACE jj IS YOUR POBTUKK. Li J-NK Throw wav Cosmetics, it. American Women throw t aw *T seventy-five million doll ar fc annually for fac ” •• pow lers,lotions, etc., mo which are made of pels mo ns nub. tanees an atroy the akin. To seeuie a Natural, Koa Healthy Complexion, get a VIRGIN BUBBKK MASK. Restores original contour, permanently re moves pimples, freckles, blackheads, and all oemplexlonal imperfections. Absolutely harmless Results guaranteed. Write for particulars. Price 13.00 by mat Gloves 12.00 and I MO. VIRGIN RUBBER QO„ No West 14tb St N. Y Brown Drug Con sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. TO fHMjjTLIILiC. • Thiol* to advtac that on and lifter Sodtembdif iOth no passengers will b* curvtM on freight trains of the riant System. ■ GUO. W, COATKS, % Division CHEAP ADVERTISIi * sap* - } Mi ADVANCE AdvcrtisemmSaTShTs'ccTmrin will lie Insert ed at the uniform rate of One Cent a Word for each Inaertlon. No advertisement, however, mall, leas than Mi cents. Cash in advance. ' * ,r ' 4 FOR SALE—Three milk cow.: .AS. S.Tkit T • ft SAKE.—Nice and lot, on 0 street, cheap for cash. ■i to Abe Rotcbiid . P SA! K-c&ining room |*a.od F*> furniture for sle. Atfiplj Friday and Safordsy mornings Jtßr. 600 Eftiob street. r ■■ lfnstliqg young man oan main S6O per tiuintb and expeusee, i’eruikipnt position. Experience unoeociVry. Write quick for particulars, Cflrt & Cos., 4th & Locus Streets, PhlfaßpJ pbia. Pa. , WAN I KD.-Chrutiau mat) or wo* man willing to qualify for permanent position of treat, here or ip home county. S9OO yearly. Ebel6*e gelf* AddrejMifd Stamped envelope to SocVe* .Un&&v at Timkb-Caia. * .i.Bti.i ■ i JfOli sit uated on Turtle river, containing (Bit* acres of high land, suitable for truck ing or poultry ralaingV about 13 aorea cleared; good tisbmg and oyster beds around the Island. Also, Island View, oontaing 50 aorcs, more or less, situ ated on Qibson and Psrvises creeks, six acres of which Is under new wire fence ; 75 to 100 pear trees, and m* provementa on aame. For further in formation, apply to F, Jos. Doerflin ger, 316 Union street. . .IIIgBBSa - J.—J . ! ' * OASTOTIIA. Bun ths The Kind You Have Always Bought I YES, WE ILVVE IT! FOR BREAKFABT. FOR SUPPER. Cream Wheat. Libbsy'a Veal Loaf. I Broker's Oat Meal. Libbey’s Ham I.oaf. | Heoker's Farina. Libhey’s Beef Loaf. Shredded Wheat Bisouit. Libbey’s Cottage Loaf. Shredded Codtlab. And many other good things Large Fat Mackerel. f RING PHONE 158, SHORT BUTSPICY CITY NEWS NOTES A Days Doings as Gathered ;by iTbe Times-Cal! Reporters MATTERS PBBSiNAL AND GENERAL BRIEF STATEMENTS OF THEIMANY THINGS THAT MAKE UP THE BUSY ROUND OF LIFE- Mr. R. L Uarilson is in Xew York. Rev A. C. Ward returned 10 Atlanta last night. Air the country schools opened tip in gojd shape. Those who have been wanting rain should now be satisfied Quite a large number of . Brunswick - iane will see the new boat “Raymond” launched. Mr. J, V. Sparks, representing tbe State Mutual Life Insurance Cos,, is spending a few days in the city. Mr. L. Ludwig, jiedOSS merchant, ha* remove $ t? UW.b t .Ml tig on ; Uaan street, adjoining the court house.; Considerable excitement was caused on Newcastle street yesterday afternoon by a scrap between two business men. Oh account of Al. Field’s minstrels tW-.iteapW Egmont has reduced the ra St. Simon to 25 cents for the round Uip. * W.'.t. Bigby, who represents a Louis vrae baa been in the city this vycek. Mr. Blgby says he sold a firinTwfc'h is"no doubt Of eSfßdy oyer made in this city . ".A BIG BUSINESS - ■ v\ Dane By tbe Slate Mutual Lfe In surance Company. We are glad to hear through Mr. J. V. Sparks,<i dtreetor of the State Mu tual L'te insufhuee Company, Borne, Gts., of their suooesa He reports that they did a bustneaa la eighteen months of the older oawgmies. vhiying from tfiWe to twenty Are years. - This campary en thf plan ° r lb* Athens Are CljmVuny, using all fund* for the wife tod They have certainly (Jon. a rermbrksb.e bastneas tbe past two years,* baking old ovr three and kftalf miihon dollar* of in ’ suraoce. W* are glad this institution in our raidlf, believ ing it will be an ornament tri\*r state hud a credit to the south. \ jDaJI and see the new line of up to date, ready-to-wear lists. Misstate Slater, \ Have yourolothea cleaned and pißst ed by Jim Carter. Call and see the new line of up-to date, ready-to-wear Hats. Miss Kate Slater. I THE COMMON ENEMY ... 'Si Kidney dtseaaa t* the enemy we have most to teat s > result of the _ wsd feverish of our modern dvtlUtk>n. •, l. t, treacherous enemy, working out lb deadly" effect 'under of the jmost trifling • ■ symptoms. '; The first indication of changes in the urtne. frequent heed- I aches, ;Kgesttv*tj< w tget, be" the signal to?* prompt*remedlai meesuees. PfUCKLH ASM BtTTBRS greet merit." t< ts soothing, heating andjtrengthenlngjfoukkty'' aching or soreatss thef always appears Is the advanced stage, checks the ■ progress of the disease, and through its excellent cleansing and regulating effect in the liver and bowels, it brings back the strength and ruddy glow of 'vigowuf' health.* I eotd at Drug Store*. Price, 91,00 Per Bottle. W- .J Butts, Special Agents. Disinfect Your Homes Choloro - Naptholeum, A Safeguard to Disease. We Sell in Anv Quantity. W J BOTTS, Th, Druggist. “On th© Comer." WELL, I DON’T THINK! > You have tried all of Our Speo’al Flavors of Gold Soda-Water. \ T here are several of them that will refresh von In any old weather. For instance, have you ever tried our new drink, If you have you know a good thing. If yon haven't, there ia a real iteat yet las ore for you. Our reputation of having the heat I Soda In the citv most be sustained, and that ia why we use only thi | pure fruit Juices for our syrup and why we are never just out. I Us served oight and cold as ice can make It. ; Nunnally’s Candies BROWN DRUG CO. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF KENTUCKY. Whisky. SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. ——not made by a trust- . j l Trager & Cos,, Independent Distillers* Sold Exclusively in Braunswick by I douc*;, 206SBav Street. *