The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 16, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
■ > • V • ■■ - ■ •
jPSjpj-lyrTii'ii -tty
3!IOCS dent’s Furnishings.'
, *.* on Men’s Gold and Silver Shirts at 7 c and SI.OO
H: i at..... Men’s
* r?se#fealKid Button Boots at .22S • >• n"r•~ *w i *”n '* * oai:,a cu •*-
ttegßSP?* v, I,r 1 -r- . o -it - V MWWM - Our line of Neckwear is swell and complete.
French Heel Ties at 2.75 w , ... , 0 . An .
Men s Work Shirts all sizes at t‘sc
L children s shoes at cost. wp. Come and See Us.
Caje;4 Difly by dipt- Otto Johinassw
Port of Brunswick, Oct. 13, 1900.
Scbr, Joba C. Smith, Kneelacd, New
Br. bark Ethel Clark, Brinton. Cien
Scbr. Susan N. I’ickerlDg, Haskell,
Philadel phis
Port, bark Maria Amelia, Rubens
TPio \ ia Sapelo.
SS Rio Grande. Johnstone. Ntw York
Merchandise. and pasnugeie.
Fall opening at Winter's.
The Plant System will sell round
trip tickets for {be annual fair, W ay
cross Pair Association, at one fare
from Tnomasville, Albany, Siver nab,
Brunswick, Jacksonville, Lake City,
Alonoicello and intermediate points,
A splendid program of attractions
has been arranged and visitors will
be wf M entertainsd.
B. W, Wars*,
Passenger Tratilc Mausger,
Sivannah, Ga.
Duffy’s Pure
Matt Whiskey
Absolotely pure; rontaiDu no Fusel OIL
Ceneral Debility 1
Overwork /By
La Grippe P
Dyspepsia 3
Exhaustion and a—
weakness from whatever causes
When all other remedies fail try it.
It is the createst known stimulant arnl tonic.
Stillwatbh, Maike.
Duffy MalUWhiskey Cos.. Rochester, N. Y.:
Rear f-ir#-Having had iang trouble a':d h'm<' rr
hages for a Jong time, four months age i com
me need u#ing your Pure Malt Whiakoy. anD Jja’.c
been nj jeh benefited thereby. Please seni* in'; y ou:
book f information. Yours truly, A. JSOYE-5.
Prc udent Albert C. Smith, of *he f*offo!k B:epei>
sary, Boston, in the course of a letter, sayt: *‘V c
it necessary in our work to Uf-et atimulaiß.
without question is absolutely pure, and we
HfctfLvi to say that In ynr.r ‘J)ufly> Pure Mai
Akwo Late ■acceded .:i '..r r ‘
wristar "• if. n.hi *
We ‘h -i.d
’ . it. h..i. f ■ i
One of the prettiest stores in Bruns
wick is that of Mr. M. Elkan, the
bustling dry goods man. Mr. Eikan
has recently bad erected a middle
floor, wbioh is used exclusively for his
millinery department. 'The Fall open
ing will occur today and tomorrow,
and i; is useless to say that this popu
lar atore will be crowded both days.
j Attend the opening of the Columbia
tonight: music by a fine orchestra.
For Backache use
00 -
To Slop a Gold.
j After exposure or when jon (eel ft cold corn- 1
I ir.g on take n an d of Foley’s Money and Tar.
J It uerer fail* to stop a cold if taken in {fuse. W
j J. Butts.
Most exqmaite line of Hattf ever
shown in Brunswick will b* seen at
Mis- K'lte S ater’s next Tuesday ard
■ Weiinesdsy, OC'tber 23 and 24.
Tbiii is the s-earon when mothers ai e alarmed
! on account of croup. It is 'julckly cured by
One Minute Cough Cures which children like tv
take. W. J. Jiuttß.
Moa', exquisite line of Hate ever
I shown in Brunswick will be eeu at
| Miss Kate B aler's next Tu - eday and
: Weodneadsy, October 23 and 24.
Clever Oxar Hansel! will never be
[ f jrgoiten after you see him at the Old
! Maids’ Social, Friday, Oct 19'b, R Ao
men's. Armory.
it is exasperating to unt who knows Foley's
Honey ami Tar, and knows what it will do, to
' dealer recommend something else aa
| “just the same,” or “jnet as good" for colds,
i coughs, croup, la grippe, etc. W. J, Butts.
Most exqoisite line of Hats ever
showo in Rronswick will be seen at
M 9S Kate Bla'er’s next. Tuesday and
Wednesday, October 23 and 24.
For sprains, swelling*audit’.nenese there Is
no'biug so good a Chamberlain’s I’ain BM - >.
Try It. For sale at I>r. B,shop’s di ug store.
Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores arr
soothed at once an l promptl- healed by apply
ing De Witt's Witch Hazel Selve,the best known
cute for piles. Beware >f woithless counter
feits. W.J.llutta.
For Bladder Troubles
iuse STUART'S GIN and
. Very valuable'ii <
* the ]
: THROAT or I.t^IGS:
! Large Bodies, £s*. ,
I BAV'S £■ X,.VWTfRM< WCO Afcv i, '
' SYSTEM . .
To Savaonßh, Ga., for the EHka'
Grand Cslrnivai a ot Street FairiiSo
vombsr sth to 17tll. Ono fare frir the
round trip. Ticket* to be eo and Novem
ber stb, 7th, Ott*,' liih, I4th and lij'ti,
with final limit to IPt.b. A splendid
program of ainrafttiohs has been ar
ranged, i’/sht System UokCT agogte
Will jjive full, pav
■ B. W. WnieNN,
PasgengerJirsfiln Maoegor,
Savannah Gal
Train 87 ieeves Bronswick at 8 a. m.
Train 89 leaves Brunswick 5.45 p. m
Train 90 arrives Brunswick 10 a. m.
Train 88 arrive* Brunswick 6 p. ro.
The boat method of cleansing the Jlver Is the
tjfle of tlie ianioU’ little pills known as I->oWitt’
Little Kurly Kiaers. TCay to take, Never
giipe. W. J. Butte.
The funvti>*t ei*r,Mn ra#h t ey* *
given in ok will be ttieO’d
Maid's Social, Friday Oct. 10 Kft
03pd’i Armoijr. Adn i-doii 25cts.
Prof. Parker, t*. original Afrioat
fire-eater, wft givr a performance at
Dart 8 hull on Wr . nenday, Oct. 17.
D r n*t yon *hink M j"’’ w’ll rank'*
a fine old tnaid u "he 8 >ci **l, Rillcoit*nV
Armory, Friday, O'* . lovii
Pmht*# Dil aae.
High living, f .enuidtHiiw, ''•xpeture and
many other thing* bi h*r t i Bright's die
Fol*y Kidn. y Cure will } event B *ighiV; <ll*-
< ud 11 other 1 dney <*r bloduvr dioiMerH
it la’..on in time. Take nothing clms. W J
To Georgia Statf Fair a Valios , Octobor
’ htoUov mb r4.ii, via Plant System. One
ure from in Georgia* Florida and Ala
liaiua plu* 50 cents r l i'ional for admission
M ilmy rato 1 cunt pci mile each direction, H)
or mo ic on one ticket. B W. WHKNN,
V issengr TrafllCsMauager
Sforo Thun He Clnilil Statntffi
“Wbnt’s this?” ,dumbndetl tlio police,
liuriylns to the scene. “A bold up 7”
A pule, scholarly looking man In spec
tncles Was standing over a burly ruf
fian niici shaking his slender fist at tho
prostrate form~*
“1 presume that Is wtiat youC'Wo'UM
term ft,*’ lie replied. ■t’TWs fellow step
ped me Just now tfnd ordared me to
held up my bapds. I complied, and
he begun to search my pockets. ‘X will
lsat a bullet through you,’ he said, ‘lf
yon take them down all during the
time I am’ — And then I knocked him
down. ‘All during’ is an abominable
perversion of correct English tjntt no
man can utter iu my piusenjje unre
The unlucky footpad bad tackled a
professor of rhetoric. Chicago Trib
-- .‘-mm Vur..—
No Cl. For Tor*.
If shbes go ou forever, why Bhould
not bur toes grow together? We have
no use for them. Wo can’t manage
them. About one man in 1,000 cun
pull ou bis intcrossed muscles and
spread out Ms toes. Iu the remaining
li’Jt) these muscles are ns dead as fiber.
They haven’t been used since the In
fant stuck bis toes In bis mouth and
crooned a baby song without words.
If we wore mittens all the time, the
Individual control of our fingers would
be lost. We cat so much soft food
that we have scarcely any need of
teeth. Gums would answer every pur
pose, as mastication is performed by
machinery before we begin a meal.
There arc over 1100 distinct muscles In
the human body, of which the best of
us keep about I<JO In prime condition
by proper ss&--K*w York Press.
So Use For Him.
‘‘No,’’ said the practical politician,
"we don't want him figuring In the
“But he ie exceedingly well Inform
“I doubt it. lie hag put In all bla
time studying the tariff and finance
and the United States constitution. He
doesn't know anything about politica.”
—Washington Star.
'A od He ICnt-w,
“Algernon is very Interesting,” said
the stockbroker’s daughter.
"What does he talk about?” Inquired
her father.
“Why, he’s ever so well posted la
Shakespearean quotations.”
“Young woman," said the financier
sternly, "don’t you let him deceive you.
Don't you let him umke sport of your
Ignorance. There ain’t no such stock
on tho market."— Standard.
LfiiniCil Oiu* Thinv.
Bishop Walslwtn How, the hymn
writer, once Induced a ihnn to attend
church. Asked afterward how lie liked
It, the parishioner replied: "I learned
one thing. I learned that
Gomorrah were places. I
thought they were husband and wife. ’
. *■ _ h . \jf- ■ QnwiwlF- • • _ *-
Tuesday and Wednesday,
October 23 and 24,
'"XUIB K-J.." 1 ’ 1 '.-lG vtm -•
Latest Styles and Shapes
in Hats.
* - -AgjT”
504 Gloucester St.