The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 06, 1900, Image 7

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Amu&ftes 9 AkfJteasanlfy andJfompt/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. /resents in the most acceptable form tne laxative principles ofp/ants /tnotrn to act most beneficially: TO GET ITS BEMrSE&SFFTCTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO SAN FRANCISCO. CAI. ioui jviue , ky. neWYork, N.Y. r ° r **!* by druggists - price SO* per iottlf . GEORGIA PETECTiVE AGn BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business strictly confidential. En quires con ducted with secrecy. L. U. LEAVY IVlenecrfltr^ L. J. Leavy 6c Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents J. OLEWINE 13 JtlSio yles ‘“Renting, Repairing, y a Messenger Service Monarch, Crawford, lei Dixie. rt3rtb Wheels for the -i^^ea^jMonev- Kml or Dyspepsia Cure Digests you eat. It art ificially digests ttaefood and aids Mature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea. Sick Headache.Gastrnlgla, Cramps,and *ll other results < if imperfect digestion. Preoared by E. C. DtWltt 4 Cos.. Chicago. W J. Butts, the Druggist. . noticeT - New milled rice meal, best milk producer and feed for stock on the market. Ben Borchardt & Cos., Wholesale Grocers and Pro duce Dealers. ; Good Positions j fI^^o^ECURED $Pt/j •JB*-B/ActTve wifjc\wa)if Young Men Women * (pdrs. j ; j BUSINESS ' 1 fefirpgttnffrfrSto! i COLLEGE | Sai/brfohJtytui-- Instructions b/mail THE KING OF JUGGLERS. Hadji Cheriff and HU Troupe of Arabs Are Here. Among the special attractions wiuk- Al. G. Field’s minstrels this year is ihe ru&meluke troupe of Arabian jugglers, under the loud of Kaaji Chenll, the jugglers and “Thu Whirlwind of the Desert.” Hadji Oheriff is a son of Arabia right and is the chief of the American band of Arabs. He has, during his 17 years stay in America, acquired many of onr ways and habits, but is still a sou ot the Des ert, He has also traveled with Buffalo Bill and other big companies. Hadji Cher ff is not only the '‘Whirl wind of the Desert,” but a wonderful gun juggler, an expert Arabian per former, and the cjiampiou broad sword contesi ant on horseback,, as his cards modestly announce. He is su all-round man of the world. He ha< a manner that is sua#ity itself, ands commend of English that puts him on conversational terms with his American friends with out the aid of an interpreter. He also speaks several languages and U polite and courteous, “America is a great -coun'ry,” said he to a Times-Call reporter. “1 write home to my people and tell them that I am a naturalized ci.lzen of the United States, and whenever I sec the Stars and Stripis I salute them,” and Hadji Cheriff accompanied his statement by reverontly taking off his turban and bowing to an imaginary flag, Uadji Cheriff and his maincluke troupe of eleven are an attractive feature of tho Al. Field minstrels. He is a Mason and gets the glad hand and grip wherever be goes- tbe Siouaehold that uses One Minnie cough tore, the only harm less remedy that produces immediate results, it is infullihlc for coughs, colds, croup nrd all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent eon •nmpliou. W J. 11 tit Is. Just received, a dne line of ready to-wear Hats. Miss Kate Slater, Wanted. Artesiau wells to drive at $260 each Rife and capacity guarantied will also guarantee to complete wells in 16 days. Call on or address A. H. Baker, 205 Gloucester street. Just received, a fins line of ready to-wear Hats. MisgKate Slater. J. W, "Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. Get out ycur winter clo'hing now and have it put in order by Jim Carter. CASTO -j't T . Boar, tbs Just received, a One line of ready to-wear Hats. Miss Kate Slater. Second hand household furniture bought and sold; abo pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W; Watkins’. A SMALL OVERCOAT SALE. Th# Eruniwick merchant will *ell but very few overcoat* tbie year. The sound thinking man ban found that there it much sot i.mj id having the old coat relined, cleaned iuc preseed, or anew collar put on, by Jim Carter at the Brunswick Cleaning and Press ing Cos.. 804 ilonk street. Just reren-i. a floe 1 neofrendy tc-wear Hat*. Mis# K%t* Slater. “I have always j#‘.*d Foley*# Houey and Xi.r Coiijih medicine and think it ih< best in tnv world.” saysCha- Bendcrft newsdealer of Erie, Fs, Take no substitute. W J Bolts. xHifi BRUNSWICK TIMES-C 2M 1 OCTOI>R 6, I9ib! TRY IT * Women suffer ing from female troubles and vSpiiLk we? -kness, and from irregular or painful men l&PfTljLses. ought not y/yS to lose hope if V'V. ' S doctors cannot lYY.*' whelp them. Phy if & sicians are so flmV y,Mham busy with other diseases that they do not un rf I derstand fully 't I H the peculiar ail ' * ments and the delicate organism of woman. What the sufferer ought to do is to give a fair trial to RRADFIELB'S Female Regulator which is the true cure provided by Nature for all female troubles. It is the formula of a physician of the highest • standing, who devoted his whole life to the study of the dis tinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers, wives and daughters. It is made of soothing, healing, strengthening herbs and vegetables, which have been provided by a kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses, Leu corrhoea, Falling of the Womb, Nerv ousness, Headache and Backache. In fairness to herself and to Brad* Held’s Female Regulator, every suffering womari ought to give it a trial. A large fi bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggists. , ® S*,d for a nicety illuflr.ted Are book on tho futgort. The Bradfield Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Service By Publication. STATIC OF GEORGIA.--County of Glynn. Jolm Rogers, 1 la Glynn Superior Court, May vs. > Term, 1900. Susie Rogers, ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. To the Dofeadaut, Susie Rogers: You ure hereby commatnlod to be and appear at the December Term, next, of Glynn Superior Court, to be Holden at the court house in Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, on the First Monday in Decernl>cr, 1900, and by Ton (10) O’clock of the forenoon of aaid date, then and there to answer the complaint of t he plain tiir in the above stated case in Ills Lioel for Divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett, Juduo ot Die Superior Court of Glynn County, tills the inch da'v of July, 11)00. H. F. dnBIGNON, Clorfc Superior Court, Glynu < ounty,Ga. SERVICE B\ r PHRHATION. GEORGI A—Glynu County. Mrs. Hilary c. Reppard vs- Jefferson Levy, The National Bank of Brunswick and the May or and Council of Brunswick.-Petition for par lion of realty 1a Glynn Superior court, De cember Term thereof, 1900. To the ‘cfcndmt, Jefferson Levy: You are hereby notified that the petitioner in the above stated case will apply for h parti timiof that cartain real property in the Hate of Georgia, county ot Glynn mid city of Bruns w 1 k > Poatrfibed as Xolkrws: T o North! antern pec^/-a of what is known a and tallod the "Thirty Acre Tract” or “The Wells Tract:” having the following courses and distances, to wn; Commencing at the centre of the South ern line of Ltiion street aud iunning thenco SoutJiivafdlv 1,610 feet; thence running East* uarnly siO f^t; theace running Northwardly IrbO feci; thence running Westward!? 850 feet, except three certain small tract* Ecretoifor** s)lu by the Owners; such application tot par tition of laud will ho r:&de ai ibe uext tei in a ‘ *.. • uui tto ho hold $m tb# Mon duo in.D-'o. leijcr next. TANARUS; s nofied given in pursuance of an order gmued sepc mber 28 woo, by lion. Paul E. Nefit<rook, judge of said court presiding, the Honorable Joseph .W, being disqualified in said Aie. WitiH'B- the Hem> Pnnl K. Senbronli, ~I<l conn jxn.ldlßfc, tbh. October 1, , , , H. F r>t T BIG SON, x. t lerk Stttjeriorr 'ourt, Glynn Cotuuy, -a XT* AUK- T WITTS , IMHiatGr - ., XEII VICE BV PIUiUCAIJON. Ftnlß ot Gcorift.—t'Olinty cl’Av n. Mr,,Ella Jlarkli.m | fQr.livorcc; in (he IXup.uXii court ol Giron ■ ■'Unlv. May term, 3800, Ordej to pcrft'ct fccrvlco , juaiioi i *. m.aienam i Ki'HUtcit nr pnid-term. To the McfctuljiKt, ar:)n 11, ~ kiiam. i'f cby uqnircl. in potn-m or by at- T/rm r 'nw! nTr-ftf at Ibe JJcfciiiher itrin. 1900,01 Ghnnftivefior court. to be hold c0 ‘ ”'>• '■ 'hr oeun lx.nw.iu Brarwwfck. Glynn count , ii.oiKla.nn the flrst Moo'ij.v In IX'GMnner, JWW, and r o n W |,i tuerc-j.y t-n itn’k, o, the bkS&TrfUid day, then and there' to unsuei tm; complaint ol the plaintiff Mr* Ella Mami.W. in tGXvJ fetflteU cave, in her libel for divdtee. Witnewthu Honorable .lOMipn W. Bnnncl. Juaucnr ib" VujM-ilnr courtuf Glynn county, till, tbc Sllli day oi A.ugnM, jeno, r. ,' , , A. O. TOWNSEND. Deputy Clerk ol tbo Superior Court, ijl nn < oanty, Georgia. ERNEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. v£‘ SERVILE nv FUUI.ICATION. * “late of Georgia—County 01 Glynn Mrs. Edna. Wylie Lil el lor divorce: in ibe Superior court of Glynn v - county, Mar term, iw/i, , _ „ order to perfect servlet'. James Wylie granted at said term. To the Indent! ,nl, .lames Wylie. You are lit rclw ie,,,i-rt I. in per*, n o by ut 'r. r PP"* r at 11,0 December tTjn, JOOO, of (,? nr 4, orlorc/)u t v tn be hold f-nloHOd <> said cvuntj, at tho court house, in Br rum wick. Glynn county, Georgia, on tire flrft Monday in Dcccmbca, louo. ,nd you will be ti*fn b len (10 o'clock of lh forenoon of %hi'J u\y, then a; l r .*e to a wor the* com pl tlnt of the plain iff Mrs. Edna Wylie, in the above stated e tso. in her libel lor ivorco. wnnes# the Mono-able J,i#ei,h w. Hen net. ;Vi‘ "l}*}' 'bipei" I ctmit of Ulvnn county this (be set-It 1 y' I Angus. ir, A O. TOWNSEND Deputy .‘ itoltoe Superior Court, tuvni County, >.e.iriria EKNi.o’r part. All..rue*, for F."M. tiff. SJ.HVIJE MY FUfIUCaTIoN. Mrs Clyde Pitt u, J.V -I for Divorce, Be to. aM to ileiieliil.t'i v't. i-.i <ii. nsm.ot Srip *rinr , , Couil of <j| I,n eotln - II..). r retinal). ty.iii or a. Tothe s ild tlef. ndunt.o. .1. Freeman You art in.eby required 1 i souallv or by attorney, lo be and appear at fin, n at' term of He Ittperl rConto sail o,.untv, c. iivniin-. on ‘be r -i Mon i fin l> c ml#,.. i#no,tben ami tbor. oau sori.f i.l.iiuilfY, Clyde Freeman, 111 " tl" um its of her petition for divorce filed against you; as in d* rub. of suob appearance the Comrl '-'no ed a* tojualire idiall ppei - tain. Wit. .. Die lion Jo cplt W. IJcnnct, Jiidano' sclJ Superior Court, lh** and day or A jßuftl,ltd . A. o, TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Olyas Cos.. <ia D. W. KK Ally. SrrfßtfiCK BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia-rounty of Glynn. Mrs. Lizzie Lon:, j Libel for divorce: In the -uperior court of Glyr.n ■ TB# IC' unty. Mav term, IVHO. rrt . , T ; Order to perfect Bcrvice, Thomas A. I*ong. ; “ranted at said term. To theDefetula: -Thomas A. Long. You are hereb; ; .rod, in person or ly at torney, to be and a ; pear, at the December term, 1900,0f the t-.ynn Superior court, to be holden m and for .- id county, at the court honee In Lrunsu i. .. c;, county,Georgia, on the first Mood ; iy hi December, lfifio, and \ou wil} be Chore by um. u>) o'clock of the forenoon of said day.tlum .'f ! iijcre to answer the com plaint of the plan. Mrs. Lizzie Long in. the above stated case, in r uijoi for divorce. Witness Cbe Kmi : Joseph \V liennci. Judge i i court of Glynn countv. this the 24th day or August, ifito. • . ' , , a. o. Townsend, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court. Glvun Gountv.Georgi.,. ERNEST DART, Attorney for Wain tiff. NOTICE OF I.UAL LEGISLATION. Notice is hereby g ... u that the following bills jylll be introduced a: thj next cession of tiio General Assembly w f < leorkia. ton it • A bill to be entitled An Act to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue in tho county of Glynn, pa -sedin 1870, and the Arts amendatory thereof, so as to provide and fix the compensation of the chairman of such board; and for other purposes; Also a bill to be entitled An Act to amend the Charter of the City of Brunswick, and for other pur poses: Also a foUl to lio entitled An Act tb amend ati Act to estabish the City Court of Brunswick, in and for the County Kf Glynn; to define its jurisdiction and power; to provide for the appointment of a judge and other ofllcers thereof; to define thtir powers and duties, and for-othor purposes, Approved December the 9th, 1895, s> as to prohibit the judge of said court from practicing law, and to fix the salary of such judge, and for other pur poses : Also a bill to be entitled Au Act to amend the Charter of the City of Brunswick, and for other purposes. This October Ist, 1900. CITATION. GEORGIA— Glynn Comity DrbannS Dart, of Glynn county. In said State has applied to the Ordinary of said county of Glynn for exemption of personally and sotting apart and valuation of homestead, and 1 will pass upon the asm© at 10 o’clock a. m. upon tho lath day of October, 1900, at the court house In said county of Glynn. This September 22,1900. „ , , . JEFFERSON t>. SPARKB. Judge City Court of Brunswick and pro line vice ordinary Glynn County. Georgia. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. l*oren Turner, wife of Al/red Turner, has applied for exemotton of personality au tsett iug apart and valuation of homestead out of his property apd l n ill pass upon the same at 10 o clock am„ on the 22nd day of October,]9oo, at my oftiv’C. This September 29ih, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinr.vy Glynn CpuntyV-G 11 ’ CITAIION. Georgia-Glynn County. Mrs. Fannie A. Smith has applied for exemp tion of porsenu 111 y and the setting apart and valuation pt homestead out of the. estate of H. C, Smith, deceased, late of said county and state, and I will pass upon tlULaame at ten o’clock a in.,on the 22ml day or Ociobei, 1900, at my ofllcc In the court house of said county and state. BOIUCK DART. Ordinary Glynn County v Ga. CITATION. GK()RGIA—GIynn County. Whereas. Ella J. Jennings, administratrix of George W. Calviu estate, i• presents to the court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully administered Gaorire W. Calvin’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show e iu>c, if any thev enn, why aid ail miuistrutrix should riot be dfocharged from adiuinlhtration. and' receive letters of diamis eion on the first Monday in December, 1900, HORACE DART. Ordinary. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. The public Is hereby notified that a bill will be offered at the next session of i bn legist time, •mwflng the oharicr of the City ot Brunswick It. It. HO KINS Brunswick, Ga., Sept. 27, 190 c. . Administrators Notice, All persons having claim* against estate, of J G. Campbell will present them to (he under- j signed, and all owing said estate will t Tease pay their account* to J. J. SPEARS. | Adm’i. F.-tate J. G Campbell. Rainy Day Hats. The very best of the most favored shapes are tfaowo in our aaiortmont. Trimasd a*d U&trimmed Felt Fats in a vai inly of ghapeg, i-tyles and colors. Wtm have bought and made th< in op to sell to thomi who deeire Bomeib e vreeab'e, yet pretty; good, but low priced. These are right and priced light. HISS KATE SLATER. .’.04 GLOUCESTER ST.. .--w i K 7 \ * 4-iif*U U> : 1 t irnf.<fum- of ii iicou nioriibram**. Puinlrwi, and not atrln , 4?eot or pohwnourf. Hi.ld by *;>nf W i *<, or B< j nt fn piniii wrappm by expect-*, prepaid, foi II on, 0r.3 hottlcu. Circular scut ou \<‘uuw* Ufa! Entalc for Sale,C,,. Wc have let number 17fl on A nine lot* on Wolt Street, for bhlc ciieirj) B. H. Daniels & Cos. '',Blri Newcaetl St. WINE OF C. HEALTHY OLD AGE. *’W Labor, Bento* Cos. Arbc., Ang. 4. W Jr ' ff,® lam 49 years old and have been suffering with m )2/ fl Change of Life. I had flooding spells so bad that ~~kX-<Wm none thought I could live. My husband got me Wine of Cardui and it saved my life. I tun like ffß aMB another person since taking it. Mk \ w MRS. E B. TOWNSEND. , ]\ WneTonW 1 fci*} It is the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized if care be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years to our existence. Death can be kept away a long time. Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardui will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. Asa wife she needs it to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in her pathway between 40 and 5a Then will come many years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic of perfectly healthy grandmothers, cH*RTMII 14 . i5 .. for women alone to decide * For ad vice In case, requiring gped&l whether they will be healthy or £S2?SfcWi; W%K?S!BSSi sick -, Th , e rem /t y f ? r their sic t* kbpicub co., chatt&uooga, Teun. ness is close at hand. LARGE BOTTLES OP WINE O P CARDUI SQLD FOR $l.OO BY DRUOOIBTS. WINE OF CARDUI PTihrCt' m DR. MOFFETT’S A Allays Irritation, Aids Digestion, r “ IITrTII 111 /b Regulates the Bowels, 1111 HIN i-l Makes Teething Easy. gj6-1 JL (Teething Powders) .JL 1 TEETHINA Relieves the Bowe> Mfe tote only 25 cents at Druggists, Troubl ANY aok"" Orman 26 rente to C. J. MOFFETT, M.D..ST. LOUIS. IV' , Coney & Parker \ DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Phone 18 525 Bav St. (iriimnnv 36 north avenue, ATLANTA, ga. miilmPHl NI Ar/WfilnKi Sot, °o | for Twenty-three teacher,, Manon *nn *vi (graduatea of Wellesly, Harvard, Randolph- Elnnn?ion a .n2 WOm * n ,S °. < S ,e <F ( ' Primery. Ac.demic, Music, Art. limidln/ ?Tn and " e D °?!' rseß - ■ W,QI ' II olsases. individual work. New I>Ul Hornp life, assar, Wellealoy and R^ndolph-Maoon NextseßßionTie#pß September 6th. For illustrated catalogue ddre, Mrs. W. i handler, Prln'c.pal .Llewlljn D. Scott, Associate Principal '.J.' --- _____ J. J. LISSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, - GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTABLISHED 1889. ' w CHUE HALL, Proprietor Youjcan get the best the nqiarket affords by eating here 2 13 GRANT ST. Wall Paper AT THE PAINT STORE, 502 Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PKOPttIETOR. CHANGE or SCHEDULE FijAJW BYBTEM. Train 87 m . 11 11 ' n - p aßCrim I "I J 9 t 'OW I' I '■ I ID. ■V • '■< m£ % n: ( in* mho V' kii.j. hvtwtert.n'l and t.T h,"’" 1 "eniethtog •‘|gy httee’ ff°ed" < v ttfff —tisisSKaß'v w *• Southern Railway Cos Office of General Agent, Brunswick, G I. SCHEDULES. For Savannah, Washington and New York, Lv Brunswick 6 40 am O5 fra Ar “a.a’inah . ,1030 am i -yinn Ar W.tshinglsvn 7 ;. ill,, M.. a Ar New York jospm i -'m , For Jacksoaville. o Lv Brunswick '.oeam n: pin ooßim Ar Jacksonville lit', am 710 pi. 1 HBun Fur Macon. At,'ama, Louisville and Lv Brnnvwiak 0 40am O') pm ArMacbr, . .115 pm 'A(mh- - ’Ar Louisville 750 uni 7R )m ArCineinnaii •••• - ** ? m From New York, W’ in . ou ufl Savin th. lv Vf-tv York ) I~ iauJK. Lv '■ lll7 am l.v SitvHiinab ,{ 620 aril ■> 0 am Ar ftrunßwick 0 2 8 05 am 8 a Fioni -i.'i iiVille. Lv fftcfcaonviilc.. pm Ar iirunewick. .... 825 pm V t t out Cinolnnnti, Loo viile,Htlanta and Mac on. I ' H < pm Lv Isoutftvllle 745 am 7 4 pm Lv Atlanta 10 45pm lil pm J.vMftcon . ...100am 2i pm Ar ISrunawick 710 am 81 pm