The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 06, 1900, Image 8

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You have Watches, Clocks or Jewelry broken, bring them to me and I will jjgut them in class order, at the very lowest price consistent with careTul, first class work. Our 2TO years’ experiencefit us for the finest and most difficult jobs. All work is fully guaranteed. We also fit Glasses to any and all Eyes, and guarantee a perfect adjustment. We carry a fine line of Jewelry and Silverware of all kinds, and your inspection. KENNON MOTT, Jeweler mm3. Graduate Ontician. *l6 Newell*tl sTredt,- *- Inspector of Watches for Southern Hallway. Time by Wire Jafrj Washington WJH. BOWKN. J. jj. fifevDT. BOWEN & IjJRADT, CONTRACTORS AMO BUiL.DERS Of Stone, Brick and Frame Building jMamifacturen* of Content, Tile and.Artificial Stone. BOYS’ SHIRT WAISTS ■ v.- J m #S' r • ’ I . Another lot Boys’ 75 cents and SI.OO Laundered Shirt Waists —one week 48c. * —* ■ New Line v Ladies’ Slqrts L E V? 'if THF; BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBER fi, 1900. WHY MRS, PiMKHftM Is Able to Help stek Women When Doctors Fail. How gladly would men fly to wo man's aid did they but understand a woman's feelings, trials, sensibilities, and peculiar organic disturbances. Those things are known only to women, and the aid a man would give is not at his command. To treat a case properly it is nc pes sary to know all about it, and* full information, many times, cannot be given by a woman to her family phy- Msi. 9. H. Cu.uri:i.L. sician. She cannot bring herself to teU everything, and the physician is at a constant disadvantage. This is why, for the past twenty-five years, thousands of women have been con fiding their troubles to Mrs. Pinkham, and whose advice has brought happi ness and health to countless women in the United States. Mrs. Chappell, of GriSit Park, 111., whose portrait we publish, advises all suffering women to seek Mrs, Pink ham’s advic£ and use Lydia K. Pink ham’s# bln Compound, as they cured her of inflammation of the ovaries and womb ; she, therefore speaks from knowledge, and her ex peri *ncc ought to give others confidence Mrs. Pink ham’s address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice is absolutely fiee. CHEAP ADVERTISING. • —*— CA3U IN AgVA^CJfi Advertise menu in this columa will he insert ed at the uniform rnte of One OvflNQa Word for each Insertion. No advertisement, however mall, less than 50 cents. Cash in advance. 4fOR SALE—Three milk cows: C. S. Tait FOR SALE.—Niof id welling bouse and lot, on C street, cheap for cash, Apply to Abe Kotobild . FOR SALK—Dining room and kitchen furniture for sale. Apply Friday and Saturday mornings at No. 600 Ulßon street WANTED.—SmaII hotel or boarding house to run on percentage, for the winter or the year, by a man and wife. 'Address, Box 118, Woodmont, Ct. Hustling young msn can make 860 per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quiok for particulars, Clark A Cos., 4tU & Locus Streets, Philadel phia, Pa. Wf WANTED.—Christian mau or wo man willing to qualify for permanent pu-i! ioi*>of Bft!, here or in ttjjtue county. $960 yearly. VtEnclote self aildresseil'Htamped envelope to Secre tary, care erf Timk^-Uau.. FOR SALE,—HUIery Island, ait uated on Turtle river, containing 88. acres of high land, suitable for truck ing or poultry raising; about 16 acres cleared; good fisbln); and oyster bed* around the Island. Also, Island View, containg 50 acres, more of less, situ-, ated on Qibson and Parvises creeks, six acres of which is under new wire feooe; 75 to 100 pear trees, and im provement* on same. For further in formation, apply to F, Jo*. Do?rflln ger, 316 Union street. Bern the Ita Hind ton Hava Always Bought Are Many Things ■| w. would like to toll yon about, but a tow wo w ill mention that is just In— I Ritter’s preserve*. In boxes. } Ritter’s preserves In small stone jars, i Ritter’s preserves in small glass jars, j Just send down and try a pound. I '’Hwi.O&.A&tWvSNMy j RING PHONE 158, * THE HUSTLER. SHORT BUTSPICY CITY NEWS NOTES 1 Dan Doings as Gatbtrel by Jbe Tiits-Caii Beurters MATTERS PEESONAL AND GENERAL B RESTATEMENTS OF THE IMANY THINGS THAT MAKE UP THE BUSY ROUND OF LIFE- The City court convenes Monday. Mr.N, Dickey, of Jacksonville, Is in the city. Mr. E. Brobdton returned yesterday from Weyoroas. The minstrel parade yesterday liven - edi up things con-lderabry. The Mallory steamer left lor New York j esterday afternoon. Mr. J, K. Beck*on,of Macon, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Mr. J. H. Qaynor, ot Savannah, spent yesterday in the city. fioo. B. Atkinson, from Camden county, was in the city yesterday. Mr, James Iloaoh, of the Central railway, spent yesterday in the city. Col. J. E. du Bignon left last night for Flat Rock, N. C., to spend some time. Air. George W. Dexter, of Atlanta, was among the visitors to the city yesterday. Mr. Julian Lewis, of Aibaoy, was among yesterday’s arrivals at the Oglethorpe, Mr. W. Branham, formerly of thi* city, ia a candidate for justice of the peaoe at Waycrosr. TO CORE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative iiu>o>e Quinine Tablets, at (ii ugglsterelnnit the money it it tails to cure. E, W. Grove's signature is on each Dux. 15c. AT THE OGLETHORPE. J. R. Reckson, Macon, George R. Dexter, Atlanta, P. O. Hancock, Hoe ton, Dan BtHUrd, Macan, N.C. Davit, At'anta, Jonea Rooch, Central rail way, J. H-. Ambrose, Savannah, R. N • l>i<jjpy. Jacksonville, R. A, Sprat linjt, Atlanta, Joo. Murrow, Tilton, Lewis, Albany, T. H. Heard, New, York, 1. H U,yoor. Savannah. • A Card. The manufacturers of lianner Sal ve have au thorised the undersigned to guarantee it for burns, cute.'Sorce, ulcera, tetter, eczema and all skin discuses. Yen havo your money buck llt doesn't do all it tlatme. W. J. Butte. Call and see the new line of tip to 'date, ready-to-wear Hat*. Mies Kate Sluter. i ; . Have yourclbthes cleaned and preec ed bjr inn Carter. Call and ses tbe new line of up-to date, ready-to-wear Hat*. Mies Kate Slater, CITATION. Ueorgla—Glyun County. Mr*. Mary Mahoney having made applica tion for twelve mouths' suppoit.out of the estate of Timothy Mahoney, aud epptaUeri duly appointed to aet apart tho same having died their return, all peraons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of ordinary of aaid county on the drat Monday in November, 1900, why said application ahonld not be granted. Thieith dav of November,lHoo. HORACE lIART, Ordinary. Ilfl ggy THE COMMON ENEMY ... Kidney disease is th* enemy e have most to fear is * result ot the feverish restlessness of our modern dvDuation. It is . treacherous enemy, working out its deadly effect under cover'‘of the most trifling symptoms. The first Indication of changes tn the uisn? frequent head* aches, digestive trouble*, should be the signal for*prompt remedial measures. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS h. a Jndoey*remedy of great meut. H is soothing, heating and strengthening,* quickly relieves the aching or aarrnesa that always appears fn the advanced staged checks the progress of the disease, and through its excellent cleansing and regulating effect in the liver and bowels, it brings back the strength and ruddy gjo* a# vigorous health/ Sold at Drug fttdree. Price, $l.OO Per Bottle. W* ,J Butts, Special Agents. Disinfect Your Homes Choloro - Naptholeum, A Safeguard to Disease. We Sell in Anv Quantity. W J -BUTTS, The Druggist. “On tlie Oosner.” / * WELL, /' / I DON’T THINK! You have tried all of Our Speoal Flavor* of Cold sffloda Water. There are several or them that will refresh vou In an/old weather. For instanee, haye you ever tried our new drink, U you have you know a good thing. If you haven’t, there is a real treat yet la gore for you. Our reputation of having the best S da In tbn citv must bp sustained, and that is why we use only the pure frnit )u*ces tor our syrup and why we are never just out. Its served oight aud cold as ice can make it. ' 0 “ Nunnally’s Candies BROWN DRUG CO. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF -KENTUCKY Whisky. SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON. -_NOT MADE BY A TRUST* I- Trager & Cos,, Independent Distilleijd Sold Exclusively in Braunswick by i F=?- V. DOUbI_AS,J 20628 av Street.