The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 14, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The Brunswick Times. Batabliahed 1889- The Brunswick Call. established 1882. The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED KIOO, Published KVJCKY MOKNIKO EXCEPT MONDAY. AXTHUK H. USAVY - -•-- - Editor BOLAND A. MULLINS, Buataeas Manager t id Oglethorpe Block, 211 F Street DFFII- K j KLEFHONI NO SI..S ■ TO SUBSSaiBBRS: ■ubaoriber* are requeated to notify the office Whan they fall to get any leaue of tlie Tlmce- CaU. Attention to thin matter will be appre ciated by tbe publiabor*. Tha Tlmaa-Call will be Delivered by aarriar or mall, par year. $6.00; par weak 18 eenta. Correspondence on live anbjeete (OUeited- Beal name of writer ihenld ac aoaapany same. Subscription* payable in advance. Failure to receive paper should be reported to the bnsiness office. Addreseall aommnnications to THE TIMES-CALL, lirunswlok,tia. NOTICE. Heteifter a’l legal advertite ments must be paid for after tbe first insertion. The management has been put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the pant, and io futuri must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. Oot. 10, 1900, B. and B.—Brunswick and Birming ham. That sounds all right. Brunswick citizens now work In bar' mooy and great things obliged to he the result. Boosevc-it would make a drawing card with Buffalo Bill’s wild west show Teddy the Terror would take. Tbe Elizabeth, N. J., bank clerk stole the whole bank. Even to the sur plus, This fs stealing up-to-date. ‘•I have never yet held office, '•m' a Georgia candidate in* the BiUyiite Banner, "having always worked for my living.” The students in Micfrgan who triud to break up a Biytn meeting need salt ing. Tie average long haired college chump Is generally fresh. From Kansas, the land of p into* and wheat, comes u tale of the wonderful prespt rity of that commonwealth Tbe story is told that a leading state bank has bad to close lta doors because It coalc no longer find anybody to lend money to. The people over iu lliunswick are going to olect lion. N. Emanuel mayor Mr. Eminutl is one of the best men •ver there and wo are of the opinion that Brunswick will do the proper thing when she elects him her mayor.— Darien Gazette. THE RESULT PREDICTED. The Philadelphia Tinas has made a -mareful and thorough canvas* of the probable r. suit of ihc prtaidtnllal Mrctlon neat month. The eel lore tee aro made ly each if the chairman of rariou* s<ate execu'ive •MMnniHWciCKlvlug careful ua’n and In- Formation from U-n owu stale, and point to the election of Wil iam J. Bryan by 997 electotal votes as again* t for McKinley. THE BRUNSWICK AND 81RMIN6HAM. j Tbe Brunswick and Birmingham sounds good. Asa title for a complet ed railroad it will sound better. Given as a name to a Brunswick enterprise, for such it will come near being, bar ing been conceived in this city, it will be a monument to the enterprising business men of tbis community. The Times-Call feels that the pres ent city administration has done itself proud in showing such s liberal dispo sition in granting terminal and other concessions to tbe proposed line And we feel sure alto that tbe county com missioners will show an equally favor able disposition towards tbe prom iters. Col. Machen will have reached New York era fkle Is but with the rising onrtomorrow morning’s sun he will be workwjfc his fi nancial backers demonstrating'to them " ’”'s the fact that the people of. Brunswick want a railroad to Birmingham and are wtiling to have him get it. We have shown the spirit so far, now let each and every citizen put his shoulder to the wheel and push the good work along. The moral support of everyone in Brunswick is wanted behind this enter prise and we are sure it will be gladly accorded. Let ‘‘On to Birmingham” be the ory. The Darien Gazette say a "Watch Congressman Brantley eat that fellow up who isAUMiiug against him ever in the 11 h. oia name is Mattson, but af ter the election it will be "mud THE PREVALENCE OF SLANS.^ The ord’nary Yankee is as vigo oos to bis nse of language as he is pro . a gic.bive in in Justly. Ip this fact, s noted linguists says, lies a serious uml menacing daugtr to the purity of our language. He says that in 200 years tbe Ameri can people will have quite materially changed the standard vocabulary of gyod speech. The present 'day and age is a period of transition and constant \ chance iu our language, aa well as cus toms and manners, and the lioguistie change, this scholar points ou f , is tow ard the tad; retrogfDsdve rather than progressive, due to the iriterpcShUon of slang words and phiafces Ifito tur eveiv-day talk. Scon these forcible and iniquitous terms will take tins place In tbe dictionaries of tbe less virile, though more elegant expi -N --sions. The college student is made tbe re sponsible agent in a large measure lor the urevaluation of much slang or lame language into the vocabulary. Every one the persistency of slang words and how difficult it is even for the master of finest speech to keep lorever free from an occasional “lap sus linguße.’' SUNDAY THOUGHTS. “ f ' ' Stephen Elliot. How muoh we live to onrselves in this life, even are perpetual ly surrounded by beingsJike ourselves many of thorn most closely nnited to us by the strongest and sweetest ties of sympathy and love I How many lessons we are called open to learn, my be loved people, from 3| loneliness under which ttie c rse has necessarily placed ua!-0 zof the moat Important is a lesson of c-..arlvy towards our rellow-creatures. How little do we know of any one’s real trials and suf fering- • How little prepare! to enter into any Ibis world. Wewa.ksH C o-aii o ot • ■ mii THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBER 41, 1900. ( THE STOMACH * PLRIFIfcS THE BLOOD] \ WEALS WEAK 111 NOSy appearances. We condemn them, knowing nothing of their temptations. We solace ourselves with thinking how much better yr are than they; When alast their hiilerjH-ss, which is known to God, and again it which they may have struggled long and manfully, may place them far above u*, who have had no such struggle, ®o such temptation, ! .J- .. ■’ ■: - ' r -l It in said of a o'fcrgymah of some, no toriety who JJd -bo 1 ,%1 ways-coM-dJ h *§? temper, thgt upon one occasion, wbeL, reproved by a friend for an ebullition of this kind, his answer was: “Sir, I thank you for your reproof ; hut I haye conquered more temper than you evor had.” Thisynku knew and felt the bit terness of and God may have seen in him a struggle which was man ful and true, which placed him far above one who judged him while he had had no struggle at nM. How Christ struck directly at this $ ‘ tendency of human na'.ute! “Judge not , and ye shall not be 'judged:” Ii was one of the first lc?sous lie taught HU dlciples; and it is one ot the first lessons every Christian should learn . We are rea’ly o ignorant of everyone's inner lifi ,of his troubles, trials, ternp [Utions, embarrassments, we should shrink from all judgment, and cover wiih the manile of ohariry those things which strike us as being often strange and improper. As one h-r.s beautifully said ; "Uod has been kind enough to yeti our infirmities from others; let us be equally careful to veil the infirmities of our brethren from every human ey& ’ We must die alone as we have lived alcne, Man must dieslone— alone with God. He cannot escape that terrible loneliness. However, much he may succed in drowning hi* own iru* life in pleasures or in carea while God allots him tbet privilege of living he must meet the reality at last. If he will not be alone with bimsolf In life, he most be alone with Ood in death ! God can not be gotten rid of. He fills the spir itual world, pervading it with His pres ence atfd His power; and it la the spir itual world the dying man la about to enter, Hla inner life la being lad bare, and that bitterness which only his heart was conscious of, and that joy which no stranger understood, are alike unveiled. “He to whom elt hearts are open, all csirea known, and from whom no se crets are hid” is looking into that heart fand searching into its depths! MORE EMBALMERS. Tbe Georgia State Board of Exam iners will meet in Atlanta Oet. 27 fo tbe purpose of examining applicants for embaimers’ lioense. All of those who failed to stand tbe examination at tbe last meeting of tbe board will be given another opportunity. No one can practice embalming in Georgia without a certificate from tbe board that they have passed a sucoeasful ex amination. BRAVE MEN FALL Victims to Stomach, liver and kid ney troubles, as well as women, and all feel tbs results in loss of appetite, poisons is the blued, backache, ner vousness, headache, and tired, listless, run-down feeling. Bat there’s no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idavilie, Ind. He says: “Electric Bitters are just tbe thing tor a man when he la all rundown, and don’t care whether be lives or die*. It did more to give me new strength and gtfod appetite than any thing I ooald take. I can now eat anything and have lease on .life;”"Only SO dents, at alt drug stores. Every bottle guaranteed. f.; ’ -.v, ■■ Fail opening at Winter’s. To atop a Oold. After exposure or when yon fee! a cold com- Ig on take a dote of Foley’s Honey and Tar. It never falls to step a cold If taken in time. W J. ilatts. •. If you want up-to-date material, style and fit go to Winter’s. ** 'f* It Is exasperating to one who knows Foley’s Honey and Tar, and knows whatit will do, to have a dealer recommend something- else as “just the same,” or “just as good” for oold*, coughs, croup, la grippe, etc. W. J. Butt*. Something fine —large cans plums and white cherries ai Harper’s, the Hustler. > Torturing skin eruption*, burn* and sore* are Seel bed at once and promptly healed by apply- JHPVett i It* It itch Hazel -si ve.tiie best known r 6i!*. Beware of worthies counter *Mtel Wld. Butts. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: Gardi yellow yams, 20c ustier. The boH method the liver 1# u.te of \Ut famous IfWJe pill* known a* Be Witt** Little Early Bisor*. Basy -to lake. Never gripe. W. J. Butts. The fqhollegt entertainment ever given in Brunswick will be the p|<J Maid’s Social, Friday Oot. 18, Rifle men’s Aro><ry. Admission Boats. - • - ”... "7'*" ■ A Card. j The manufaotorrrsofßaunerjgaivs Ht-usu- I ‘LoriaeJ the andefaigned tc ,-uaraasSt- is for ’ urns, !,, tores, ulcers, tetter. Wrnma aad all skin diseases. You have yaur money l.a'k fit doesn't do all ivolafiu. W. J. Butt*. I’rof. Parker, trie original African a performance at Hsrt Ocr. I£, Have you a sense of foL'crssin ibe region of youi- atumach after eating? U you will tie Ucneflteit by aaiog Cbambcrlain’* Siomacu and Liver T.ibleia. They; al*., euic l i lchlug and our stmracto. Theyregnl*tc A- bowels too pnoestc. Sold by Itiabop*, Drug Store- Three prize* will be awarded to the handsomest old msid, the most original old maid and the most comiosi old maid. Riflemco’s Armory, Friday. Oct. 18th. Tickets 25a. Goldthwaite A Son, Troy,Ala., wrote: Teeth tna'e speedy cure of old urea and et-untions upon ihe akin have been remarkable. FIRST BAPTI-iT CHDKCH. Rev. Walter M. G.imore, pastor. Services Sunday U a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Young Peoples meeting 18.15 a. m. Sunday school 3;45 p. m. Sacred Lit* erasure class Thursday 7-. SO p. m. Yis iting ministers attending Presbytery will preach Sunday morning and even ing. All arc cordially iuvited. Ul£ Non-Irritating Cathartic Easy to take, easy to operata— Hood’s Pills (CASTOR IA The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of jrjf? und has been made under his per (j£L. . sonal supervision since its infancy. - //, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are hut Experiments that trifle withjmd endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Naraotie Substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy* Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. tbe Food, regulates tha Stoiifhclr Is, giving healthy and nahiral sleep. ~~ The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friwnd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CtwnuA COMPANY, TV MOMMAV OTHCCT, NEW VOFIH CITY. NEW GOODS Arriving* Daily J IND WE iNVITE YOUR INSPECTION. Our Mr. C. Miller, while in New York, selected an immense stock of Fancy Fur niture of every description, suitable for Holiday Presents. We will be glad to store your goods until the holidays, but by all means Don’t Miss Seeing Our Display Now. Every steamer brings new goods, and have no old gags to offer, K. M. MILLER & SON. J. J. LISSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. He Advertisers: During the month ending October 15th there have beeu 11 performances given in the Grand Opera and a statement of num ber of programs used is here appended. Adver tisers, knowing the cost, can estimate for them* selves, and learn that, not considering the advan tageous shape in %hich the Bill of the Play' is gotten up, it can but be one of the best advertis ing mediums. For rates, or further information, Address,SWM.'DFflL,ZMarker “Bill ot ttie Plan-” Statemnnt ot Numbtr ot Copies; We*k of .Sep* iT. W kmlw >* w arren Cos. ! <snight*, avoi. .. iftoonightly 2 matlnoee, 20<* e cl 400 October 1. “£t nows ot Satan*” 900 printed: used ... 40Q October 5 ami 6 fields' Greater Minstrel*. Fiv \ performance 900 Sec<wd performance 400 T<tal br mrnfh j. 600 Ana Quantity Isn’t ft's best feature