The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 16, 1900, Image 1
TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI- NUMBER 52. CROWDS CHEER BRYAN IN M'KINLEY’S STATE Ireat Ovation Given the Democratic i Leader in Cleveland. MANY CLUBS IN PARADE .' 0t He Learn for the Big New Dll HIS Ml It Will Be the Largest Political Meeting Ever Held in the Metropolis. f " Cleveland. Oct. 15—The cUy was cn fete today. *The tour of the retnarka b'.e spoechei which William J. ilryan has delivered throughout the west brought him heie today to receive a right ro ;al welcome. Club after club irom all the towns in the western re serve marched through the streets, which were (fay with fluttering bunting and streamers and banners, while dwell ings and business houses were decked out in brilliant finery. Trains on all railroads came in lAden to their platforms with democrats from all the state, while the lake boats baye poured crowd afier crowd on the wharves. The largo meeting was supplemented by many smaller ones. It is estimated that the crowd here today was the largest that has ever gathered in theclty. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed and cheer after rend* the aiT as the clubs went marching past, or popular leaders were recogn zed. Mr. Bryau left early in order to keep his engagement for the monster meet ng in New York. Mr. Bryan a’so spoke to large crowds In New Philadelphia, Alliance Mills, Yuungs'owu and L avoir bury before he reached Cleveland. IN NEW YOU if TONIGHT. New York, Oct 15—Richard Croker announced today that the arrangements for the democratic demonstritioo tomorrow are completed. He said today it would be the bigge-t demonstration ever seen in New York City. Mr. Bry an, who will be received with magnifi cent honors, will speak first at Madi On Square Garden, where Sheppard will preside. Mr. Bryan wi.l consume an hour In his speech, and then go to Madison Avenue. Thence he will go to Tammany Hall where meetings will he held both in doors and outside, tlis last speech will be In Cooper In stitute. Adlai E Stevenson, candidate for vice-preaident, will follow Mr. B*y an at Madison Square Garden, and Hon. Bourke Cockran will then speak. Mr. R. L. Harrison and Jointly left yesterday for Jacksonville, where they will r side in the futu-e. TERRELL IS IN WASHINGTON. State’* Attorney-Geeeral Goes to Ap pear B. fore the Suj>>-f me Co-r*. Thc*ster day says: _ - f \ “Attorney-General J. M. Terrell ie *• • in Washington today to appear before tie Supreme oourt to represent the. State In two highly important case*. Both the Southern Express case and the appeal taken by “Peg Leg ’ Wil liams, who was convicted of violating the immigration laws of Georgls, bare been set for hearing this morning. The Attorney-General left for Washington oonfident of the strength of the Slate’s contention in both.suite. The express case Is ODe of the most important on the docket of the United States Supreme court, and should the decision of the Circuit Court of Ap peals be sustained, it will mean the saving of thousands of dollars to the bu in e ia. ” OLD MAID 8 SOCIAL The Riflemen Are Preparing a Good Program. From the number of tickets that have already been sold the indications are that the Riflemen’s Armory will not hold the crowd that will attend the Old Maid’a Social on next Friday night. The boys are now busy arranging the program, and when the many old fa vorites are seen on it, the general pub lie will know what is in Btore for them. The program will consist of selections orchestra, specialties by Hen se! and Doerflinger, solos by Matthews and farmer, buck dancing by clever Joe Freeman, selections by the Riflemen's quartette, acd many o.her amusements. NEW BATTLESBIPS. Wa-Uintou, Oct. 15—The general plans forthe buildingof the battleships Pennsylvania. New Jersey and Geor gid, authorized by the act of March 3, 1889, and the battleship Rnode Island authorized by ibe act of June 5, 1900, are being supplied to bidders today as they apply. The first three named bat tlosbip* are to have super Imposed tur rets, and the others ordinary turrets. All bids will opened on November 15th. MONUMENT UNVEILED. Paris, Tenn., Oct. 15 -Tbe Henry CountytConftderate Monument was un veiled today amid much [enthusiasm . There were a large number of ex-Con federates present from different parts of the state, and citizens generally par ticipated. BROOKLYN WINN. * Brooklyn, Oct. 1-s.—ln the first game of a series of three for the cup, Brook lyn defeated Pittsburg by a score of 5 to 2. BRUNSWICK, GA. TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16, 190a 11 am IB IIP Cent. Wds ami All 91s Men Safe. m GlflDtY RECEIVED The Company Was Made Mostly of Georgfi&iDfcnd friends and Relatives Were Oneasy. I ,** ‘ ■: :l ' fe i-'V .i Manila, Oot. 15—Captain Deversox Shields, who, with flfty-one men of Company F, 29th regiment, United States volunteer Infantry was captured by the insurgents last month on the island of Hatlnduqe, was rescued yes terday by tbe American rescue force, with all tbe members of his party. This regiment was organ zed at Fort McPherson, Atlanta, and the men composing It enlisted In Atlanta and other Georgia cities. Since the cap lure of the company by, Filipinos last month friends and relatives have been very solicitous regarding Its (ate and the news of (he rescue of the will bruy jgy t o many ■i# ’ —' KrTRY NEELEY, .ft - .' j His Case Has Been Set For November' < /•' g Fifteenth. * 'J Wa-bington, Oot. fr_ The sjLfmie • '.Hi#.' court today assigned Lr beartr.g“on'Ne vembar 15th the cases involving the ex trad It inn nl C. J. W. Neeley to Cuba “— ~ '' SAVANNAH’S CARNIVAL Matters arc in a very satisfactory con dition at the Oarnlyal headqnorteas, 9a vauiiah. The Carnival lever* le spread iqg rapidly throughout.■ the city and ' •' country. Applicationb are pouring in •*t ft. . . / • from all parts of thb .United Bi&tes. and many inquiries or& befbg mads as Ul rates, hotrls, etc. Many request' have been filed for premium aofonly Georgia and her neighbor?, hut many ether sections of tlie country arc becoming interested trt Savannah and her proposed exposition, Noy. 5 11, in clusive. HMALLPOX IN ALASKA, Btn Franoisco. Oot, 15.—Word comes from Alaska of many eases of smallpox there, and that people are considerably worked up, being afraid of an epi demic. All vessels coming from an Alaskan port are now examined thor oughly on arriving bere. A tug i* tent out to meet all Alaskan vessels, and warn them not to land any passengers or merchandise until .a clean bill of health has been given by tbe quaran tine doctors. FOR A BIG STOCK Mr. L. A. Miller, tbe enterprising lumber dealer, leaves this morning for a trip through tbe saw mill seotion for tbe purpose of laying in a large stock. Those who are contemplating buying lumber should wait until he returns. Ilf II 10 HUB Jiip Cantrell Orders tlie Cob! to Proceed. i PRISONER IS NOT PRESENT . . •-•- . . - •> - r r _ Yontsey Is Still 111 and Unoor* soious as a Result of His Shook. Last Ween. „ 1 ' V ' A> Georgetown, Ky., Oct. 15-Judge Cantrel today ordered that the trial of H. S, Youtsey, charged with being Im plicated in the murder of Governor Goebel, be continued without the pres eacc of the prisoner, who has been ill for several days. Youtsey was no bet ter today. He is still unconscious. DEATH OF. MR- M’LKOD. ' tf'.* , 1/^ A Prominent Citizen o|. l?lfair,gounty Passes Awsjn*r . - _. ’.’^|5 w * VVe^ 1 * and loo? sn|jßrir, aaft' fwas liurind.yeetttrday at tGe old family Cemetery near his home. • Mr. jisfoLsod-was years old. JK vwK a tnrti of eonsiderahle promi- Asnoe and wesjiar*.Hjejjfhyes a wife and threefaonVjlb hif&frn his death. He was a Christian gentleman, B member of the Methodist ohurcb, and also a Mason of high standing in the .State. /' WELCOME EXHIBITION. The announoement that Prof. Gen try’s famous dog and pony show is soon to exhibit in tbis oity has led to numerous inquiries about tbe details, such as the looation of the grounds and prices of admission. The charac ter Of the show is so well known that tbe people will regard the information as news, and consequently wp have made inquiries with the following re sult: The show, which it is needle* s to mention, is the best one of its kind in tbe world, will exhibit under their own waterpioof tents, which will be located in Brunswick, Monday, Oct. 2‘lnd, two performances daily, 2:30 and 8 p. m. The prioes of admission are: children 15 cents, adults 25cents, snd when tbe magnitude and artistic worth of the show is taken into con sideration, it will easily be seen tha* tor prices of admission are decided y reasonable. BOUT JUDGE CHOVATT. Tho Atlanta Constituion of yesterday fajs: “Judge A. J. Crovatt, a leading law p?r of B nnswlck, was at the Aragon ye-torday. 'We are talking railroad down our way now,’ said Mr, CfStohD. 'and ha e Invited E.C . Machen to help ns build i*. If we gel the new line he exports of Brunswick will increase wonderfully. \\Ae have got vat r to float the ships; ws only need more rail roads to bring In cotton, iron o.c, etc., for the port.’ ” THE PRESENT STRIKE ONLY A FORERUNNER Goal Operators Believe Combined Forces Will Strike Tnis Spring. HAD A VERY LONG SESSION. By working late tbe tu ry Oi Savannah finished Its work and ad journed last night. After filling several of the Brunswick pulpits on Sunday, the members of the Presbytery came together at an early hour Monday ready for work, and de termined to finish if possible. A large part of the morning was taken up with the consideration of a manual for the guidance of the Presbytery, Rev. W. F. Hollingsworth presented and read the manuscript. The Presbytery snowed ile approval by adopting jt al most verbatim. t The rest of the day was taken up with the examinations of Mr. M, E. Peabody a for the ministry. The ex .yMpinations covered the whole of his and diyinity studies,- and in addition he presented carefully prepared written exorcise, on given subjects, consisting of a popular lecture, a Latin a, critical Greek exercise. *s the finalpakof’his trial, t Mr. Pea body preached the sermon at tho evening service, All his par.s ot trial having been sustained, ho was (hen licenscdlo pleach the gospel, ‘ % , L if, •W"? ■ ?v A plfcasing lehjstre of the closing ex ercises was tbkfadoption by a rising vote of the Presbytery of a resolution of thati* ia‘lhe people of Utc Prwihyteriaa their geHcrous and ~dbrdial V* .. g ’ >• hospitality; to the local pastors for the courtesy wßiclt lead thein ; )fisiender their pulpits to Ihe vlsfftng ministers, and to tbe Timkr-Call for its good reportß ol the meetings. A pleasant excursion to Jjekyl Island was the feature of the afternoon. Many expressions were heard as to the pleasant impression made by the Pres bytery on eur pe ipla and by pur people on tho Presbytery. DIF.I) AT HOSPITAL. Jack Rogers, the Man Who Was Bbot At Everett Saturday Night. Jack Rogers,tbe white man who was shot by W. B, Hamms at Everett City, Saturday night, a full aooount cf whiob appeared in Sunday’s Timks Call, died at the marine hosp'tal at 4 o’clock afternoon. Rogers oamsjtp Brunswloic after be was abaft Saturday night, and was no seen anymore until Sunday morniog when be was found laying on the giass uneoflsolone, opposite the Bay VisU to tbe marine hospital*""ami fca! attended by D-. Hugh Bnrford, but his wound proved more serious ttiwi was at first thought. Hamm, tbe man who did tbe shoot ing, Is in the Glynn coubty jail and will have to answer to the cbtrge of murder when the superior court meets. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE END NOT YET IN SIGHT Duds Made 1? Coara tloa Nil Accented MORE TROUBLE MAY OCCUR Miners Declare They Will Not Return to Work Unless Order ed By President Mitchell. Wilkeebarre, Oot. 15 —lt is learned that most of the coal operators believe that the present strike is but a forerun ner of a greaterstrike which will come early next spring, when the combined forces of both tbe bard and soft coal mines are under one solid organiza tion, will demand a decided increase of wages, arm if they r*U to get them, a big strike will be the result. TERMS DON’T SUIT. Shamokin,- Pa,, October 15.—The terms of tbe Scranton eunventi n are cot acceptable to operators and repre sentatives of ooal oarpying domp&nita in this plase and Mount Carmel. Tbe —■r- Iteading officials do not think tbe ali<H*g scale will be abolished by tbe company, while oparators are averse to signing a contract, binding them to pay the ten per cent, increase until April, No orders have been reoeived as yet from headquarters of any companies instructing superintendents to resume work tuttftrrrow. Mlnels say they will not gp to work until cificißlly advised by President Mitobell. STRIKE IN NEW HAVEN. New Haven, Coon., Oct. 16. —Three hundred and fifty bands employed by the New Haven Rilling Mill Co mpany went on a strike today. The men complain of a big redaction in wages as the oause. AT THE OGLETHORPE. S. P. Watson’ Atlanta; W, J. Fuller, Cincinnati; T. B. Cook, Cooksburg, Pa.; E. H. Brown, Chicago, J. A Samuel; Louisville; Mrs, Steve Ryan and child, Atlanta; Thos. W. Rice, St. Louis; H. H. McKinnon, Scotchvllle, Ga,, W. C St. Clair, Gentry’s Show; W. H. Boy kin, Philadelphia; J. A, Foster; Bt. Si mon; E. F. King, Atlanta; E. H. Craw ley, Waycross; C. B. Coats, Macon. MISS SLATER’S OPENING. Mias Kate Slater will have her grand Millinery Fall opening on next Tues> day and Wednesday, October 23 and 04. Miss Slater has an unusually pretty line of hats tbis season .