The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 06, 1900, Image 3

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Hurryr Hurry! Hurry! y BIG CUT RATE SALE. < STOCK MUST GO—EVERYTHING AT COST taois:, " ' —— shoeS. A- Gent’s Furnishings. Humanic Shoes at 13.00 Men’s Gold and Silver Shirts at Vc4& 51 00 Men’s Vici Kid Bals at 2,50 *' Men’s Summer Underwear at Cost. Men’s Tan Vici Bals at 2.25 5 I Men’s Winter Underwear at Cost. Men’s Calf Bals at 2.25 j I Large Line of Guyei Hats - g 2 2C Ladies Ultra Bouts at 2.75 I Men’s Stiff Hats, latest styles Ladies’ Kid Lace Boots at 2.25 L® 1 Boys ’ and Youth ’s Shoes at 20 Ladies’ Kid Button Boots at 225 _• A large line of half hose and £. & \\, Collars at cost.” ’ Ladies’Patent Leather French Heel Ties at 2.75 Our line of Neckwear is swell and complete A LARGE LIME OF MISSES’AND M fi Mn'.w,kßha.di ril , 6Bc CHILDREN’S shoes at cost. Come and See Us. ■ * PALMER & S H O OMPA NY. BOARD 01' TRADE DOSS ■Collector Goodyear Will S’art on the Rounds Today, Mr ( K Goodyear, Jr , who was ap poi to collect Irom those who sign ed .1 rd of Trade lists, will start ffh the rounds today, and U is to be hop ed that he will have no trouble in col lecting the money. All should pay him promptly. Pain-Ktller as an internal remedy, has no equal. In ossos of aumuiff complaints, diarriuet and dyseoteiy, it cures quickly. Used as an ointment its action is like magic when applied to bad sores, burns, redds, and sprains. For the sick headache and toothache, don’t fail to try it. In short, it is a Tain h lUr. Avoid substitutes. There is but one Tain-Killer, Perry Davi.V Price 25c. and 500. It Hippeced in a Drug t M One day last winter a )&dy came to my dru# tore and asked for a brand of cough medicine that l did not have in stock,” says Mr. C. K. <irandin, the ixjpular druggist of Ontario, N.f. “She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation 1 could recommend, I said to her (tbftt 1 coaid freely recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that she tould take a bottle of the remedy and after giving It a fair trial if she did not And it worth the money to bring back the bottle and l would refund the price paid. In the courdPof a day or two the lady came back in company with a friend in reed of a cough medicine and advised her to boy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recom mendation for the remedy.” The remedy owes Its great popularity and extensive sale in a large measure to the ,personal recommenda tions of people who have been cured by its use. It is for sale at Dr. Bishop’s drug store. RED HOT FROM THE GUN Wai tbe bill that bit G. B. S'.ead niD, of Newark, Micb., in tbe Civil war. It caused horrible Ulcers that ua treatment beip for 20 jtars. Then Buck Iso’s Arnica Blve cured bim. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corea, Skin Eruptions. Best , Bile cure on eartb. 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggiett. Backache use ART’S GINjI BtrcHD: DEDICATION SERVICES. V the Frederica church, (St. Si mon,) Sunday morning, a window will be dedicated to the memory of the late A. G, I*. Dodge, The servioes will be attended by all of the Episcopal min isters' of this city and St. Simon’s Idsnd. The steamer Ilessie will leave here in the morning at 3 :30 for Frede rica-, and will return immediately after the ceremony. Half the World is in Darkness as to the cam* of their ill health. If they would start to treat their Sidneys with Foley’s Kid ney Core, the weariness ol body and mind, back ache, headache and rheumatic pains would disappear. W. J. Balts. Don't he deceived or humbugged, by Ipeopl who claim the discovery of some hlthorto un known herb or root in swamps, or on some mountain or prairie for the cure of kidnoy and bladder troubles, Any doctor or druggist will tell you that such claims or fraudulont. Foley’s Kidney Cure simply contains remedies that are recognised by tiie most skilful physicians as heat for these complaints, so don't be credulous orfoollsh. W.J. Butts. IS A GORGEOUSLY BOUND Work of art has just been issued at an outlay of over SIOO,OOO, for which the' publishers desire a Manager in this county, also a good solicitor; goods pay to tbe right party. Nearly 100 full-psge engravings, sumptuous pa per, illuminated covers and bindings; over 200 golden lilies in bindings; nearly 60 golden roses in tbe clotb bindings. Bells at sigbt; presses running day and nigbt, so great is tbe sale. Christian men and women making fortunes taking orders. Rapid promotions. One Christian wo man made clear S6OO in four weeks, taking orders among her'oburch ac quaintances and friends. Write us. It may lead to a permanent position to manage our business and look after our large correspondence, which you can attend to right at your boms. Ad dress J. A. Knight, Secretary, Corco ran building, opposite United States Treasurv-JVaehiogtuu, I). C. ® to lnh- rit <<r ai -juin *'& g**'l hpM.'l y tak THE:BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL OCTOBER 6,1900 MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It iscertainiy gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land wbo are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering, The pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, 'Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine, and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, are surely oured by it. Call on all druggDy, and get a free trial bottle. Kgu>ar size 50c, and sl. Every bottle gujFanteedj dr price refunded. . Pure Whiskey, Harper’s. Terfeot Wbiskey, Maser’s. Every bottle guaranteed u4rpey’E Sold by T. New man, Bruns W,lel* Ot, forget that Dr, M- fTott’e Taethinajfleething Powders) will cure their <hi|i. yy • SORES AND / ULCERS. j Sores anti Ulcers never become chronk lAiiet>3 the blood is in poor condition —is Hfcggish, weak and unable to throw off ”e poisong that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy {natter through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heal before • the blood has been made pure end healthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleans ing and invigorating the blood, building op the general health and removing from MlmS" DnAIH rifete matter. UPON THE SYSTEM. When this has been accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases and the sore or ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy tbe bones. Bocal applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate nain, cannot reach the seat of tbe trouble. S. 8. S. does, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. I. A Talbert, Lock lto* *45, Winona, Miss, wy.i Bt* year, ago my tee from th kn< eto tbe foot wss one solid sore. Bevrral physician, (rested m and I made two trips to Hot Spring*, but found r.o relief I was Induced to try S. 8.8, tod It made a complete cure. I have been a per fectly well man ever since." Sfji f* known—contains no Jfl poisonous minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. If your flesh does not heed readily when scratched, bruised or cut, yonr blood is In bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and write onr physicians shoot your case. We make no Charge for this service. WE BWM--T XL. ATLANTA. BA. IIS! PIES best goods, best those are the three rtife. which rule in tins store in all seasons of the year, sf y aim is to give perfect satisfaction. There is no reason why 1 should not; and if, at any timo, you get anything bore which is not right, I ask that you tell me of it. ITEMS FOR TODAY: New Evaporated Peaches. New Eyaporated Apples. New Prunes. See Them. KEANY GROCERIES, •; Phone 11, 312 Newcastle Street. ELI ZISSIMATO, 302a Newcastle St. fiiii:.,. , :.:. dusk rm CIGARS AND TOBACCO les IGnia Mb Onrr Div.Dfilk! Shib Soda Water Etc., - Ail Kiads ofjOandy , OEViRIS & LEVADir Gocerics, Country Produce —Vegetables, etc. Also Confectionery. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK, GA Lunch Basket Free f With every pair of boys’ or girls Shoes sold we will give Free a Nice Lijfe* * Basket. * MRS. M. ISAAC, The Largest Dry Goods Store, 208 and 208 1-2 Newcastle St KIDNEY DISEASES most fatal of all dis fftl CY* KIDNEY CUHEIsa lULLI O Guaranteed Remedy money refunded. Contains remeafcs recognised by emi- I as best for from Bladder troubles. RICE 50c. and SI.OO. © W. J. Butts, tbe Druggiist SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. AllenXFoot-Easc, a powder. It rnros pslnful, .marling, nervouslon, rni'.i. -raeftE nail*,nn<l iiistiintly tsscs tbf bun ion.. It’S the atoer. ftt chaft 'A'Jry Of the ane. Allou’s-So adSP or new h<w. fool c*pJ-U SWnfor sweat mir.oalloa. und r * nl P'ilnik feet. Try It today. Sold hy t'l dri. i and .hoe stoics, lly mail for &o In stain .V l<Trlal package Hoe. Addrcas Allen . 01m-. ,Lo Roy, N. Y.'.'jt, ITCH Eh (i & THOMAS. ft Livory, boarding and sale stables. Finest turnouts in the city. + Newcastle Bt. ; Pleasant to the taste. ; Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. McIEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Eliminates uric acid. The best remedy for Rheumatism and diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. SI a Bottle, at druggists. THS Wt. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., •T. LOUIS, NO. for SALE BV '• BUTTS, The Druggist.'