The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 13, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Ihe Brunswick Times. Established 1889. The Brunswick Call. Established '!. The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATKI) 11)00, Puljl'sbed BVJCItr MOUXIXU EXCEPT MONDAY. aATHBR H. LEAVY Editor EOLAKD A. KELLIKS, Business Manager itw irit ) mOglethorpe 01ook,211EStreet AT ro* J MO i TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers are requested to notify tbe office when they fall to got any Issue of the Tlmes- Caib Attention to this matter will be appre ciated by tbe publisher*. the Times-Call will be Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. 89.00; per week 15 sente Correspondence on live enb|ecte solicited. Beal name of writer ehonld ac company earns. Subscription! payable in advance. Failure to receive paper ehonld be reported to the bnsinote office. Address all eummnnicatlons to THE TIMKS-CALL, Brunswick, Ga. NOltfftsC* ' UAserlTiral aCvertUe ments must be paid for after the first Insertion. The management has been put to a great tf t ouble and delay lr. collecting in the paa‘, and In future must teke advant ge of the Geirgia law oo tti tubjoc’. Oct. 10, 1900, Railroad compctiiion is what wc want now. ______________ Saviunah is getting to be a prize tight centir. n'gg—gßS*g:aig Yes, Usla Week would he successful; ltt’s have it. YvUteey, one of Goebel’s murderers, Is ixoolleti 1 at shamming. sit, Sir Thonas Li r ton is again after thu cup. Sir Thoiras is no 1 a quitter byjyjj’ means. ___________ The “full dinner pali” s ory of the republicans rexiat's Mr. Bryvn of a Biblical character by the tiatae if Etau. fue Southern Intcf elate *"air is new in full blast, with all modem attrac tion?, In Atlanta, G i., and will continue until Oct *7. Co'rbeti announces that he is not go ing to any more, Now will the pessimistic spellbinders erase asking: \WI at have we to bo th’iukful foi? ’ Wha< ton Barker, (be MkWlc-of the Road presidential candidate, sßys be w 11 carry Oeorgla by 90,000 and Texes by 200,000. Wharton has misted hie valliog. He should be circulation liar on a yellow journa', s-. vs the Columbia Koquirer run. No silver lining can be discerned in the cloud of gloom resting over the flood swept region of Galveston. With the clearing of the streets corpses by the score are still discloted. The be reaved l;landers suy that it will be three months before the debris will be cleared away and tho city take on a look of its former substantiality and progress. Some day when that restless hay of yours seems almost unmanageah'e, In stead of taking him to the barn or woodshed and there what rou Ih nk is couinJM him with a barrel lain It.m ■ your brow ii .'■ 'HKjSw! GOOD FOR COUNCIL. The many readers t f the Timbs-Cali. will be rejoiced to read this morning that active steps h ve b.en taken to wards securing a railroad from B uns w'ck to Birmingham. It Is with no small degree of pride that we view the action of council yes terday la granting concessions to the prop, sed new line as it Is a mare we have been waimly advocating. The psrt that Me are. Brob ton, Fendig & Company have taken in the move ment is sl-o especially commendable and through ihtlr umlring efforts iu hay ng Col. E. C. Muchen to come here the (eople of Brunswick will gain It is one of the meet p ogriesive acts that has eha.actcrz and the present atl - ministration th s et couragement lent the ptoiwed railroad and now we must all puli ligafther :o make it a tuc cesi. Everyone who has ever heard the nme of “Machen,” knows wha It Beaus. ‘ Magic Machen, 1 ' the luild er of railroids and developer if prop orlles is a name to juggle with, sn X Utf works of thiv man are lrgitn inkhe an* nals of manufacturing oootejgvAk Pos sessed of tireless energy and banked by pract.cally unlimited weal'h he man to pull Brunswick ap amj we must encourage his every moye, That the people are ready to back him is evidenced by the good wl l shown him during his two days’ s'ay here and we will weico ne bis return and the commencement of the new ia>lrosd which means Brunswick’s commeicial sal ration. WHERE IS THE MONEY TO COME FRQM? i ■ The news agencies 11 ie.l us that the powers will demand $200,0311,000 from Chira a> I'amagoa for the fticeat out .,,ytv . ’ J on the lur tkvns a-d tft'e mis ins. ■China has no money at band, and, her’ c. atoms be’ng all mo.tgaued for pre vious Ear"psun clßms, it,JS dtSenlt to see where she vuil find tfrfl fflta s to -w, ■’. . 7t meet this new ii maud. It will Up i.tcossury to loan her the -W --V cash, and for t£ at panw*! eoqje new security must be found. Whether it is the sum named, or more or less, it will be grea'.ly beyond her capacity to pay. At this point willc.molha question: Who is going to rumlsh the fun sP Since her chief assets are already pledged, the problem can only by such power* a* may be willing to take territorial instead of fiuaueisl se curity. The only tc riloiy that could be pledged without arousing the whole Chinese people to insurrection are the outlying provinces that do not consti tu'.e a part o! the Midd e Kingdom ptop en; namely, the provinces of Manchuria and Mongolia ad pissibly the prov inces of Chili and Sbang'u g, which Russia and Germany have already In their g> Ip. These are no*, regarded by the central Chinese as constituting an integral part of ihc but jjj* provluccs wUuh -'.d loNt witiout disintegratiou oJ"4li> ns 1 ion> ss they were annexed within eo*t>Stively re- cent centuries. The provinces e- Valley on the other hand j^^ Ter y of tbe Chim^-^J^H^nr-^lhs i- Sllie \ Papat3j|r it.ii |.t it is sJLi !, ' v ,l THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALU OCTOBER 13, 1900. A woman has a right to be positive on matters which are matters of personal knowledge and experience. Every wom an who has used Favorite Prescription for womanly organs is positive mfTo its wonderful curative value, and confidently recom mends it to similar suficrers. ‘Women who suffer from inflammation, ulceration, female weakness, or nervous diseases caused by disease of the wom anly organs will find a complete cure by the use of " Favorite Presortptiou. 11 "Several year* ago I au/Texed severely horn female weakness. I’rolapc'i*, and r? eoarrhettria, and uatd Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Preserfalion with splendid effect," writes Fannie hwtoi>, at Washington, lavra. "Glad 1 have net Heeded l! for a few y.:rv naal. but if I *sfouk! have any retimi of tlie old trouble would aoiety try ’Fa vorite Prescription.’ f have rrc’lyj Jq a numler of myJady-TriEndiT ftVwafktcll them to try a -rt l l —, sod if they are.not bene fited by H_J_.rill pay for tire medicine In every sa*S they liar* spoken in praise of iL rvVOT/Uf’ PIM M MRUON’ MABtS WEAK WOMEN STROMO AND SICK WOMEN WLU.. European rower, wo Id constitute real Chinese disintegration. When the ne gotiations roach tbe question of secur ities will come the most serious problem of th* whole trouble. THE CONFEDERATE REUNION. e** ■ The people of Augusta are beginning to thick tbe reunion of Confederate veterans to be held here in November wiR be one of tbe greatest gatherings that ever assernbl-d in tbie city. Tbe raiiiosils are making area' prepara tions for handling tbe crowds, and every dry they receive new tssu raoors that tbe visitors who Intend coni'ug from all over Georgia and stiie ve join log Stales will tax their carrying capacity. Thousands of vet erahs will cotne, nod many thousand more of their friends will come with them. It is realis'd that as tbe y6lfr go by, the ranks of, the grizzled sur vivor* are being thinned. There are am y missing fsoes at snob successive reantoF. The veteran*, therefore, will make special effort to attend this reunion, and all who can possibly get here; wiU do so. It is safe to say that daring th* three dye 4 of the reuuion, there wiii.b* twenty-five thousand visitors in Au gusta. Tbe fact sp9ik* for iterlf. Let Augusta get ready for the great cuci eion.—Augue’a Herald. ROAD ID BIRMINGHAM IMS ASSURED NOW (Uoutmued from Fir.-t Page ) 'Downing, F. D. Aiken, M. Kaisir, E. ft, Msson, N. Emanntl, J. J, Lewis, L. R. Aiken, of M*. PlsasanL E. Rrnb loo, W. G. Brautlsy. Fodr hundred and fitly miles art to be bull*, starting at Brunswiok and going from a southeast to a northwest erly direction, through tbe counties of Glyno, Wayne, Pieroe, Appling. Cof fee, Irwin, Wilcox, Dooly, Sumter, Webster and S’ewart, in Georgia, and Batbour, Russell, Bullock, Macon, Montgomery, Elmore, Tallapoosa, Coose, Chilton, Talladega, Shelby end Jefferson conutiev in Alabama. Tbe road #tu oot $15,000 per mile, or a total of $8,750,003. Tbe iaeorpo rators bsk of it are too w H known is Brorswiok's bueloats world to need introduction through tb'se column*, whila Col. Mecbeo ia ooe of tbe beat known men in tbs United S ate*. He built the Middle Georgia & A'lantic, tbe Marietta A Nor b Georgia, at and the Macon & Coving’on railroad* in Georgia, beiide* developing the <ntr ble quarries of North Georgia, and piecing capital behind many mrito rioa* but etratgling enterprises. Il ls the one man above all other* that Brunawiok need<, and no bingrhuuld be left undone to ercare him as a oili zen. Cot.Macheo left Uat nigbtjfor N*w Yvrk, amt will return here ahottiy. The ae ion of council, told by tbe official minu'ee, ar.e aa fxiiowa : Present—Hon. Dean D. A'knton, mayor, and Atderm< n-Mason, Krau-e, Blood worth, Thcmas and AbfanaaaKlil Absent— Tuiper and ' CALL. Ills Honor tbe mayor stated that tbe object o! the meeiirg wa* to consider snd make certain yropoaiiions 10 the proposed Brunswick and Biimin t bam raflr ad, as to terminal facilities, ttc. KI’SOLCTIO.V. By Alderman Mason: Whereas, Col. E. C. Macben. of the cl yof New York, Use teen iuviled to our city to iurertigate our peculiar ad vantagis as the na ural Sou h Atlantic on let for tbe coal and i on of Alabstra a: and tho grain of tbe west, and, Whereas, At his Instance there tie certain of tUr c lizeu* now applying for a ebarter to be known as the Biuns wok and Birmingham Rail road, be it and Jt is therefore, Resolved, !<y • tbe mayor and coun cil ofthc city of Brunswick, Geor,i, in council asn.-mbled, that ihe mayor ho and is hereby directed to have tbe oliy attorney draw leates in favor of the Biumw’tk and Birmingham Railroad Company to. the town commons prop kmwts as “Dennis Po ly’’ ou Og c bay, also to that tract c-f lend and improvement* thereon, known ae the Keonoq'M*rtufc!o-y property eiluat ed In the e>u heru poition of tho city. The said leases irv i oaf,: a term of oil years with the privilege of renewal.and the amount to ba. t aul by llhe < o&d lor said leases t* lie lad per year for each lease. Ths raid le*es shall be drawn and bold by tbe mayor until said rail road company gets Its charter and be gins work tmoo tuo c .netruction of tbe c - 6, wit jft Ltfty sUGI be du y executed and de IvOred. 'Regolved. that ihe property of st t l railroad lying .within tbe in corporate limits of this ci'y shall be tx empt from all municspal taxes for a term of ten (10) years from the ht-gin nioc of its constiuciton. Reolved, Fun her. tha* the sad leasts shall not be iraosftrub e, and sbsll be drawn as to provide aga nst their falling into the hands of otter rat roads or yanks at any time, and to p-cp-rlv ra'eemird the ctv's rla - *s. Resolved, Further that the salu railroad company be granted a right of way through the city and to conn'ct with said tracts of Isnd. Adopted . Adjourned. L. C. Bo DET, Clerk of Council. The best protection against fevers, pneumonia, dipt hens, etc., it in build ing up tbe system with Hood's Sarsa parilla. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative ILomo Quinine TaMelt. A1 draughts rotund the money if it fails to cure, F. W. <?rove's lignstnro it on each i> a. Ho, 1 1 900 Drops - - - - : Preparalbnfor As slmaalmg theFoodandfieguia ting the Stomachs andßowels of Promotes Digestion .Cheerful ness and Pest. Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral NotUarcotic. M*vr afOUJ*S4WEUmWi Bwyrfi Seal- , j4ix.Smna * J Seta j Aperfecl Remedy forConstipo- Tlon, Sour Ston^ch,Diarrhoea Worms .(Atnvulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. At b i i>o nI h old 13 <)S y S _ i in r s EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. IgfIHELP FOR YOU For honest treatment and a speedy cure write or go to Dr. J. Newton Hathaway whose great reputation is a sufficient guarantee of satisfactory results. Consultation AffiSfii Free. Blood Poison tuysypum* isamu terrible stages, producing copper-colored spots on face or body, little ulcers on the tongue. In the mouth or throat, falling out of the hair or eyobrows, decay of the flesh or bone*, completely and forever eradicated without the use of Injurious drugs, leaving tbe system in a pure, strong and health ful state. Verleaeala 01 enl * r s c| l vein*, which Varicocele lead to a complete kiss of sexual power; also Hydrocele, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture and all rrtvatoand Venereal Disease* end Weaknesses of men quickly cured. HEW GOODS Arriving Daily! AND WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. OnrMr. C. dirtier, while in New York, selected an immense stuck of Fancy Fur niture of every description, suitable for Holiday Presents. We will be glad to store your goods until the holidays, but by all means Don’t Miss Swing Our Display Now. Every steamer brings new goods, and we have no old gags to offer. t ) rt s rtrs b*r n ci n p."i tl. m. miLlcn <a oun, J. J. LISSNER, T WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon aitd Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAfo A SPECIALTY 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. mu* | For Infants and Children. | The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / t Signature //J Of of 4jr' Lt Jfv In I/I & Use Lr For Over Thirty Years mu TMV CBNTAUN COMPANY. NEW YOU* CITY. Kidney and Urinary Painful, Diffl cult, Tbo Frequent, Bloody or Milky Drlne; all functional diseases of the Heart, Lungs, Liver and Stomach; also Catarrh, Kupture, Rheumatism, Piles, Fistula and all Blood and Skin Diseases and all Female Diseases treated according to the latest and best methods known to medical science. Home Treatment ZLZ°J,£££L eenfol. Write for free book just pull Uified aria Symptom blank it you cannot call. & 4. NEWTON HATHAWAY, £• D. Dr. lluthawtr & Cp* 5W5 Bryan Street, BftTSniuflfQa* MEIfTION TUIS PAPKR WITEN WKITINO.