The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 13, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Hurry! Hurry! Hurry BIG CUT RATE SALE. OUR. STOCK MUST GO== == iEVERYTHING AT COST ■ - - <■ - m ——r- - ShoCS. Gent’s Furnishings. Humanic Shoes at $3.00 j Men's Gold and Silver Shirts at 7 c and OO Men’s Yici Kid Bals at .2.50 . jMsSk [TCVIu Men s hummer Underwear at Cost. Men s Tan Vici Bals at 2.25 j _ | i \r ai . c w; + tt i -MmßmSmmm ! If Men s Winter Underwear at Cost. Men s Calf Bals at .. 2.25 | Large Line of Gu ei Ilats I Men's Stiff Haziest sales'.'''.'.' Ladies’Kid ISuttoo Boots at 225 sV 'A A l ro p S **’, „ ~" ... , . , „ , aige on- of half hose and fi. &W. Collars at cost. Ladies Patent Leather! reach Heel Ties at........ 2.45 - Our line of Keokwear is swell and complete A LARGE LINE OF MISSES’AND M ■, '■ Men " Work Sh,,lsa " sizesat • chilsrlnsshoo were. W* Cook and SfC IJs. I PALMER SHOE COMPANY. 116 Newcastle Street. I SHORT BUTSPICY CITY NEWS NOTES A Days Doings as Gathered by He Times-Call Reporters MATTERS PERSONAL AND GENERAL eRIEF STATEMENTS OF THE MANY THINGS THAT MAKE UP THE BUSY ROUND OF LIFE. Mr. A. L Atwood, of Darien, it in the oity, I)'. \V. C. lUtcbar li spending a few day* in Savtnnah Mr. W. E. Sbsrmtn, of Stvsnnah, is gu s r at the Ogltthorp*. Judg- Ham A’kinson i* rrfclrleifd at the PaUski, in S*vanah M". P. G .lohntotrr-of Mcon. it egiet"r“d at the Ogi-thorps. Mr. A 1 I* Cine, of Indian*, hta a c bepted a foiiti n with Mr. K-.inon -jfo’f, th" p pu ar jeweler, Mr. Cone fijj&v |E£a Stitit*sk4 'wB mam if BKsIS* WSS 1 ■ J Mi * 1 | Wk^J oomen mended as a flrt -oIaBB j *weifr and optician. Mr. T. L, Barton, of the Plant Sys run, epfnt yesterday In the city. it is exasperating to one who knows Foley’s Honey and Tar, and knows what it will do, to have a dealer recommend something e'so as “just the same,” or‘-just as good ’’ for coki&, coughs, croup, la grippe, etc. W. J. Butts. Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores are sooheu at once and promptly healed by apply ing IM Witt's Witch Hazel Halve,the best known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counter feit. W. J. Butts. The best method of cleansing the liver lathe use of the famous little pills known as I>eWitt’s Little Early Kisers. Kasy to take, Never gripe. W. J. liuits. A Card. The manufacturers of Banner Salve have au yprized the undersigned to guarantee it for burns, cuts, sores, ulcers, tetter, eczema and all skin diseases. You have jronr money hack fit doesn’t do ail it claims. W. J. Butte. Have you a seme of ful nosfcln the ivgjoo of your stomach after eating? If so you will taneflted by using ChanilerlHin’B Stomach and Liver Tablets. They; also /rule Lclcbing and sour frtop aeh. 'ibey regulate the bowels too. price ?..V, H Id ! y Bit-hop's Drug 810 rv. For bladder Troubles use STUARTS GIN and BUCHU. lour Health is affected for good or ill by every substance that finds ’ its way into the stomach, g'&'gfa***? (BOHEMIAN "King of all Bottled Been'* is famous for its purity and general excellence. It freshes—nourishes—induces healths is incomparably finer in qualities than any other, and in fact the foremost family beer everywhere. Order from Brunswick. Wine A Liquor Cos. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL OCTOBER 13. UJO Pjny-PectM A tQfITtCE CCRC '.'071 • | GOUGHS AND COLDS : Very wJuitVi 1 , RftVnriOy in i offee linns oi the 1 THROAT or LUNGSi U.M’i'G liottUlS, 150, DAVIS & LAWTGNi ~ <*V, , lT.)'s r! fVrrv-Puvh’ * LOiV RATES-VIA. THE PLANT SYSTEM To Savannah, G*., for lb@ Elks’ Grand Carnival and Strsat Fair, No vembir Bth to 17U>. * One faro for the round trip. Ticket* to be so'd b, vem b.r Bib, 7tb, Oth, lath, 14'b a' ’H, J( with float limit to 18lb. A u n did program of atlraotione h*s Le*o ar ranged. Plant) System ticket sgsnt* will give full particular*. B. W. Wrknx, Piiseuger Trsffio Manager,. Savannah, <s*. At ie Sisson ( f u,. to are always many a< albs/ part ic.ultul) among children, from kurainer 'com plaint, diarrton, djcetitery, cholera morbus, ’Cramps, etc., sui everyone ought to know that a sure and rpeedy onre can easily ha obtained by lakmg Perry Davie’ Pain Knlrr in sweetened water every half hour. It never fails. Avoid substitutes. There is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Divio’, Puce 83c. and BOr, YOUK BEST WORK Cannot be done unless you havegorci health. Yoe cannot have good heal h without, pure blood. Yuu may have pure blood by taking llood’e Sarsapa r Ha now, You cannot'raalin the good it will do you until you try it. Begin taking it today, and see how quick y It will give you an sppetl'e, strength and vigor, and cure ,jour rheumatisrr, catarrh or sorofnla. All liver ilia are cured by Hood’* Pile, 25-3. Uoldthwaite & Sin,Troy, Ala,, wiote: Teeth- I ns's speedy cure of old sores snd eruptions upon the skin have been remarkable. Second hand household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, Ininks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W. Watkins'. THR VISITING PRKACHBKS. m They Will Occupy the Biptiat and M-tbodiat Pulpits Tomorrow. By oourtecy of the looal pastore, the ministers who are la attendance upon the Pretbyiery will occupy the pulpits of the Baptist and Methodist churches i tomorrow. > Th appointments ss far an they oan be made at this time, are aa follows: At the I’rtabytcrian church, the moderator, R v. W. H. MoMeen, will pr. aeh at tba morning service, and Ri v. A J . Smith in ths evening. At the R.ptiat church, Rv. W. A. Niaini i| preach at the morning esr.lce. id Rev. O. C. Carson at the evening set vice. At the First Methodist, Rrv. A. J. Smith Will preach in the morning, and ItrV. R. A. Brown in the evening. At MclCendree Methodist church, B"v, I>. F. Sheppard will preschm the moroirig, and Itev. L It. Lynn in the evening. Hev. Onarlea Montgomery will The of Pore BSood That Is. what is required by every organ of the body, for the proper per formance of its functions. ft prevents biliousness, dyspepsia, constipation, kidney complaint, rheu matism, catarrh, nervousness, weak ness, faintness, pimples, blotches, and all cutaneous eruptions. It perfects all the vital processes. W. P. Rftton, Woodstock. Ala., took Hood’* Sarsaparilla to make his blood pure. Ho writes that he had not felt well btit tired for < ooino time. Before ho had finished the flrstJ bottle of this medicine he felt better andj when he had taken the second was another man—free from that tired feeling? and able to do his work. Hoc Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Accept no subr.ti: l te, but get Hood’s today. ’preach at the Ylothel Sunday night. Re*. J, W. Quarterman will admin ister the communion in connection with the morning .ervioe at the Pres bjrterian church. HOW’S THIS? Wc clfer One Hundred Dtdlars Re ward for any oaee of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F, J. CfrENEY & Cos., Props., Tole do, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last lfi years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and flnnrcially able to carrynut, any obligations made by their firm. . West & Truss, wholesale druggists, Toledo, o.\ Welding, Ktr.nan & Mar vin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and muoous surfaces of the system. Price 76c. per bottls. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family P.iis are the Morphine, opium, Dudanum,cocoaloe habit; myself cuted. wi 1 inform you o! harmless, permanent, home cure. Mary 8. Bi, Idwln, box 1212, Chicago. This is the season when mothers are alarmed on account of croup. It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Core, which child roll 1 ko t > take. VV. J. Butts. For sprains, swelling and;,lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Try It. For t*ale at l>r. Bishop's drug store The l’lant System will sill round trip tickets f, r the annual fair, Way cross Fair Association, at one fare from Tbomarville, Albany, Bavaunsh, Brunswick, Jacksonville, Lake City, Monoicello and intermediate points, A splendid program of attractions has been slanged and visitors will be well entertained. B. W. WItBNN, ■ Savannah, Ga. CBFAnge of.schedule TfASI BYBTSJU, fH Yplflpy Brunswick at Brunswick HI a. m. > Brunswick ■ati:\ 1 Vsldus'/I, < i -1., r “‘ff sj-i. '■“’"Jr/: n -S i I ' iWIK Vi' T a. ‘,'Y\_ DOMESTICATED MAMMOTHS Proof That the Ancient Pfllasoolan. Turned the Monster Griffin Beasts. A remarkable discovery regarding primeval man Is announced on such authority as to be entirely beyond cavil or chargo of sensationalism. It Is that natives of Patagonia, savage or : semisavage, did, some thousands of years ago, keep In captivity and do mesticate, for their meat and possibly, for their milk, gigantic sloths nearly related to the extinct megatherium. To prove the fact, Dr. A. Smith Woodward, a well known English in vestigator, and Dr. Moreno of the Na tional Museum of Argentina, have laid before the Zoological society of London specimens of the bones and hide of which were found In an cient stone walled stables, unmistak ably such, together with great stores of cut hay, the latter being obviously, fodder for the benßts. , / The animal in question, 1b which the name grypotherlum, or '‘griffin banst,” has been given, was much iiSfe the megatherium, but only about half the size. It was about as big ns two largo oxen, measuring perhaps ten feet from the snout to the tip of tho tail and weighing perhaps 3,000 pounds. Exceedingly stupid and clumsy, It was so sluggish of movement that one might easily Imagine a whole day ex pended in leading it to the whter of a nearby stream and another day con sumed in leading it hack. It is probable, however, that water as well as food was brought to its pen. < ertainly it is Impossible to conceive of a domesticated brute more uncouth ami strange. It was covered with long, yellowish hair, considerable quan tities of which were found in the “stables.” Incredulous of some of tho facts re ported, Dr. Nordensklold, tho famous naturalist and traveler, made a trip recently to Last Hope Inlet, in south ern Patagonia, near which the re mains were discovered, and investi gated tho matter for himself. He came back convinced, bringing with him an additional piece of “grypothe rlum” hide, together with a few claws of the nulmal. Bloodworflr'&Jones New Liverv Stables New Baggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given all orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St 5