The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 13, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 50. ROAD TO BIRMINGHAM SEEMS ASSURED NOW r /■*-. - ; . . Brunswick Has at Last Awakened to the Necessity of Railroad Competition. FRIENDS ALSO ASSIST HIM i IF VertSery Protests ft- SDOC6IC3 tfVmeMu 111 BE KO PROSECUTION The Guaranty Company Acted in a Very liiberal Manner With the Short Cashier. A' last a dav erf prosperity seems to have dawned fdv BMinsdrtck. The one commercial impe u needart to revive the spirit of • tbi> city and rfs people seems to be now well uuder way. f Thf voov-- the! has been so etrenu ously urged by the Times-Cau. h b , begun, and '.here ia every prospect of itfr'tweg pushed cnto a success!u! end. All Brunswick aid this eectiou of Cie W ia is familiar with the efforts of the Timks-Cali, to arouse tbo people to i he neje*si*y of competition in rail road circles. Narrowed down, the TtMes-OAl.i. has especially urged the \ building of a rout! treat Brunswick to Birmingham, Ala, The mayor and cjur.oT of Brunswick, and Messrs Brobston Fend'g A Cj., those live bn‘t!(re, bevs recognized the object and aim* of this paper’s urgent ap peal*, and, by a concert of aotion, have brought about a good start. - On yesterday, council met in called session. Tbere was earnest intere t centered in the gathering of Bruns wick’s aldermsnic board. Mayor At kinson rapped for order and then stated tbe object of the meeting, lie said in substance: “Gentlemen, I have called you to gether to listen to a proposition fraught with interest to Brunswick. We have in our midst a gentleman from New York. Col. E. C. Macben, who, at the invitation of Messrs. Brob •100, FeniTg & Cos., real estate agevts, bas come to tbis city to talk abont building a tailrond to Birmingham. There it nothing we would rather hear about, 1 am sure, and If it is tbe pleas ore of oounoil, we will hear from Ur. Brobaton.” \ a motion of Alderman Krause, Mr. Brohaton arose and briefly stated that bit firm bad been in oorresp.ndeuce With Col. Machen regarding a railroad ouilst from Brunswick, and that at their mvitaiion Col. M ohen h <1 com* bere to look Ir'o the siluHiorn bmee bis arrival, Col. Macben bad me' many of the oitizens and the mayor and al dermen, and to them bad outlined cer tain plana to work on. i'txee plane were based upon certafb concessions from the city and citizens, and bad been stated to a majority of the mem ber* present Individually, whioh bad familiarized them wltb what waa wanted from the city council. He aaid that terminal facilities, right-of way, and sites for shops, were wanted, and urged the oounoil to graDt every concession pt eiibie. Mr. Fendig was then called for, and sdded bis urgent rrqueate to counoil to act favorably towards the proposed new road. The mayor then called on Alderman Mason to tell council the result of in vestigations he bad been pursuing in the mutter, and Aldermen Mason re eponded at length. Ha said that o*l, Macben waa a builder of railroads and a developer of big enterpriser. Per sonally, he was wealthy, and in addi tion, was amply backed by financiers to carry be beoame ir tererted in. He came to Brunswick I y ! invitation to yuk about railroads, and more especially the puildirg of one from Brunswick to Birmingham, Ala- He was favorable to it, and as in the past he bad oouaj’uoted ’2,000 miles of roads, there was no reason why he could not build this one, if he could be secured to take bold of it. Hs did not ask for money, or for the oi izeus of Brunswick to involve themselves one and( 1 ar’e worth. Tbere was, how ever, certain oonoefsions necessary for the city to make in order to secures any road, and these must be made to Col. Macben, if he was expected to matter favorably to hisfliian-r cial backers. Tbe were in the way of terminal facilities,.right of-way, and sites for sheps, and the city had all of them, and could well afford to grant them in order to'get Brunswick railroad competi'ioo, and unstop the bonis this ciry is now in as resptots such facilities. Alderman Mason then offered a reso lution giving the proposed road a 99 year lease od the Dennis FoiDjt wharf, tract, tbe Kennon Manufacturing Co.’s site, and a right-of-way, full descrip tion of which appears in tbe regular oflioial proceedings of counoil publish ed in this issue, Tbe resolution was passed without a dissenting voice, and then council adjourned. After adjournment, tbe aldermen and many oitiseos present ducuesed tbe proposed railroad, and all were enthusiastic in proclaiming it a com mercial God-send to Brunswick. The Tmaa-CxLLbas secured Inform ation from tbe application for charter which makes interesting reading: Hon. Ww. G. Brantlry, tbe distin guished congressman from this the Eleventh district, is attorney for tbe petitioners, and drew up Ibe petition for charter. Tbe incorporators are Messrs. C. (Continued on Fourth Page.) BRUNSWICK, GA. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1900. HI IS 11 Called Out of His Butt a Little After Daylight. WED TIE DU! IN TOLEDO Had a Tain With laborers About the Great CoAii Strike in Penney lyania. Kenton. O, Oct, 12.—1 t had not betn the intention of tha Ohio democratic committee that Mr, Bryan should be gin making speechos pa his Ohio trip until the town of Bowling Green was reached. This plan, howtver, was interfered; r Wlth to a slight extent at Toledo. Tho sgpeciai train was brought to Toledi from Saginaw during the night, where it laid diver. About 6,80 o’clodt Diegan gathering arogaivMr. Bryan’s c r and it was not lung clamor heoame so great that the oandl* date was compelitd to appear and niakte a short speech. The next stop was made at B iwltng Green and tbe third ai Findlay, the centre of tbe Ohio gaj belt. The Bowling Green speech waajnade -do*- J . _ - fore breakfast. ‘ 1 / Mr Bryan announced that Mrs' Bry an would joiu him on Oct. 27, in New York, and remain with h.m until the close of the campaign. He said that after leaving Ne* York and making a tour of West Virginia, Maryland, Delware, and New Jersey he wou’d again return fertile empire state and prubabiy make kjyerai speeches on the occasion of his second vlall. Mr. Brian’s audience at the dep/t in Toledo was comprised of laborers on their way to work. He tbfd* (hem (hat the republican party | gLeiefl trff"rje of the opinion that a fall' dinner paiVwaa a tmEeioot reply to all argument, as well as to all demands, He n noted the idea that it could be sufficient to meet the requirements of the laboring men. The republicans seemed lo forget, he said, all about ihe anthracite coal strike. He also warned them about what be considered tbe baneful mflu enc s of trusts and talked at some length of the tendency towards the change iu our lorm ot governmen*, as manifested in our treatment of the Fillpiooa and Porto Itlcaua. At Bowling Green Mr. Bryan’s speech urged the Importance of elect leg the whole democra'ic ticket. A fiae audience greeted Mr. Bryan upon his arrival at Findlay and he had a five minutes speech at that place. KHUGEK HAS SAILED. Brussels, Oct. 12.—Friends and Kruger say that be bae sailed from Marquez for Europe on the Dutch cruiser Gel derlaud. ns ii i ill in ——7 Presiieahitekii Males a Stroll Address. TELLS MW WANT Said That a Sliding Scale Was Not Satisfactory—Trouble Not Over Yet. Scranton, Pa., Oot. 12 —The con vention of the anthracite mine work er*, called by President Mitchell oi tbe United Mine Workers for the pur pose of . considering the JO-per cent it&rf. ■ ■ ''.-A- /tdf’T’*! iw?sifraocß offered by the mine ops tatQr% convened at the mtii4Uvß.il this wArpTng. The little bM, A biota has a oapvcity of about 700, was Boon fill ed There was an otter lack of deco rations in As escb ufllclnf of the tluited Mm Worker* enteretl fhe hall h * appiauded 1' Mi t the most enttaiti9tyb..||]einoht*^>loi n . was re id&vrd for JV,*|kdoot Mitchell , who ar rived at i&u6. Ttn minutes af’er tha national pres ident arrived tag galled tbesmeei ing to Older and addressed them. President r ftt-j-s Mitchell in his speech said : * r-VTfcc oaueei which forced you to Engage in the contest which has pre- this cunveiftion, are from years so indelibly imprinted tttat it would be a waste of word* to recite them here. The story of your wrong-t hua been truthfully depicted by your :Ulcers; it has been portrayed in all its bid eou-r.ess by representatives of the pres*. and, with excep’iocs Pup aiuin-j it j , the public ha. dee Is red your s**Ke end the responsibility for tbis unfor-* luns'e -trike rot* solely upoc the shoulders of those who etnpl >y. and you •‘Y'uiir own co duct during the strike, evm uud-r the rn is' trying cir cumitancrs, has won for yiu the re spect and comm (ids io iof til jus tice loving people. W- b Have tbe men wb mine the coa 1 , the men who work in tbe collieries, those whu work tbe breakers should all he consulted before tbe officers of your unloads i clare tbe strike at so end. "V7e bel'sve that tbe laws of Pane sylvania should b* obeyed by lbs doa' companies and wages paid twice each mon'b, you reserving tbe right of spending your saruiogs wher' you oliooae. Whether it is believed at this time to loaiet upon a compliance w th all your demand* is a question you are called upon to decide. Personally I have hoped that we should be able r >me tune to establish tbe same meth-, o' of adjusting wage and ffercncea iy| nov x> te in the coal regians ('•.ij.ioyers’ and miners’ oeieMj mutually agree upon a scale of ' which remains in force one yeafl 1 believe that iu the future the olte operators will aocept tbis humane VERDERVSHORTAGE TO BE PAID THIS AFTERNOON Some Valuable Property Belonging to His Wife Sold to Pay It. and progressive method of tra&tiug with employts.” . ___ •/ Scranton, Go’. ltaw-The general im pression prevailing after the miners’ convention recessed this afternoon, was that the strike would not be called off, but that further demands would be made by tbe strikers. A talk with the leading spirits revealed (he fact that they were all for demanding fur ther concessions. ' ■ ARRANGEMENTS MADE. New York Celebration Will Bea Great Out*. New York, Oot. 12,—Richard Croker announced today that the arrange ment! for the great democratic dem onstralion on Oot. 10 are completed. H$ tat - it would be the biggest demonstratiomeyer seen -to New York oily. Mr. who will be receiv ed with magnificent honors, will speak first at Madison Square Garden, where Kward M. 3(wj>SSd will preside. Mr. flrjan Will oobsudle an hour in bis L* speech, aefil then go to Madison Ave nue. Thence be wifi go to Tammany .. Jtv • • . Hail. 'ftpere meetings Vfll be held both indoors and last speech will be im, Copper-. boaUtute. Adlai E. candidate for vice presidenfi-irtil follow Mr. Bryan at Madison Square Gif'der, ami Hon. Botlrke'Cnekran will then pei k. Mr/ Croker estimates that 100,000 Dswo crats will be present at thesa nseefei Jogs Fire wonts w.ll belsvisl !rd m "played. A TRIPLE ALLIANCE. Turkey, Persia and Afghanistan Will Stand Together. Vienna, Oct. 13.—Diplomatic advices rrceiyed at Constantinople sty it.a^ra proposed triple alliance is about -obe consummated be.ween th Shan of IV s'.a, the Sultan of Turkey and he Ameer of Afghanistan. Thle r ould form one of the most ~ 4 powerful leagues composed entirely of fanatical tullowSpSot the doctrines of 'fyafe Hkpte is given out at putting • ! V of K ean powers V.dTptevent land grabbing and for futile causes. The Bhah assented pres vlded of an entirely t!e fenrue uawWjMte Sj)AT r I; N K RW 1 Ail g H .a - !t i % '* ,,i ' *1 jtof < i 11! ■ ■ - PRICE FIVE CENTS CITY COUNCIL’S PROMPT ACTION Held Galled Meeting: Yes terday Afternoon. IDE! iEuliwiF There is Absolutely Nothing in the Way of the Carrying Out of This Great Project. After a second deck ihe Guartiatce Company and Plant System officiaV announced Cashier Verdrry’s shortage at between tight and nine thousand dollars,and by the time the sun sets to today this amoud will have been made good. Mrs. Verdcry some days ago sold her home and other real estate. Mr. N. Emanuel bought the foimertor twenty “five hundred dollais and the sale of all other property ran up to something six thouiaLd dollars or it left a balance short of about thirteen bun • dred. This latter amount stood be twienMr Veidery and prosecution, and hue is where the friends of the ax-ccabler came to h.s ass'atance. Sub scription lists were circulated and the j auiO.nt rais'd is surprisingly large, j Suffice tr Say Ttss than two hun j deed dollars will clear the ei-csshier i far a, the piosecu ion is concerned, j H is sad t! at lh. Guarantee Com pany acted fan veiy lib.ial manner with Mi*. Yerdt ry. and its* act on ig coopiended on a-U sides. Mr. Vcrdrry still tajs he has never taken a cent of ths Plant System's money and his statement is believed |by h:s frp nds. The general public thinks that Mr. Verdery has Vjeen the v.ctim of bid sp. eolation. The TTms.h-i ai.i. ie sure that every body in II ui:s ok will be pleased at the aettlmii- a o the avoiding of si imlnal iro i- I FIH • J B ■ i I • CHURCH. Tt'v. W Hei M G ’more, pastor. Services y l am., and 7:30 p. m. Yom gP- .pieg jn etiug 18.15 a. m, Sunday school 3:!’ , m. Sacred Lit* erasure ( ias* ‘iu.r-d iv 7:"0 p. m. Via* Hi-, mil (t r eiKudi.g Pnsbytery will pleach ’’i■ loy i-o uiog iiud even ing. All ar cordis ■/ l-i >d. DiCMOCKA TIC MAJORIIY 69,095. Tbe democraTo majority in the re o*nt state lro:ion, as shown by the vote for secretary of stale, is 69,695, Ths vote for secretary of state wm Cook, 93,008; Clemen*, 23,908.