The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 06, 1900, Image 4

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-The BrnUfKjinies. Established I*B9. The Brunswick Call. Established lIM. The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED WOO. Published CVKBY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. ARTHUR H. LEAVY Editor BOLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager orricx } SStiSSSBS&ViZ"”* po SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers are requested to notify the office rben they fall to get any lasne of tlie Tlmes- CalL Attention to this matter will be appre etateii by tbe publishers. The Timei-CaU will be 'Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. *5.00; per week 15 eenta. Correspondence on live eubjecta solicited. Beal name of writer should ac company tame- Subscriptions payable in advance. Eailnre to receive paper should be reported to the. bntiness office. 'Address all cogamnnications to THE TIMES-CALL, Brunswick, Ga. Kaiser Billie’s autograph loiter to Emperor Hwang Su resembles with Its bristling I’s an angered porcupine with quills up. ’Tib reported that the cropj in the Yang Tee-Kyang valley were ruined by the appearance of I’s thus early in the season. Figuratively speaking, tbe astute crafty and cunning Chinese dragon may yet scratch out the l’s of the single headed German black eagle with true Oriental diplomacy instead of war fare. The grand jury In Philadelphia de mands the reformation ot the whipping post for the punishment of wife-beat ers. It admite that is a relic, but It is no more a relic than wife-beating should be. How can colored people vote for Roosevelt when bo declared that ke had to drive the colored soldiers of the Finth and Tenth cavalry luto tbe fight with his revolver? Regfikrka the Sa vannah Press, Sw ww it remember the re- Tor cooking ’possum® "First catch ycnr’possum." First catch your Chinese culprits before you bang them. Gen. Fitzbugh Lee will be iu Staun ton, Va., on October llih to address the members of the veterans ami sons of veterans of tbe Fust Virginia cav alry. On the 10th there will be a re union of the sur vivo’s of the old Stone* if all Brigade there. Under the protecting dragon Hag of Chios Tuau, et at., perpetrated their atrocities on foreigners. Future dra gonades will be bandied by von Wal* dersee, with international standards lo the breeze, and almond eyed Chinese as vivisection subjects. I Asa wi!lSa'>pro(luctn(t mate Kansas again let tls, with 7K,000,000 bushel# of 1900. Tte people of the Sunflower state have gone "wheat crai7-" If one shouts with megapboolo voice the old, old crj: "What’s the matter with corn? ’ no longer do the prairies re-echo: "It’s all all right. The re sponse now 1. "Wheat!" -—— *• * ■ SOME REPUBLICAN FIGURES. Tbe Memphis Scimitar, a republican paper, but usually fair and always In telligent, has been figuring on the prob able result of the presidential election, and thinks that, at the present time, the electoral vote would line up about as follows: foe m’kinlky-18. Maine 6 lowa 13 N. Hampshire.. 4 Wisconsin 12 Rhode laland... 4 Minnesota 9 Vermont....... 4 N. Dakota 3 Massachusetts.. 15 S. Dakota 4 Connecticut.... 6 California ..... B Pennsylvania... 32 Washington ... 4 Ohio 22 Oregon* 4 Illinois 24 ‘ Michigan 14 T0ta1...-. 189 FOR BRYAN —20. Maryland 8 Tennessee 12 Virginia....:... 12 Missouri....... 17 N, Carolina .... 11 Kentucky 18 S. Carolina.. 9 Nebraska ;. 0 Georgia 13 Colorado..'. 4 Florida. ...... .. 4 1dah0..... 3 Alabama II Montana 8 Mississippi 6 Nevada .... .. 3 Louisiana ...... 8 Utah 4 Arkansas 8 ' Texas 15 T0ta1........ 175 debatable—7, New York 36 Indiana ....... 10 New Jersey.... 10 Wyoming...... 3 Delaware 3 Kansas ... 10 Total 83 West Virginia.. 6 Total number electoral votes ...417 Neecssary to elect 224 McKinley lacks 35 Bryan lacks 49 When we consider this as coming from a republican source it doesn’t look 80 had for Bryan. But tbe democrats are no longt. putting Indiana, Dela ware and Wyoming in tbe doubtful list, They now regard these states as certain for Bryan, and the more confident ones are also claiming West Virginia and New York, DANGERS AT HOME. Mr. Richard H. Alovey is a Maryland* er of ability who was actively against Mr. Bryan in 1896. He is now strongly advocating his election. He is a force ful, clear-headed speaker. His speeoh at Hagerstown appears In the Baltimora Bun. and is a strong arraignment of the very dangerous imperial policy of Mc- Kinley and the very draetic system of destruction known as trusts. These, in his view, constitute the national dangers." He thinks that it is the duly of all men who really love personal lib erty and would preserve our govern ment “in tbe great anil threatening crises" to unite fox tbe defeat of j£c ( - Kinley. The speech is quotable; and will repay reading well. It is 'the true spirit, end the article is in4esponsivc and virile language. We give one short sample at almost the be ginning of the address. We need not to go abroad into Cuba or Porto Rico or the Phi'ippints to find examples of wrong doing ami accumulating, aggres sivc, threatening evils, but we have them right at home, iu this once boasted “land of the free." Mr. Alovey said: , “There is enough at home to cause alarm and to emphasize the dangers of the present national crista. Thc&e dan gers and evils are not. pjjgpertive only —they are here now with feel them already pressing—the burden of increased taxation, the stamp tax on 44 A Little SpaxkJi^ Make mkc% Wbrk." The Utile “sparks” of bad blood lurking in the system should be quenched n\>ithx Hood's Sarsaparilla, America's great Hood purifier, h purifies. vitalises end enriches thebioodof both seres And a!! ages. Cures ■v*.{ salt rheum, dyspepsia, catarrh. Jwodi SgUahgiiff.i THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBER 6,1900. DON’T GET THIN Get fat; get nice and plump; there is safety in plumpness. Summer has tried your food works; winter is coming to try your breath-mill. Fall is the time to brace yourself. But weather is tricky; look out* Look out for colds espec ially. Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil is the subtlest of helps. It is food; it is one of the easiest foods in the world; it is more than food; it helps you digest your food, and get more nutri ment from it. Don’t get thin, there is safety in plumpness. Man woman and child. ! We'U lend yen a Utile to t*y iryov like SCOTT & BOWN&. 4<*s Pearl ttrect , Ne-r York every document, from a telegram to a mortgage, (he senseless loss of life in the Spanish and illegal Philippine wan, the scandals connected with the war and navy departments', the maintenance of an army of office holders in our new de pendencies. “And to these the direct flagrant and alargilng violations of the constitution by the president and a republican con gress, the startling usur pation of power by the president and the absolute abandonment by tbe gov ernment of the great principles pro claimed to the world by our declaration of independence, and we are forced to confess thht already America 1* becorn ing un-American.’’ - A CARD. Editors Times-Call:—As the t*me for the city election draws near, I ■ mw e that a discussion of pro h!we mayoralty candidates it not amiss at this time. It iB a well known faot that wbat Brunswick wants is a liberal government, and 1 suggest the name of a liberal man— Capt. Tobias Newman, a man in every way qualified for this exalted position. I am not a believer in a "wide-open" town, neither do 1 think a “tight" town is best lot u*. but with a liberal man in the mayor's office we’ nn rspect tbe happy-medium. Capt. Newman Is a man of recognized business ability, a successful mao, and he Is one of the few wh can harmonize the people of Brunswick, lie will suit tbe business element and the workingman. Very respectfully yours T.IirAYER. HOW’S THH* We offer One Hundred Onllsrs Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured hy HaP* Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A Cos.. Prop*., Tole da, O. We, the undersigoed, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and belie?# him perfectly booortble in ail business transaction-, and flnarcially abla to oarry out any obligations mad? by tbsir firm. West A Truax, wholesale druggists, O.; Walding, Kicnan A itar wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting direotly npon the blood and muoous surface# of the system. Price 76c. per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. BRYAN FOR NOBLEBVILLE, Talks on Truete in a Republican Conntry and Has Cordial Greeting Indianapolis, Oot. s.—Mr. Bryan began bis day's work at Noblesvillr, this state, today. The audience was large and liberal with applause. Mr. Bryan said tbe duty of tbe natron wta determined by tbe p.ople.and if eyery man would do his full duty conscien tiously next November tbe country’* duty in tbe present emergency would be properly Indicated. He accused the repubi'oan party of knowing nothing of any trusts exo-pt the ice t; tut, and said instead they should give some attention to the Standard Oil trust, wbiub, he said, fs supporting their ticket while “jou are paying she increased price for OIL,” There was much interest in tbe Nobieaarlle meeting. It is tbe oounty seat of a strong republican country, where, in 2896, people marched with bro-s bands docorated with goiJenrod across tbe platform from where Mr. Bryan spoke. He referred to this in cident today and tbe referenoe cailed ovt a loud laugh. There was no in terruption this time and a strong in tersst was manifested throughout the address CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. Thi Kind You Always Bought Nervousness is eured by making the blood rich and pure wtth Hood's Sarsaparilla. When you want a good medicine get Howl’*. LACK SHIPPING FACILITIES. Complaint That at 1 be Port of London Work is Too tl w. London, Oct. 5. —Elder. Hemps er A Cos. write to the papers tbi* morning to complain ef the lack of shipping fa cilities at tbe port of London, owing to the lack of docks ar.dnrg <’or of dredg ing. They assert tb A' fhty are trying to push their Canadian trade, but that of la'e, it ha* taken fourteen days to % discharge a cargo here. They chaia:- tems uoh a-state of thijpg's a- "di >o strou*.” CATARRH - ■ The Mother of Consumption. How this Dread Disease May be Presented end to red- The Greatest of Specialists Wrtt£a on the Subject, Catarrh l the mother 6f ermsuaptttj). By this I do not moan ttuu every caw .?/ iatarrb de t ye topee arid coonfinM, bat X do moan that catarrh when un checked, and fltu n etron the proper opportunities i *w eaten •lot. fh>a It* place of bcfcuii'.g', which l# the nu-al deeper and deeper tho breathing tract, mvariuwcud* in Consumption of the Lungs. Catarrh seldom destroys any considerable part of tb*. menus surface of the upper air pa v •tree; it In dames and ooapest* them, causing usually a Jp*r •hundabt and ‘aii ebartfe; out when It reacaes the intensely delicate tint an of the hair-Uke lung tubes And little lvms cells, the .nflamation and congestion which It causes. Close* those small air passage* and, allow n,g the putrid discharged matter to accumulate, causes a rot ting away of th membrane, reaulttpg m what we CaU Consumption of the Lungs. The tbnobhcv of catarrh. The tendency of catarrh, when it has once obtained a foothoW in any portion of the mucous membrane which lines every cavity of the body, Is to constantly extend in every direction. Catarrh lo almost every Instance start# with what ta commonly known aa old lo the head. This cold Is added to by another, because of some extra expos ire or weakening of the and becomes chronic. Nasal catsralt it the result, Unless a radical cure of this condition la affected, the disease rassee rapidly to the throat, to the bruuchial tubes, and then to the lungs. NEW LUNGS, Consumption cannot be cured. New lung# cannot be mad for a man any more than new fingers or a new u so: but catarrh can be cured In suits ttagee except this final aud always fatal one. A CERTAIN CURB. W * Tn an experience of twenty years, daring whlcb time l hare t fated mauy thousands of oases of al* forme of cAta’-rh, T hare nevaryet failed to effect a radical and permanent cure. The method 1 employ is one exclusively my own, end the remedies which t use are prepared under my personal direction in mj i'WJ laboratories. Many people imagine they hare Consumption a en In rttUUy the disease ha# not quite reached that •tape. I am treating end cm log cases of this sort every day. So long as the process of decay has not begun in the lungs theta selves, I can make the patient perfectly waUand s*"oug again. Vv BEQIN AT ONCB. Let ire ofwe more urge all catarrhal sufferers to begin treatment at oat's, for a xnooUt of treatment now is better than the three months later on. I shall make for the next month a special.y low fee for the treatment of catarrh not complicated by other diseases, nut* tag no extra charge for allaied ictaea. etc., that may be required, J. NEWTON HATHAWAY# M, D. Or. Unthanax A C<s M Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga. MENTION TIUH PATER WHEN WATTUCOs Did You Ever Know any one who smoked the same kind of Five Cent cigar any length of time? Five Cent cigar smokers arc always dissatisfied—always trying something new—or ent, as there always seems toTSSime thing wrong about the cigars they been smoking. Ask your dealer for Old Virginia Cheroots They are always good. <• Tltree hundred million smoked this year. Price, 3 for 5 cents. Advertisers lways - i PPRECIATE \ REAFJI.NG t ich - ; ETURNS I . A CD TI —I AT I£=> TI —I t=Z Regular eturns \ EPORTED f By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. ——- \ 4 (entity ui (suit; of Mitin jjros I (until; ndjulit; to idrutisjn And We Give Both : :■■■ Mmm —WE ALSO——. i GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB -WORK. DON’T SEND'AWAY FOR ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., j When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR IPHONE IS 31, and a message will prompt attention. We don't mind calling and talking the matter \ overjwith you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALLjjjWE WANT IS A TRIAL, Times-Call, Jf 209, 209,1-2 and’2ll F St’ W%\