The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 14, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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NoFoitlOtl. THE WORLD'S FAMOUS CONSUMPTION CURE has no eonal. Proscribed by loading: doctor. for nearly ball a century ...he only absolutely pure, invigorating eilmdlant ana tonic. All drugging and erocer. or direct 8 a .OO a bottle. Write for our free medical booklet. DUFFY'S MALT WHISKEY CO., Rochester, If.T. OPERA HOUSE. . Popular Week! Commencing MONDAY, OCTOBER 221 Matinee Wednesday and * Saturday^**.?' Peruchi- Bcldina (Iricopoi atcd. l J-eaders in Modern Repertoire. * Specialties will be introduced between the acts by 5 THE PICKETS 5 The greatest acrobatic comedian on the American ttsge Charles D. Perubhi —AND— BABY BLANCHE, The Great Child Artist. Prices only 10,20, 30c. MEXICAN MIXTURE For Men. For Nervousness, Back-Ache, Despondency /KuH&mamv, Sexual linpotcoey, and all (Unmm rea&iting freta Early Errors and Later Excesses * ver-Work and Worry, which if neglected, com* pjefteiy undermine the system, often resulting in INSANITY and DEATH. Ifepm have any of the above symptoms MEXICAN MIXTURE WILL CURE YOU IT .HAS NO EQUAL. Develops Youthful Strength and Vigor to ever part of the body. Avoid quack doctors, llefuse substitutes. Get MEXICAN MIXTURE. Im mediate effect*. Permanent results. Recent discovery. Pheromonal success* Hu ndieds testimonials. $1.09 per bo*. 6 for $5.00. Posi tive guarantee with every ssjoo order to refund the money if cure is not effected It is not a stimulant, but a rebuilder. Try it and be con vinced. Send stamp f*r pamphlt.dA edergs BROWN DRUG COMPANY. BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA T. POOL, Contractor and Builder, 119 South Stonewall Strict. Brunswick, - Georgia. *CURE YOURSf!'." 1 dilbi.rt-^nalmmatlSEfl 1 of niuous membranas. Painless, and not ostein . pent or poisonous. SoM DrtiirrWj, or S‘‘Dt In i**in wrappe* hr eprß. prepaid, fo Circular Kent oo* Pleasant to the taste. Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. McLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Eliminates uric acid. The best remedy for Rheumatism and diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. SI ■ Bottle, at druofliits. 9 THE 08. J. H. MCLEAN MEOICINE 00., T. LOU*, 00. FOR SALE BV t W UUTTB, Tbe DrajTKiit.' HARDWICK’S BILL AGAIN Measure fo Disirauchise Many Negroes. am is is for if If the Bill Reaches the Senate He Will Lead the Fight for It. Atlanta, Oat. 13.—Representative Hardwick tv, the *mbbr of the t ato disfranchise the negro, is again to make a fight for its passage. Senator Ellis and Representative Hardwick' freely duoussed the Hard wick bill, and it is pretty certain that it will be brought up again at the next session of the leg stature, bnt perhaps with a few obanges. Senator Ellis is one of the few who voted for the bill at the last session of the legislature, and he still heartily endorse, it. If the bill gets to the senate, be will take the lead in sup porting it. Both he and Mr. Hard wick hare B‘rong hopes of getting the bill tbiougb at this session, and it is said that there has been a great change of sentiment since the last session of the legislature. There is talk of pro viding for amendment ti submit the bill to the people, but this is only hearsay. Mr, Hardwick's bill created a great stir throughout the country, but it seems absolutely certain that if Geor gia should adopt it, other States wilt fall in line. Fancy cakes, fresh and crisp each week, at Har per’s, the Hustler. Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencil*, Badges, Check Protectors, Numbering Machines, Steel and Brass Dies, Steel Log S amis, e c. Will B. Fain, street. Cream of wheat, grape nuts, oat meal, Farina, etc., at Harper’s, the Hustler. The progre tt *ive nations of the world arc the great food consuming nations. Good food wel digested g’ves strength. If you cannot digest all you eat, you need Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. You need not diet your self. It contains all of the digestanis combined with the best known tonics and reconstructive* It will even dsgests all classes of foods 9 bot tle. No other preparation will do thin. It in stantly relieves and cures all stomocb troubles W[J liutts Pure Wbiskey.S Harper’.. Perfect WbUkey, Harper’s. Every bottle guaranteed Harper'.. Sold by T. New man, Brunswick, Ga. When in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo- on personal property. Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. Feell nga oj safety pervade tbe household tqa uses One Minute Lough Care, the unly ham l.-ss remedy that prodncee Immediate result*. It is infallible for coughs, colds, croup end all throat and long troubles. Jtwill prevent con sumption. W J. Butte. WANTED. • Artesian well* to drive at $250 each Rise and capacity , guaranteed will a'eo guarantee to complete wella in 15 days. Cal) on or addreea A. H. Baker 205 Gloucester atreet. iHE BRUNSWICK TIMEfc-CALL, OCTOBER 14, 1910. WOMAN IS LIKE A DELICATE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT In good condition she Is sweet and lovable, and sings life’s song on a joyful harmonious string. Out of order or unstrung, there is discordance and unhappiness, dust as there is one key note to all music so there is one key rote to health. A woman might as well try to fly without wings as to feel well and look weli while the organs that make her a woman are weak or diseased. She must be healthy Inside orshe can’t be healthy outside. There are thousands of women suffering silently all over the country. Mistaken modesty urges their silence. While there te nothing more admirable than a modest woman, health Is of the first importance. Every other con sideration should give way before it. Brad field’s Female Regulator is a rhedicine fot women’s ills. It is ■, thesafestandquick- TBEInv est way to cure leu corrhea. falling of \ thewomb, nervous- [ l ness, headache, S j \ - backache and gen- j 1 j\ era! weakness. You | I will be astonished Ifj S— *O7 at the result, es- !! , ILrA Jr peciallyif youhavo Seen experiment- .jyli l Tlj Ir.g with other so- ift] 1 ™/LprfyVj called remedies. I j |ij!w ffiydyjHjjl We are not asking j jjjjff Ikilknfi you totry anuncer- / (ainty. Bndtleld’s mSa R'i;ulatori,ssm ide ; ,jfir /jsßßS? ; ''' happy tho lm,\ v, .:ien. V,’h has done f. r others ~f" Rjjjff /fBPg it can do for you., j lißHr Sold in <S> -tg stores §jj Jj !IriJeMtfaliuGi for $1 ab , Jo. I R A titrated M—Vi K-> \> ''nt / ggEt -vet w tv>. •. >v ~i v . eio Zjn-, | '',/ j Hit BittßririD REGULATOR CO. Tl 6 I BftHwrMP Atlanta, Ga. MBm Tha Bridge From Sickness to Health if nfpurd drugM, and these are obl.Hinnble'hmc at all times and any hour. That out stock of Drugs and Medicines should be fresh and pure is of moro importance than its siND. Ail orders can be Oiled and In a way that will give health to the patient and satisfaction to tho doctor. SMITH’S PHARMACY, COR. NEWCASTLE AND MONK STS, GEORGIA DETECTIVE AGC’Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attendki) to business strictly confldenUai. En quires coaductc-d with secrecy. L. tJ. LEAVY IVIf-'v neo* L. J. Leavy 6c Cos A.uotiouers, Commisfiion Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returnh Rendered. Speoiai Attention P*jd to flnll action of Rents B J. ULEWI NE Bioyles Selling, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Service We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford, Eagle. Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money. Wall Paper —at the— PAINT STORE, 502 Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. OEVARIS &, LEVADAS. Gocerics, Country Produce —Vegetable* etc. Also Confectioner*, MONK BTREKT. BRUNSWICK* GA Service By Publication. STATE OF GKORO tA - - Countv of Glynn. John Rogers, 1 In Glynn Superior Court, May vs. > Term, 1900. Susie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOB DIVORCE. To the Defendant, Susie Rogers: You are hereby commanded to he and appear at the December Term, uoxt, of Glynn Superior Court, to bo holdon at the court house in 15 v U ns wick, Glynn County, Georgia, on the First Monday in December, 1900, anti by Ten (10) O’clock of the forenoon of said date, then and there to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above stated ease in his Lioel for Divorce; Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett, Judge of the Sup ouri of Glynn Countv, this tho 10th day of July, woo. , . „ 1L F. duBIGNON, Clerk Superior Court, Glyuu i ounty, Ga. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Mrs. Mary C. Reppard vs.. Jefferson Levy, The National Bauk of Brunswick and the May or and Council of Brunswick.—Petition for par lion of realty in Glynn Superior court, De coupler Term thereof, 1900. To the efendrnt, Jefferson Levy: You are hereby notified that the petitioner in the above staled w ill apply for a parti tion oi that certain^-*at property in the state of Georgia, CounVot Glynn and city Of Bruns wick, described -u Northeastern porlipu of what‘is known as and railed tho “Thirty Acre Tract” or “The .Wells. Tract,” having the following eour.-e? and distances, iv>- wit: Commencing at tliC gentre of the South ern lineof Union street and running thence Southwardly' 1,010 feet; thence running East ward ly 8:0 feet; thenco running Northwardly 1610 feet; thonce ruuuing Westward!? gr>r> feet, except three certain small tracts heretofore tKild by the owners; such application for par tition of said land will ho n ado at the next ~msk ° r aid coinf to i>o held v u hrst Mon* next. notice given in purtuvanee of an order W tiled SclJtenvher 28, lIKKt, (>y HOn. Taul E. Seabrook,judge of said court raiding,the Honorable Joseph W, Bonnet being dlsownUfled in said case. Witness tlm Hohorable Paul E. Seabrook, |ndgo of and court presiding, this October 1, 11. F. DU TUGNON, Clerk Surfierior Court, Glynn County, Ga. SEA KiLS £ T W ITTY, Attorneys SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—County oi Glynn. Mrs, Kila Markham Libel Cor divorce; in the Superior court of Glynn Y*. county. May term, 1900, , Order to. perfect service Martin B. MatkhßtU granted at said term. To the Defendant, Martin B. Markham. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to be and appear, at tho December Term, 1900, of Glynn Superior court, to be hold cn in and for said county, at the court house,in Brunswick, Glynn count*, Georgia, on the first Monday in December, 1900, and you w ill be there by ten (In) o'clock, of the forenoon of said day,, then and there to antwttr the complaint of the plaintiff’ Mrs. Ella Markham, in tho above stated orf*3, in her libel for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph •'W. Ben net, Judge of the Superior court of Glynn county, tjiia the 24th day of August, lUOO. A. O. TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glvnn County, Georgias ERNEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff*. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. MVs. ClydafjFreeman, Libel for DiVOfA Ite turnable. to fiwrfeiUlKir vh. Term, 1900, of Superior ‘ , Court of Glymv Tjoii-i- O. J, Freeman, ty, Georgia. To the said defendant, O. J. Freeman: , You are hereby requirod* personally or by attorney, to Ik? and appear at the next terra of tho Superior Con it oi said county, cturvoiiing on the first Monday m December, 1900, the if and there to answer the plaintiff, Clyde FroetoM, upon the merits of her petition for divorce filed against you: ua In defatilt of nuoh appearance the Court w ill proceed aa to Justice •luul apper tain. Witness the Honj Joseph W. Bonnet, Judge oi said Superior Court, this 22d day of August, 1800. A. O, TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk Snporior Court, Glynn Cos., Ga. D. W. K It AUSS, PHIPs. A tty. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notice is hereby given that the following bills will be introduced at th t .next session of tho General Assembly of Georgia, tow it: A bill to be entitled An Act to amend an Act to create a Hoard of Commissioners of Roads and Heveriu- In tho county of Gly in, patsed in JB7O, and the Acts amendatory thereof, so as to provide and fix the compensation of the chairman of -uch board; and f<*r other purposes; Also a bill to be entitled An Act to amend the Charter of the City of Brunswick, nnd lor other purposes: Also a bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Act to ostabiHi the City Couril Bn nswied. in and for tho County < f Giynu; to delin' Its Ltrisdictlon and power; to provide for the appointment of u judge and Other officers thereof; to define tli' ir powers nod duties, and for other purposes, Approved December the 9th. 1x95. s * as to prohibit the •judge i'f mi<l court from prrn-t elng law. and to lix the salary of sacli judge, and/or other pur poses : Also ft bill to 1)0 entitled An Act to amend the Charter of the City of Brunswick, and for other purposes. This October Jet. 1900. > PUBLIC SALK State of of G 1 nu. Under und by virtue of the power of Hale contained in the deed to secure debt from Amanda A. Davis to the Brunswick Title Guarantor and Loan Company, mad. <" iCuL ti arm delivered on tbe 24th day of b’ebn m ?>..J2, and which said deed to secure debt Umy re corded on pages 441. 442 ana 14'. of V 1 r * the general records of Ulynnjcountv, Goo/ arta. ref erence thereto being had. the Bruiixu k rule Guarantee an i Louu (tamper v v, ’ll and Oder for ante to the high* t and best, Lmlih i for l cash, before the court house door ot (hyun countv-. Georgia, within the], gal home of nle, on the Hi> t Ttieadsy* in NovernfKjr, 1900, all of certain tract., lot or parcel of lanJ, with the building and Improvements thereon situate. lyn g nu i bei gin the Old Town of the City of Bruns wick, iynn county, Georgia, known and de eciibed as the n /rthcaatcrn 30x90 fret of O.d Town lot number tweDe (ik), b >uuded on the uoith by the eastern one-half of old tovn 1 t number eleven <fl> 90 feet; east ny Oylethorpn Btiei t3O leet; south bv the remaining canteen portion of paid lot number 12 90 feot, and vte t by the portion of paid Old Town lot number 12 3 'j feet, >.aid Old Town lo* mini ber 12 being Identified upon the map of said 'my made by George It. Baldwin A. i j 1b37, t > which rofeieneo is hereby had. for the purpose of liquidating the fadeb red n rail due s.'.fd com pany by the said grantor, namely, SOOO 00 prin cfpt debi,, Insides interest unto the first i <*h dav in November, 1900. mnounting to f417.33. and *he further sum of $9 80 as toots of adver tising (bis aaie, BKUNsWICK TITLK GUARANTEE & LOAN! COMPANY. .{y C. P. GOOD Kali, President. Attests W. E. Kay, bee <v Trea NOTICE QF LOCAL LKGIBL.UUON. The public is hereby notified th.ii. a bill will be offeree at the next session of the legist .'no amending the charter of the city of Brunswick It. K. HO.'KIN-i, Brunswick, Ga„ Bcpt. 27, 1900. Administrau’rs Notjco, All persons claims egnin.M.eal''' of j U. (j*mpl*H will |.; euHfcen. t.itl.o uuaor ilgneii, and ali owing said eatiite .H P' “ *>av their accounts to J. J. “I rA><^, 1 y Adra’r, Estate J. 0. Cumpb<dl. ADMINISTRATORS SALK. GEORGIA—GIynn County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of said county, I will sell at public outcry on the first Tuesday in November, 1900, at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, the following described lands, the property of the estate of Bridget Minehan, da ccased, situate in the Ciiy of Braunswick, in said state and county, to wit: Lots numbers twelve hundred and thirty-seven (1237). twelve hundred and thirty oight (1238), twelve hundred and thirty-nine (1239), twelve hundred and forty (1240;, six hundred and forty-two (042), and six hundred and forty-throe (643), respec tively, each of said lots being in that portion of said eity commonly called “New Town,” and designated upon the map of the plan of Baid city as made by Geo. R. Baldwin, serveyor, A. L>. 1837, and of the addition thereto, by the num bers above described, and to which map and to the order of said court of ordinary aforesaid, reference is made for all purposes of desciip tion. Also, the unexpired leasehold interest in and to the following lots or parcels of land sit uate in the city of Brunswick, and in that part thereof commonly called “Town Commons,” to wit: That portion of lot number seventy-live (75) fronting forty u4O) feet on Amherst street and ninety (90) feet on J street, the leasehold therein expiring upon March 21,19(17; lot num ber one hundred and thirty-five (135), bounded east by Albany street, south by L street, west by Wolfe street and north by lot number one hundred and thirty four, and * having ft front Albany and Wolfe streets respectively of ninety (90) feet and a depth between said streets of hundred and ei. hty (180) feet. Also, that portion of lot number one hundred and thirty-lour (134) bounded cast by Albany street, south by and thirty-five (135), west T and north hv lot nu:nbfift* w 7 ; throe (133); and L" , j . fjof said lot number oin j Are (l;;i, t tie same frontij; 1 j .* ' /(eet upon \lbauy street *(, fr . ■, )ou Woliv >troot, the leu: ; \ .vfarch 2, 19, Town Comrnot lota and lots being made with refeiouoe to thc-1 what ns com monly called the “Hughes Vhir'y> v of the Town Commons o' -aid city of file in Jho office of the mayor aud < uicil tboreof. To>m of sale cash. This October s \m. Administrator de bonis non ej c , Bridget Mine* ban, deceased. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs. Lizzie Long Libel for divorce; In the Superior court of Glynn vs. county, Mav term, 1900. Order to perfect service, Thomas A. Long, granted at said term. To the Defendant,Thomas A. Long. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to be and appear, at the December term, 1900,0f the Glynn .Superior court, to bo holden in anil for said county, at the court house in Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, dh the first Monday in December, 1900, aud you will be there by ten (10) o’clock of the forenoon of said day, then and thereto answer the com plaint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Lizzie lA>ng. in the above stated case, in her libel for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Rennet, Judge of tho Superior court of Glynn county, this tho 21th day of August, 1910. A. 6. TOWNSMti^, Deputy Clerk of tli# Superior County. Georgia* ERNEST DART? Attorney for Plaintiff. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County Urban us Dart., of Glynn county, in said State has applied to the Ordinary of said county of Glynn for exemption of personulty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and 1 will pass upon the s ime at 10 o’clock u. m. upon the 15th day of October, 1900, at the court house in said county of Glynn. This September 2*2,1900. r , ... ~ JEFFERSON D. BPARKS. Judge City Court of Brunswick and pro hao vice ordinary Glynn County, Georgia. CITATION GEORGIA—GIy an County. Whereas, Ella J. Jennings, administratrix of George W. Calvin estate, represents to the court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully administered George W. Calvin’s estate. This i, therefore, to cito all persons concerned, kindred aud creditors, to show* cause, if any they can, why said ad minisu-atrix should not be discharged from administration, and receive Igtfersof disfnis sion on the first Monday .in Ijacembfr, 1900. Horace dart. Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia—Giynn County. Mrs. Mary Mahoney having made apjWNa tion for twe I,ye lnpnfcb ’ support, out or Use estate of Timothy Mahoney, and apprailiflM duly ap .minted to sot apart the .same having filed their,return*ail persons' concerned are hereby requir' and U> show cause before tile court of ordinary of said county on the fiiet Monday in November, mt'O, V. by said application should not bu granted. Tliis4tU dav of ■•.'overo’ er,1900. HOB ACE Dart, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn Count?. Loren a Turner, wife of Alfred/Turner, has applied for exern -tfon of personaHiy and sett ing apart am va'iial ion of in u< toad out of bmpioperiy and 1 wii' p >s upon the same at 10 o'clock a. in., on Mu* 22nd da of rtober,l9oo, at my offl o This September 29 lb, 1900. HORACE J ART, Ordwwy GJynn County, Gu. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. Mrs. Fannie A. Smith has applied for exemp tion of porsomtli y and the witting apart and \ aluation pf homestead out of the estate of 11. C, Smith, iecen i,j, late of mild eouuty and state* and I will pa* upon the same at ten o’clock o m.,oii the.22iiii day of Ociobei, HKM). at my office iu tfie court house of said county and sfc.ite. Horace dart, Ordinary 1 JJynn County, Ga. SEKVICK B . PUBLICATION. State of Geoi xu—C *ur* y o h nn. Mrg. Kibia W'yln | W 4tt for divor e; in the j flupu *or ivurt of < Oven vs j outm. Ur icrm, 1900, I' ” r •• p rfoet aoryice, James Wylie. > | n m m hh and term. To n ~Tairit-s Wy!*e, You nr o h'Tftijj iequir v ' ‘•u. person o- by at torney. to i** hi>., jrpe the December term, 19. u, of G 1 y# nSu orfTi< cou - 1. to he hold <*n ie ami f " htl ( at the c >urt house, i' Bn*nbWidW;'Glyf'i county. Ge rgia, on tfie fr%t Mmiday In Peeimbei, 1900. and y>u will be .ye. !>• ton (!0. o clock of th‘* foieu*on of said d-vy. the an. Ui* <• <o in. we r the com-, plaint o.’be plaiu In Mr-. Edna Wylie, it the above d<‘(* fiat ,ii noi u, Ifordivoico. Ron - af.h J >, h W. Bonnet, ~)uoge of i r - * ,vt of CJvnn couniv dftiis flic ofAIT'C T % . o\\ r NSKND Deputy /• Court, Gl'ytir ; >unfv Oei "g EilNKh’J DA JIT *\ K ID, Alton ov for l** # •lobn M Sl,ceF^ v ®* jAppftc tiim fo/ r* Janiel!lifter. form<fls/ ; niuvai of Jaul“> i dfHabihtieu. Notice i. hereby given that on the nt, i day o' Oc’obertßOO, th" ouui isyn. and IVod in the ofiico |of (he Cfrk tfie Hunet or co"B of Glynn t I o ’nty n,j)lieai on for rqnu va) of the d’n- < l-ii,ti' ir f A M), ">n him undeir tim voroict and* judgment mi in aid court May 21, 1900,1 in tec suit Ins i iner wifi*. Janie Steele,| agal' LjU ana thut mid ~plioa ! tM'H —HI Ir . ‘ nriu r.f.nliJ courliK-- gin .lift i>n on otte l ‘ in December *'*' Tlnl Ocloln £• awning., *. RTEKLK f.J - M:- SHERIFF |4LES. GEORGIA, Glynn County. Will be sold before the courthouse door in said county, on the first Tuesday In November, 1900. the same being the Gtli day thereof, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to-wit: One toiler top desk, six ((l) oak mantels, three (3) large tombstones, five (5) small tombstones, one Mos ler iron safe. Levied on as the property of the defendant, Reed E. LaMance, to satisfy an exe cution issued from tho City court of Bruns wick, county of Glynn, at the March term, 1899, * n favor of Swlngler & Falconer for three hun dred and eighty-one dollars and four cents ($381.04) principal, with interest thereon from December 14,1596, at 6 per cent, per annum until paid and all costs. Levy made and re turned to me by E. F. Tayior, deputy sheriff. Also at the enmo time and place, the follow ing described property to-*wit: That cer tain lot, tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in tho city of Brunswick, county of Glynn, state of Georgia, and known and de scribed on Baldwin's map of said city made in the year 1837 as the southwest one-sixth (1-6) of Old Town lot number 04. Levied on us the property of thees Ute of J. J. Door under and by virtue of an execution issued by H. J, Head, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 1899. Amount of tax $25.00 with inter est and all costs. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, the following described property towit: Those certain lots, tracts or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the city of Brunswick, coun ty of Glynn, state of Georgia, and known and described on Simmons' map of said city, made in the year 1891. as Habersham park lots num bers 76, 77,91 and 92, between Lee and Gordon streets. Levied on as the property of Mrs. F. E. Habersham under and by virtue of an exe cution issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 1899. A mount of luxes SSO with interest and all coat. Lcv.r made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles deputy sheriff. Also the same time and place, the following dCobribed property towit: That cer tain lot or tract of land situate, lying and be ing in the 27th distm * Q. M.. county of Glynn, state of Georgia, and knowtt as a part of Colo nel's island, containing tw hundred (2CO) acres more or.less. Bounded on the north by lands of the Booth Brunswick Railway Cos., on the west by Fancy Bluff creek, on the and east by lauds of the Brunswick Dock Cos. Lev ied on as the property of Baid Brunswick Doc*. Cos. under anu by virtuoof an execution issued by H. J. Read,tax collector,for state and county taxes due for the yoar 1899. Amount of tax one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($126.) with Interest arid all coats. Levy made and return ed to me by R. 8. Pyles, deputy sheriff. CITATION. GEORG I 4—Glynn County. To w r hom it may concern: H. J. Read having iu proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of George McArthur, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next of kin of George McArthur to be and appear at my office w ithin the time allowed by law and show cause, it any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to 11. J. Read on George McArthur’s estate. Witness my hand official signature this 12th day ?of Oc tober, 1910. HORACE DART, Ordinary. REGISTRATION NOTICE. Office City Clerk, Brunswick, Ga., Oct. 1,1906. In accordance with Section X of the amended charter of the Citv of Brunswick, approved November 13,1889,1 will oil the first Monday in October, 1900, at 10 a. m., open the books for the registration of the qualified (10 be qualified to register all State, County and city Taxes must he paid) voters of the city of Brunswick, Ga , and keep the same open until the first Monday in November, 19U0. L. O. BODET, Clerk. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. To whom it may concern: A. C, Shannon having in proper form applied to me for per manent letters of administration upon the es tate of D. F. Sleeper, of said county, deceased, this is to cite the creditors and next of kin of said deceased to be and aopear at iriy office within the timo required by Jaw and show cause, if any, why permanent letters should not be granted to the applicant m prayed for. Witnes my official signature thin 11th of Octo ber, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. For the purpom of collecting the State and County Tax for 1900, I will Le at the following district precincts on dates named, to-wit: 25 Dint. Utt. 27, Nov. 19 and Dec. 8. 27 Disk. Get 20. Nov 20 and Dec. 4. 1856 Dlats Oct. 25,N0v.21 and Dec. 0. 1409 Disk Oct. 24, Nov, 22 and Dec. 7. * . 26'Di5t,29, 80. 31, Nov. 23,24, 20, and Dec. fi, 10, 11. ~ H.J.Rkad* T. C. Glynn Go, SITIONS Big ECU RED B y ActTve y/ld c Young Men -“t d WOIViEN w!jatsi\e ourpractical Jusiriess^drse c|CHONqu { BUSINESS { i COLLEGE Send for CalaJoguA' INSTRUCTIONS i L WAffi/IJ/YO/POi/fflA ?/£ KIDNEY DISEASES are * (he most fatal of all dis eases. rni ryin KIDNEY CUKE Is a iULI I O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. ana SI.OO. *> w .1 . >*• I is SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Allfin’h Foof-K*e, a ponder. It cure* painful, smarting, nervous feet and log* owing naiis,and instantly taxes *he *ting out of corns and bun ions vs he great eel comfvrt dlccovery of the aee. Allen’* Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel ea*p. it la a certain cure for sweat ing, callous* uml Irt, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Bold by all druggist* And shoe atoms. By mail for 860 in stamps, Trial package Free. Address Alien 8. Olinstcad, Le lloy, N Y^ Bhah^malslm Cynm t and Ucautifle* the hair, rrumotf" a laxuntiit vrovrth. Hover Fuila to Ifuatoro ( ny Hair to It* Kqiitbful Col r. Pfvria^*o^r7f ■.q UlUaf. 7