The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 14, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 51. LOOKS AS IF THE COAL STRIKE WILL SOON END Joint Conference Recommends An Ac ceptance of Terms. HARMONY ON THE INCREASE Bat Wlat It SMt Be Is tie tjaestioa, mum 1 mm Hanna, Morgan and Other Big Men Want the Great Labor Trouble to Come to An End. Scranton, Oct. 13.—1n joint conven tion this afternoon, the anthracite miners recommended that the terrnß offered by the operators be accepted Sboaid these terms be accepted, the strike would oome to an end. Chief among the terms is an increase of ten per cent, in wages. When this was first announced, tho delegatee voted to continue the strike. That the leaders of the republican party are using every endeavor to about a settlement is evident. They see that the big strike injuries their chance, and are persuading the operators to meet the demands made upon them by the workers. One thing seems certain, the strike will ba set tled before election. PRESENTED IHS CREDENTIALS. Washington, Got. 13. —Baron Fava, the Italian ambassador to the United' States, called at the White House this afternoon and presented bis new cre dentials from his majesty, King Vio t ir Emanuel 111,, of the United King dom of Hay. YEKKES IS BACK. New York. Oet. 12.—Among the pas sengers aboard of the steamship Dutch land, which arrivid here today was Chas. F. Yerkes. The Luciaoa which also reached ler pier today brought over Maj ir General Wesley Merritt and his wife. TAKING ADVANTAGE OF RATES. Cleveland, Oct. 13. —Mmy people left to an today for the Bou'J|* and Cuba, Florida and Texas points went into effect today. SOUTHEASTERN FI ASSOCIATION 10 MEET IS WEEK i % The stockholders of the Southeastern Fair Association will meet In a day or two for the purpose of deciding whether or not to have a gala week celebra tion In connection with the great race meet next month and it Is very probable that the association will agree to have something of the kind, Captain Newman is oujpsgain and he will call the meeting, Some of Bruns wick’s leading business men say that a gala week would be a Pig success, others assert that it would not be, but St is left wtih those who have put their mon< y ®P to say whether or not the gala week celebration will be held. FOR THE SENATE. Governor Candler or Crngresaman Livingston Msy Oppose City. AOants, Or'. printed. In the News yesterday that Governor Candler will be a candidate 10 oppose Senator Clay, when the term of the former expires, ia not generally be lieved, since the governor deolines to confirm the report. The rumor is several months old, and when it was first circulated, the governor very em phatically denied it. Now that the governor has been re-eleoted, and as it is a precedent that he will not serve more than two terms, some believe the statement is true. The governor, how ever, passes the matter by saying that he never crosses a bridge until he comes to it. An interesting story Is being told by the fall politicians who are now visit ing Atlanta, that Congressman Lon LivlnjffWßWlNffn the fifth, will be a candidate to oppoee Stove Clay for the United States Senate. This story is not confirmed, but as it has been repeated ly told there are many who believe there is more truth than fiction In jt, A prominent politician stated yesterday that he knew that such would ba the case if the governor did not announce for the race. WILL HE BE LYNCHED? Me Entered Bedrooms In Tifton and Was Frightened Away. Tifton, G&., Oet. 13.—Marauding ne groes appear to be on the war path in the vicin ty of Tifton. Saturday night three residences in town were entered, one with the ap parent intention of pilfering, and the olher two with a more sinister pur pose, as the negro man was discover ed by the bedside of a lady in each in stance, having awoke the sleepers by putting bis band on them. In all three cases the negro made bis escape; and allhough there have two or three arrests, the right man has not been positively Identified EMPRESS SICK, Berlin, Oct. 13.—The Dowager Em p:e<s Frederick, widow of the late Em peror Frederick 111, ''Unger Frit/,” Is reported very sick, her condition being considered very serioui. BRUNSWICK, GA. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1900. 1111 n in n Drastic Measures Demand ai 1? tie Powers. LEADERS’ W K HID There Is to Ba No Halfway Pun ishment, the Powers m Say Now. * Berlin, Oct. 13 —A. cable from Tien Tsln says that a conference held by the diplomatic representatives of the al lied powers it was resolved to reject thecfferßOf punishment to be meted out the Instigators of the massacres, by the Chinese government on the ground of being not draetlo enough. • ... ALL WILL WORK FOR IT. "jj The Railroad to Birmingham Stirs Up Great Enthusiasm. The aolian of the city council, as fully reported in the Timkb-Cali, yes terday, stirred up Brunswick as soon ss the paper thade its appearance tell-; iog of the developments In the matter. There seems to ba little doubt as to the building of this railroad, and what it motne to Brunswick is too’&Uch to be figured at present. It is a well known fact that for the past half score of years the two line* twinning into this city have not .tone thing by us, and now when wPfjjet’SL road in which we are directly inter ested then Brunswick will oome in. Everybody fo talking about the road and everybody Hfiould work for it. BF.LKCTED -JUDGE GRAY. ll* will Ffjfl Cleveland's Place on the Tribunal. Washington, Oct- —A_is under etyod that the Presidffi bas selected Judge Georgb Grav ed Del aware, to represent the Un*ted Stales, with ex . President Benjamin Harr.son, on The Hague permanent arbitration tribunal. Judge Gray is a former Senator from Delaware and a democrat. He was a member of the Paris Peace Commission and la now a United States judge for the Third Judicial Circuit. His selection will not involve the surrender of that position, WILL BE UNIQUE. Riflemen’s Old Maids Hooial to Be an Enjoyable Affair. If indications point to anything, the coming “Old Maids Hooial” will be a great event, and those who go will tee all kinds of fun: Many “imposing” garments are now in course of con struction, and the figure that some of the maids will out, will be the cause of side splitting laughter. All should •ee tbs fun. ill II PM I HI Plant System Magnates Spurn Bay Bare. (HI Id OMMION The Party Left on a Private Car %r Waycross Yesterday Afternoon. A party of prominent Plant System officials spent yesterday In Brunswiok. The party came In cn a special coach attached to tha regular 10 o’clock Brunswick <te Western passenger train and was composed of President R. G. Erwin, General Superintendent W, *> >.i < B Denham, Mr. Geo. Su perintendent Brunswick A Western and Mr. W. F. master of trains. ’ The party came to look over their intercuts in this oiry, and spent the day inspecting their property tare, jjj Erwin was very impressed with oij& little 'city, and satfi hat the Plant System 'would do all in their power to help ufjbatld up. He visited the new docks oMroe System, which have been north of the we.ha# the best seaport oh the Sentff At- £ ntio - . \ $ The party I||J yesterday afternoon at 3:35 for Wayorass. FINK JKRCK OF WORK. Memorial Resolution On the D=ath of Capt. Curtis. Probably the prettiest piece of pen manship ever seen in Brunswick is now on exhibition in the show win? dow of Messrs. B. H Levy Bros. <& Cos. The work in question is a Bet of memorial resolutions on the dcstb of Capt. Harnuel Curtis, passed by the Island View Club, of which he was a valued member. City Clerk Lawrence C, Bodet did tbe work and it is worth going miles to see. There is not s better penman in Georgia than our popular clerJk of council. TO LEAVE HERE Palmer Hboe Company is Selling Out Its Stusk. Brunswickians will regret to learn that the I’almer Shoe Company is soon to discontinue business here. This popular firm has been doing business in Bru swiok for a numbar and always did their share. The goods are being sold nt cost to enable them to move at once. MANY NEW CASKS, Havana, Oct I*.—One hundred and thirteen new cases of yel'ow fever are reported here since October Ist. THE GREAT POLITICAL BATTLEJ NEW YORK Democrats Claim the State But* They Will Make No Bek SHOOTING AT EVERETT. Two White Men Engage in a Fight With Serious Results. Jack Tb<jjiiasTVwTl. >l hand, was shot by W. B. Hamm, also white, at Everett City about 12 o’clock yesterday. ■lt seems as it there was a general %hi going on among several raft hands and pistols were being recklessly flour ished. Thomas and Hamm, it is said, had their revolyers pointing at each other, but Hamm succeeded in firing the first shot. The bullet struch Thomas in the forehead but glanced off, and his wound is not very serious. After the shooting Hamm, thinking he had killed his man, ran to the woods and went up as far as When he reached that place he learned that Thomas was not seriously wounded and when the Southern train dame by he Boarded It and came back to Eyere* to kifta^lzeSto’Shorn ts. In the mean time Sheriff Berrie was telephone 1 of the shooting and left for Everett. He found HatarAhero' and brought him to Abe, city and placed him in jail. Thomas tfeman who was shot, also came to the city and had his wound dressed. SERVICES AT THE CHUKCHEB, i* £ , . • v- — Tble' Wh(f ! %;U Preach Today and nf*? ■ Where At thc_ PycsbycoVlaa Iphjucb the Rev. H. -MfiMegti Ujpi. prracb at 31 o'clock, In connection with this service the Prosbytorial communion will be ad ministered by Rev. J. \V, Quarterman. Elders R. H. Cloy, A. F. McKay, C. C. Varnadoe and J. B. Martin will serve in the distribution of ibe ele ments. At the evelng service Rev. A, J , Smith,, of the' First clvhrcli, Savan nah, will preach—service to begin at 7:15. Good programs of music have been arraned, At tbe Baptist ohurob, Rev. W. A. Niebett will preach at the morning service, and Rev. C. C. Carson at the evening servioe. At the First Methodist, Rev. A. J. Smith will preaoh in the morning, and Ilsv. R. A. Brown in the evening. At McKendree Methodist church, Rev, D. F. Sbepperd will preach in tbe morning, and-:. 1% L. Li. Lynn in the evening. Rev. Charles Montgomery will preach at the Bethel Sunday night. -A BAm;iFUL STOCK. Mr. Tb. f. Winter, the poptl'tr tailor, lias thk prettiest line of fall goods ever'- “"jnght to Brunswick. lie is making suit i and suits that fit, at a very small advance over custom-made clothing. Those who have not already done so, should see Mr. Winter n'. onpe- PRICE FIVE'CENTS. ini BIG BRYAN MEETING SOON Will fie a Great Galfierii of Prominent Men. JoOR til ID SPEAK Crokor is Confident, but the Repute licans Seem to Have the Best End of It, j New York, Oct. 13.—The great polit ical battle between the two parties in the United States has about reached its height, and this state, by all appear ances will be in the very vortex of the fray. Upon most conservative estt-. 4 mates secured from headquarters of the two parties and from leading newspa .prospects seem more favorable to the republicans. The democrats, however, are very con fident, and claim the state by a good majority. Id the betting the backers ofjMcKiniey are decidedly more aggrocsive, and out ride of the large bets already made with odds on the republican nominee, none amount have been covered by the democrats. Democrats ol every shade are on the qui vive of expectation, anticipating something grandiose in the line of ova tions and demonstrations in favor of their standard bearer W. J. Bryan, who will be here at an early day to attend the monster democratic meeting. This mooting, judging by those announced to be present, will easily eclipse any previous gathering of prominent men. Bryan will be the star.orator, well sups ported by a galaxy of the most brilliant and eloquent speakers la the country. Asa whole the republicans seem to have the ocstoflt. Croker, is confident, and the effect of the mon ster rally on the morale of the and mo* cratic phalanxes, promises to act ss a powerful offset and help capture the wavering, who really hold the balance of power. • ______________ A CUTTING AFFRAY. An unknown negro was seriously eat in the Acre last night by a negro nam ed Buffy a stranger here. Tbei negro made his escape before tbe officers reached there. It is not known how seriously the other negro was cut. Mr. W. B. Colesberv has returned from a visit to Jacksonville. Mr, Albert A. Goldsmith, represent ing Pabst Brewing Company, ol Mil waukee, spent yesterday in the city.