The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 06, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 <§o©ietg. TOO mTnY ‘•DAIKTY DISHES ” We don’t get anything to eat at our bouae any more-- There’s never any common dish cornea through the kitchen door, For in a aud all the girls l woikfn’ like the/ wan macbmea— A-makin’ “dainty diabca’* from the fashion mag aim ea. They give ua dabs o’ this an’ that, with names we can’t pronounce, With tpiigW'jf,atuiraround them all, just like flounce. A stalk or two o’ Hpinnge takes the place o’ ‘ laesao* greona”— We’re c am’ “dainty dishes” from the fashion magazines! The groc’ry bill’s a humblin' now—l tell you it’s a sin, We got to buy the dainty stuff an’ things to wok it in— I’m blamed if I’ll ca ! l benn soup any “consum may de bean!" liut it's in "Dainty Dashes” in the fashion n agaiine*. 1 want a steak—l want it ”Birk--?*m hungry as a bow-- 1 want it with thick gravy--uo new fan gied kind o’ cause,” An’ listen kerful an’ you’ll know jest what the ol’ man means-- I waut no “dainty dishe” I'm the fashion magazines —-LialUmoie American. —— o— Mvi. Gotr„o Walteis aud children have returned from a visit of several months to New York. —l>—t Mr. and Mrs. K. M. B’evens, of Wil lacooc'.ee, left Thursday for Alabama, from a pleasant visit to Mr. ami Mrs. J. R. Merton. Mrs. F. A, Wrench and eh.ldreo of Bruu.wick, after spending a mouth in North Georgia with relatives, nrrived Tuesday to visit Mr. U. A. Wrench and family before returning home.— Madison Advertiser, Miss Mary McNlrh Burroughs left Monday for Atlan’a, after a visit to She alii visit in A l ll^', Ohattautoga and CONSUMPTION BtonchM,. Chill,, Cough,, ffcuSJ Cold,, n v *pop,ia „| v , tiut- M* *ver form, quickly cured by SL taking DUI- PY 'S nALT W HISKE V. Üb}c!p,vonful WWi in glass of wkter thne times a ,la > At I druggteta and grocers lllwnoj beware at Mutton*. FINE FURNITURE. A Pages of talk on our furniture figllgfillh stock would give but half an idea of Tj, —-j the beauty and economy found here- Visit the Stqjje. and let the goods do their own talking, prices tneir own saying? More than 1 1 Entire train load of suits and odd pieces have been placed on these Hoors since last you were here. See about it CARPETS, RUGS, MAdjASG, Never were the prices on these, tides so low as at present. terns been so beautiful, TTCThj the price so attractive. t ■ , Each new season fi u dy(jH^t r j nc i Pa i'f 0 J i ter condition to v } * <n carpet and rug We are quoting MgKKEtfflmm' % low HTmIEUM Loosville before returning to her home in Brunswick,—Madison Adver a User. Mr. and Mr=. T. F. Wm’er are tow living in their handsome new r siuence on Union street. The day for tht afternooa serv'ce at he Ep scopil church has been changed from Wednesday to F iday. A le.ter hat been received by one of his old parish oner, in Brunswick from Itcv. Father Henry y-jbiencke now of Columbu-, Ga., con taming an invitation to his silver jubilee celehra tion on Oct. 9. On that day he will have been twe ity-Qvr yea’s a priest and w.lj celeb ate tbe annheruary by saying high mast in the church of lAe Holy Farail'-, In the' letter Father Seblencke cxpteeacs a ’hat the recipient extend the invitation to bo preseot at the celebration o ail h s parishioners anl old friends of ali de nominations. Mis J. P. Soarletr, 0 f Sait rl, U visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. K. Moors. —o —l Misses Nina, Nellie, and Adi Baines have returned Irom the Carollnsa where they rpent a mo.uh visiting relatives aud friend J. Tncrc were ac companied by their cousin, Mias Iva Higl y, who will remain in Brunswick for severs! weoks, Josie and Frannte Smith sailed yesterday on the Msllory steam er York, where they will spend some time with relatives, , The school enrollment throughout the oy hr a exceeded this year nay previous year*’ enrol'ment and teachq, era and pupl 8 are enthusiastically at work. It Is to he hoped that tha iii ler.s' will con'lnuo and that the acboo'a w,U close In June with greater number of pupil* than they have now. “Knowledge is power,“ wtth,ihe splendid system of public schools that Brunswick now has, c r'ainly the o ts'a change for every ore no mattcj how humble his lot or jkibf his doudi tlou. to what will prove his most efTeollye weapon in the warfare of bread-earning a good education.' s JUe boy who leaves school at at the THE BRUNSWICK riMEvCALL, OCTOBER 6, 1900. SOMETHING YVORi’H READING. Mr. J. T. Palmer, Macon, Ga.; De,r Sir and Friend: —As a “Doubt ing Thomas,” who has quite recently emerged from the darkness of skepti c em abd dis'iust imo the light of truth* and conviction, I am pleased to offer this voluntary testimonial to your ex* cedent company. When firs' approached on 'be subject of taking a policy in your company I was disinclined to g've the matter >e - ious consideration, feeling ihat 'be in surance then being carr.ed was ample, and that further investments along that were not tufly unnecessary hut would be unwise. However, in after we ks and in >ntbs my mind freq neatly recurred io ibe wisdom and value of the annuity fta'ure; sad as I reflected upoa the importance of making * pro* vision for the maintenance of loved ones that wontd enjoy exempt on from the cnee t&intics that attend the admlnistrat on of estates, I became more and more conyinc-daw the w.a dom of the annuity feature, though stil i doubtful about ycur company be ing able to give me that (ERI'AIA PROTECTION which to me was the sine qua non of a po icy. When you aga’n approach'd mo on the subject, I determined to consider your claims and arguments from every standpoint, and every aspect. This I did for several days, with the result that I reached a favor-bo conclusion and took a $1,200 annuity policy. My investigations were so painatak iiightid exhaustive as to leave me no further basis of distrust or apprehen sion; and I am frank to say that if I could not obtain another policy of like character, I would cm part with th-t which I have form ny, many time i*s cost. That thc*'annuity pulley’ - is dcstiu od to bo THE rotlOY of the futWe is as censin to my mind as that tils Is an age of evolunsh and progress, in which we are constantly attaining to higher and better standards in things materlu' as well as in ail other realms. With assurances of personal esteem, and sine re good wishes lor the pros perity of yourself and company, I teg o remain, Cordia'ly and truly yours. E. L. Mastik, Pres. Georgia and Alabama Business College. Macon. Ga. age of twelve or fourteen to take a po i■ v % sftion whe ehe will n ftjtO WBJW fi?j dollars a week generally remains in that position, while the boy who pre- Severer in bis education arms himself with that which no one can take from him and which wh cb will eventually command a salary which will repay him for the time spent at school, Ai a rule the boys a-e crowded out of school because they can earn a tew dol lars and the girls remain Hhtg enough to acquire some useful knowledge. The result o( thi* js that the boys are be ing crowded out of portion- which the girls are hiking on, account of superior educa ion. ■ The school room is the best place for boys until they are eighteen at least and a good ihorongh course in mathematics will not only Whsefulto them in business but will broaden their minde and enlarge their view* and fit them for contact with tho world than the II tie smattering of “buaioess'' they pick up a? errand boy around sdtfti.e It is writ lo know that DeWitP* Witch Hrziq Salve Witt heal a burn, ami stop the rain at once. It will ear* e*ccma and skin diseases and ugly wounds and sores. It Is a certain cure for pile*. Counterfeits may b* offered you See that you get the original OeWltl's Witch Haxet Sul re. W, J, Butts, g* nBHRt get seared tf your heart troubles you. Mostnkely you suffer from indigestion. ICodo* Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon eat au<l gives the worn out atomach perfect test. It is the only preparation known that digests all clasaea of food#; that is why it cure* the w-orat caeca of Indigeetiou and stomach trouble after every thing else ha* tailed. It may be takeu tn ail condition* and cannot help but do yon good. At, J, Butt*. ALWAYB KEEP ON HAND 'FdiifcKfttev Thera Is no kind of pain or ache, Intornal or extev- 1 nat, that Pain-Killer will not relieve. LOOK OUT ron IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES, THt GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS A BQN. CONCERT IN THE PARK. Al. G. Field’s Minstrel Band Will Give One This A'ternoon. A concert will be giyen in Hanover park this afternoouat 8:30 by the excel lent Al. G. Field Ureater M nstrcl com pany. The playing of the band, under th leadership of Mr. Burt Culler, has cre ated such favorable comment, that Mr, Field ha- consented to the numerous re quests. No doubt a large crowd will attend and enjoy this treat. Torturing akhi eruptions, burns and sores are Hoothea aet once and promptly healed by apply ing DeW let's Witch Hazel sal re,the beat known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counter felt*, rr. J Butts. NOTICE. Those juror, who were in attends! ce upon the city court when last recessed and these whose names are as follows: Wm. Nusbaum, Louis GUI, C, A. Clark, R. M. McLaughlin, H. L. Dart, J. M. Madden, Sr, B. P.%ipsey, Chris Arn htlter, John Horring Davis, D. H. As bell, W. J. Deters, W. D. Miller, E. Bowen, Gee ThariD, J. A. Smith, J E. Dart, T. K. Smith, John Summerlin, C. W. Deming, D- A. Currie, P. Goette, T. B. Goodbread, C. H. Leavy, G. P. Jaques, Moses Daniels and A O Ander son are hereby notified to be on band at 8.30 o’clock a. m., Monday, October 8. lOOOi to proceed with the business before the court. Takg notice and govern yourselves ac cordingly. J. D.Spauks, Judge City Court of Brunswick. Dr. W. M. Lewis, Lawreuceville, V*, writes! “f > ii -injr Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my prac tice among scvaralcose* anil and It an admirable remedy." Many bund rod a of physician, deiwnd upon the use of KbdnJ I)j. Cure in atomaeh trouble*. It digets what yuu eat and allows you lo eat all the good food yon need, providing you do not overload yonrstomacb. Dives instant relief and a per manent ears. W. J. Batts. Thf editor of the Fardville, Ky„ Miscellan eous, writes as a postscript to a business letter: “1 wan cured of kidney tronblehy taking Foley’s Kidney Cura,'’ Take nothing rlap. W. J. Units Our Greatest specialist For 20 years Dr. J. Newton Hatn away ha* ao successfally Treated chronic diseases that he Is acknowledged today to stand at the head of hia , rofesaion in this line. His exclusive method of trenlment for Varicocele ano Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in BO per cent, of ali cases, In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorder*, kidney and urinary complaints paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism# catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful- Dr, Hathaway's practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write turn today fully about yqur case He makes no charge for consultation or ad vie*, either at hia of fice or by mail. j. newton Hathaway, m. and. 26 Bryan Street. Savannah, Q a FOK BALE. One tract of land contains 6 acres, 6 1-2 acres in fine cultivation with four room dwelling, good stables fine fruit trees and grape vibes, situatcd.on Gib son creek, khown a* the Motts place This Is a fine place for truck farming; al*o for fishing and catching xodtalsing terrapin. It is a mod pleasant and healthy place to live and is protected from all storms. Also one tract of 15 acres fine land with about SOO cords of wood and piling on it, situated on the old Darien read 1 1-2 miles frotn Brunswick, a fine place for a dwelling and a milt profit able place for the wood and piling that are on It: land goi.J for farming. Bee me C. L. Parker, Cor E and J sts. Brunswick, Ga. QUESTIONS ANWEHED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine In the civ ilized world. Your noth*** -ndrrand tnotbera never though; of usiug any thing else [for Indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom beard of apendicitis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the syatren and stop fermentation of until geflnd food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, and that is ail they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's Au gust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there Is. nothing serious the matter [with you Sample bottles at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C Should be in* every household mede ofne chest. > It affords certain relief GOLD DUS? THE BEST Washing Powder A Wm of Triumph has been sounded to ali man- N-TB * kind—success unparalleled in f* history of light beverages has every-- where marked the introduction of Y/jfIHHNI so*gf, c A fm “Kingof all Bottled Beers.- W |/H , it stands pre-eminent as the finest Is wk ~ „ bottled beer brewed in America, l| ' and leads ail others in annual j iWB exportations to foreign countries, |yU. 'lf fJU Brunswick Wholesale Wine auJ Liquor R-EPANS Doctors A Good * i-- q • Prescription _ for mankind • I? ** *? Pr*fHi Onm, Xutannae,' ' ' T - fckw, GwtrJ Stare, m* krben ?**PW TS-y kart pair, ind jee alee*. an* life. |i*w re&a#t JOe Barter what’* fh* wartar, m wil % f? Te maple* uU ce tb++mm4 tra * \ c x .sss. sl A NEW PLACE TO BUY DRUGS.' Smith’s Pharmacy, corner Newcastle and Monk Streets. it now well equipped with anew, fresh and well !*el ietftd stock of pure Drugs. Soaps Perfumes and Ail To Set Articles found in a first claa%t up-to-date! drug store Your Prescription® will receive the personal attention of a graduate in Pharmacy of many years practical experience. You will save money, get the beat attention and yonr trade will be appreciated. SMITH'S PHARMACY, COR. NEWCASTLE AND MONK 3T9, TiVBIvErT© For All URINARY DISORDERS. Or the moit Fatal and Frevalent of kit dia ease* are thoee o it&e KIDWEYS.w LIVER and BLADDER.! The Kidneys are two little tievea through which all of the blood n the body must past i once tn every three minutes. In a HEALTHY ! condition they filter all impurities into the PL A DDKR. thence out of the body. If DISEAtJ j KD they clog aud swell, ueposiiitiag URIC ACID I and other poison* into the ayntem, cauiH£*| I dull pain*in the back, liilliou-dcoh Hhematia# m [Gout, D ropey, Gravel, Painful and Froquet ■ Urination, Lom of Albumen (the life oasence'fl and tin ail \ BRIGHT’S DISEASE and DEATHS If you have any of the above symptoma ‘A ” TABLETS WILL DUREjtffl Try ti tm and bee on-. inod. Koran | J fc #* I < .1 .11 a! ••• II cud red- of l anuot -c u Unfilled. I’.y mail | or Add res* PAN-AMERICAN DRUG BROWN DRUG COMP/ Pi, M W B BUNBWICK, - - ioRGtIA TO THE rtßiK. Thi It to adviie th,.t B—hto jfcr ' .oth no pueengers will tWSrted on freight' intins of the Flint Sjrt *. I GEO. W. COATES, g Diriiion PMwnger Agent. ™