The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 13, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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k WHEN A YOU f FEEL DULL 1 Tired, nauseated "and low spirited* the machinery of the body is dogged up somewherer* You should take a few doses of PRICKLY ASH BITTERS It is a thorough system cleanser and will make you feel bright, vigorous and cheerful. SOLO AT DMUCCISTS. W, J. Butts, Special Ag nt. WoiTTor IT PERUGHI - BBLDINA GO. >■ Will appear at the opera house for one week, begin ning Monday, October 22(1* ‘A” TABLETS For All URINARY DISORDERS. Dr the most Fatal and Frevalent of all dia eases are those o -the KIDNEYS. LIVER and LLADDER.' The Kidneys are iwo little sieves through which all of Iho blood ‘O the body must pass once in every three minutes. In a HKALTHY condition they tiller all impurities into the BLADDER, thence our of the l>odv. If DISEAS ED they clog and swell, deposii iting URKJ ACID and other poisons into the system, causing dull pain* in the bacit.liilllotjspess Rhematisnt, Dout, Dropsy, Gravel, Painful and Frequent J. rination, lss of Albumen (the life essence), tin ally BRIGHT’S DISEASE and DEATH! If you have any of the above symptoms ‘A ” TABLETS WILL CURE YOU Try them and l>© convinced. Recanted If covert uiienominala c<fr*. Hundreds of ttsUmoDtol fanuot 1* *abstthited. By mail fi.nO. Send or pamphlet. Address PAN-AMERICAN DRUG COMP’NY Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. T POOL, Contractor and Builder, * ll'.i Homli S onewnll J4r ct. Brunswick, - Georgia ;- v V - CURE VOURtr.* >* ‘i C3 fit* ft /.. r /> Y < i- .1 i-, \ * .'Atwiic or ti!o‘in ! ~•■ ’3l ecA •- • • * - iu u Cons Tn>mi*ruro: ; . r > < • u<if>n. PainP s, mi l n<>; acui/t'- • E'-aM6Chiu ..-r pnk.mau.. , r • M f.y nrsnrtosm V.6.A. - sor t In plain v-rappe* * J '•xprcfß. ; ropaci, 1 . -- '<£&'} ]' 0r.3 hottfe-s *2.7' •* < ircalur eot on Pleasant to the taste. Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. McLEAN’S LIVER AND „ KIDNEY BALM Eliminates uric acid. The best remedy for Rheumatism and diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. SI • Bottle, at druoolst*. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., •T. LOU, MO. MWWI FOR SALE B 9 ******* W /. BUTTS, Tbe.Drujrgist.’ HAT WINTKB HEBE, G ntrj’a Dog Led Pony Show Looking r For Grounds. it is very probable that Pio! Gen try's dog and pony show will winter in Brunswick this year. The advance was in the city yestei day aud said that he was told to look out f rgrouod. suitable fur w.ln ‘er quarters. He was shown scTarai plaute, including the lair grounds, and he was very much Impres-ed with It Mr. G ntry will be shown the groan it when be arrives, and ills very prob able ibat he will choose f< r his winter quarters. A Minister’* flood Work, “l had a severe ttok of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doses and was en tirely cored,” says ltev. A. A. Power,-at Kmpo ria, Kan. “My neighbor acroea the stieet was sick for over a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. He osi and them for three or fourdaya without relief, thi A called In another doctor w ’'-ftArMf£d turn for, some days and gave him no rfHef,sSfStlScharfed him. T went over to see him the neat morning, Vo said his bowels were In a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long that It was almost bloody flux. I asked him if he had tried Cham berlain's Colte, Cholera and Diarrheas Remedy, and he said, 'No.' 1 went homo and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; tol<l him to take another Hose in fifteen or twenty min utes it he did not find relief, but be took no more, and was entirely cured. I think it the beet medicine I have ever tried.” For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought BRAVE MEN FALL Viotims to stomach, liver sod kid ney troubles, s well as women, and ail feel ibe results in luss of appetite, poisons iu the blood, backache, ner vousness, headache, and tired. listless, But there’s no need that, Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He ssye: “Elertric Bitters are just the thing loramin when he is ail rundown, and don’t care whether be lives or dies. It did m ire to give me new strength and goid appetite than any 'hing I could take. I can now .at anything and have anew lease on life.” Only 50 cents, at all drug stores. Every bottle gusran eed Fancy cakes, fresh and crisp each week, at Har per’s, the Hustler. Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencil-, Badges, Check Protrctors, Numbering Machines, Steel and Brass Dies, S'eel L”g Stamp-, etc. 9 Will B. Fain, Agent. 512 Newcastle strref. The progressive cations of the world are the great food consuming nations. Good food Wcl digested gve strength. If you cannot digest all you eat, you need Kodol Dyspepsia (Juro. It dige-ts what you out. You need not diot your self. 11 contains all of the digeatauts combined with the best known tonics and recount! actives It will even dsgests all classes nt foods in a bot tle. No other preparation will do this. It in stantly relieves and cures all stomocb troubles '•V J llutts I’ur*. Whiskey 4 HtrprrV. Wli-k-j, J(*rper’*. Every h, ttie guaranteed Harper’*. Sold bj T. New man, Brunswick, Gi. When in need, call on -J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. Second hand household furniture bought and so|d, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. Fceli ng* of safety pervsde the household tqs uses One Minute tough Cure, the only harm less remedy that produces Immediate results. It is Infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent con sumption. W J. Butts. WANTED. Arteeiau wells to drive at $250 each Rife and capacity : guaranteed will also guarantee to complete wells in IS days. Call on or adflreas A. fl. Baker i( 8 Gloucester street. iflE BRUNSWICK TIMKS-CALJ, OCTOBER 13, I9io. woman's | Life.... I is hard enough aa 71 it is. It is toller that / Vi we owe our world, / \\ and everything should be made a \ easy as possible for IfV— -= El \ her at the time of W ~ y\ \ childbirth. This J\ \ is just what \ MOTHER’S yH <r) FR will do. It will mnk e \ baby's coming easy v *“' and painless, and that without tak ing dangerous drugs into the sys tem. It is simply to be applied to the musoles of the abdomen. It penetrates through the skin carry ing strength and elasticity with it It strengthens the whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pregnancy. Ihe mother of a plumb babe in Panama, Mo, says: " I have used Mother's Friend and can praise it highly." Get Mother’s Friend at the Drug Store, $1 per bottle. The Bradfu?V Regulator Cos., ATLANTA, GA. Write forourfree illustrated book, *' Before Baby is Bom.” A NEW PLACE TO BUY DRUGS. Smith’s Pha macy, corner Newcastle and Monk Streets, is now well equipped with a;new, fresh and well selected stock cf pure Drugs, Soaps. Perfumes and Ail To let Articles found in a llrut clas",' hi-to-date Slug more Tour Prcserit tions will receive the pcißonal at tention of a graduate in I'hmmucv 61 many /■I yearß practical experience. You will save money, pet the best attention and your trade will be appreciated. SMITH’S PHARMACY, COR. NkWCAbTI.E AND MONK STS, GEORGIA DETECTIVE AGC’Y SHUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to husinei# strictly confidential. &n --quirev conducted with aecrecv. L. a. L. J. Leavy & Go Auctioneers, Commiesioa Merchitiits and Hen r --- al. Collecting A.-onta *' Solicits.! ami Prompt Returna Reuderel. tqieeial Attention Paid to Oollectiou of Routs B. J. ULEWINE T~l -!■ .Si e & Soiling, Renting, t Mjfbongt-r Service We 3ell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford. Engle, Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money. * Wall Paper —at the— PAINT STORE, 502 Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. OEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics, Count.? Product —Vegetables etc. Also Confectioner*. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK, QA Service By Publication. STATE OF GEORGIA-Coontv of Glynn. John Roffers, 1 In Glynn Superior Court, May ( Term, 1900. Susie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. To the Defendant, Susie Royers: Yon are hereby commanded to be and appear at the Decernl >er Term, next, of Glynn Superior Court, to bo holden at the court house in i> unstyick, tilvnn County, Georgia, on the First Monday in December, l'too, and by Ten (10) O’clock of lhe noon of said date, then and the e to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above sated case iu Ills Lioei for Divorce. Witness the Ifovorfbh* Joseph W. Benit*tl-. Judffe of the Sup rior Court of Glynn County, this the b-th day of July, 1900, „ ' H. F. duBIGNOV. Clerk Superior Court, Glynn - ounty, Ga. SERVICE BY PL B LIGATION? GKORGI \—Glynn County. Mrs. Mary C. Reppard vs JeiTerson Lew, Th National Hank of Brunswick and the May or and Council of Bi nnswick.— Petition for j ar | tionof realty in Glynn Superior court, De cemlier Term thcreoi,l9oo. To the efendrnt, Jefferson Levy: You are hereby notified the petitioner in the above stated ease will apply jot* a parti tin of that certain real property in the Mate of Georgia, county ot Glynn and'city of liruns v ick, described as follows; Te Northeastern portion of what is known a9 and ealied the •‘l hirty Acre Tract” .ov “The Wells Tract;” hsv *>g the following courses and oistances. o wU: ern lineJ|kj|Von street aud running thence Southwnrt^H,fllofeet; theuce running Kast wardly 8 0 few; thence- running Northwardly Its.o feet; thence running -Westward!? 855 feet, except three eeitain unall tracts heretofore sold oy the owners; such application for par titt nof said land will bona le at the next term or said comt to be held n the flrtt Mou dao in December next, * This notice given in pursuance < f an order gruntet^jsep tf mlter 28.1900, by Hon. Paul E. Sea brow, judge of said court pr siding, the Honorable JosephTW, Bonnet being disqualified in said ense. Witness the Honorable Paul E. Senbrook. judgeofsnid court presiding, this October 1, lOOu. H. F DU BIGNfcN. Clock Superior Court, Glynn County. ;a. SRAKIvn <& yw itty, ionic \ a. SERVICE BY PUBiJT&mW state of Georgia—County of Glynn. “v, Mrs, Ella Markham Libel for divorce: in th© Supertor court 6i Glynn county. May term, 1900, Order to perfect service Martin U. Maikh im grnnted at said term. . To the Defendant, Marlin B. Markham.. You ore hereby required, iu person or by at torney, to be and appear, at the Uoeeinber I erm, 1900, of Glynn Superior court, to be bold en in and for sold county, ar the court bouse,in Brunawick. Gtynn count - , Georgia, on the first Monday 1n December, 1900, and you will lm there by ten (10) o'clock, of the forenoon of said day, then and there to answer the complaint of the plaintiff Mrs. Ella Markham, iu tne nl>ove stated caso, In her libel for divorco. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bcnnct, Judge of the Superior court of Glynn county, tbia the 24th day of August, moo. A. O. TOWNSEND Deputy Clerk ol the Supetip,' Goon, Gl’ nn County, Georgia. BBNKBT DART, Attorney for I'laiutiff. . BKBVICE BY PUBLICATION. Alta. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Ke turnahle to Deeembcr va. T|ca<.BWo,of Superior - Oottrtof Cllynli cotu- O. .1. Freeman, ty, Georyia. To the said datvndaut, O. .1. Fi I'emWt., -if. You tire hereby retialred' peisotially oV by attorney, to be and apftear at the ne*l term *fi the Superior Court, of raid oount\-. cohvSiuhK on the Brlit Monday in DMember, lOon, then ind there to answer tt.e plaituilf, Clyde Eret tnarx upon the merits of her petition for divorce tiled against you; as iu default of such appearance the Court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. Witness the Hon. Joseph Bonnet, Judge of said Superior Court, tfciif 22d, day of August,BJJtb A.O, Deputy Clork Superior (Jonrt.. QfyAri Qo.. Ga, D. W. Kit a ÜBB, lTtff*-s. Alty. M r.r t- ■*' . LATfON- ' Notice Is hevol.y eiven that the follnwrifjr bills will be introduced at thi nextsoKsion of the General Ansembly of Georgia, towit: A bill to be entitled An Act to amend au Act to create a Boardlif CofnmisHioners of Roads and Revonuo in the county of Glynttp'pasaed in 1870, and the A.'ta' aim-ndatory thoi-cof, so as to provide nnd the compensation of the chairman or such’ board; and for other purposes; Also a bill to be entitled An Act. to amend the Cluirtor of the City of Brunswick, aud lor other purposes; Also a lull tobe entitled Aetjo Hiuornl an Act to estabisli the (’ity (limi tOf WhnHWlck. in and for the County of Glynn; to define its jurisdiction and power; to provide for the appointment of a jirdgo and other officers thereof; to define tin ir powers and duties, and for other purposes. Approved December he 9lh, 1805, e > as to prohibit the judge. ■) court from uractfolng law, and to lixtfie j at such judge, and for other pnr jioses: Also u 1 1* Ito be entitled An Ad to rim end the (‘harter of the City of Brunswick, anil for other purposes. This October Ist. 1900. $ PUBLIC SALK. s ... Stnto of Georgia- County of Glynn. Cutler and by virtue of the power of Kale contained lu the deed to secure debt from Amanda A. l>avlu to tlio Brunswick Title Guarantee and Loan Company, mado executed nuddelivered ou the 21th day or' February, 1*92, and which said deed to secure debt Is duly re corded ou pages U l, 142 and 44 1 of Vol sof the general record- of UJynnlcouutv, Georgia, ref erence thereto being had, the Brunswick Title L nit ran toe and Loan company will expose and offer for sale to the highest and best bidder for j cash, before the court bouse door of Glynn 1 county, Georgia, within th legal hours of sale, on the Ural Tnesd -yj in November, 11)00, all of tli t certain tract, lot or parcel of land, with the building* and Improvements thereon Hittntto. lying and being in the Old Town of the City of Biumi wfek. -lynn county, Georgia, known aml'Jde scribed as the n u iheawiei u 30x80 feet of Old Town lot number twoLe (12), h uoded on the north by the eastern one-half of old towtrTot nuniher eleven (11) 9 1 feet; east oy Oglethorpe street 80 feet; south by the remaining eastern portion of mid lot number 12 90 feet, and wopfc iy the nortn western portion of said Old Town lot number 12 81 f*et, -aid Old Town lot num ber 12 being identified upon the map of said cnymade by George It- Baldwin a. D. 1887, to which reference is hereby had. for the porpOHC of liquidating tbe Indebtedness due said com pany by the said grantor, namely, SBOO.OO prin cipal debt, besides interest unto the first Tues day in November, 1000, amounting to $417.38, and the further sum of S9OO as coats of adver tieing this saie. BRUNSWICK TITLE GUARANTEE & LOAN COMPANY. By C. P. GOODYJC \R, President. Attests W. E. Kay. Sec A Treas. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. The public is hereby notified that a bill will be offc'od at the next session of the legislature amending the charier of the city of Brunswick It. It. HOPKINS Jji Brunswick, Ga., B°pt. 27, 1900. j jjm Administrators Notice, A’l persons h iving claim* against elate of j . Cariipncll will present Ibem to the under signed, and ail owing *aid estate wit i.,, n o pay tholr account* to J. * <•••*!;, . Adm r. FaUtirJ.u •D-usybalL ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. GEORGIA—GIynn County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of said county, I will sell at public ou’cry on the first Tuesday in November, 1900. at the court house in vaia countv. within the legal hours of sale, the following described lands, the property of the es'ate of Bridget Mlnehan, dn ceast-d, situate in the City ol Brauuswiuk, in said state aud county, to wit: Lots numbers twelve hundred and thirty seven (12:57). twelve hum-red and thirty eight (1238),twetyc hundred and thirty-nine (1259), twelve hundred and forty (1240 j, six hundred and forty-two (642), ana six hundred and forty-three (64:5), respec tively. each of said lota being in that portion of said eity commonly called -New Town,’’ and designated upon the map of the plan of said city us made by Geo. R. Baldwin, serveyor, A. l>. 1887, aud of the addition thereto, by the num bers above described, ami to which mao ami to the older of said court of ordinal y aforesaid, reference is made for all purposes of descilp tion. Also, the unexpired leasehold interest in and to the following lots or parcels of land sit uate in the city of BrunswicK. and in that part thereof commonly called “Town Commons,’' to wit: That portion of lot number seventy-five (75) fronting forty \4U) feet on Amh4 street and ninety (IK)) feet on J street, the\ hold therein expiring upon March 21,1907;v, un ber one hundred and thirty-live (135),v ided east by Albany street, south by L sireet, west by. Wolfe street and north by lot number one hundred and thirty four, and having a front urou Albany and Wolfe streets respectively of ninety (90) feet and a depth between said streets of hundrt and and eighty (18b) feet. Aloo, that portion of lot number one hundred and thirty-four (134) bounded east by Albany street, south by lot number one hundred aud thirty-five (136), west by Wolfe street, and north by lot number one hundred and thlrty turee (133); and the remaining portion of said lot number onn hundred and thirty-three (134, the sumo fronting twenty-nine (29) feet upon Albany street aud ninety (9’J) feet upon Wolfe stieet, the leasehold interest therein expiring March 2,1967, and the desfcrlptloii of each of said Town Commons lots and pai is of lots being made with reference to the map of what is com rnonly ealied the ‘'Hughes Survey” of the Town Commons of said city of file in the office of the mayor and council thereof. Vmau# or sale cash. This October 8,1900. ROj£3 *50 T<>RRAS, Administrator dc bon is ( jalsncir. Bridget Mine ban, deceased. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. state of Georgia—Conuty of Glynn. Mrs. L’zftio Long Libel for divorce; In the Superior court of Glynn ve. county, Mav term, 1960. . T Order to perfect service, .Thomas a. Long, granted at said term. < To the Defendant, Thom as A. Long. Bare hereby required, in person or by at , to be and appear, at the December 900,0f the Glynn Superior court, to be an and for said county, nt the court n Brunswick, Glynn countv. Georgia, on it. Monday in December, 1900, and you ■ there by ten (IP) o’clock of the forenoon day, then and there to answer the com plaint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Liz/.ie Long, iu the above stated case, in her libel for divorco. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Rennet. Judge of the .Superior court of Glynn county, this Uu 24th day of August, Ilk 0. a. o. Townsend, Deputy Clerk of the -Superior Court, Glynn County. Georgia. ~ ERNEST DART, ' . - Attorney for Rlhlntiff. CITATION. A* GEORGI A—Glynn County t’rbatins Dart, of Glynn county. In said State has applied to Die Ordinary of said county of Glynn for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m. upon the 15th day of October, 1900, at the court house in ead county of Glynn. This September 22,1900. fS M K JEFFERSON f>. SPARKS. Judge City Court of Brunswick and pro hac dinar County, Georgia. CtTATTbN. GEORGlA—(ilynn County. ~ VWieHßfts, Ella j. Jennings, administratrix of George W. Calvin estate, represents to the court lit her petition, duly filed and entered on .record v that she li&a fully administered George W;Cttlyin)g estate. This is, therefore, to cite all 1 lemons concerned, kindred aud creditors, to show cause, if any they cn, why said ad ministratrix should not be discharged from administration, and receive letters of dismis a)on on the first Monday iu December, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION. T Gftorgia- Glynn County. ■ Wary Mahoney having made applica •thn for <\y(five months’ support, out of the estate of Timothy Mahoney, and appraisers to set apart the sattfb having: filed their return, ail persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of ordinary of sa id county on the ii rst Mondav in November* 1900, wby sald^ipplication should not bo graMfcL, This4th daV of Novem er f I9OO. ■tf llOltjcOE LART, Ordinary. *tilTfflt>N. UKi iltb.i A—(lltsn County. Borena Tinner, wife of Allrod Turner, has applied for exemption of personality nn-1 seti ing opart and valuat ion of homestead out of hi* properly Hud l w ill pass upon the same, at lnocioeka. in., on the 22nd day of Octobcr.inoo at my office, Thia Soptcuiher 3Kh, 1900 iriytACK ijart, Ordurery County, ou. gr~~ <— r-* CITATION. Ocorgla- riljnii County. Mr*. Fannie A. smith ha* applied for exemp tion of personality and the setting apart and valuation pf homestead out of the estate of If. O, Smith, decoa-ed, late of raid county and state, and I will pass upon the game at ten o’clock a. in,,on the SKnd day of Ootober, )MO. t my office in the coort .hoUKe of soi l . onuty and state. HOIUCK DART, Ordinary (ilynn Countv. Ga. bKRVICE BV rUBUCATION. State of Georgia- County of Glynn. Mra. Edna Wylie Lihel for divorce; in the Superior court of Glynn va. county. May term, WOO, order to perfect service James Wylfe. granted at said term. To the Defendant, James Wylie. You are hereby required, in peraen or hy at torney, to tie and appear at the December term, loco, of Glynn Superior court, to lie liold en In and for said county, at the court in Brunswick, Glynn county, C'-snsift, on tbe Uni Monday In December,, and you will lie there by ten <10) o'cb-' ; s of the forenoon of ■aid day, then and tt>" • to an.werthe coin - plaint o< tbe plaina ' YCdna Wylie, in the above atated casljjv Jor tilj^y^.. Witneae HWhoTal.le Joeeph W. liSrWiWA Judge of the Snimrior eolirt of Glynn coun tv this the.itth day WOO. , A. O. TOWNSEND, Depoty Olerk of the Buperior Court, Glynr ffounty, Georgia. ’ ERNKIYrriAHT, Attomev for Plaintiff. "y Applicitinn for le i„ Vn fe/ dteahllltle*. WAjpury— that on the flth day of fi'trnin 90 Hied in the office of- m*™e Seperior court of Glynn eon, : n gq"applMlßion for removal of the dl.a liilji VP *■ ? upon him under ilia vernlct and jnf <n said court May 21, Won, ini DOW K'ncr wife. Jamo Snmle, i>o re, and that aald applie.a tif-ieorgia State Fairthe term of aaid court Im fto November Uh, vii ,n ' lay ln December next, yrom.potnta In Georgia, fcnilN M sI HBi.K a, plus 60 cent* additions io.iti y rati. 1 e mt per mile more <* one ticket. Ji. i „. >*r Tr, SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA, Glynn County. Will be sold before the courthouse door m county, on the first Tuesday in November, 1900, the same b**mg Lhe 6th day thereof, within ‘‘l® lc * al J°,V ra ?< bidder for cash, toe following i.rorHSFto-wit: One roller top desk, six (ti) oak mantel,, three (3) large tombetonoe, live <5) small tombstones, one Ho - ler iron safe* Levied on as the prouevty of the defendant, Reed E. LaMancc, to satisfy an exe cution issued from the City court of Bruns wick, county of Glynn, at the March term i.irL in favor of Swingle.- at Fsleonet lor th*S (lred snd eighty-one dollars and four cent. (Ltsi.Ol) principal, with intereit thereon from December H.IMMI, at (1 per cent, per annum until paid and alt cojte. Levy made and re turned to me by K. F. Tayior, deputy aheriff. Also at the eamo time aud place, tha following dercrii-ed property torwlt: That cer tain let, tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county or Glynn, state of Georgia, and known and de scribed on Baldwin's map of said city made in the yenr JS37 as the southwest one-aixth (l-) of Old Town lot number 61. Levied on as the property of iheestate of J. J. Door under and by virtue of an execution issued by H. J. Bead, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year JKfta. Amount of tax with inter est and all costs. Levy made and returned to me by B. S. l’ylcs, deputy eheriff. Also at the same time and place, the following described property towit: Those certain lots, tracts oy parcel, of land situate lying and being in the city of Brunswick, coun ty of Glynn, slate of Georgia, and known and described on Simmons' map of said city, made in the year 1891. as Ilahcrsham park lote num bers 76, 77, HI and 18, between Leo and Gordon streets. Levied on as the property of Mrs. F. N. Habersham under and by virtue of an exe cution issued by H. J. Head, tax collector, f r state and county taxes due for the year 1800 Amount of taxes 7>'J with interest and all cost." Levy made and returned to me by It. S Pyles deputy elieriff. Also at the same time and pface, tha following described property towit: Thatcer tain lot or tract of land situate, lying aud Do ing in thfl 27th district G. M.. oounty of Glynn, state of Georgia, lud known as a part of Colo nel's island, containing two hundred (200) acre* more or Icsr. Bounded on the north by lands of the Bomb Brunswick Railway Cos„ on tha west by Fancy Bluff creek, on The south and east by lands of the Brunswick Dock Cos, Ley iod on as the property of said Brunswick Dock Cos. under ami by virtue of an execution issued by 1L J. Read,tax col lector,for state and county taxes duo for the year 1899. Amount of tax one hundred and twcuty-llvc dollars (1125.) with Interest and all cost, Levy made and return ed to me by K. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. CITATION. GKORGl s —Gtynn County, To whom (f may concern: 11. J. Read having In proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of George McArthur, late of said county, this? is to cite all and singular, the creditors vaul next of kin of George McArthur to be and iNMp i||i my office within the time allowed by law show cause, if auy they can, why permanent administration should not l© granted toII.J. Read on George McArthur’s estate. Witness my hand official signature this 12th day lot Oc tober, UKO. HORACE DART, Ordinary. REGISTRATION NOTICE. Office City Clerk, 1 n accordance with section X of the amended charter of the City of Brunswick, approved November 13,1889,1 will on the first Monday In Octoiler, 1900, at 10 a. m., open the books for the registration of the qualifieu (to be qualified to register all State, County and City Taxes must be paid) voter of the city of Brunswick, Ga , and keep the same open until the first Monday in November, lim L. O. BODKT, Cl^rk. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. To whom it inay concern: A. C. Shannon having in proper form applied to me for per manent letters of administration upon the' es tate of D. F. Sleeper, of said county, deceased, this is to cite the creditors and next of kin of said deceased to he and appear at my office within the time required ly law and ghow cause, if any. why permanent letters should not lie granted to the applicant as prayed for. Wltne-s my official i-igmittire this 11th of Octo ber, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary. NOTICE TO*I’AXPAYERS. For the purpose of collecting the State ami Coanty Tax for 1909, I will be at the following district precincts on dates named, to-wit: 25 Dial. Oct. 27, Nov. 19 ami Dec. 3. 27 Dist. Oct 26. Nov 20 and Dec. 4, J 356 Dist. Oct. 25, N0v.21 and Dec. 6. 14U9 Dist Oct. 24. Nov, 22 and Dec. 7. 26 Dißt. Oct, 29, 30, 31, Nov. 23, 24 , 26, and Dec. J*. JO, 11. H.J.Rkaii, \ T. C. Glynn Cos, GoodDositions MS^^VfOWEM our practical (pjrse -jiCHMQKjjk I .....Vj.iv-' BUSINESS < &01‘0&77/z/yr ( '£r/ ' COLLEGE I Sr*j/or Ca£xJo(p& t [MSTRUCTIONS I WMP/s, 7fro/row//j> %£ KIDNEY PISEftSES the most fatal of all dis eases. ' rni EV’Q kidney mi is a E uLL I o Guaranteed Remedy or money ref unded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. O the Drugglli SHAKE INTO \OUR SHOES. Allen’s Ftmt-Eanc. a powder. It cure* painful, smarting, nervous feet and Ingrowing n....>ana instantly taKes the sting out of corn* an I bua.- ions. t’a the greatest eomfvrt dire 'Very of the age. Allen’s Foot-Ease nukes Mgnt or new shoes Pel easp. It ts a certain cure for sweat ing, cations and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by #ll druggists and shoe stores. Hy mall for Me in stamps. Trial packags Free. Address Allen S.Olmstead, Ce Boy, N V^ ?’AairER r S t HAIR S’ALSAW * h.KJf,# (w*\ b< *i t.ii c th<> hMK.y rrch4p*t' *• ’iivfiriaut '’r <wth •ver tl t ■ flett re Gray tnlv'tn It* Youthful Colmr. i ■v;-’*M r.> ,i f. Bil fulbnf.j 7