The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 16, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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fhe Brnfiswick Times.
Eitabliihsd 1889.
The Brunswick Call.
Xttablithed Ib'Ji
The Brunswick Times-Call,
: jfyjjifzrr
AKTBUB H IEAVY • - - - - Editor
KOLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager
nmav \ OgletHoroeßlock,2ll FStree*
orriOE j ucLJCPHtiistK HO ai.ji
Subecribore are requested to notify the office
when they fail to get any leene of the Tlmes-
CalL Attention to this matter will be appre
ciated by the publishers.
The Times-Call will be' Delivered by
earner or mail, per year. #6.00; per week 15
eenta. Correspondence on live subjects
eolleued. Beal name of writer should ac
company same. Subscriptions payable in
advance. Failure to reoeive paper ehonld be
reported to the business office. Addrees all
communication* to
He’eafter a’l legal advertise
ments must be paid for after the
first ineertion. The management
has been pui, to a great deal of
trouble and delay in collecting in
the pas*, and in future must take
advantrgi of the Georgia law on
this subjec'. Oot. 10, 1000,
The city registration books ate now
lianas does not seem to be an expert
at settling strikes.
The Donglas Breeze thinks Colonel
Lawton should be tried for lunacy.
In the present campaign both aid® 8
are sure of victory. Somebody is doubt
less wrong.
This is "press day" at the Atlanta
fair, and what the editors will do for
that barbecue will be a sufficiency.
Roosevelt will have to do conaldetable
rough riding before he gets to be pre
siding officer of the United States
senate. %
"When the Hon, John U .-Carlisle be
came the attorney for J. Pierpont Mor
gan ho appears to have made an un
conditional surrender and is n& longer
Interested in the consent of the gov
erned, truthfully remarks the Amencus
After all Is said and done, Love ruloß
the world. The greatest of human pas
sions, the affection of one person for
another, baa wrecked nations, made
■laves of kings, won and lost battles,
filled countless graves, jut smiles on a
million lips and tears in a million hearts.
It’s a question if a man ever really
understands a woman. She is different.
She is made of finer clay, and too often
lie forgets that tenderness is her due,
and judges her by the standard that is
properly applied to men.
The following statement given out by
the chairman of the People's party is
the most conservative we have yet
•'Bryau will 40 elae'ed; he has lost
none of the support ho had in ISf'fi, ex
a few silver republicans in the moon*
tala states. Of these there w:ll not he
enough to affect a single electoral yote
"He will hold hi* own west of the
Mississippi, and will carry every state
in that region that he carried in ’96,
with the possible exception of Wyo
ming. He will gain heavily in the cen
tral west and east; he will not only have
all the democrats and populists who
supported him in 'O6, but added to
these, he will receive the votes of a
large number of gold democrats and
former republicans who have left their
party on the issues of imperialism and
‘‘The following states may be classed
as certain to their electoral vote for
Bryan: Alabama, 11; Arkansas, 8;
Colorado, 4; Florida,, 4; Georgia, 13;
Idaho, 3jLfl,, i 9;
MissooUf ''xfoNcbiask*. \
NevadiX *, * South
Carol*!.,, 10,
U.ah, 3; faLlfl.
“Add to thelfcihe following states,
that will probably cast their votes for
Bryan: IHiAtffs,'24; Indiana,'lS; Kan
sky-.'lO; Kentucky, 13; Maryland, 8;
South Dakota, 4; Washington, 4; West
Virginia, 0. Total, 84,
‘‘These added to 153 certain, give 237,
or 13 more than a majority in the elec
toral college. Outside of these certain
and probable states are the following
doubtful: California, 9; Connecticut, 6;
Delaware, 3; Michigan, 14; Minnesota,
9; Now Jersey, 10; New York, 36; North
Dakota, 3: Q.Me, 23; Wisconsin, 12
Total, layt
It Is Bryan’s in Now York. The
great Kmpire Btato rotates as faithfully
as t&e sun rises and sets. Following is
toe record for the past eight national
To Seymour over Grant in 18W.
To Grant over G reefy 1nf872.
To Tildea over Hayes In 1876.
To Garfield over in 1880.
To Blaise In 1884,
To Harrison oyov Cleveland m 1888.
-£o Cleveland oysr Hai’tiaon in 1892.
QToMSitifidoy over Bryan in 1890.
The following from the ■
aid expressesour Seatniwaft. e*i*Vy;:
“The,mail who sends away from hdiae
to buy things which the merchants of
his own town have to i{. * n/1 seeks to
excuse himself with the plea that he can
buy goods cheaper elsewhere, knocks a
prop fiom under community in which he
hopes to earn a livelihood and, perhaps,
accumulate a fortune. Such a man la
wandering off alter false gods 'I he
changes are that after he has settl'd bills and other incidental ex
penses the things bought away from
home cost him mope than he would have
had to pay tor exactly, similar articles
kept by locai mei chants And besides
he has set a bad example for hit neigh
bors and has done himself an injury,
because, in crippling bis town, his c* wn
business interest hare not escaped- A
dozen men of this -tripe' will . - ,s mote
injury to a community tha®"* ix *co
of the busiest growlers ‘“d kickers on
earth.” -
The manufacturers 6 ®* Te u '
thorized the underign(jr to suarkuseo it for
bins, cut*, sores, *•***’ eczema anJ
all skin diseases. Yc***’ 0 T™ ralie b <*
flt doeen tdo aU iftPlshns. W. J li-jtu.
Hate yon -”*• ef lutinosstn the region of
rout stomach f‘ If So you will he
bcnefltec by V n K ChsmbSTlain’sStomach and
tlvbr Tablets Th, 'X alaoleure belching and
sonrston.-' "- They regulate the bowels too.
pt :oe asc. Bo, d ly Ulshop’s Drug Store.
svercoating [in great varieties at fair
p ice* at Winter’s.
Rain or Slrine,
The station agent is on duty. On his
exact communication of train orders
depends thousands of Hvm, and millions
of dollars in property, each day. In hi*
haste he runs out in the rain or the snow
hatless and unprotected. Then comes
the sequel bron
chitis, or some .'VjgfcyyjßT
the respiratory or- V
gans. The most \b
for bronchial or il /
pulmonary disease M
u Doctor Pierce’s
Golden Medical 1 /Lf** /s
Discovery. Almost '
all remedies pre- j } -
scribed for such AA tjy*'// /_
diseases contain
opium or some yjTY // /
narcotic which* v 7lUij/ r
soothes by stupe- ,
faction. "Golden 1/ /IWT
Medical Discoe- jr > 4§.Wy‘>, ‘'W
err ” contains
neither narcotic*
nor alcohol. It mjf
Curing PjjMjjHf
iungs, builds up 9v7lAV
wasted tissues, and / j
gan of the bo?v. ]
Vnt,’"V-rtl T.-jjaWK^HLUI
Eq, of BcrSiy, OMge County, Kaus.%
four years nga my work me In a
warm rr.oin ad ttoMUi’K out iVrqnmitty into
the cold air gave me bronchitis. -which became
chronic and deen-(ietd. Doctor* failed tU
reach my caec and ndviaed me to try > hlcher
air, but, fortunately for me, a friend advised me
to try Dr. Pierce * medicine*. I commenced
taking vour -Golden Medical Ducovery,* add
by the lime I had taken the Nrt bottle I ra
better, nnd after taking four bottle* my ootrari:
wo* entirely gone I have found uo neeeaetty
for necking another climate.”
Dr. Piercs’s Pleasant Pellets regulate
the stomach, liver and bowel*.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that cau
not be oursd by Hall'* Catarrh Care.
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O.
We, the nadsreigned, have known
F. J. Cheney (Hr the last fifteen years,
and belief him perfectly honorable
in all butteesa transaction*, ard finan
cially able to carry out any obligation*
made by tbiMr firm. v *.f *•
Wit & Truax, wbqlessle'Vttjiggirtß,
Toldo, tf. ‘
Waldiog Kionan .fcMsrviu-,wholesale
druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall’* Catarrh Cure is taken inter
ally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaoe* of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c, per
bottler Sold by all druggists. Hail's
Family Pill* are tb* best,,,
, je—J
Three prices will be awarded to the
handsomest old maid, the,most original
old maid aAd'Hbe most, comical old
maid. Riflemen’s Aritiozy, Friday,
Oot. 19 h Ticket* 25c,
Every lady should attend tbe grand
-Millinery opening at Miss Kate Sla
ter’s nMt,,<pesdßy and Wednesday,
October 2^*'aftd 24.
There Jsa fft*cinatioi* ftßdut big profits too
business man. But the conservative and cau
tions trader prefer* to have the leaser per cent,
at interest and the larger per cent, of sftfeiy in
•1)0- Investment*. There lno businves man who
would not consider It a sound proposition to in
vestin an enterprise in which absolute Jus,-.
-Wlrft impossible and which offered ninety-eight
Clianoii in * hundred of n rich profit. The sta
tistics of dijr® 9 affected by Dr Pierce’s OtoUlen
Medical show that nlnety-eight per
cent, of eak lungs” can be absolutely
cured. Almost U ii“ ( *U form* of physical
weakness may be tracl*d to starvation. Starva
tion -ap.-, the strut.g'h. The ldy is Just as
much starved wheu t^ e stomach cannot extract
tJUtyStlo# from the receive* ns when
1 here is no food. >-\y eak lungs,” bronchial af
fections. obstinate e ougbs, call for nourishment
"tioidcn Medical. Discovery" supplies that
nourishment in l- 9 most couden-ed a-i(t nssi u
tlHble form. It make* ‘-weal long," -trout;, by
strengthening the stomach and organs of diges
tion which diV"-! and distribute the food' and.
by lucressingV-he supply o* l>ure Wood.
Morut- ,ae i opium, laudanum,cocoaine
habit: myself culed. will inform you at
Uarn-iess, permanent home cure. Mary
g, jdaldwin, box 1212, Chicago.
Attend the opeuiog Of Mr, Julius
yfay’a Columbia tonight, good music.
Y u know the popular Capt. Frank
Dunn wili make “a peach” of an old
ms id, especially as a strawberry blonde,
Riflemeu’s Armory, Out. 19ih.
Every lady should attend the grand
Millinery opning at Miss Kate Sla
ter's next Tuesday and Wednesday,
October 23 and 24.
the _ KM fin tea Always Bsc'S
Tickets for tLe Itidemei’s Old Maid
Sooia', Friday, Odfc 19th, oan be hac
from the members of the company
and !h< leading stores of the city.-
Only 25ots admission.
Kvjiry lad; should attend the gram.
Millinery opening at Mies Ka’.e S.a
tor’e next Tuesday and Wednesday,
October 2.1 and 34.
Wonderful Flak.
Assuming that we are walking on
tho ocean bottom at the depth of error
a mile, we move cautiously along in
water Icy cold and suddenly are con
fronted with a blaze of light and flbd
ourselves In a field of light givers.
Imagine a cornfield with stalks from
two to four feet in height, the tips
gleaming with light and waving gently
to and fro. Such an appearance the
fields of umbelluiarla present.
Above this forest of living lights
strange and weird fish aro- passing
which we recognize as forms that have
been dredged from great depths l>y the
Albatross, tbe Challenger and others.
One, the chiasmodon, dashes by emit
ting light from its own body, and, won
der of wonders! we see it seize a fish
five times its own bulk and draw it
self ever It like a glove. Its jaws by
a special arrangement separate, and
tho mouth is a cavern of India rubber-
Uke possibilities. A similar fish, mala
costens, is of a rich black velvet hue,
and as it poises ws, see upon .Its head
two largo lights. One emits a golden
light, the other throws out fitful green
ray? which have some hidden mean
ing-In the economy of nature. Some
of-the fish seem to bo literal moutbs.
Sucb Is the 'eiityphnruyx, or pelican
Cah. TTie moutli is enormous, the bones
of tho jaw being attached to the skull
R>s giovable joints, so that it has enor
mous powers oU-atstaßtea* Ecetesgov-
Charies F. Holder* , „ :• .
Of British SHlmti,
The grenadier guards were nicknam
ed “The Cvnlheavers" because they
wore at one time Allowed to work in
plain clothes, at odd .jobs for private
employers. The Seventh foot were “The
Elegant Extracts” because at one time
all their officers “had been chosen from
other corps.” ,Tbe Forty-sixth owed
their name of ‘.The Lacedemonians’* to
their colonel's stirring speech on the
ancient many other
regiments, “The GuHaut Fiftieth” re
ceived several nicknames—“ The Blind
Half Hundred,” from their ophthalmic
troubles In Egypt, and “The Dirty
Half Hundred” because In their penin
sular fights they wiped themselves with
their block facings. The One. Hun
dredth regiment are “The Old Hiflv
dreijy.-, gud “The Centipedes.” The
Tw6ffy-elgbth were called “The Fore
end., because, standing buck to
back,'tjhey repelled a front and rear
attack before Alexandria In 1801. The
(Sfegtifre regiment has been christened
“The Lightning G*® duct ora” because
the Irish mafieuvera of 1599 several
Men were struck by itglrtefiog daring a
night mareh.*— Ixmdt^Mews.
The Rln*-kal>,
Tbe ring-hal does not disdain an in
sect diets Beetles, grasshoppers, lo
custs and termites are all readily de
voured, us well as ticks and bots pick
ed from tbe hides of cattle. I have
sometimes amused myself by watching
the bold yet cautious and gentle man
ner la whlgh, one of these rajetjs will
approach a reclining ox and, after a
prellmTnsry course of soothing caress
es. accompanied by a soft “cawing”
note, Insert bis head into the ear and
dexterously extract the ticks. These
birds always soem to have a good un
derstahijfing with the older nud more
experienced oxen, who will, at • hint
from one of them, lie down and place
themselves In the most favorable posi
tion for the extraction of thetr para
sites.—Stark's Birds of South Africa.
\ A. Shock For C’nriyl*.
Thihfkoray once toid Stir .T'uhn Millais
tilts amttsrng story of Carlyle:
He ba*! spent a jftaj ifi the reading
room of the British museum nnd had
given a groat dial of trbtlbk' to one 1 of
the officials, sihdihg him up-aud down
Jgflfier* l*Jkoori.’b of book* to satisfy
bis literary ta.-tes. and vie leaving the
rooiu'dSwlmd goue up in ibe u., a and
toid fei rfhaf it .might !• sutvw ’iovis
fact [on to fc'tn to k:M-v that he had
obliged ’i llotna ? -fcaTfjrti’. The viSclal
hesitiuingly sti--.v, ivit him, wVtb a
bland 1 smile atiil the usual washing of
hands in the air. that tiie gentleman
bad the advantage of him. lint that
pro! My they might have met at some
mutual friend's house. He had never
heard <-f Thomas Carlyle.
The cause exists fn the blood, la
what causes inflammation of the
mucous membrane.
It is therefore impossible to cure
the disease by local applications.
It is positively dangerous to neglect
it. because iValways affects the stom
ach and deranges the general health,
and is likely to develop into consump
Many have hern tadicailv and p- l-ianpr.tly
cur, ,oy 11 cod’s '‘:a !<< raises the
b:< od and iai? pt-vwa. a ' n * and tonic
efle-t. K. ’.on”. (Wifornl* Junction, i vva.
write-: i lir-i csia.rh ti -ce yea;-*, lost my
appetite and could n.: sleep. My bead pained
1110 and 1 foil bad all over. 1 look Hood's
bursaptir) Ila and now have a good appetlto,
Jh-ep well, and have no symptoms of catarrh.”
fti'fwff'ff Sa^cu/mHJfa
Premises to cure and keeps the prom
ise It Is better not to put off treat
ment— buy Hood's today.
900 Drops
Preparallonfor As
- ttteFoodandßcgula
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Infants/( hildren
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Opium,Morphine norMiueraL
n*v>c <*ounrSiMunm<cwß
Seal- ,
jttx. SmM * \
Af&M- i
bbitrryr~r*navm /
A perfect Remedy for Conslipa-
Tlon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
new York:
A I b moil lli-w old
{) Dusts - jjtl I\ 1 S
Arriving Daily!
Our Mr. Q. Miller, while in New York,
selected an immense stock of Fancy Fur
niture of every description, suitable for
Holiday Presents. We will be glad to
store your goods' until the holidays, but
by all means m
Don’t Miss Seeing
Our Display Now.
Every steamer brings new
goods, and we have no old
gags to offer.
Groceries, Tobacco. Flour, Bacon |and
216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia.
/T ./ft Statement ot Number ot Goplai!
He Advertisers: **.&&*.,* *
n . ~ _ . . fintgtet*.avfrafffl©o 3,6®
During the month ending October 15th, : matinees,2ooeach . 4-2
there have been 11 performances given in the , . „ ..f
Ohasd Oter.v House, and a statement of num- ! Swd S'" i
her of programs used is here appended. Advcr 1 ' _—-
tisers, knowing the cost, can estimate for them- i October * and 6. er
selves, and learn that, no considering the advan- i rtrit pwtons*ncis ** hlHlro 'j# !W
tageOus shape in which the Bin. or the Pi.ayAs Secrail rfcrmsnce”.'.’' JmijO
gotten up, n can but lie one of the best advertil 1 ,i 'or month ...Mj/tk
ing medium-. For rates, or further information. |Am (*•(/; ,*•'( tee
'• Address,' WW. DEAL-. Wanafltr "Bill ol the ?\^k
For Infants and Children .
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the £ y
Signature //yT
AfjF* Use
Ur For Over
Thirty Years