The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 14, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 <l)Q©ietg. CHANGES. The lummer by us 8 iftly cr -p*-, FI'Sl thing we thought of It wast Sep. Full toon the streets will All be blocked With freezing rams— A sign of Oct. Then we will hag the fsrlor store, A sore and certain Sign of Nov. Then wM come Christmas, Time of peace, All in the orowniog Month of Deo. What then? Ah.mrroj! Unto mao, Another century Comes with Jan. —St. Louis Poßt-Diepatcb. liigt-.-uecked livening gowns for misses and matrons at receptions, weddings and soirees will be the pre vailing style this wi iter. One style is a smart velvet boleroof black panne velvet. The asms effect is shown in satin. It Is edged with a heavy black Itee of bold design. Tht loose under bodice of plisse chiffon is of black, or If a more striking effeot is desired, cream chiffon is very artistio. An other style is a bodioe of heavy ecro guipure, fastened diagonally across tbs front with tbrse stiff little bows of colored velvxt, Tbe under bodice is of pale blue plisse obiffon over blue aatln. To gam a rmart color efTeot is employed a bluish shade of mauv, vel vet for tbe girdle and bows. Miss Bessie Hyrnmes leaves this morning for Atlanta, where sbs will visit friends for several months. Her mDy friends regret that Mils Msrie De Voe continues quite iil. Mrr, Wm. Nightingale has returned from a vieit to the North. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Robinson have returned from their wedding tjbp, and are at home to their many friends at thereudenoe of Mr,J, R. Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Brewster Phillips atl? ohildreo, of St. Simon, will remove shortly to Colorado, they will make their future home, Mrs, S. E, Cargyle and Miss Csrgyie left this weei for Macon, where they will spend the winter. A tittle daughter is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Bu'kbeimrr, Little K vera Terras is still oriti_ oally ill, to the regret of friends Mr6 R E, Breiseniok and children return on the Mallory steamer Monday from New York, where they went to Tfio Uoruin oI La G3PPC ] Got into tin' body and. un- ! cover every WiitTspot; hence J so many fatulKio* after people j think they arc well of Lai- ! Grippe 1 JOHNSON'S CHILL and FEVER TONIC : Cures La Grippe ! Cures* It In a day Cures It Completely And is a .nfegnnnl ngnln.t the (lei*™ i Bt'rs which follow In its train. Si USE NOTHING ELSE. K> con is tf it cures; Not a cent tf H does not. J A. D. GIRARDEAU, Savannah, On. and attend tbe wedding of Mr?. Braise nic.’s sister. Mrs. R. M. Stevens and lit lo daugh ter Louise, of Willaoooebee, have re turned from a visit to Alsbams, and ere tbe guests for a few days of M'. aod Meg, J. R. M irtoo. Mr*. M P. King, Mrs. F. D. Aiken andrbildrsn, Mrs, H. B. Maxey snd children, and Miss Msi King will leave Asheville in about two weeks for Rruoawlck. Mrs. L. B, Day, who bss been quite ill, la Improving. Mrs. J. A. Butts is spending s few weeks with relatives in Brooklyn. Mi / organist; atths . '3k her finished JT' sweetnesi of tbe music, Mrs. M. Kaiser bas returned from a summer trip to Europe and tba North. Mr*. H it, dußigcon will return to day from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. F Parker, in Brooklyn. Mr*. Geo. W. Coates and Mias Bota Coates ars expeoted shortly from North Carolina. Mra. J. C. Stiles aod children art expeoted from Brooklyn today. Miss Kiszie Conoley bas entered ool lege at Washington, D, C. A Minister’s Good Wsrk. “1 had a severs attack of bilious ootic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two dote* and was en tirely cured,Vays Rev. A. A. Power, ot JCmpo ria, Kan “My neighbor across the street was slek for over a week, had two or this* 1 .ottles o medicine from tho doctor. He used them for three or four day* without relief,thru called in another doctor who treated tilth for some days and gave him no relief, So discharged hinj. I went over to so© him tho next morning, ire said his bo wills were In a terrible flx, that they had been running off so long that it was almost bloody flux. X asked blm if he had tried Cham berlaln’s Colie, Cholera and Dlarrhma Remedy, mid he said, ‘No.’ I went home aud brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told trra to tale another dose in fifteen or twenty min utes if bo did not find relief, hut he took ao more, "had wm entirely cured I think it the best medicine I hare ever tried .” For sale by Or. Bishop’s drug store. It is well to know that Dewitt’s Witch llarc Sa*re will heal a bhrp, and stop Ike d-aln at once. It wUntf tr.-oiu a and .kin diseases and ugly- wounds and sores. It is a certain euro for piles. Coe nterfoiU may bo offered you Bee that you gt the m igiaal DeWHt’s Witch Hotel Baivo. W, J.liufts. Try a can of veal loaf, beef loaf, ham loaf or cottage loaf, fresh, at Harper’s, the Hustler. rr.w. 11, Lewis, Lawrcncevllle, V*, write*: **l am using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure iu my pr* tied among several cues olind.gc&tioit and And it an admirable remedy.’ l Many hundreds of physicians depend upon the ue of Kodol liy*. pepsiaCure in stomach troubles. U digests what you eat and tUlovra you to oat alt the good food you need, providing you do not overload your stomach. Gives instant relief and a per manent cure. W.J.Buttft. Don’t l>e deceived or humbugged by ipeopl who claim the discovery of some hitherto uu. known herb or root in swamps, or on some mountain or prairie for the cure of kidney and bladder troubles, Any doctor or druggist-will tell you that such claims or fraudulent. Foley’s Kidney Cure simply contains remedies that are recognised by the most skilful phyeietan* as best for these complaints, so dioivSe be credulous or foolish. W. J. Butts. .. , ■- r Ki-na Ei na.—QuHjAC * tirteles* iotm< without affeicUng uTfOcuml value, combined with anetnntlid and IragT due* I lie thin* for children. Jleasnut to Wl. lie abottle. For .tie by W. J. nutta, the druggist. OASTOTIIA, Bei the 1,18 ou Haw Boogiit S TU ART’S'and \ J. W, Watkins f you money on personaMKpf* erty and real THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL OCTOBER 14, l?oo Nervous Prostration. A Noted Boston Woman Describes its Symptoms and Terrors.—Two Severe Cases Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. ‘‘l am so nervous! no one ever suffered as I do! There isn’t a well inch in my body. I honestly believe my lungs are diseased, my chest pains me so, but I have no cough. I am so Weak at my stomach, and have indigestion terribly, and palnitation of the heart; am losing flesh; and this headache and backache nearly kills me, and yesterday I had hysterics. “ There i a weight in the lower part of my bowels, bearing down all the time, with pains in my groins and thighs I can’t slSep, walk, or sit, and blue —oh goodness! lam simply the most miserable of women.” This is a most vivid description of a woman suffering with nervous prostration, caused by inflammation or some other diseased condition of the womb. ho woman should allow herself to reach such a perfection when there Is no it. Read about Miss Wifli&mson’s case and how she was cured. Two Bad Oases of Nervous Prostration Ourod. Mrs. Pixkiiam ; I was suffering such tortures from nervous prostration that life was a burflen. I could not sleep at all,'' and was too weak to walk across the floor. My heart was affected so that often I could not lie down at all without almost suffocating. I took Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound and it worked like magic. I feel that your medicine has been of in estimable benefit to me.” Miss Adele Williamson, 196 N. Boulevard, Atlanta. Os. (Sr aaa ,je i w * iti > Ntii iu,o. n i I . Hilllll which will be pl<l to any pertoa who can find that the aio, testifeonlid letters I ■ 1.11 II 111 are not genuine, or were published before obtaining the writ.- , ,^ r . I WWW W W mission. LYDIA E. PIN EH AM MKI.IcUiK CO. I Our Groateat Specialist For 20years Ur. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully ’rested chronic diseases that ho is acknc vledged today to stand at the head of his *• rbfeasloa iu this line. His exclusive irethod of treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 80 per cent, of ail eases. In the treatment of loa* of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoping, rheumatism, catarrh aud diseases peuidi, iar to women, he is equally roceeswAF Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than - doubft that of any other specialist. Oases pronounced hopeless by olhor ( physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about yonr case He makes no charge for cor,puliation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. I). 85 Bryan Street. Savannah, Ua "“a I’ko T*aMATiO N\—deorgla—By A. iT Cspdler. (-ovrrtHji ot Mid state. ’Whereas. UlJlfUl Information has been received at this arpartment that Will Free, or some other un known per*>n, ~n the ?th day of Octolier, WOO. in the county of Cllynu,committed murder up on the peraon of Conductor Msriou l.attlmcr and escaped, 1 neve thought proper therefore, to issue this my Proclamation. hereby offering a reward of two hundred dollar, for the ap prehension and delivery of said Will Frev or other person unknown, with evidence sufil iient to convict, to the sheriff ot Glynn County,Uoor gia. And 1 do moreover charge and require all officers in this state, eivll and military, to be ant in endeavoring to apprehend the said 1 ray or other unknown poi son, iu order he may be brought to trial for the offense with which he .lands charged. Given under mj’hand and seal of tke state, this the 15th day of October, 18 0. t A. D. CAN PLKR, „ j s ; Governor. By the Governor. PHILIP COOK, i Becroticiary of state. DMK-nTt-TI)N. fi Will Prey is a dark brown negro, full, round *Sk®, 1 * 1 ' 1 J*- 9 in ''kCA weight m lbs- wore black Mooch hat, satin.llned.baud Off. hole iQoa. ii side and piece hit out of rim blue jumper, atrlpod trees, rs and new laced shoea. Had with him a red sweater and pair p f |skd W ,riu, * <>r ’ *"’ l hM Jn ** ho*ht anew “I had nervous prostration terribly, caused by female weakness. 1 suffered every- was unable to eat, sleep, or work. After a while I was induced fo try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound, ami 1 really began to improve ou taking the first bottle, I continued to take the medicine, and am now better 4h every way, and feel like a different person. lam simply a well woman." A! ns, Dei i * Kklskr. Pa. Rainy Day Hats. The very l>eßt of the moet ftvored hftp are *liown in onr a^tortment. Trimmed aid Untrimmsd Felt Hi tu a variety of ahapes, stylea and colora. Wlie hate bought and made them up to aell to those who desire something serviceable, yet pretty; good, hot low priced. These are right and priced right. HISS KATE SLATER, W>4 GLOCCKSTKR ST.. SSOO Rewsrd- We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigent..)n, Constipation or Coetivenca* we cannot cure with Liveratm the Up-to-Date Littfc Liver Pilla, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vege table and never fail to give satisfaction. !•*? bozeaeonUin I*JO pilla, 100 boxes contain 40 pills, 5c lK)xe* contain 15 pill*. Beware of>nb sUtutea and imitation*, seat by mail. Stamps taken. NEItMTA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin-! ton aud .1 ickson St*., Chicago. 111. Tor sale by Brown Drug Co- Brnn*wick # Ga 1 WINE OF CARDUI A SURE MEDICINE. n.xosoi*, V.., De. tl. ilgfllll •*-' I have been suffering from female weak- •'•'■'ii'lv?" seas for tour yeare, and Kara taken many medicines, but Wine of Cardui snd Black- IjYL Draught haTe don* more for ms than any- 'JL y | thing els*. " i ‘T’TV * MBS. CAROLINE EVANS. - "-ST-IA WseTorf"' It is mistake to tike any and every kind of medicine when you ar* sick. There is danger in it Most of the so-called cures for “ female weakness” do nothing more than deaden the pain temporarily, and when the effect wears away the patient is weaker and sicker than before. It is never wise to take chances. You have only one life, and that is dear and precious. If you have any pain, ache, disorder or weakness in the femi nine organs, nothing will help you like Wine of Cardui. It helps do away with morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy, and modifies the pains of childbirth; recovery is rapid and future health Is assured. The Wine is purely veg etaMe being made Of herbs whose mmam.'''] medicinal properties act directly *ot series in •. reaming *cii upon the organs of womanhood H is a long-tried remedy, and has bsuicusco, obstumoo**, r*im. many years of success behind it It ■— te SurAWhyValee-a chance medicine when yon can get a sure medicine? JPilfgists sell Bottles for SI.OO. WINE OF CARDUI m&ms rawiEs find A /> A ijood ■‘mm** Prescription for mankind^ r P“®. ir alee*, prolong Hf*, Ho natter what** the urtar. au m| W 11. BOWEN. J. N. BRADT, BOWEN & BRADT, ANDLBUIL-DERS Of Stone, Brick and Frame Building Manufacturers of Cement, Tile and Artificial Stone. Coney&Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Phone 18- " 525 Bav St, Solid! All Around. When the liquids come from Our ttock. We carry such a fine llnf of Wines and Liquors ■ that it is impossible to find a brand which is not pleasing iu tome point, These goods are fully matured, have a fine rich body and mellow Kx&ient for family or any use. - R- V- DOUGLAS. ’ 206 Bay Street.