The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 13, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 PHIL BYRD APPOINTED €ov. Candler Makes Him Adjutant General. FOR 1 UNEXPIRED TERM The Governor Would Not Say Whether He Will Be Keappointed. <Jol. I'llil Byrd ban been appointed adjutant general of Georgia by Got. Candler. Hit term rnaa until tbe ex. fdration of tbe prevent gubernatorial term, which end Oot. 3-4. Col. Byrd will then bold until bit tuooestor is appointed and qualified. Gov. Candler will not announoe ■whether Col. Bjrrd will be reappointed after October wWlltrea be successor. Co'. 'Tfjrd, who h&s been acting in the ca pacity of adjutant general since Gen. Kell was unable to perform the duties of the office, bae made a splendid rec ord, and this and his familiarity with tbe affairs and dotiss of tbe jdgceo bttl ■tnuob to do wltfenhe appointment enade by Candler. of tbe publio grounds and •'building, Col. Byrd’s record bae been exceptional. A NEW CASHIER Mr. B. B. Stri t Appointed in Mr Voider)’a Place. Mr. B. B. Btrai*, formerly a clerk In tbe auditor’s office, has been app) nted local ctehier of ths Pant System at Brunswick, and r.ached lbs city yester day. Be will be checked in o hU ce po sition today. Mr. Strait will fcu.caed Mr. M.Vcrdcry whom it will be re was recently checked short bv the company. CURES BLOOD POISON. Sorofult, Ulcers, Old Sorer, Bone Pains—Trial Treatment Fre-, • First, sec >r.d or third stages posi tively oured by taking B. B. B. (Bo tanio Blood Halm). Blood Balm kills or destroys tbe Syphleitic Poieon in tbe b'ood and expels it from the sys tem, maki?JS a rerfrct cure. Have you sore throat, pimples, copper ool ored spots, old Itjtlefltlg earii g sores, uioert, swellings, scrafula, itching skin, aehis and pains in bines or joints, sore mou b, t.r falling bail? Tbek Bo.'ailc Blood B-.lm will heal every sore, stop tbe acbes and make tbe blond pure and nob and give tbe rich glow of teal bto tbe skin. Over 3,000 testimonials of cures. B, B. B. ibcrvoghly les'ed for 30 years. Drug stores fl. Trial treatment of B. B. B. fres by writing Btood Balm Cos., At lanta, Gs. Describe trouble and frek medical advice given. Don’t despaifl of a cure as B . U. B, cures when a lit else fails. ' Cream of wheat, grape nuts, oat meal, Farina, etc., at Harper’s, the Hustler: Bright's Harass. High living, intemperance, exposure and many other things bring on Bright’s disease., Koloy’s Kidney Cure will prevent Bright's dis ease and nil other kidney or Idadder disorders if takon in lime. Take nothing flee. w. if Butts. V W-’" -'lk/ . THE BRUNSWICK TBiE^*AUr*on. The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic la not only a bleod purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people ■who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by the most delicate Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and X j rves soon succumb to Sts wonderful -ffect on the human system. Thous ands of people In Georgia recommend It. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIX BALM is the med icine thi\t tbe Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cuies with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine fwr Neuralgia, Toothache, Backaohlipdtsijpmatisro, Sprains, i’ain in Bowji|sr fact, ali pain can be relieved by rtT Price 25c and 60c. • —e - - QUAKER WHITE WOXDERSOAP. a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALIXG SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, ecaema and eruptions of the •kin. Price 10c a box. , FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGBBTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. PoHdll’s Druss Store Tbe Plant System will sell round trip tickets fer the anajial fair, Way cross Fair Asiooiation, at one fare from Thotnasville, Albany, S ivannsh. Brunswick, .Iso’csonvtlie, Lake City, Monoicell) and intermediate points, A splendid program of at’raot ons has been arranged and visitors will be well enterta<b*d. B. W. WRBXH, Passenger Traffic Manager, S-.vannah, Ga. Sweet Clover Boneless Breakfast bacon at Harper’s, the Hustler. Half tbe Vfcorld is is Darkness aa to tbe caused their ill health. It they would ntsrt to treat thsir.kidney* with Foley's Kid ney Cure, tbe wiarlneeeof body Ant mind, hack ache, headache aad rheumatic pains would disappear. W. J. Halts. Watch this Space for the grand Fall and WintejvOpening. M. ELK AN S. 308 Newcastle St, SHIPPING REPORT. Corrected Daily by Capt. Otto Johatmesei Port of Brunswick, Oct 12, 1900. CLEARED. SS. Geoige W. Clyde, Chichester. Boston; merchandise and passengers Sobr. Lyman M. Law,, Phila delphia. The best hams on earth — the Dove—at Harper’s, tbe Hustler. NOTICE TO VETERANS, There will be a meeting of the C n federate veterana of Glyno oounty at be office of Dr. Burrougba tomorrow at 1:30 p. m. to elsot delegatee to at tend tbe state organ!*,Don, which meets at Augu*t>, Gi., in November, and for otUer matters of importance. A large attendance is r quested. W, B. Bt BBoCoiie Pres. Hohack Dart, Sec. Something fine—large cans plums and white cherries at Harper’s, the Hustler. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. RED HOT FROM THE GUN Wav the ball that bit G. B. Stead man, of Ntwark, Mich., in tbe Civil war- It caused h rrifele Uleers that no treatment belp for liOyiara. Then Buckleo’s Arnica Salve oured him. Cures Outs, Bruises, Borne, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25cts. t box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all drugglatr. New Georgia syrup in bot tles at Harper’s, the Hustler. CASTOniA, Baarithe Kind You Data Always Boeffi T (Z&PME&u E Yes, tHe same 1 I GOLD DUST 1 I Welshing Powder 1 L that brightens your sliver and cot glass will clemn the 3 E Kitchen Crockery. Gold Dust is a dirt destroyer jja K nothing more. It never Harms the article it comes in 9 E contact with. It simply makes it clean. For greatest 9 E economy buy the lnrge 9 E The N. K. F&irbank Company, 1 Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Boston. IS A GORGEOUSLY bound Work of art has just been Issued at an oailty of over 1100,000, for which the publishers desire a Manager in this county, also a grod solicitor; good pay to the right party. Nearly 100 full-page engravings somptu'ius pa per, illuminated covers and bindings; over 200 golden lilies in the Morooco bindings; nearly 50 golden rosea in the cloth bindings. Bells at sight; presses running day and night, so great is tbe sale, Christian men and women making fortunes laking order*. Rspui promotions. O’e Christian wo man made clear S6OO in four weeks, taking orders among her cburchAc quaintance* ard friend,. Write us. R may lead to a permanent position to manage our busioets and look after our large correspondence, which you can attend to right at your home. Ad dress J. A. KaigbtHKtrarary, Corco ran building, opposite United Stares Treasury, Waebington, D. C.